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September 23, 1899 - Image 5

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1899-09-23

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search of a concert-meister, sent for
Mr. Bendix, and, after hearing him
play, immediately engaged him to fill
the exalted position of concert-meister
of the Theodore Thomas Orchestra,
as it was then called. aposition which
he held from 1886 to 1896, the last
five years of which he also officiated
as assistant conductor.
The most striking feature of the
concert, last night, was the violin
playing of Mr. Max Bendix. He
showed a masterly dignity and power
teat was heartily recognized.-New
York Times.
Frederic Carberry possesses a sym-
pathetic, velvety tenor voice of mar-
velous sweetness and magnetic charm,
smooth and even through its large
compass, rich and effective on the
upper register, a healthy resonant
voice, which at once fills the- hearer
with a comfortable confidence in its
natural resources of reach and power.
Mr. Carberry sings as summer
songsters do, because it is second
nature to him, because he must sing.
Miss Emily Parsons is a young pi-
aniste who hasstudied under the great
m sters, both at home and abroad, and
it can be safely predicted that with
her youth and ambition she is on the
threshold of a most brilliant career.
Her thoughtful interpretation, musi-
cal tone and adequate technique com-
bined, create a most favorable impres-
The contest of the best orators in
the University chosen by fierce com-
petition is one of the most entertain-
ing features of the college year. The
oratorical board has decided to cut
down the number of speakers from
eight to six, thus reducing somewhat
the length of the program. Some
public man is always chosen as pre-
siding officer, and the number is one
of great interest.
Arrangements are now being con-
ducted by telegraph to secure two
public men of great force and ability
to give lectures on subjects of which
late connection has made them au-
thorities. No names can yet be an-
nounced, but purchasers of tickets
can be sure of two excellent numbers.
Wild makesa specialty of fine dress
The announcement has been made
of the engagement of Dr. W. A.
Spitzley, assistant to Chief Surgeon
Nancrede ia the department of med-
icine, and Miss Florence Hayes,
daughter of F.'W. Hayes, president
of the Preston National Baulk of De-
J. L. Horth is with the U.S. Heater
Co., Detroit.

informed men on athletic matters in
the country has the following to say
in regard to football training:
" Some of the western college foot-
ball teams are making a ridicuously
early start this season. At Chicago,
Stagg and Herschberger have been
giving the squad punting practice
since the middle of August, and
their regular practice began on Sep.
tember 12. Wisconsin's men were
at work on the 10th of September,
and are rapidly coming into shape.
Northwestern and Illinois have been
at work for several weeks.
"The middle western colleges are
passing through the same stages of
athletic development as those of the
east, only being two or three behind
the east in their experience all the
time. From 18944o 1897 there was
this same irrational lengthening of
the football season by eastern col-
leges. Year before last there was a
reaction against this method and it is
now a thing of the past, being prac-
ticed by no eastern college this fall.
''To the credit of the Michigan
management there has been no such
thing as preliminary training and
practice this year. Although the
first game is set for September 30,
there will have been but a week's
practice preceding the game. The
Thanksgiving day game this year is
on November 30, so there will be a
long enough season as it is. It is
doubtful if any real henefit has ever
beeen derived from preliminary prac-
tice by candidates for the Michigan
team. -Last year the practice at
Whitmore Lake was more farcial
than anything else. There was only
one man who was there who after-
wards made the team.
'' These trips for preliminary prac-
tice would seem to be in inost cases a
waste of money. Furthermore they
are to be objected to on the ground
that the candidate for the team is
supported at the athletic association's
expense, which gives a very profes-
sional character to the team."
CGolf suits at Wild's.
To the Students.
The College year is just beginning
and the DAILY wishes to impress on
the students the duty of patronizing
the merchants who support the paper.
Without thleir patronage to the adver-
tising columns, the paper could not
exist. Fortunately the DAILY offers
such advantages and has given such
satisfaction as to place it high above
all other of the College publications
as a valuable advertising medium.
But, outside of this fact, the students
should go to the trouble of throwing
their trade to the merchants who
take space in the DAILY, for they not
only evince a business interest in' it
but a friendly feeling towards the
students as well. Patronize your
friends. Watch the DAILY columns.

year's Drug


We are the largest dea
the State of this line of go
our motto still hoidi good.
Never Be
Please examine.our atoc
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Nail Brushes,
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Pumic on Ivors Handles'
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Emory Strops
For the Nails.
Roger & Gallet,
ing Ed Pinaud,
Colgate & Co.,
Johnson & Johnson,
Etc., Etc.
aIers in
ods and
;old Lazells,
Rogers & Gallet,
Lautier Bros.
It before In bulk or
by the ounce.

U. of M. Station-
ery for all depart-
Nm fents. We sell
Fountain Pens....
from $1.00 to $4.00. All are guaranteed.
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Goodyear's Drug Store

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