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March 10, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-10

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W'c hive just receive d orviiiit
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SPennsylvanians Use an Entirely New Line of Argument
but Michigan Men Meet Them at Every Point.
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No. 121.
Preparation for the XVarsitq~ Meet.
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fi)hoc oil ieil beynid e ireset~rof i tar u itih celdI to perp itaic tfth e i rn e m an quatlifli santis \wichlhale
A .1 cllat casttuall'oosai(id rstis are setolofin \crlnigieros benefactoraOe nded aiai cXllo ito'make Mr. Joa one of th
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vii th viisttdendi syn the n fstal ach rt (tCs~h niheuireanhofal. A we atlwsallendouccetostsfn everye ,
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