(Continued from page 1.) surprise to the Americans. The rep-t
on the south side lines at Regents' resentatives of the various American1
Field. An iron fence encircled the universities had been assured De-
track, whiich was about one-third of fore they sailed that there would bej
a mile in length. During the games no Sunday games. Now at the last
gendarmes (policemen) were sta- moment, when the teams were on the
tioned about the enclosure to prevent grounds ready for competition, the
anyone from entering the track. cunday schedule was sprung. Per-;
Training was instituted at once, and sonally, the American athletes had
the boys were put through a little no compunctions against competing
work in order to acquaint them with on Sunday, but they represented in-
the grounds. This was continued stitutions whihh would not tolerate
daily up to Friday, the day before the Sunday games. Furthermore, it is
games. Outside of Michigan, the not in accordance 'with American
only other American university team ideas that amateur athletes should
H1111 O i' N 11liii AN Nt ii 11 i'- ii11111.fU 1L -'
practisiisg01n the grounssealylwscompeite'for t,,,' worlds championi-
Syracuse. Penn5 svaia. Ilisige' ships on Sundsiay. In accordance with
town, lPrincetons. h'rags, aintth heliisc iies ,the Aseicians rontinigent
New York Athletic Cluh, whii lad' look a idecidedi stand aginist thse Sun-
ronsletedl in lthe Eglisiigameslithe(lilt' gamses. Manager ElI's, if Penn-
week hefore. arcriced a few idays tatir. sytlaial, iwas especially strung in the
Fridasy found the words ggregatisii Icsnciat ion of these titans, and he-
if tractk athlete; im the grouds; thi fore the assembily msade the state-
representatives of other counntries Imeet that wecre Sunsday games lot
hiavhng already arrived. So farlsr 5is, lre ilid nut hussy whethser isis men
trsinuers andi athletes wire cons-1 would lie allowedi to conspete in any
crned, everything was ready fur tir of the gamnes, and that he would have
gines. But wurite thseisesn'swure to wire home for instructions. PTsi
trainig at lihe i'iinuts usiptlomiatic only Abmicans representautives thats
-Itriggli- 5wa ss lnetweunisthe Amser- didi not fighst the Sunday games
ian manaligirs and1 thu Freinicli uli- wire the N. Y. A. C. ansil George-
'ilts. towns tUniversity. Thesi- sns
TheFrechDemndSunayGams.were usder nii restraint 'ihalt-
TeFec DeadSda Gae.ever, anil felt at litberty tio coise
mAl-lisi t-11w1s hieId Wednesdlay Pete on asny day. Hlowerec, tillk as
u-si-ing. Jlyt 11th, at wehich thse they wouldl, the Ansiricass ciiiiti get
oney was a sure point winner, came gan had pinned her only hopes for
on Sunday. Several of the Eastern first place. Dvorak, who holds tue
colleges suffered in other events, collegiate record at 11 ft. 6 in., Baa-
Notwithstanding that each of the com Johnson, who a week previous
universities were cut out of competi- to the Paris games set a new mark
tion in some respect, they accepted in the English championships at 11
the new arrangement. For Michigan, ft. 4 in., and Coleman and Horton, of
McLean was slated for the prelimin- Princeton, both of whom had done
aries in the broad jump ans 110 me- over 11 ft., were told on Monday that
tres hurdles on Saturday, July 14; their event was over. Baxter, of
Hayes for the 800 metres, and Leiblee Pennsylvania, had carried off the
for the 100 metres on the same day. championship (?) Sunday at the ridc-
All these were championship events. ulous height of 10 ft. 8 in., a mere
The preliminaries for the pole vault practice jump for the other men.
and the finals of the broad jump More French Rulings.
were set for Sunday, but under the
rulings Dvorak and McLean (who The handicap events were set for
qualified Saturday in the prelimnar- Thursday, July 19th. Something
ies) would have been allowed to com- might be said about the handicapping,
pete on Monday. but we will pass thIs with the mere
Up to the time of toe games on mention of a few figures and let our
Sunday there were no indications readers draw their own conclusion. In
that the program would be changed. the pole vault there were handicaps
Several of the Michigan men who running as high as 2 ft. 8 in.; in the
were not competing on that day went high jump, a Frenchman was given
to the racing course to watch the per- 1 ft. 4 in.; in the 100 metres, a
formances of the other men. Greatly Frenchman was given 14 metres, or a
to their surprase, they found some of little over 15 yards handicap,
the Pennsylvania athletes resting on The pole vault was set for the sec-
the field, ready for their events. This ond event on this day. Preceding it,
of course at once started a lively dis- as event No. 1, were fifteen prelim-
cussion among the other anti-Sunday- inary heats in the 100 metres dash.
games Americans. Mr. Ellis, who The American pole vaulters were
had posed at the meeting of the watching event No. 1, and waiting for
French commi-tee as the champ.on the call to the pole vault. After the
of the anti-Sunday cause, and who last preliminary in the dash was com-
most itterly opposed the Sunday pleted, the vaulters and crowd of
games, was found on the field Sunday spectators made their way to the
with his men ready for business. He vaulting ground. To their surprise
was asked why he had brought his the event had already started with
men out to compete, and he answered only foreigners competing. No noti-
that they had come in their individual I fication had been given to the Amer-
capacity and not as representativei icans at all that it had been started.
s as
of the university. He added that his The officials claimed that as the nen
men did not intend to stand by and had not answered to their nam a as
see the prizes go to Europeans. Mr. they were read off at the vaulting
Ellis made no mistake in his compu- ground, they were thereby barred
tations, for it was a sure thing that from competing at all in the event.
his athletes would run away with all To say that th.s raised' a howl of in-
the Events, after all the other crack dignation would be putting it very
Amercan athletes, his only compet- mildly. Dvorak and the rest of the
tors, had been eliminated. This ac- crack pole-vaulters who had traveled
tion of the Pennsylvania men prac- all the way to Paris to show them
tically served to break the boycott how the trick is done in America, and
on the Sunday games. Taking this who had already been buncoed out of
as a cue, the French officials on Mon- the championship contest in this
day declared that all the Sunday event, were now to stand by and
events had been completed on Sun- watch a lot of inferior foreigners,
day, so that Mclean, who was one of with handicaps running up to 2 ft. 8
the five qualifying in the broad jump in., carry off the event. The discus-
on Saturday, was out of it. Prinstein, sion waxed very warm, and it looked
the crack Syracuse jumper, who had for some time as if there might be
set the highest mark in the prelim- trouble. The Americans had reachsd
inaries on Saturday, was also shut the limit of their endurance in put-
out, and Kraenzlein, who in the pre- ting up with the French so-called
luminaries was half foot back of rules. Dvorak asked to enter the
Prinstein's mark, won the event on event where the bar now stood
Sunday by half an inch. Later in the (about 9 ft. 6 in.), which height the
week, in the handicaps, Prinstein foreigners were making futile en-
beat Kraenzlein's mark by fully six deavors to clear; but even this was
inches. refused. So that in this, our principal
French officials and representatives nothing further than this concession,
0 ad Am
of all the American contestants were that the Sundiay nemd events coma e -
present. The questlon of Sunday contested on Monday by those who
games was up for discussion. The were forbidden to compete on Sun-
French committee claimed that the day. Mr. Saint Clair, a special
government had arranged for a big French commissioner of sports ap-
military drill to be held in the Bois pointed by the exposition author ties
de Boulogne on Saturday afternoona, and who was interpreter, in the latter
that this 'was a holiday, and conse- part of tihe meeting confirmed this
quently the people would be attract- uconcession.
ed to the drill instead of the games. As far as Michigan was concerned,
Consequently they had ordered the this would give Dvorak, in the pole
prelIminarIes to hbe ihld Satunidue N uult, saut Mchean, in the huro ud
forenoon and the finals to be finished jump, the privilege of contest ng on
on Sunday. Mr. De Garmendia, rep- Monday. The track events were jug
resenting A. G. Spalding, the com- gled about so that some came on Sun-
missioner of athletics of the United day and nsome not. Fortunately, we
States, and interpreter for the occa- fared quite well when the jugglin ;
sion assured the American managers act was over. The 800 metres, in
before the French committee took which Hayes was placed, 'was run off ' -
any action that in all events in which Monday, the hundred metres dash
the distance could be measured, the Leiblee's event, was placed on Sat-
Americans could take their trials on urday, so that had the program as
Saturday and finish on Monday. They amended by the concession act been
also promised to make every effort carried out, the only event in wucch KRAENZLEIN WINNING IHE BROAD JUMP.
to get as many of the track events Michigan could not have participated
as possible changed from Sunday to would have been the 60 metres dash,
otlier days. run off on Sunday. Chicago fared .But the injusti.e of all event, we had not even been given a
The decision to ,have any of the worse than Michigan in this respect, lame in the pule vasult, where Mich!-chansen, either in the ehampionshipa
games on Sunday came as a complete for the quarter mile, in which Mol-