u THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pub-ttthed Daily (Sundays exceptetd) di College yett, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG ovc:ThIlttand Press, Henning Both lPhloet147. MANAGING ESITOJI. F.FaEL ltAt,'01L. HtS[SNES51 S ANA(4EI. 07 . l ANw t004. EDTORS. T. R. VlOOtllOlil 0011A.lli.ltl7DoOAi . Q. BRaOWNE, 01.E. J. .Woo, L. J. MONTiltME t, 00, W. M. IlttE het coltlegeyetar, wtit aegulartdltive noo 7eah.lay. Notces, omuia Olterit74 maltter n401edforpulication mailed Ilto te edi4to bfoettp i.taot prevouto10tht on which1171they aee appear .pag7107r.17Sublscr ies iltltcnfr ze'ting promptttly7cat thi otice ny luring the !AN. gBlock. uTo, '01l 4 ALL,01 E ,'t0, Y"00 44. voice, at least, in class affair s. as it 1777s not ill days gone bly. Forl thest. 1easonls attdotlttrs thetre 111s come a. bouttaIceterinedllltleffor t017 thle( 1101701o11011ny me1mbers ofthetctass, i 1777111no aplo.gc7ies to 1117e. Perso-n0al 71im7 717717amb1t11ns1.haIt been ctast ,sid7e71 1liclat ions77r17 fo1bles 7 i(1777e~. 1The i rallvin cry17 ha1 1 ])Cell, m-111 a117 y,71 a711 ir11 l~t the f 1e171 7771177 t class off11111711 (I 77v1111o717inlde n k11( ac gardless of1prious 1 }77pol1111itial1or1et1er7( difficuties.lIft. e 111771 1 1as in i Parker's Campus lafe+++++++French Cook in Charge FURNISH~ESoFIRST-CLASS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. FOEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short orders promtly firlcd. Fresh Honme Mode Candy 11077 01 hand with the famlous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop1 cco balls antI salted pseanults now ready. Comle itn andr try Item. W S. PARKI3 709 N. University Avenue E+ ++ + ++ + +++ ++ + ++ +R E N N I T ProllesSor Scott Defends Unloersitu 0 frStudents.,'t mill I'111411117ago 'rimes-Herald otfItareich f p.- 1n.,7o tt 11con1tains the following communicatt 7 f ~ "ANtll Vs-.ARBORlt7Iiclt., March a.,.,--o 1117 1d7111771Permit 014 tolcall attention ; ~ 7- .- 11jY office, to sonme 4117114in 111e telo-grtall 7h141 favor by7 appea~redodn70the first tpagenlftlicttmeo fail1ure4of1H1rald 1111M11 ch16111eel ating1 tothe4{ 7111111'ilit r1ecklss71a10actdaon, iful 11gh 51f ll ttese t., ''1his-issimpy A welcomne offering when makting a >nt111 4) trt.I't'here was7 7 ai1 drun1ke07n m10n0call is a tox.of H-angsterfer's "mos7to.x i 717 til- -71117111ti71111o1117etlt- passed a71 cellent chocolates.dTey arc the finest - 11 i hisleto1an711711171bnt it is lnt kbownn FKI-IIYI3 fAll Sizes, Cheap, at Stablrs Ar St 2r7"'SOut' Stables ArtStore4th Ame Agent for Tribune, Stearns and BarnssBSky- cles. Resting atd repairing of ally kinds. LEON SHAWl, 117 E. Ann 01, Commuonication. .lo1w17ng 71111m11171cationl 114 id f sstc 17 51law 77 a1177 I--1117171a t1 11141 1111117 771. 7111l , 117 a71 111prices lare soo701bt.e toot it-iM1 41tl 11 . Dail 177117our corresponden1t 117417 1114im-50o1711anlaforcd 10 give.atreat oftenT.wrtrCoyn 1,0th Edto vtflt U Daly lpesion hot te studets wer0477disor- zo200L., \Vthillgto . 316 5Sl Sate. yeJI erCpyn ou1771 e gig n space 11 acc 4 7111171117 7, do 11777T'hey twrt.not. l t. says that t~110 171711717inAll signed"hl osopher1111t~," jthe 10a11ger, in 71077 o1 te tempejlr o1. ,aI 0 1 II