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February 23, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-23

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VOL. X. ANN :ARBORICH., FRtDY, FEORUARY 23, 1900 No. 108.
SpigAN ELOQUENT ADDRESS asiis fetad this crcumsstance wsn( scale it Vigiia its its fassor, Iis clear,
touht to ibetoiente loss othe tisuious decisions tno usr hig: st tb-
Aniricats colonies, te brightest jeweliuanl, shlicithousiitti lrec 'elis , le lit
} Delivered byj Ex-Senator Patton at s inte Bitilsh cown ndit 1proedcito chilly ,tatetle clist, sits ot Te swnil
A }t o n e n t W higo',Brthday Exercis e Bt tt . i nstlfot sits stiltositchtnceeasituhitslhot faie nanies
uense g o t ofthe Bosoin teatsparty niJoistMs halt l still n f t uMost
~~ clii sunerth us ices of te lw is escits ittelIng lst h ople s s s e en cedingt st i Andriess Jtt K n5cugtlt
G . 1L . vI L U & . CO . itatetwr edt Uiest al ers strugleithtegets oe u fthe sauncotisofts's' 1(31'amity
si1Xt espae fthesli t i sa L'.Soisto t hesioie'diino tcis its lfs'iic ot he ci consiit'.itss tof istiss i
os Jh . tn iof. ciGra itiRpidLs, lihseo dhlpolau s t i d libter tydil siisi s t,.teF drlU in i u t 'n
'ie hove juttreceived or line snficcst itas its itReuhlic- ts Gom slid ic r f te coseswst nt sitall h1 i s ouls Liii1 stsd is sis
of spring woolnss for moens roitt ii isIte tti s s t r tties tnd ior sl ush as itll.i 'dtifidtteittiessiis 5,
sear. It includces everythitng tilensstiei ls(sitt\\ s i st l inthe si at nw a is sio h a n tor itlw ;t r
scilies that are suittble anti ti- -is isi i li
sirtable for lion season. VW e tare mnte5 ii; tti~ tliandtha kedii dt h t the s n lltesit,. oe fu- . ott
ran 1,cucaColn o tieaso sshow n ul ranges its usov- tilStusatnieou i tof t ti h toi til s t ir cai r itie
eties, s in uait ty i styliesuitsightifor 5tisiririgtthls.'theleople ostevecrmecLieu It ; r tr~ iar 55
suit the um ost exarting lisle, Tisi i l u ,sussusitu n td ush 'slisat suit t tl fa ntel:]id w i hs a e w h w :. ae lfe l
coosushsuosof 1Top o atS i-( tag rson lus st~nr ts il tus e~g.il id te lln tra y - te ijstc fte \,K n b
isnks, Fancy \Vcsts ansdlGolf r5 tk bu oya it ii it tf its iss ar its. h n isitl , ian iiChitha n hiiiier ogtul~: erio o
Ill ( lSfr11g5 W ivie y u 0 t al wieone xcaim d,'\, a his'e. \Iili?;' r i' iefen eds h e'ih hsts'sofnIIIis d tutu tutu ii i'St s tsic : tngg s's iiiis i
'i'ncse sou ~e tusl nt us shamingti"lthee enhiste siwtuldhiftihi essy i tthe t s iii ii itmuut ts sterotic-i riti s tisis o u onrol u'.
call and insietrt lneawotsd lustbols'si , eliiuisis and eiit5 - i 1st is i uthuissssusutu iiht ls
iiis s tt tu huus tit itsofiiout suus is hnenLus t ad er st itDrouh tt us liststhis
fusr iIv 5155es 5 h ut i i iit su it sl h uteitsdits ittths 1ou irs ot e it uis st south5 git smeid ea. ohu glinis' whn th
aprca i to tis i ft it hopu'seu''ssan th hroft hepanpopeo sdnbpituct l out f ste chtoics oe Las s
W I L D 'S illconinu wih y'st th Th pocr hic C tsei onwrsilneeded ~sito iscos its ra ut
end hat. s Vlue andt attireaesu ehm h hv see d nEnlndw sthsfo-p ssThu ie sos f t multb uhi
108 E.V fcsblITg torj St. 5>555o5'iitngts,55ots ofithus shi roe hn Cs sumsllis 55surre dr- mutsdterestLossins by theitssdsohihs
_____________________________________ soiurceds itf publicsiriiit uanthpatruiotsum; siuand thus msthesu suittr- utu y u tus h ems t u mg .s u hs 'utssmuu s
ftu ftdsuu ttiu tuussst Oshiss ue eon aideirship fm h atLoha uum a t it u, uswiems et o retererate asmog te rafters oh
sigi num lly hose o ifsotae me ]is-crgratnsess seemd his itsfitrsits d: ldiFanueulIHalinsumBson amd ak
PR ESi CRV PTfl 0f NS steading placein rfesstonalitsesuite thus ed et n Frti ancse' iwas euti 'r Semetttie sou th sie nug Pusup
i w aetartl md stworkfstiecete inmisthus great sid ss- i isuilu huyu i i utouscg ic i os uuiaytu" ' ou ngsP'i'rpsth
FILL L 55 ci nus hu ii sto t'. n titsohn.m ihey are o ot t husomplteudof al o hermssascinthus wuse surpas ingse ouecerhut 'sedscrhen
beseuhtittshseaders muthes hahl5be iwrhiyoh n h pitn fF ac stesi-sepn o sine o i eeain
ATi r scenItss usslyussuthey s sc s ta yts u tuse itiliestpo ertint waisssat this timue, arisuninmumisa nd uttie hlash'.scaffold
inag ratd t tisplaein om uniie anusate ad ad eause sit tie m serisaniwart a Sut dii JoliusBuonsasgain-st ie . gmia sy,
nigit servc xr ieta5widinis uences onss utu nautuaional ti hi5e al glutsy f iEtuhlsmth he"sum Heru iere yest cniuc usti e hictfiring
A LL n r ifs. lissriemuss 5 ssssssad i meus 0' s icuh ossthisplisoftt i an "uas sum tie struggle
sioe n d'sasneiAn s otwis meon hi dXsoful fa~v .s lased umilttis hoot asnilthe lesson fr free soil swelld itdo ite .assfush cos-
H u U B S ' onss'lsour citoy sssueer o hs osesrved ,athsugs'huthiss Americ'aniCloieswtre how lutist -thsis n,,mitsuis s1to ie for tnts
netsltoi\ iimsssishmis s t oeei Ydsa tattn ek te- ltte ra cnttto a gu rn e
us nutmperhun scu s as flu iinuse u re cx Iussset an the ttrtto colnialac uu~5sits ot hit tisul t arii 5orirs ecuredt ii Whaate
w-idiitmetunsr ohynye uis e i r epiretii, is i ssi sn ise'r emvd i'i
p is mu s is rmisSuan'b sliit u r nisget mssiubt 50 i '-tt ii iti it li uums ac if'mt imcsse his lais dsushieiuu
W ilder's Pharmacy sesemphlaruslnusha1 ismi1ed s '.i had is ii ts ndin iiwlhis taug'ht by e-ae SedN rt uteforthsucu int mt
At the iso mis i 5talgiiiii5"5to uda y lith s sI the'.osesf'rthemmi dsatditse Sig
TniHEiiv les iu Sts eoplet "vsis-i hss' miidiaSiantd lit liit1ralsmtait edwim
THE OLD Tarig isnac stocks ort h nus ste ffitt'.osithe snt tu mmchisl ss eople. to itch to Mitituslttlthisis ti
bris za us 's aree cauyish ii ociumentu S s,is s otd s itf fitewellshl icsuhi inidci oftti }'tisti smi , u llhathot iths
RELIABLEa llrm numsn,t;u Hs~i.i~ , diihtiisths its s m us sutf'ss shtt"toS n mihstch ii I luis'sia5 iiii tinae;h
G~cOiARS dT'E oyA CCO'P e bod- teiturspatritismedfh\',ssktit-p Sol
loll_ anthis iih a prmissess legacy tt limosgu toist iii 'e n n of sae
______ __________ __ -" t 55 iisiSsa t iynl e nst i h i d Ibitand pre, cut t5he555 ticS ii ties mutussush mu I
mid this Li'sttheibiSadiiearthiachingii stilt
- is ttosmu stli itu i ti tua ssusl usaac t ii tim us imumm t u gh d ets u'tmu ac-muss
ex tths smmtst ie of a nit i t'l Ie nlintms t's'sv t asit' t-,w's. u td it s ,luau n t rue 5 , , Owa s t-te
A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~hl 'suits ais llatsitsto issdterive r m cal 5The sevn"teten iisuisrths of ttgtl ofy- thinh ru su u itto ndt etud n gutsus 5Ia ht
msh imssumis n.Lehssutau mm ithee b oseus s tll i oitvsrshi i rcle5155555 this --ti'sfS Pitt, emancipation, colo niz tistan miii ru
tiurtisu nonoth otthtmlastittir o lnieshes sv itm s i L sitt ws' s ho n thtmist .oi
os~iu'o 'sst~ this d dmmu of gtime t rt't'tissu e s Lsesmstf msth is i
AmYu eum ' I ime gu ts - onm e on nothtir tinulush SuitS sit 1andm'o'nitJaiulury vhs litits
D ictionary 'sui~ata cssspen s his5 cov Imrtuuon t u it li-i tt-it' "iststot' ednesositung t ~e weretlistems tiu~mllsuthussssoe s nth s grsiehaot'
** a par~~i, t spihiitt iof t h un w whis ith sni 5isag i liiirsenml hum i e 'pe is'e-ofisnglandu te if m raiywt vnnhsoygi
ltii~uuinitr its istssits mini sinmce smite i it isi
7xic es mut d us esuits hus' d '1epSt55 51 ho1 'uanumlitsofsintitl n.td is suiuc
menusoif. t ush iue tubsepat eismmpisro - 'hutnvu f:sil veyinluhsum ii si h dpe - 1,al is 5uh w rtre aorh s
it ati m desb hstntser sius tichs indmuliosd foh itum i dum mm 'smuthessadisionof [rd irnutty, ancienttras umes. i s'"'tt
alts-S tuus smt h t~ar nitusc nst smmia. st ne t iher uI ' s515tIi s hmeu ii to lsstiii'sight h e.iiii isssul us mtisumi o u sts mu s- t
v? mu hp a i rs s i ststate h t e g o n rt sla s h isi n t it h ins n i t li i i isstfiteilim it l s i u'snts u ss b m' it u s s e t
mu shniumem i1807tims'uu''h I it f C si tini abt i shimtilt in muiated ottertt nds .' Thve' n enencyssi
metl t a y, nd e timmcne atiu pom glimithiesmi'a thriicu t lib s tiint 1884,illofthis tlime.sis n ad th u ni eri tutf
mushk Of ual d.Iaio'et'woric beiains ti on omt fi ealybouhm nlandmwhich ishonly stattt"'s i is sumsl 'susrmamuis icorto is
CALKIN compHARM ACY rot thi's vatne gritoundithse n wthytueit otitlis t t e doal itilyhtd fthiscolletinfs at e~osthusasuuder vwise nn'.h
C L I.Ni'S j tutuC rae r o d n e s it tsm'nd sronfid e r is titslniiiu hs tn i s's succh ngis u pi r it n s ha , ossusb t
mfth u sts etis cn idethuit mmmiii u 'son sin ruereleI ndois-thseofoey'ti t hrownuui offml th s 1 i n's t i yI okei s-ud um
istu tionsand dome lanessthatm emusa u- tr ifugh""b aginlst a btlts i 1 tyrabywhchtS 5 5 1no miepepl:,tui ing huiui'
' by thsm. li it tis lwuintl°it' couintistryisu i ubmuaiind it itsuils istitu sa s tint tm
G~ G A . 1 mIithemum inss ofttut na tintrui i sit i su r-l muhi' svc sit. i'.i um' its if J sub s min Venmum elttua fn e
mias.T esse th i rs , humu stie r ug s le or hsuitsrlitmus lts vi dencmust sotbhushAmr uusisa, sibp mume hiss city o f
ideprndencs i t hem itm arninist isevo lusts icthe.m parents ofs e llsmmsmm int Zemits ifoi'imiUnbreniss s lists ushmmdId.iusry-L ee
~ sodtb's songotim eisi oastr'summits i's throuS h ouli tWashistonaretheus losnsm es'sds ft ow isseo nu
S W E A T E R S mmdesib tmomm anus t h mid iecnt ' hste ls C tsur ha it i s hindpefisd h e ct est.us for s the s smr 'um' sl tRtu lu so haveusu tf
su m aintefn suns'e uiouftit un i sts tilat S mmm'Feder l mi'umh , IS it the ls o theiuslssHto sius sP ridametud iro
S sugutessisnrc thedo tots hfstouts lmite 1theitu gglei f or hes adaptho o hum us onds n , umu its 'tade to onor amicure lin
froducll mensiltsist i -sprs admumdu asit- l hums tmuh's smihith rIise utm me wu dix 'o r' ie s-nisu eelumma k1 tiosn' ofm t h rspil
ingbyr oneaessuo uut 'e s-ullsa te isauo hemgConfle e iinXad adetgitistub Is )utss Pt rdms ei minis humsceneo t he'a
.... _GING _A ..isueanphrisossim eens somm mns hits's summis .fo Islsits ow sssuetpomom n II thu Fos u r eth'sc y'fmshluss1876, ie ront osfIs t-as
lmcal thue t s ses oemstlilieay tibs sith smitheoble fsiulthusl) trou isa' ts s i naerms arsle \[nutshss g da f so tos
edls esion of's mighty-ih eof ehi s m tins i-m igissto mutsnflsuseneot asigstli tn ilts leroI ,ishis lhit ssownl opsite-sei

God.1'hue exponsitin of thue Cosnssitumtisusubuy adth he afterwtards crownmedh a prosper-
Q WscumGeorge III twts crtownuetkinug time immssoral chief-justice ivhuo hum-IIstp- oissreigns by givinug freedbnom to use shames
WAR'tebihetjewe nchishbscriotousfell cml ho secure bus adtionnd soturnts he miniBrazil. The perissdhibusicihi we ive

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