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September 23, 1899 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-09-23

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. .
Students' Lecture Association.
1899 - 1900.
Lyman J. Gage, Sousa's Band, F. Hopkinson Smith, and
Brigadier General Charles King, some ofi those
already decided upon.
Ecery student in the University should buy a Season Ticket at $2.00. It
ought to be required to secure a diploma--an education in
itself. Course will be opened the second week
in October by Secretary of Treasurg,
Lyman J. Gage.

The rarest advantage that the Uni-
versity of Michigan has to offer to her
students, is the series of lectures and
enterminmenje provided by the Stu-
dents Lecture Association. There is
no greater platform in the world than
is offered by the 3,500 students and
faculty of this university. For 50
years this fact has induced the great
men of all countries to accept visita-
tions to appear upon it. Within the
last three years we see the names of
Grover Cleveland, Bourke Cochran,
Chauncey Depew, Ian McClaren,
Fridtjof Nansen, James Whitcomb
Riley, and Chas. A. Dana. To hear
these men and others within a four
years course is an opportunity not
offered in any other university in
America. The advantage can not
be overestimated in its educational
value for university students.'
The course for this year is of the
same towering strength established by
previous boards. It is the best that
the magnificent audiences of Univers-
ity Hall and splendid pecuniary in-
ducements can attract.
Two of the ten numbers for this
year remain to be determined upon.
An effort is being made to secure two
men prominent in politics and educa-
tion. The splendid numbers secured
are as follows :
COURSE OF 1899 - 1900.
1. Lyman J. Gage,
2. F. Hopkinson Smith,
3. Max Bendix Company.
4. John Temple Graves.
5. Oratorical Contest.
6. Brig. General Charles King.
7. WIll Carleton.
8. Sousa and his Band.
9. A Public Man.
10. An Orator.
The Students' Lecture Association
is an organization chosen from the
student body, the electors being all
holders of season tickets. The aim
of the association is purely culture
and entertainment, no advantage ac
crues to the board or officers. The
endeavor is to spend all earnings upon
the course. Last year Bourke Coch-
ran saw fit to accept no remuneration
and this, with the wise management
of the board, left $800 in the treasury.
This money is now in the hands of
President Angell for the assistance of
needy students. -
The association was organized in
1854 and in 1893 was incorporated
under the laws of the State of Mich-
igan. The constitution provides that

every student,whether male or female,
in any department of the University,
who purchases a season ticket shall
be a member of this association and
may vote and hold office therein.
The most reasonable thing about
the Students' Lecture Association is
the moderate fees charged. A course'
ticket comes to $2.00. This amounts
to only 20 cents a number. How
fortunate one is to hear Sousa and
his band, Lyman J. Gage, F. Hop-
kinson Smith, and Brig. Gen. Chas.
King for such a sum.
Those who have in charge the
planning and execution of the course
for this year and who have worked
conscientiously to that purpose are :
Vice-President,-R. P. ROBINSON.
Corresponding Secretary,-W. J.
Recording Secretary, - R. K.
Treasurer,--JUNus B. WOOD.
Assistant Treasurer,-E. D. Eu-
Directors,-PAuL Wv. VOOREIs,
Hon. Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of
the Treasury, opens the Course
the second week in October
with an address on "The Admin-
istrative Departments of the Govern-
ment" showing the workings of the
eight great departments and their
relation to the executive head, the
president; touching briefly upon the
seven other departments, lie will
give the largest share of attention to
the Treasury Department.
The operations of the treasury de-
partment are varied in character, and
cover, with one or more of itS lines,
the whole country. It is the kind of
information which is the most valu-
able to all citizens, especially to those
coming into the responsibilities of
citizenship. It wilt be an address
which no University of Michigan
student can afford to miss and will
be interesting as well as instructive.
Brig-General Charles King, better
known as Captain Charles King, the
author of so many thrilling army
stories, has lately returned from ac-
tive duty in the Pilippines. He will
speak upon "The Volunteer at Ma-

General King has devoted hisi
life to the United States Army, is a
graduate of West Point, and a thor-
ough soldier. -
At the outbreak of the Spanish.
American war he was at the head of
the Wisconsin state militia, having
been retired from the regular army
some years ago, owing to wounds re-
ceived in fighting the Indians. He'
was appointed Brig-General by Pres.
McKinley and served with admirable
capacity under Maj-Gen. Otis. This
lecture will be devoted entirely to'
the military side of the Philippine'
problem. Gen. King is a man of'
broad sympathy and great humanity.
He tells many deeds of valour that
thrill the heart and many misfortunes
that moisten the eye. In many re-
spects he reminds one of Col. Roose-
velt, and it will doubtless seem
strange to know that Gen. King,
years ago, toddled the youthful
Teddy upon his knee. But the Gen-
eral does not appear to be old enough
to have done this. le is lively of
manner and looks almost the young
lieutenant as he steps buoyantly
from West Point.
Gen, King will speak in the full
uniform of a brigadier-general of the.
United States Army and to all who
love their country, who love to hear
of patriotism and self-sacrifice, his
lecture will be of profoundest inter-
est. .
A few weeks ago in conversation
he explained how he happened to
write the army stories which made
his earliest reputation. He said, "I
was shot to pieces in the Indian
country and retired as a captain of
the cavalry, and you must know that
a retired captain's pay is not the big-
gest thing in the world. It occurred
to me to venture in the field of army
stories, and I know of three people
that those stories have made extremely
happy. Those three people are my
wife and daughters. Those stories
have been the means of giving them
a good education and of allowing
them to spend some time in Euro-
pean travel. That is my best excuse
for my literary career."
John Philip Sousa, the "March
King " is the leader of the greatest
band in the world. He will be in
Ann Arbor, February 19th. The
marches of Sousa are as. popular in
Europe as in America. They are
whistled on the streets of Antwerp
and Berlin, the same as in Chicago
and New York.
The record of Sousa and his band
during the last five years is really re-
markable. During that time the band
has given over 3,000 concerts in
every state and territory of the Uni-
ted States and nearly every province
of the Dominion of Canada. Those
concerts were all personally directed
by John Philip Sousa, except three
from which he was absent through
illness. Over $100,000 has been
paid to railroads during those five
years and the number of miles trav-
eled equals four times the circum-
ference of the earth. The manage-
ment pays out over $100,000 to mu-
sicians every year and gives the
longest continuous engagements of
any organization in the United States.
Among the notabl-achievements in
concert giving-by the band have been
six weeks at the World's Fair, six
weeks at the Madison Square Gar-
den, N. Y.; eighteen weeks at the
St. Louis Exposition in three sea-

sons; fifty-four weeks at Manhattan
Beach, N. Y., in five seasons. The
band has played to nearly 200,000
people in a single week at the Food
Fair at Boston, and to over 150,000
people at the Pittsburgh Exposition.
It has often been asked "flow
came it that that black-haired boy
violinist in an orchestra pit in Wash.
ington so quickly became the 'March
King' of the world?" It was not by
accident. That young musician had
something in his brain, his heart and
soul, that the world was glad to buy
the instant it recognized its merit,
and the little fiddler at $15 a week
and the young Marine Bandmaster
at $1,800 a year became the most
famous composer of the day who
was drawing $50,000 a year before
he was forty.
But this wRs not all. He then
wrote for reeds and brasses. Now,
he is writing for the human voice,
and voices are singing his operas and
the people are busning to hear them
as before they did and still do to hear
his martial strains and his magifeent
concerts. Not only the music did he
write, but the book of his last and
best opera is from the March King's
pen. Every line and every lyrie,
every verse of the comedy songs,
everydscene and situation, and the
plot, detail and ensemble he designed
and evolved and joined together in a
symmetrial, sequentialrand harmon.
ions whole. "The Bride Elect"
book and music is a creation of his
Concerning his greatest march
"The Stars and Stripes Forever,"
Mr. Sousa said recently:
The march was written when I was
in Europe a year ago and finished on
board ship coming home. I have
often heard people say that when in
a foreign country the sight of the
stars and stripes seemed the most
glorious in the world. My idea was
to climax the march with three
themes-one representing the north,
a broad sweeping theme; the South
with its languorous beauty and ro-
mance, and the west, a story pushing
melody carrying everything before it.
These themes were to blend harmoni-
ously, but were to be used independ-
ently if necessary. I am of the
opinion that military music, that
which has the drum and the military
swagger in it, is the kind that notes
patriotism in the soul. Patriotism is
not in the music, but in the feeling
it conveys. The military spirit is
necessary. I have lived in the army
atmosphere all my life. I might say
that even while I was a baby I was
near camp, and I understand just the
effect of all the pomp and splendor of
war when it is introduced in a musical
composition. " The Stars and Stripes
Forever" has this quality, perhaps,
in a more marked degree than any of
my former compositions.
F. Hopkinson Smith enjoysinterna.
mional reputation as an artist, author
and government engineer, and is so
versatile that his material is ever
abundant. On hearing that the Lee
ture Association had secured him,
President Angell was delighted and
said, "I consider him one of the most
versatile and entertaining men I have
ever met. It has always seemed
wonderful to me that a man could
engineer the building of our greatest
government lighthouses a't three

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