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October 27, 1900 - Image 5

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-27

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Q ~Is the keynote of our line of shirts. Bright and 0.
attractive without being loud, they are refined
and elegant in design and coloring....... ...
$1.50 $2.00 $2500
51 117 MAIN ST S 4
MICHIGAN CENTRAL The M(;st Renowned Ladies Shoes' Alarm Clocks SI.
'The Niagara Falls Rote."---- -
CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of A. Pins 50SC to $1.00. ine
Taking effect September so, ]goo Street ~ , Watch Repairing0 a Specialty.
GON ES. h M laad Jenness Miler. CHAPMAN, JEWELER,
Detroit Night 5ExpresT The....Me..ba,555a.nd
Attantic N.xpress.......06...Mai..n745Sane0st.35 0
tO and Raids Np es ...t.... to110' All Styles, f llDress All Styles, 1fli___an________________
M.ailst pecia4 . . . .3i7 na price, WearUUOne price,FatEten.............48R E
Milnd Epec.... ....... 840A.m
Boso, N. Y. end Chiago......... 4 All widths in Dongola Kids, Enamel Cal, Box ait and V alor Cal.
G.FaW ot.Er Ies ........ 5Sole ae t or Ann Arbor 4r1.5SO eh TosonAlarm Clock
Chicago Nigt Esprss.. ....94DuigOtbr
Paiicatis ..............13h . M \C K & C o M F f\N Y Wn, Arnold, Jeweler
Stearanshp Tckets, aIi Clenses 50t oand fCoem>s
'sropenpointlst lowest rates. ll infor
matlasennsptlicatie. -
G.P. &T.Agt, Ciago. A't AnsArber, 3:30 p. mn uliamplonhip log ot(Pinceton) 1 Bennett (England) 2
- - ar. Swcdes deated thc French, Third hat-Christcen t Dnmark) TOJ
rj ad wre to trn deeated by the 1,Drumheller (U. ot P)2 Folrtblr
l 1 , Am e ric a n . T h e A m e ric a n te a m w as , h e a t -H ll (B ro w n ) 1, A v e (F ra n c e ) I m d p a t r thLwd s h d d eV.Vnl C ri t n e , H y e , S U E T
feated the Frenchmen, and their' Lord 3. 2 mn. 1 sec.Sf DE S
L ~splendid work was done withot a-
q f pactice watever, demontrating) 3:00 p. I. High Jump Leming AD TE OD ONES AL5OU.
AoNDn wSTEAMSF32 ==zE very nicely the natral speriority of (Sweden) 1 Steffen (Germany) 2, We are better prepared than ever
TIME TABLE the Amenicn athlete. 14.in. (4 t in.).
Taig fet,____ ay2, 89 to give the best of carriage service,
Trains leave Ann Arher y Cental Stand 3:45 p. mn. Championship 300 me 2:40 p. im Throwing the Dics.haig dedtorbrtrd
ad TIer, ties. Final-Tysoe (Enogland) 1, Crc odestromo Sweden) 1, 35.47 metres. hingaddtorbe ie
SOUTH NORTH gan (Pinceton) 2, Hall (Brown) 3 415 p no 400 metres Hurdles.' coaches to or stock.
- - Tme, 2 mn. 1 sec. Pritchaid (nda) 1, Twkebry (. n tne iey
No. 28.- 11 :2S30As. Noe5. 33oP.. M. :0p.m hmiosi how 71 e
Na.ofP. iLeis(Sracse 3p.ieH.me No.r ; oa a3 P Tee 4__6P._" :0'PHONECamionh06,ro- 5515 eeE'PONLI6,B15E, TYSTTS.
a. 02-8:05 . . dx. 10l.9I0OAsA.M. ing the Hammer. Flannagan (N. Y.,
AC.) 1, (107 I.); Bare (U.. of P.) 2,1 :145 pm Broad Jomp. Koppan ________________
Rashbetwee Ann Aehee. and Toedo oly McCracken (U. of P.) 3. (Hungary) 1 In this event, McLean-
Aud5as ollyecp udy__ actually jumped 23 ft. S in., but on ac-
Naoa v T.WI LLS, Agent. 4:15 p. mn. Championship 4000 mne-1 coont of the handicaps got only
w B. BENNETT 0.P Ares Steeplechase. Rimsmer (Eng. fourthplace.
land) 1, Roinon (England) 2, Ben-t'
net,.t (England) 3, 4:45 p. m. 200 metre Steeple
____GALE R1 chase. Kractil (Austria) 1, Dub-
H0IKN V LE l .0~0 p. i. Championship Hop, noc (Germany) 2. '[lime, 7mi.5,
Step and Jnip. Prinstein (Syra.1 see.r
The Railroad that takes the don (N. . A. C) 2. Distance of win- The handicap games we.: not very ;
Business In and Out net, 14.47 m. (47 ft. 5 in.). ( succesfl, .ae the handicaps wees
of Mihigan Handcap amen-harady, Jay 19large in ome races aa to pratically . 'I
of icign. HadiapGams-husdyJuy 9.exclude the better men. y a7
ESBILTRIS 2:00 p. mn. 100 metres Dash. Inj Comments n the Meet.
4 DA[ILY1, BETWEEN 4 this event were sixteen heats, theineatol
TOLEDO COLMBUS firsttwo in each heat qualifying. On the whole, theineatol
TOL dOACOLE=N BU Leiblee (High.) won his heat in 11,canpionhip gamee cannot be contFIT'
and ATHENS. se., ht was defeated in the emi- ed it ble success. The falt lay in the J\ <'
S. . Fisher, L. W. ILaedmaa, finale by Schubert, who had a Nandi-, locaion oth e grounds, lack of tran-ctrtl~,i
G. Y. A. ('.Ta. Agt. cap of about 15 feet over him. Final portation facilities, lack of accommo- IDOL 01 THE HOUR
Cluembus, Ohio. Dtrotit. Miden. heat-Minegan (Georgetown) 1, Ho- ation for spectatora at the gamea But centet of atractin in still at
land (Georgetown) 2. Time, 11 sec.: and, above all, in the poor maage Hanko for ht chclate and freh
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- owent displayed by those in charge cdt yseyteos, eved in any
bo Rilay I200p.m.PoeValt dranThe crowde in attendance wold have aiean
rolavbor IRitaYslwa nti2(Swede n1,Ponter (ance) 2,d9rft. een considered very small for even otyle at either stre.
Car leve or etrit nd psiant (Sede) 1 Gotie (Fanc) 2 9 tone og or less important foot ball 200 E. Wahington, 3167 S. tate.
every half' our, oeginning at 7:15 . m. 6 in. games. On Sunday, when the great-
until 7:45 p. m.; After that to Detroit French populace was to pack the
at 8:45 p. i n., :45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. mn. 2:30 p. mn. Marathon ace, 40 kilo. grounds, not over four hundred spec -
Waiting room, corner Ann and Main around the city walls. Won by M- tator, and these metly American, PikckBliad aros
ek.: Detroit. Ill Criawold st. chael (France), Campion( France) watched the athletes perform, Tigulaifon Sie Tabls, l
____----______-~___ - -- 2 In one particular the meet could be BnrhCsin.
MONEY LOANED voted a huge sucess, and that wasMnac ulis,
en Iatehee, sDiamens dwSheelosond other ter- 2:50 p. mn. 800 metres (half mile), that the finest aggreaton o ama- Eeyhn e n
Libr oerty' Ofe. iAll atsisson cnaldeissniaf. Firt heat-Hayes (Mich.) 1, Lord ter athletes the world had ever seen StityUpt-ae
Lbrysre..Albsns tityU -oos. to 1:30 a. m, anl 5 to 3:311 ansIto 9 (Chicago) 2. Second heat-Cregan swee gathered together to fight for 77N nvriyAe n ro
p. I. andSPBC. 0 NsvieriTTveSnnAro
ulmnwvlrl srtrnnwuvuiuvviiurrzn7nsnn.rurnnn Uno i in~uninnnnritnnnnrtn pn

ofi lN B~arbser Face Masssge a nr rnr Embalmer and I613 East William Street
U. s5 ii " ' Secialty. blest UIO f DIEER~lL, Funeral Director I ivers~ityjus law halfng A;hins Fin
Shp and Bath Class Work and Boh So4atorhl ts esFn
ho a ss vr. wTios ki ort.un S ofcrerpairing sestly dane. [a(n ~ I
Rooms, 32 STT.JR.oati si 212 S. urhAve,, ohPhnsJ~ o ho .Lanbert. i aPhotos

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