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October 27, 1900 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-27

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or in the handicaps. As a sop the I who ran very close to Hall and Ty
French committee, "nt of corey," Ise, came in under 2 minutes, wh c
set a special pole-vault event for the would have won either of the ohe
unfortunate Americans. It wvas here heat.
where Dvorak first had a chance to__
show what he could do. With the barI 10: 30 a. m. Championship 10
set at 9 fL. 6 in., :n his first vault of metres cash. Prelinaries. The si;
the contest, snap went the pole. Ieats were wcn y Dffy (George
which he had hiought all the vway town) 11 2-5 sec., Tewkesury (U. o
from Ann Arhor, and with which he P.) 11 25 se., Jaris (Princeton
had set the high mark at the West-rns'10 45 sec.. Leile (Michigan) 1i1-
Intercollegiate. '[.his, added to the sec., Pritchard (Icdia) 11 2-5 sec.
misfortune of eing thrown out, of Burroughs (Ch cago) 11 25 sec. I
the previous events, would have dis- this event the rnners wining first
couraged most any contestant. How- second and third place in each hea
ever, Dvorak picked up an unwieliy wre allowed to cotest in te semi
hamboo pole, and, without any chacce finals.
for pracice wita it, managed to clear
the hr at 11 feet and se - re second 10: 55 a. m. Putting the Shot. Prc
place limisries. it five to qiualify in fins:
.. civix. iiii x i ii-(viii ttci
xri cicsit
The Games is Deail. Sheldon (N. Y. A. C. 1.0 in., Mc
Saturday, July 14, 9:30 a. I.- Ciacceen (i. of P) 12.53mc. Garet
Championship 110 metres High Hu- lPrinceton) 12.35 mCc.re tier (Hui)
die. First heat-Kraenzleicc 1, Mul- gary) 11.10 m., laraskevoponlo
ney 2, McLean 3. See>nad heat- itlrece-) 11.25i.
Pritchard (India) 1, Remington 11U.
of P.) 2, Lews (Syraccse) 3. Third
heat-E. L.Ouyer (France) :iNo 11:1 au. Camionshp Fia
other contestant. First sccmiial-I of the Hunccdrd Metres. Tieuinner
McLean 1, lRemingtons i t. of P) 2, othtci first t.ree placcs in tie ello
Levis 3. Since there were tire.-fatsicaiseis aer grocuped icto thee
men in the first heat, Mcea0n0w10 al iuchaiexliiitei semifials. Duff:
lowedi to iun in the emt -fincl. Fccal,onx iicelirhi-t cc. -Tewvkesbcucy tic.
-Kraenzlein 1, McLean 2. Moloncey -3. secicndl(beatcicg i~iblec' cy a fot acc
Time, 15 295 c.seting ac ccew French ecordi of 10 4-
It was in this race th t Mclean satflii lie cdisace),. and arvis thc
picshedl Kraenzein to lie lEmi and thid
forced °him to hreak the vod's rc- Te osrso these tree seni-ica
crd on turf. McLean hail learned a hicctsiwereiaclItrown icc oe grouch
lesson in the first heat, whecn ie wasythlsinnecrii of wicich alne wa.. ti.
left on the cmark. heF-rlchodeqaliyccctei-fical. Rtcwley te Accs
of starting is to Call Holses lcs trai acham licnpioncc.w000 jcdged the wici
prhta?" lAce you es y?), len "At ccc, althocgic there aas tconsiderablc
tention" (Get set), followedl y thicsputvel cwhehcr Leileeocche icenc
pistol. In the finals McLeac idclin 0t xii c iirct.lBlithlisof course. Lellb
consume a large amoucnt of ;iml'wait- lic 0-scshvuct ouct of trie final. T1hc
log for the pistol, acid liy this slight cccir ccecc tDcffy, Tewkesbur, r ccv
advantage led Kracnleins to thci-last accii Rcwley, ipobalcyrfoucr of tc
hurdle. Here the Pccncsylvcacia ccci gc-c-ctxipvinerstces worlccdciihcas eve
passed him, winnicigbIcyardcci. xeccc, ciitdciipciii1the- capei-for 11hc
shoirt Iiash - fo cicion-occcii onic-. Dui
9:45 a. i. Chacmpiounshci. 'ilcecii- fy i-cled litcaf 11cc-di stanice ancoilkicie
log the Discus. Pcelimicca-- csf9s a sre wineior, wenc a tendon in hici
5 qualify. ociccihe Bacuer (Hucngarylehg gavec-wy acd ice-rclled helpltssl-
36 in., Frantisca Jandla (Bohcemicc) cc Ie (iccf. lie ote three mn
354 in., Richard Sheldon (N. Y. A. C)hadcoilcnlyc to fight for places . Jcrvi:
34.10 ¢n., Panagiois Para kecicpiitctic ei iccni easy first. Tewicslcr:
(Greece) 4 i. isec-icd. Roly thurd Tine 11 set.
ON BlOARDc"AU;l ci',c~ -ti'c)I cci. cREcccN ccIi.
10:15 a. m,. Chamiionship 00 11:25 a.i. Champioccship 400 me-
metres (half mile). P'relimincaris tes (qarter mile). Prelmin rcas.
first ;two yin each heat to q-aify for First hiat-Long (N. Y A. C.) , Let
final, First heat-Hall (Brocwn) 1, (Syraccsi) 2, Lrd (Chicago) 3. Tpime
Tysoe (England) 2, ayes (Michigan) 50 2-5 sec. So-ncd hea-Micoc--ey
3, Grant (U ot P.) 4. Time, 1.9. Se-l('hc-sago) 1, Shult (Dnmaark) 2,
ond heat-Deing6 (France) 1, Speidea Fciclce (France) 3. Tlin, 51 sec.
(Hungary) 2, Scofford (Syrcusevc) 3, Third hecat-Brcaclcccc (N. Y. A. C.)
Bushnell (U. of P.) 4. t1imie, 1, Hlollandil(Georgetown) 2, lBery
:00 3-5 Third cheal--Cri-gaci (Prince- (Clilicgi) 3. ime, 51 1-5 set.
ton) 1, Bray (.,iliams) 2, Inc-c (Cli-

eago) 3. Time, 2:03. 11:40 a. icc. Chamccpiosolip lBrcoad
It will ice si-eni here hat Hayes, Jimup. Fic't fire ico qualify. Pr-icc-

st pin (Syracuse) 7.1.71jrin., Ke ana-
lein (C. of P.) 0.913in.. Delannoy
(France) 6.a a in., Ltahiy (Ireland)
0.71 in., Mcecan (Michigan) 0.65 m.
11:55 a. ox. Championship 400 cue-
tre (quarter colic) hurddes. Prelim-
mnaries. FinAt heal-Tewkecsbcury (C.
of P.) 1, Lewis (Syicaccixe) 2. Tince,
61 1-5 sec. Se,.oicd heat-Orlocs (U.
of P.) 1. Tauzin (Fran~ce) 2. lime,
62 see.
Sunday Games.
2 p. m. Chamcpioncship 60 metres.
First heat-Kreceinc (U. of P.) 1,
Monegacs (Gcor.,own) 2, Prichard
(India) 2. Second ieat-iTewkesaury,
(U. of P.) 1, ics-cley (Australia) 2,
Holland (Coolgetown) 2. Final-
Krenzlein 1, Ic,, icescitry 2. Hocwley
3. Time, 7 sec.
2:22 p. ccc. Poctting lice Shot. Fl-
cals-,Sellsc (N. Y- A. C.) 1, 11.101
ni. (45.9 ft.):; 15crachen (t. of P.) 2,
l2.55 om.; bc el (Pricetonc) 2,
2:0,1 p. im. I lcainioccslip 400 .Mctre
Iqiceter ocile). v5 115c-1.ciaaac -Long0
(.N. Y. A. C.) 1, Bolan I iGeaorclot..n)
2,Icculla (Dernicach) :. li e, 49 2-5
2:15 cp. ccc. _.,lni dons.lip -lIrov iig
tie 11 scis. Finials-lacier (BHun-
gary) 1, 20.04 m. (113 ft.) ; J anda (Do-
ciemia) 2, 21.14 mi.;Steldcon (N. Y. A.
C.) 3. 24.0 n.
3::2(1p. cc. tCamionip i1300 ccec
Ices. Benettill(Englandl) 1, Delocge
(v'cacc-c2, Bray (1Williamsx) 2. 'time,
4 mmn. 6 sec.
3:45 p.ii. c lChamxpioccship High
.Jumpi. iBaxter (U1. cf P.) 1, Leahyc
( Irelacnc) 2,(iiceoc I cc icogiry) 2.
1.90 mc. (6 ft. 2 icc.).
4:1521p. uc. tCh cciiccccliic4111) icciro
Bcurdlcs. licicc-ic e eselicec (U. o0
P.) 1. lauini(Pi- dcce)2,rGeocn (U. of
P. 3. Timie. 573-52 sec.

I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Pall and Winier of 1900 has
arrived and is arranged for losper-
tion The came careful attention
is gives to the stles and finish of
every suit, whether to be used focr
husilness purposes or for full dress
in8 E. Washington St.
WilIder's Pharmacy
3. 6cS.OSate t.
EVERYTHING Out splendid ice of
NEW BACCO-even lice etore
itself is ccc a, We hacve remodeled lice
place and lncite all our friends to call
acid inispect what wceicave. You cas't
heal our LUNCHES.
RI. lI.JOLLY, 108 S, Stnte St.

Y; +++++++++++++++
e . AND +
i1I + LOWNEY'S +
+IN i=4tb, 0=21b & Ilb BOXExS+
+- ourialit are on se +
eI+ ichig - v gosic ciuccys +
e(+ ccc t 5, y tcsarel s +
n O E v'1 1 1 11 I )1Fl AI.A
4:30 p. cc. Chccccicicishup Pole+
Vault. Blaxier (UI. of P.) 1, Colcett + That xvear cre thce kind
IC. of P.) 2. 5udsdccii (Nocrway) 3. +
2.2 cisc-Ies 1110 ft. 81i iin.), -w e u-ill slctcw youd if YOtUi
2. . s. Chcuxdcicciccic22 1meee+ will stepin ccaind ilooer
Steeplechcase. olcucsill(P ofP. 1, + odir recenit harcivals. They
Robhinsons I Ilyl ccl -Chicitaice sire niade cftinelicLacmb's
(France)I3. 'foci-, 27 mcini.342-5 sec:.
5:1 p.m.Cxc a icons uc~ui iip e ci:d Wool, are Full Fasio em .Fn ,s raul (I.fP) adcnbe ad icStiped,
1 7 18!.;m.n i in teucs cvSycc-uc adlScild .Clcors. XWe
Lea hly (Icceland) I. are''-uoferig Spasuldinig's
Monday, July 16, Jersey s usd Sweaters at
2:3 10 inccc i cc 15ccshicp 2011 me- pie a gn ri
Iex Lucw hui(ed cx First ceci- (rcsrcglgft
Ksraenzlein il. cclP ) 1: ; ~Cloxmco
(Ialy) 2, Mccl ce(Cii e -go) 32. Iens-
ington It. uf P) 4. is'cc-e,27 sc o $5
Sceconud 1cccl Puricld Iniac) I.,
'I'ewicexhucvI t?(U. iofP.) 2, SMcLean,
_ (Mchix 3.a 1si-e, 64 15 - c- icc-l-
buy3 I'i-mecn25 2l-5icsec. Icc usI R 'S
n:5p .C lhaI is ncc iStanducin '
High Jumpnsic llcci IN. )'.A. 0'"1 1.
r oldsreod) xtr(U f ')Lectures
cccSl o N .A.C)tea 15 utex Prntcdlleecures for all depart-
rl3c1as p.lmng lni S ix i s i cie 11cc-c menlo of the University. 'hype-
Stn inBoad).Jump.cc-;wry (N. Y., writing and Minmcographing.
AC.1,1050 usercsc,14 ft. 5 in):; EDWARDS BRS
I Baxter (I Ut P 1') , 995tn.; lcrrutR S
- I Priceonc) 3, 9.0 im.s c 51 Shehaics) statde Sreud

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