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March 10, 1900 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-10

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Pub-ttthed Daily (Sundays exceptetd) di
College yett, at
ovc:ThIlttand Press, Henning
Both lPhloet147.
F.FaEL ltAt,'01L.
07 . l ANw t004.
T. R. VlOOtllOlil 0011A.lli.ltl7DoOAi
. Q. BRaOWNE, 01.E. J. .Woo,
L. J. MONTiltME t, 00, W. M. IlttE
het coltlegeyetar, wtit aegulartdltive
noo 7eah.lay. Notces, omuia
Olterit74 maltter n401edforpulication
mailed Ilto te edi4to bfoettp i.taot
prevouto10tht on which1171they aee
.pag7107r.17Sublscr ies iltltcnfr
ze'ting promptttly7cat thi otice ny

luring the
uTo, '01l 4
ALL,01 E
Y"00 44.

voice, at least, in class affair s. as it 1777s
not ill days gone bly.
Forl thest. 1easonls attdotlttrs thetre 111s
come a. bouttaIceterinedllltleffor t017 thle(
1101701o11011ny me1mbers ofthetctass, i
1777111no aplo.gc7ies to 1117e. Perso-n0al
71im7 717717amb1t11ns1.haIt been ctast ,sid7e71
1liclat ions77r17 fo1bles 7 i(1777e~. 1The i
rallvin cry17 ha1 1 ])Cell, m-111 a117 y,71 a711 ir11
l~t the f 1e171 7771177 t class off11111711 (I
77v1111o717inlde n k11( ac
gardless of1prious 1 }77pol1111itial1or1et1er7(
difficuties.lIft. e 111771 1 1as in i

Parker's Campus
lafe+++++++French Cook in Charge
orders promtly firlcd. Fresh Honme Mode Candy 11077 01 hand
with the famlous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop1 cco balls
antI salted pseanults now ready. Comle itn andr try Item.
709 N. University Avenue
E+ ++ + ++ + +++ ++ + ++ +R E N N I T

ProllesSor Scott Defends Unloersitu 0
mill I'111411117ago 'rimes-Herald otfItareich f
p.- 1n.,7o tt 11con1tains the following communicatt 7 f ~
"ANtll Vs-.ARBORlt7Iiclt., March a.,.,--o
1117 1d7111771Permit 014 tolcall attention ; ~ 7- .-
11jY office, to sonme 4117114in 111e telo-grtall 7h141
favor by7 appea~redodn70the first tpagenlftlicttmeo
fail1ure4of1H1rald 1111M11 ch16111eel ating1 tothe4{
7111111'ilit r1ecklss71a10actdaon, iful
11gh 51f ll ttese t., ''1his-issimpy A welcomne offering when makting a
>nt111 4) trt.I't'here was7 7 ai1 drun1ke07n m10n0call is a tox.of H-angsterfer's "mos7to.x
i 717 til- -71117111ti71111o1117etlt- passed a71 cellent chocolates.dTey arc the finest
- 11 i hisleto1an711711171bnt it is lnt kbownn

fAll Sizes, Cheap, at
Stablrs Ar St 2r7"'SOut'
Stables ArtStore4th Ame
Agent for
Tribune, Stearns and BarnssBSky-
cles. Resting atd repairing of ally
kinds. LEON SHAWl,
117 E. Ann 01,

.lo1w17ng 71111m11171cationl
114 id f sstc 17 51law 77

a1177 I--1117171a

t1 11141 1111117 771. 7111l , 117 a71 111prices lare soo701bt.e toot
it-iM1 41tl 11 . Dail 177117our corresponden1t 117417 1114im-50o1711anlaforcd 10 give.atreat oftenT.wrtrCoyn
1,0th Edto vtflt U Daly lpesion hot te studets wer0477disor- zo200L., \Vthillgto . 316 5Sl Sate. yeJI erCpyn
ou1771 e gig n space 11 acc 4 7111171117 7, do 11777T'hey twrt.not. l t. says that
t~110 171711717inAll signed"hl osopher1111t~," jthe 10a11ger, in 71077 o1 te tempejlr o1. ,aI 0 1 II<I (}l}00 l7115.
whic 1777771 1711177711prtt.eilt.s1417 of1the, he171~ n t .tethle, 11ompany t C O14F SH R H N
stlttltd (lctto71t7711 77 -7n1sen 7ior 1141o - I ll.7t.1 this ota171 ient 1 upon 1the allt1i7, :nir -_-__
tics C a teis7.ticlt.ty 41fthi 77777(774 of1 to cloroft7117111171111 71 tt oitIArbor
7717 pc77111-171777177 rereetedt.erebythe k11 ily it 01111 o t ll 71 the11p111 fin- oto1HAIESA' l L (1 I(?I , 11fflI- 10 r
7 1117 71117111h 7 yowlcrespondent101an11 ilv) f "A IIU UII r IIU rri ,flV)
ct.7771171 t1 ol 7,77 a.ttets1711 17t!) .7)lilct.lit . e ill Itat: 11771 777171- 1117 1 - 171cm 717- 151
llildthec177 kir,.l oh strat sseah-I itis PORT.AB LE LAM-svPS, ETC'.,
771711and 77an itlilcsllll signturt hei t.amour15trlyi i:7 --777.l71171,777771717 7lt 10
17717 71111177of111, ques7tions inl ved415l1attd1-F. N.S
t" litJ.71 iIUII~. ~ ~tt tt-ot1 1 F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST,
w 7. t.itp y. ei h td ''l } tl7t, l:il w yJl
777 177ir-mindetdll1777711 cold or old771117..I"+.a+ .+ + .; q i ++FINE COACH-ES p.
ta l eioscpit77 oil1 71711the 17cosntiin(a- Ii+'7 FoANDParties, 1Receptions Ec
111111717117 11411. I~a .itt 741717 1 - Cat e(Glds ll)+,N
1417es7y 1 tar 7711177intr7171717 prs11 sin7+1 1171h Cgaretes, ocr +Good toil Ptompt Strvice Guarastee
th l as erta toseincrrt ed +071171 r1 et ion 1 C 0i rettes',roc107 . _, - -
withi 7telf, it1is possible all 7117771e717114+j Riho nt rai tt +
inee ilplicl(tctotasit il Cutohm11a1117es;171117 AN- ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY'S M.A1'I-
thirdciin"ms 17nwswl te iar, - te' ;MOHMIDWINTER
17e17 I777 sh1nug74771.l774 ble." STAEBLER & CO.
-1char t t e uc ht h pre igc + .4.' +++++++++++++ ++
brt hoto"1pr~llesllae lll__n11 M ARCH 13--17 Irnclusive
-ial to1-41711w-1o41111414 bite, 1117171atr7- Saturclaqj, Mvarch 10
171 /7/(11777117441' t.eliitlfillI, inIte 117THE KFIL(EY SHANNON (IOMPAPiNY 10{) N isiad -NitI p1 XatSelcedIcllnl l(Wod'
to itefhe"ahneaee bet ONE 25 CENT TICKET ADMITS, TO ALL
itself1o,7be';7th 17477co 417477t av11e17t- -47777y-I~t a1owi5c<t2lit.3Ios e t Watch for the Bi~g Parade, Tuesday, 2 p. m.
1174so com lacnt77a e0474 44777l 7et sle ar.s, 7t77a7. at . 7141 . H7.1177477 o,4 15. 141. :_
S~ __ __ ~- ~ Res erved Scabs00n.Sale01at Davis &be abolt's.
ostplle 71177 at 11 (,,14 44 411417 inc . 177717n lOHN F. HSKET. DEWITT ALLEN,
aictua~ted lel 41715 -111 17~sitcniy b1711177 227 So. Ingalls St. 720 So, 12th ',h '/*~"'r."" " /0 r, "~a "t"' d .d\+
tionis 177117Iv a11771 e1744 7 71141171e1l f711771: New007 1711 17 ct 1-i- "111410-
bt it own., 41 ii77777 1tbethti fthit poilt. s741D'Ie t~i3~ I T R O
systm: rat th' bet iterstsof he 'runs, aliesTelescopes, Dress Suit Cases
clas deand liltt.eIlmachine" te.(1117 Camrpus Prvtnrap er
111711111re11 ;tha~t, ifItie "mactine" is Raot shfull 11cc of 01, of It.iandIAlit Atbot Eitry t eition.liTRUNKL AND VALISE -REPA~IRING it Lonest Pricen.
patirotic, as "Pilolsopher" cc' 7 tsc tslt14 Vitwa. Matke a apecialty of Stud~entsi' Roomoi
anid Flashlight }Fork, at easIonab pit7tcts. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS.
. itws 011 talcelat Gllonsia, Schlcatt.-c. LovelIs,7
cede 10 somtebody el sc i- ht to isolvt7Edwtarda Btos.and OSlItalor's Botore. e 307 SSuthl31a in .Street. ANTOON TEUFEL.




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