Ut of 94 PaiJ u4 YOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDA.Y MARCH 10, 1900). + SNNIOS prSOin JDESGESTgYL :, ; :) ;) e al G. H.WILD & CO W'c hive just receive d orviiiit weir. It iclud~es everything ini stapl]esthit arei.sit tlt indidi- elitiinii dulit y l andi lstiletot STRthestit t o it ctin ase tnks, lwttv tests tiiitl .I-o t 'lrottserin s. invetle viii to all a d1ns t o r i ",a WILD'S 108 E. Wasbir)gtor) St, SieDace t Ate Artist sok f rt laterials adhv ldt + LOW AND BLUE. + + SPennsylvanians Use an Entirely New Line of Argument but Michigan Men Meet Them at Every Point. 4 I. 'lire. E . if \ .1aI i Annlt boIllI icit P n s la ia t n i , tt tIt t tA a e yof I sc c,1tl1 ttl" 4. Illel [)lt np a stoll, (1, n an entl-ek- I~e ine Itfitt ttI l~etlt I, b t c °Itlo tt 4.li or ma d tc ll) a iiy t ic la)r p e III 4.tp e ml e aeo p~cIe an A UDl, I OelielUte t iivls No. 121. Preparation for the XVarsitq~ Meet. Ih It tut ticof mnit iteGymi. tao wt.ithnthst f a a siTe apear-e t i 1r itoi tlt h ae iallite cloter ant costquetly totetittieestig. matches prongs" to bttofinusuail inter- est. '[tere iae re etitrie0 itt vits than sp tr ienl t v ot ititl ii 't !(,I ush t I'll of ate. The cli ll l ' I It The Latest its Liquid Air. "(laty li'ei itt iii i thei taeti jit t i th is itt ryillsitt rutd 1 il (tnc \ il1( )Ia g~ n REL ABL, clo~~ t .iititltt t dwaoil Il)\CO dd lt \t 11( i1;toott s a",i svtoii h ;cw1i, Mclan i 1 p1a:(1 r1sinttt I irar1ji i i t 'ot~t i l itiru Inti 1 lotilt i jiln~ h s 2111'1 (1 t t 1ill tv itit y i i isnewi111c iiliti I'II'Ii A SI I (3Iit 1i'1. (lireIllaes itpossble o\\' o C0IS41-1Ct reatC~l()us llth al tae pat fu ll. tse i) it 1')_'2i ii iie ts' 1e ~~rr hiss 1(ittito iii liltSai liili Cotilt the eOii I comeiti and Its' t h li ve wi ll g a1 :1i(1x1 ,s 121 iil' rl i' it' i\ i- p liiio n t( b tl~i~ It() ttc()n vi tis. th i e stheIi l iii hu 1of l easa si-tit 1t(_ti1tt"till l ititmcrt t fett tie tur1t Ci-iIi ae s rtilt iii scietllhighly 11'1:0"1 (111th;tll ' st te e slasIn iiec uvItt l Iit oiti"ii theile ;ti cs tictotllit) I he o t iest iiititt tt' I e hiit lt' titutttt vil. attues im GviN AT . ' u ltie ncit O t tt heiiit cttt i sti 1 listtitiiyh esntr a t el ivl iite tttthe lieOfI.ite Illdymtde .:' ris etl \burin ts rlato n u D troi' 'Tuleo rltitieipt, 1atalotif the atcint i se sireti e ic evf n itsttid iitict t titit s ttiilril tttel ettlr te tt il li liig "()tint 'fevti erwitoutalw ,do1iht D istio nduy liiv ri t te111 \Ili i he Il'in 8 Wsliii liit o atis i t fte maleettr inte (ritillletil itonii e i h l inni a- Iii at I ii COitette y'itiii ltose iii lrge stiiga l tl l e gogt tectit ler stae ititlsbit} I tri tt s u l rtlitiscaii f, Lh titito Bcit tier1 uIIs c tat e verait ula IIIilt eliigaslitlil tee ontoto ire eiv ed scum wrtthl i() c of ad( it(ity i eltO)1 i eeitolsith istrsili isi't<"i urliicire sold ht msson shne lh eu.runc1nce ii ii hy ii he iti cos .(,tliota co t a for te 1ren deri ne fI aI dI ffl i ult'I l t l . Gu ts 11y welt tle pubtll(i iiiouhlt (1d 1,iii l )Ittlll hetlootfrfo i i o poiin nybspasthal ttsoiy ia. iie ctris ei li lltI iOe suriy ittuCit ithu ad c e (ived, sialrd pro aly on fi)hoc oil ieil beynid e ireset~rof i tar u itih celdI to perp itaic tfth e i rn e m an quatlifli santis \wichlhale A .1 cllat casttuall'oosai(id rstis are setolofin \crlnigieros benefactoraOe nded aiai cXllo ito'make Mr. Joa one of th tO hreo teUi-geftes ianstlsing Theocet vii th viisttdendi syn the n fstal ach rt (tCs~h niheuireanhofal. A we atlwsallendouccetostsfn everye , _JLJ and thecviiiniilcd t