III COATSfor Spring-the most convenient coat in a gentleman's out-
&Sft We are showing a line that come nearer to "madeto-order"0Pthnayigyeprdc.Itwlpyyotosehm.
17$1 thaonyhn ytprdcd.I0wl.ayyu osefhm
SL S/ves a/e'er's corre/t/hereRe ee/c/a/ynew Sirig S/yves i Hasda'az/.
The NiagaraFalls Route." lIfenschtcv the 1Ihotoapher.Miuousal
Taking Effect November 1918'99. u tr
DetetslNight Sale'- . ....... . 15 . W iuha oep lh ans jalaaaaoa
Atlantic Exprees .......... 14 "t l A.phIa as ,
Grand1Rap'ids Esrsec.111i't10 i adBrn1sare al e a t the
N. YBosto Splecial...as4,8IU--.)
...H1 LISIUtU'UMnsFst Ea ter... .......D43 c~~~woM~1 tr
u151w, 0. W. Lbey, only 2 doorsfromack's Core
Mtal and lspe ... . ....... 340A,;" a.. . .......
PacificExpe.. . .. S l A.xa. Te Fine Ta1or11n, (StashpTave Yousss oin]f r
Sloeae pin itsall weltaratas. FuaadInfor-o
mationa on appliciationta 'p gcur 11U~svs ' I AJNS ' Faest
0. W, RI (iLliS. I.'aW.i Aaes, TradA e of the City.1hin;7cu iltol' tlacyo the11cit11
ms,ยง'were Mvls to teir ov'lI I ph~c ndpilae orth. bIs/is ad E Ba m nS
- c rt f t '7hac it t 1ib 1 s <d tev et lrihs: l ooo e re evii oio 1 12W uo t .S hn
TIM~E TABLE 11, ti1l.1,5 1 c n Clinon l'i iJay, iii I idcl ,.lo ied s aoi uu a isrvsali- HOLIDAY MATINEE
Taking Efrect, Sunday, 1Bay21, 189., \ls' ici~ te.t . viae-Te cinc il. fot ie1
Traas lhave Anaa AtborebyCeatrall Stad ti. oh.1r01 tl"Itli1ecilCeL'di h \Il're' fol
0OT NRH 110'ast oooo llam \\y tc les1 vlinof pas11 Athens 'i1ahcatrl
e a.0.olIfA.flu. .-So1 . t. 0 1 gl h is Iio he"]iii pe 1101gratasht sillno e THURSDAY, FEB. 22.
No. 2.11.3 A. A1. "No. 5 -leo 1''. M a ms xc txeaoffroii ibeoppvi-a t lololollv oasig hchel i ndrte u adloy11 1
No. 4. 8:15re.A1. No. 3.- 456 P.I u, lsM .W S AD UL E
Al laladai ccep15aaUa.1e by all 111 yohl yuvhlace 1 tihiel c islsue o - aid 011111t , I
aely .BEN 'r . Aiieiis 111 '111d t lhls butr wi h loll ol 1vha1iol llndwhen Y whnM THE S AD SEAV A E
-Run etwee1 AnnArbo and oledoonly iti c f ite Iroan1 1t 1t: l e lver ill I'idi wc onttc clt hti
DeltraitsYd ilnmcetiSand a Ar- gvIiillii e'5iacocIyeIn I s thei y aalaathlvllllllvll O e.,YrsToRM-of
bor Rnilwny. (be lvl ii lsuedby a ofiesll II tile 1 u ge an11 wh i s l' elh lt 111 it 11n i30a1lea
/aslaefr 1Etrai. nlMO , Itan wi s hi 001 s oi lcioud amioolo damslel tooo f h ell resent coll e i 111 ha1
vero i r, einiang od in Ar- loollsrji llllvsof li 1oo iii /y e vr. I ilas I of 11111 " Iaolfcinelllo ur 1111 ivfitliiii. 3 ranGMer's Scho o a ncing
until 7:45 p. tm.;After that to hDetrit vGllllge(c'le 11111 501/ li. 1)11111111loo
at 8:45 p. tiau, 9:45 p. im and 11:1 3 Bor, leay 111011 10111teli youy liig ieis 1l 11101I g oi 111111hdcutrbt o
Waiting roaam, cotrner Ann and Maain 11011rich eniouighi Io lily alire.yo urioie wn011 1111ills 1 at meshal
st.: ietroit, Ill tGriswaold t. liii of ithe vote qulestion o SSfull Ils 11010leole telitle sieof wIathai een lii 1.1
f dangeri alsl e a itiuet ae pee pt iu u ie b10dwih1te111ev o tat Ilhene ma111yol sail cndsses111iCn 1t2Cis
Iia ee o in o our shores? ' What 11orldicii i arl e u n hiierlei b ie.
illai dvsiiiilie e e ilerasi~fl~f aro e ieb alles w erI t hole i eis 111neode on OlM aynardi St
B REAKFAST - AN N ARBOR 1101111a l la I iC heevere r a lieli lio Thsf011111rve li Ac111a1111vemiiyiii
dl ifi le probllemi o l~fe iill goy- pidellis abIlset, 11101yet grav orfliies I LcIAD ) THlE DIA IY.
SU P R S ,L US M . en lelli Thisls ays1'. S r ice, i,1 lbs w n. It i or you ollIm eel hese ________________________
Su rrER - ~ . ivuiS oMU co elsludlv u lui il l.'to Ameican tlife, coolileis s we l s ithe soawy-eones 11111
metWen ellPhilip; s id ii Cy l/ci est CCeolle IetlstI.lieveu iilllbe soieific
WABASH - FAST TRAINS 11ur insiielos 00m1o1e seerely tino beIlde , uniipiopuilriy :al l([ selee Wj , - A l IOMCKS
.111 hrlieste dd l w s hall w efo o bi it SI ti to be endurd01ut 1eviry'- arranted fr 1 Year
FRBEE - CHAIR CARS l~ fillo et ii lldl 10111e ef lii ii 110,1 ou' ue ll sy leClle i ht $1reatso0
hd inl11/Inii 01111t 1515wIpossislulor a1 lsois 1 Gaolgotehal.i Thle c e seo pat
Icllthre be a trine i vil se o pit 011ahs1 11hic \siei is 111"11111 i ledu r o d edn
I. . Oenwsa tl t. . A., C1,rags leadi thescounil es ila ilte 115aceful us1culiin1111t ed ecntly li inte Sale Of ' l Jeweler
was If ii governe nt1 ? K iienu ky 1i1 v bOlle o 1111an 11111roe. I
flo h ll swe~et511a15 1111011ile se le co ells 1of those etig ay111 ad vioTheaMst aomplee Line af
tr l onlencs wichcorl a t iionaliil o ed llill te ila 1111111110we11si, oulLOIJIE'Y
51 lattcw iceililesl adone hose sill lhe 11 ee 111nltfr ovlefn-I711111CH-OCOLA ES
H OC KING VALLEY BR1Y,1111101119 ldl 1111fytiour11011.bleliI 111110y10'slmistheir Ia lacCit eatb
theli e r11 i 1111ill s a d fr t sall c rete se1e11l, in111resOgo-
4 505 l5 AIL lle, iutby le ililolllllsthey ae ile 10 111111011 i11l1n1o11p101ishlit11isfor w11 (51511E
t~~n~t llulaao ~iauo111. 1115tl t o getllfrlom c h1.1aiolll c 11111 's 1101o l)i t i s s plendcc w orll t e'1u1-338 S. State St.
depotia boh it ies.11ft1en 11101.touc liver1amt.iilllt still s-loeve 911111 1 sf1i0 th t " -
i'Cr~ laeeau 101c IIWacinl aulia altior,1te. lICrol c len I dI 1110 it1111 hellosnliCt lovomoi l a hy i llni et sanhio1 Ur M A T N
GRE T PIL OA ofexendttcs idapl1n-11iloo a e i '1111d csislss IihenIIundeIAIituI1.
GR AT R IRO Dingi t 1 111" II 111110151o1111111;ail 0111 1511 tisile il lck1m1sFU)N ERAL..
TI-HE l-OCKING f'(3 [lLI..EY teloenne10enough" to10111inte 1Golriel tol hercito theic otton(ieoooalesDI EC O
low ll wo.lookcoep sfeali ue 111001 ourrfoloaodol1 0seerIan11111 DIRt ECT)R
Weite piilic sho l ' \\i hoat sil y1111111with1 111 1111t 10, 1111157 0,111sinkl her. le looltlaltng a speciaaty. N. 209 S. 4tt
L. 9W. LANDM~tAN, ithe II ovli11110f 11p lutoac. 1whlil i . 5 gveleo figurlle ill o Ily 151,11, whos Ie Ave. Amibulance night a 1101day. les
11 W. F 11ortSDtot a dae the dolair1 mar:i thii le sta/ndard of sorbadvvobsr 0pcd c, sobo idene 302 iftl Ave.
$3.5Q0u rEO AS$3,.50i
WA N TheOC IEEREEmbalmer ad 613 East illiameStreeel
Mat.esayaFict er aAalaasl. r IUniversity a ut ons-half lck wsealin
Mr. noh ieereLay ssstnt o at ulig l insBfBf epargaitly ' noati Fine
QU'iRlONTES MTlSF'fIOTION. No. tia . Lbety Steea. eadene68 he Shop RPholl o
FutAvBlthan ala,.L' 'n E. Lamber