ho as tnesed a ret awaaeintg of pat the ed anid tot the nmeie of life, witAGnteanFee
riattoat.After cetres of pireos t heii' r filed, asit hisobereavit lit l -A CQ~ Itl t e t .
coatheatheto;t a ndte tiao t trustsand obtat ions cpttk atdo not hae to le cotoded itot
urt il ic 'rn ant 1'ratilstheool r ait tisu s ttct thceiiiim tin cat settei oaltucoofotatbe thoe in ore to copy
!Ointg .the flag a at:to ti i ta ad of relted recallinge the cil1d speuai iiwit h iitla sotfbehonie. etttit tito
th e.D wy gn 1 \~m a t ~) teve rr atthe haiutb Sabubble o a Fashons beot meteeno dite y eiento
ushleredl i thedlfte e rwleaew th iishtisltoayywiiththetiwiet-spread it oPeyh a bouto temaettre oAt we 9 o'tai
a ietiemipire, atnricW poblemsi pirets-ofi onyit l e cuorintg ntiatio nsteti nditiorry go uit ttoe fiuiintur. t ,2.9i a p atr
tug tir ettleetar it t ., o tte -te tiansto tapblic ethfrc ii it pittotlwegateoeito fnf isab l t rafalion bee
tiottal trite, noawtditer oli jie %\hecer ol i upiti a lluetid - --rnit i ad alor eiot al ethni nta n ba p tt
ratde alatng the iin inie fitititior t ime ir ftthe euca tdelass t e a caseelon ee gio ait anutaoii i ctae. Andi
Cno ti acli, there it-or\atiitioSau, dicr f wiealh n t t aeat u urne en:yu oe
noata olt r 'Wet. "lanki Go~d ie tre sordiditutoe. The laet iitead o t il- yuwn it.
agan neconty iltl : neflg ndean etIS 11',n' nsitio1,BrceGLASS'S SHOE STOREI
one desetiny. i le nitti iii epotcis e mu erht m c t a f i e
cure attd the Aiteie Iii citeit andsiitl'grow i th rico trut inginflu eneilliioutOpen Eeig
hi ghie r hialevt efe etfear1,to etu tean ll eekvcn le l eesnhaiu t icP i109 S. M a in
tireignt foee andlouir ei inaeno fiebs ffw ationdim htit-
t dtisegrd biattwrit tl tiafoe IiiulN iipal ititt111lcv tle I tt " E EiiJ N
etio lthedaie t1a t reatn a ici ret ie is hato i cl e i e t tt "
reeallingite t o re fle gract E111tig t on f ,ll ' ts ad h tlhiistet i
ag vwwh ivroc ta t11 tsisit istce v il n leUitdMANDOLIN CLUBS
iii age hnt eeyv er adoioiett- tleI i <lt h n l c toy r-i
dhiffriet taeil be tie 1onge a to t s.titi'tepakng of leitad rds of
We tout pr epreiforiitu th e tietghlie lieC na ri~temutdt h tte
t eclatisofatthe uture iareireprested owrihnitws m 8o an the
let ettfet iig tililionticandtlthe eyauth oitteret litehtrt, eicn itent to it A. .
a i na t ia e lie trutees 'f trolerit " my se . eet eeti
'Ii tun tttha t i gi i To tue ut emp aie ti acn it
h ut lieorliioititeoe m e tii ldi thato ni~o raititolZ iii VA
butth, hotnss(iof ut-tt ir g ndtheao nc ilt r ti sii1i ac h ll tuidits P'I
tel liiteto iii iii i~ idustt 111 lc ele 'urti t t i% I toti lireg
teetareetomettlue tiimoteee ic iou ae. rmcr~~titciiile1eipleIa~
a d bte th n no _, a e W ill it prety l ieiia tan it tentire to
reeer1e1 - 1 it,1" c '11,1W nn1,at pnl 1elteiltdI ree..lsj FRIDAY EVENING, February 23.
lct c facethIos cu i 1 thing rYtt1 clco rc p aci tcgrit
pass,( 1,y illticr tic CarsingAfter Performance-heOn,[I Motorc Line.i
-Sne~l r ctola ald olec, r 1, t 1 icd 11 ho li eu nlit e AA ND ESLCRI LGTINGOPPLIAHADE .
collge:itit e l i tlr t iii t ii tetti ana 'ittr ci sr-it..1 anti wh
l wiiiee IIh htiw c- he 'l rlr. h y tee a cCarsA A toeerormanceo- n Mottor WOLRie.~is
fil strt st ytii nd tt fr~teu r cll tutuo arc titiosta ti iii I l ic i F C U .20 'EnA HI G O r
hre u cm il ie c i vih Il' W otin (f t itter:iia led rtilicali
itd h i a1 t rite aliiiio vvnt l t1 u n ia tolo i l tt bu t littfie illu
a1 ir.i e ants nit t t itels a11 t he ea %% ciiitiir c ituda eay. Iets aatilaei F N CO hE
i:ttire teA BEtA M Sx11ta ii ti liht cnit cnih'ca tier ' n1fe- yatiii fgattu tc titiltit tterei'si Foatis ecpins Ec
taii toitltwhoi as c 1i-tic ani ie lthe oftt ~ae ll ii t he it a ttititri' hittoftil ihir c hilef A NDEILY A IA Y L MI -,SE NDH TW TRB A IG
attiettIt iet1trill ejrideryrti i eit 't relimu ireyittctst otre itoiceof
sc ts ak utaIll ttfitd,, tlieur u t ittll at fit e c anii btuu' eveathual ef acuts 't'
ccn iuru t war dsthe lf rf t e reufdv c. ee of the ttituucotue iterefyeer utitl e dii artr . ')JF . odan Pom tSvieG rntd
ti-c ieuouuucort tithute ettut-1,I.ttuct, itrol lO11t eah.t-1111coieieve mootLI ER ..
l cth e ou icc t t u h u i a tli c , a l i iip t r it e t fa r m i s g u re o f th r c r r u p inh.t ev l c _ m i c r . p e e t i l l d c T t p l t c . I r ite o.
If ttth1eu i t otuileug far aitthigtt:uu t'r a ututurbatllo t ue aer ticeec city or
-ithu etiorl11,ulitei remesa sc pt t itti ci iii iii ai~s r y utuedsah eu e n a es
ci tulute rnkt of tiour ut tu g u ta d t en uctarth-it dtutu eca.Inr re
itac t n aut .th rut Ihun os te iiuet1acsplc 1 1 tut aof ouureAMCthiie arisurounddii I E toC H)
tfdot uttettoua hihtutu reder ii cuy rt o thinsfetutuadto u ct e-c-try'rtes R cpton(Ec
tu nslis c tigcan e tin e entu il hiour d h atne utatluthetetilsigf Std en s e tr ls cain C u s
if ,ic ittu i ii inl iiiciitic1 iii the lde taut ti o s ysacttemti arei noii t ur ru
I h. ducte nun tho ld e a1IC;"utntbth etl t orc- it geu s to t ver i tit ttu i hi --
ehste itt ii ii wrk i ng fr rutbe theur i'hcuue uent andtie neceityte ftuu-
itnit, auraltathea 'ttu authrce i i eu e rah eciodthi aryohtic c lcisuppr e b at e Sattrday v enigM arc .h/ Suject: "h Rig
mih l.,Ihi ad o lvng aar -up- t rieata'' wil tieu ihut
ticm tuhem.tuhee is orepusblty othrinoficuo tyituuicI kethetit t u0Itel afsh erig gi'
oftetuh ulcrquestttuions ite te tthcandals ciineto uwuth ht oletacicn ---
suidb th l i t o itr dthin ofp our enai t rs i si aoth erna toutleriat
telutu he iiel teatrcto lh wtei ntieell s rt nitgtu th I'gilui
tut noribycsoicecte tidsocs om p r a hi i ar t s l ndiian ae;H N . JHcT M L G A E
ttdte punt ii iiscultoniii I iwheitthe tticstghitthut hi tishpraticallhi ty pu it i t
edcatii ari cshimt hatic ttit hateee eue hghe tbddr, tit I unaeeandl-
trdo andtuurca'att i n tt ndtot'haitatoee l ec rtsutie utergittlatue hctnh e hasrtug Sa'u da v ingM ah . Sj ect:"TheReiN
is ntnue ha uhr t e ' ugh .aur t is tlm rtaed tro d o ttubitd tut.
theriii h itt uluuttyo t udt ic vtilehat nohetauuhrea iri tfruryintiattuitins t hPrsidntof t L e a Sto rd nierit
knowy legtofButeiirrrsil laf utpat i e tc ralgiltr. Nopw ro
aunt wuitu huthe fcitutu e I atf anwh t hictbeforhiGodi no t i ttih o ..aton
t uy the ruhieh t hyapin t u th i, utehaspotdteveyfun
ate cn otta t pato . ii f illot nesrctd ifisD A ID S ARccR O
a not ,pa, otirongltutu on what auue'eoewatountilcyosareoeosupofreghet
Iicci v t ~sropbethnau itterivlg fa fr a l 1 huge I IccrIhaUIpohiytrubbers
thean Bate u atn iatota i lf t vntOOe rprt lfctHon BRUSHESientoTOeladATCHfrd THiErWISE MA
ccatit t icae odt c lhitu , nd i e..I
itha ihuestories itt suddeetn fitear0 adI~* I ~ '
incidenatsaiht tthee c u tr n-iliuuuuires *Q U A R R YT huys rubbers anid has thotm ready for
critic muoeygetting hlupatbeforte i our wear cwhen occasion requires-and
youtahi as thurouranetmasurenf ucesit r c a w I I~R APRILL'S SHOE STORE has hefstoInpay the doctor.