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September 23, 1899 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-09-23

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in deep literary thought and achieve
fame in both,"
F. Hopkinson Smith isa typical
Southerner in appearanne-tall; finely
formed,withgray moustache, he makes
a favorable impression instantly. His
manner of reading is characterized by
a restless energy and an abundance
of gesture, which are very captivat-
ing. The clearest and keenest intel-
ligence and good taste characterize
Mr. Smith's style. -His eyes fasci.
nate you, looking out with a dark
lustre from under heavy brows. No
man could be more absolutely meth-
odical than the creator of "Colonel
Carter," who rises early, builds light-
houses and viaducts until four in the
afternoon at his office on Nassau St.,
where he is Francis H. Smith, then
becomes F. Hopkinson Smith until
seven p. in., and 'in that time does
his literary work-and goes abroad
every summer to rest and paint. Mr.
Smith in his public reading follows
no plan but his own, and has been
instructed by no teacher. His voice
is full and pleasant, his manner vi-
vacious and intense, and there is in
"his way of putting things and inter-
preting his own books a certain mag-
netism which never fails to hold and
entertain his audience. He works in
many thrilling stories of adventure,
changing quickly to the humorous or
pathetic, and in his delineation of
character shows that he has in him'
the stuff for a brilliant career on the
stage should lie choose to annex that
profession to the many in which he
has already achieved success.
He is a type of gentleman as ra:.e

witty. His charming hour's talk of
plantation life is without an equal.
Touching pathos and elegant diction
produce a literary mosaic of positive
brilliancy and great power.--Chicago
Every student of grace and form,
every lover of nature and its mani-
fold moods is interested in what Mr.
Smith has to say in his art lectures,
topics chosen with a fine appreciation
of their educational element.--St.
Paul Globe..
John Temple Graves, editor of the
Atlanta Constitustion is the greatest
southern orator. His name will be
heralded by all with great joy and
justly so as the following tributes and
press notices verify.
of the most brilliant and beautiful
speakers I ever listened to.'
GROvER CLvELAND:-" He is the
most brilliant and statesmanlike ora-
tor heard in New York in years.'
HENRYv WATTERSON :-" He is the
most eloquent Southerner to-day.
speech is a mosaic of eloquence.'
HENRY W. GRADY: -- "John
Temple Graves has the most phe-
nomenal eloquence I ever heard.
TrimAs C. TRIMEBLOOD (Profes-
sor Oratory and Elocution, Ann Ar-
bor, Mich.):-" It was the most elo-
quent oration it has ever been my
lot to hear. This statement is but an
echo of the sentiments of the thou-
sands who hung on his very word.
Other speeches there were soon for-
gotten. Th s was the theme of con-

ward."' .-
CHAS. F. CRIsP, Speaker House
of Representatives, U. S.:-" John
Temple Graves is an orator whom
you will not hear surpassed."
Ho. BENJ. H. HuL, United
States Senate:-" He has the finest
gift of oratory I ever heard."
'The most eloquent, striking and
sensational utterance made on the
Chautauqua platform in years, was
the lecture by John Temple Graves,
of Georgia, on the Negro problem.
It is the topic of the hour at Chau-
tauqua. The old amphitheatre rang
with applause as the brilliant Geor-
gian took his seat." -New York
Will Carleton was born in the state
of Michigan and was at one time a
student at the University, but like
all men of international reputation no
one tate can claimliu. lie founded
the present School of American Poe-
try and his name stands for that which
is purest, grandest and most original
in American literature. He has de-
monstrated to the World that Amer-
ica had a mine of poetry that had
only to be opened by a master hand
to charm, instruct and enlighten man-
Soon after his poems began to be
read the World over, it discovered
that Carleton was also one of the most
impressive and entertainmig lecturers
and readers the nation had developed.
Whether reciting his own matchless
poems, or in his scarcely less poetical
prose lie is alike instructive and en-
trancing. His rich, clear and facile
voice; his fine presence; his magnetic
and dramatic qualities ; and, not
least, the good, sound sense with,

has placed liim ni the front of those
who minister, single landed, to the
large audiences throughout the coun-
try. He is now editor of the unique
widely circulated magazine, "Every-
where,"' published in Brooklyn, N.
Y., and is doing the grandest work of
his life, both with his pen and on the
Held the appreciative audience en-
tranced.-Sacramento Recorder.
Enchains the sympathies of all his
hearers.-Portland, Oregon, Tele-
Smiles and tears paid liberal tribute
to him.-Salt Lake Tr-ib-ne.
As great a success as a lecturer and
r a:ler as lie is poet.-Denver Sun.
Always delightful, frequently in-
structive, never dull.-ew York
Full of feeling, tender sentiment
and sympathy.-BaltimoreAierican.
The Max Bendix Company is com-
posed of Max Bendix, violinist; Miss
Elaine De Sellem, contralto; Miss
Emily Parsons, pianist; Mr. Frederic
Carberry, tenor. Max Bendix is far
too well known a musician, violinist,
concert-nieister andsonductor to need
any lengthy introduction to the music-
loving public.
Mr. Bendix' first position of prom-
inence was that of concert-meister of
Van der Stucken's Orchestry in New
York (1885), later holding the same
position with the German Opera.
While occupying this latter position,
Mr. Theodore 'Thomas' attention was
called to Mr. Bendix, who at this time
although only twenty years of age,
had attracted the attentien of the or-

We have anticipated your wants and we think that we have all the little things that you will need for your room, at the gym, or in the
laboratory. We expect to do a larger business this fall than ever before, because we know better how to suit you. Come and see us, if
only to ask questions. We want you to feel acquainted with our store.

Hair Brushes
Good, stiff bristles in solid
backs, put together to wear.
We can't describe them--come
and see them.
Military Hair Brushes
Are more popular than ever
this year. $1.00 a pair up-
wards. .You'll be surprised
at our assortment and prices.
Of every description. No
matter what you want, we
have it. 5e upward.
Nail Brushes
Hand brushes, pumice stone,
manicure tools-our stock is

Tooth Brushes
Forgot yours? We replace
any 25c brush from here that
sheds its bristles. All kinds
of tooth powders and tooth
Toilet Soap
You can depend on our soaps
not to roughen your skin. 5c,
10c, 15e, 25c, 50c. Our Witch
Hazel soap at 3 for 25e will
satisfy you.
Bath Towels
The soft, absorbent kind,
made after true Turkish fash-
ion, 10c to 70c each. You
need a pair for the gymn, if
not for your room. Wash
rags 5c, Morton Supporters

Shaving Tools
Razors, strops, mugs, soap,
creams, witch hazel, bay rum
and talcum powder. Shaving
mirrors 15 upwards. Brushes
that will not shed.
Shoe Brushes, Black-
ing and Dressings_
You couldn't ask for a better
assortment to select from.
Lowney's in boxes. Some
good things in bulk at 20c to
30c a pound. Salted peanuts
--best you ever saw-20c lb.

Whisk Brooms
Good ones for little money.
All prices.
Photo Supplies
Everything an amateur wants
from hypo to Cameras. Ko-
dak agency. Come to us for
pointers for a dark room, load
your plate holders, or any-
thing else you may need.
Soda Water
Our fountain never runs dry.
Summer or winter we stand
ready to serve you and serve
you well. Hot drinks in cold
weather-cold ones all the

Use Us Come'to us for postage stamps. Use our telephone and our bicycle pump. Ask us questions.
Re ister Here,s: that telegraph messengers and your friends can find yen. People cannot get yomlr address at the Postoffice.

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