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December 16, 1899 - Image 11

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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POLITICS. these intentions will be carried out is light. The next morning the papers gallery with the familiar look, so well
(Concluded) problematical. Organizations are con- reported that Hilary Smith and UJp- remembered by all the women, both old
stantly changing and there may in a ton Jones, two U. of M. students, spent and young, who have ever been under
strongest competition is the Freshman few years be a man as chairman of the the night in jail for disturbing the her ministrations as either club leader
Class. auditing committee who is not so fully peace. or teacher. Her distinctive faculty as
astic year's president that Detroit, in sympathy with the student board as As for Merle, his freshman Hallow- either teacher or leader, being her abil-
s by . K of is etDbrow, Prof. Pattengill now is. Then the dis- e'en was the most delightful one he ity to so draw out other people as to
and dwith dyhis slaurels lsfresh uonhir bow
he is naturally optimistic. Speaking for approval of the chairman may mean ever spent. He is a senior now, and make them feel that they were really
the DAILY, Mr. Kirk said: the summary dismissal of a bill, ir- calls regularly at the Gray residence, discovering themselves, and so usa-
"Coming diretly from the high school respective of the student board's and expects to spend all his future wares they became most enthusiastic
here, the first great political differessce wishes. Prof. Pattengill will attend the years proving to incoming freshmen searchers for truth in each department
which struck mc was the prominence of meeting of the athletic board next tat the prophecy of a Hallow'een ap- eof learning. Mrs. Stone has been an
the fraternity as a factor in class af- week and will there explain the par- pie-paring may be expected to be ful- active participator in all educational
fairs. To bhe successful with a ticket, pose of the resolutions and bring the filled. interests, in the state, for over fifty
one must have a majority of the frater- directors to an understanding of their NELLIE G. BURGESS. years and now in her 86th year still
nitv favor. The girls, too, must be con- workings.. wields her pen with old time vigor in
sidered in the political as well as in THE CHORAL UNION. behalf of all which helps to the best on-
every other phase of University life; not A FRESHMAN'S HALLOWE'EN-A going of humanity.
so much from a point of active aid or STORY. It is now twenty years since the Choral
opposition as from the fact that they are Union was organized. Humble, indeed, BLUE PRINTS.
very apt to be unanimous in their ap- were its beginnings, but the seed that
proval or disapproval of a ticket and Merle Carter was a freshman. The were sown then have already born fruit.
flock together about one standard. Thus time-worn jokes set apart for fresh- Little, indeed, did the founders of the
united, their votes assume important men had all been played upon him, Messiah Club in 1879 dream of what They were coming home from a con-
proportions and it behooves a politician and yet, he was always susceptible to would be the result of their purely pleas- cert. The night was black and sullen,
to have them counted on his side. new bait. urable association. But their leader, Dr. asd the saice at the wind ws0 ang ry.
"On the Freshman ticket, geography Harirs, whose specialty was zoology, Frieze, a modest, quiet and unassuming Her fur collar nearly concealed her
plays a leading role. Among hundreds had talked so much about a rare speci- man in appearance, was a musical enthu- face, but the tip of her ear was visible
who are total strangers, a man can men, of red bat, which he had up in siast and a seer. He framed the policy and a few stray curls blew about her
scarcely present himself as an individual the museum, that Merle had walked of the society "topronote the interestsof forehead, beneath the immense hat. He
and hope to win, but if he comes from four blocks out of his way to see, in a music in and out of the University, and walked a few inches behind and
a section well known and well repre- sat-covered box, a red "brick-bat." for that purpose to place it within the watched her. She was laughing and
sented here, he at once assumes the iden- So, too, Phil Ray had said in reply to pale of the University's influence." talking gaily; he caught the edge of
tity of that section and can almost al- his innocent question, "Prexy is the Thus was the University Musical So- her cape and answered with mono-
ways depend on its support of his ticket. man who rings the chimes." ciety created, and then, followed success- syllables. When they reached her
Any well regulated ticket ought to have But the boys were planning their ively the introduction of musical courses home, she stood in the flood of light
the names of men representing Detroit, masterpiece against Merle. Miss Ada in the University, the identification of from the doorway. He held her hand
Chicago, Lansing and Ann Arbor, while Gray was to give a Hallow'een party the Choral Union with the University for a moment, and a pleading look
the whole Upper Peninsula is banded to- to her girl friends. Miss Gray was a organizations and the establishment of flashed over his face. Her tone was
gether into an extraordinarily loyal and pretty "co-ed" whom the other boys the School of Music; lately, seven years careless. The door closed and he silent-
well organized faction." secretly admired; while Merle did so ago, the May festivals were inaugurated, iy went away in the darkness.
Mr. Kirk also said that he considered openly. It was Harris who conceived ite Columbian organ was brought and I.
the benefits gained from politics to be the bright idea. A a result, when placed in the main hall and the School The year before he had been suite
chiefly sel-ish. Merle came in, he found a dainty in- of Music building was erected.iu is
"You see," he said, "a man can scarce- vitation to attend a Haowv'een party Shcs is the syn accomplished thus attentive to hig she was proud of his
ly hoie to have a great influence for to be given, that night, by Miss Gray, far, and there is reason to be proud of it. lin.gut ter ieart was aslee We
good; he can't reform the earth, the sea [Merle was delighted. When evening The directors of the University Musical pi"n er eort ws bodeter When
and all that is contained theren by hold- came, he aranged himself in his dress Society, however, are not satisfied, but m,"is face paled ad h r eyes
foe a class office for a year. If he makes (suitby
in ls fiefraya.I emkssi, and, at eight o'clock, was on his faithful to the plc of the Choral e, isfcpadan his dark eyes
a place for himself in the minds of his ; and, teght rsnce. Te his foiof, tohe policy wo the Chr shone like stars. She smiled easily
felwstdns n aisafe rens5 y to the Gray residence. The girls Uiion, they sctch amd work for further a oleped "to seePinsrtic the all." A
fellow students and gains a few friends had gathered in the parlor, and had progress.n
he ought to be satisfied."planned to tryol the Halloween gaees In oil his what i thtn Ii scope of wave of passion passed over his face,
planed o tyalltheHalowe'n gmes In al iis ha.?is henthe cop ofs\\eeping all life before it and leavig
supposed to foretell future misery or the Choral Union. Practically, just as
SOPHOMORE PARTY AT BARBOUR happiness of old, it is an association of music lov- it as peaceful as marble. She thought
GYMNASIUM. A glowing fire burned in the grate, iig toms wo coie together for the s ile dt uet inthe hal;ee e Saked
S ebasket of chestnuts stood on tre common enjoyment of singimg the works .
hearth, and apples were on the center of the best composers. True, by its con- home with her, talking disinterestedly,
be girenstiss Pty the sopomare table and al things necessary to the stitution, the society undertakes to give lie wits friendly petitenmss ani
class. gee todsot syole at ticetsop os Haallo'eemn ticks and games known concerts, the best that can be available, iassrd 0n. She ient stouty up tie
class. The advance sale of tickets us had been rovided for the culture and musical education of~ rill, sink into the hall seat and bur-
Leen large and the social will un- the-eole.Yt ohreceti he le her face in her hands
doubtedly be successful. The attend- "Now, 1 Im going to learn his nip- tte peepie. et, newbere, except in t
lita '"cried bMiss Gra, merrily swn subeaigCraUon eesds III.
deubhedloiol cmsehleadsitg Cherl Umimn Series does lt
ansee sill seat be restricted ta memebers 'te liaCry seeril suin - T d
cn tie soptocore class but oal studets ing a long apple-paring over her head; its swork appear. Tie true eading isn They had attended everything to-
are invited to come and spend a pleas- as it fell, the girls all rushed forward Uarsely lfsai Socety," an it is gether far tee e. Sitting in the
ent eveninC Te chaerens are, Dr. to read the prophetic letter. Ada was under this last name that the progress cosy corner of her parlor, they had dis-
ize isr e Mrs. Pon i. do Post, dcwn on her knees, while the others iadie so far has been realized. cussed their ivesi, post, preset asd tu-
t~ra e i Mrs . Kesey. 'She'festi crowded around her and shouted, "It' 'ehe University Musiceal Society is the ture. His ring spakilnd a her finger
bed Mrs. cs Klse.he C!" it's a C!" ruling spirit, the Choral Umion is the ac- and flashed efore him when she somse-
be fifteenregular doancestt and nea, s-utgehI'tie powr. We case tere a curious tessce a nusif-ttcress 01 Iis ris-
Pr . e e A this moment a young man ans-tiowa ese hrea cuo cusi ss
i e x . m chargepeored at the door. sttiin, a cae, so t speok, of rouse sa. This eveiug they seemed to have
s es M Lci is "I edour pardon," he stammeed effect; for without the Choral Union 'stingecoleay.
Clara 1H"ste, Miss 7LuGc wye V.Matcheitt, Iliyerprdn e tmerd hUniversit MuicalScit tuhkowhng oisa,.bttheye saat mtouchl
den. R. Reman, Fred. G. Dewey, Chili blushing to the roots of his hair. tmaveei1 Mui ti Sty etmici kn si core, u he as a tanci
There was a moment-s silence; then methae sr ltemcreatid omd, terefore, t of constraint in their tnes. She fin-
E. Busle, and Robert l egan to laugh. Ada hothmg could have been done, and with- ered the sing iservously; he spoke a
HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED. hid scrambled up from the floor, ad- otr i eiesrsity urcal Society tie wsiords iin a hsrd voice, and i igleam
HOnKYAaOstAIONndGsaZd..G hoddfolbtctother- light flashed across and fell at his
in, Mr. Carter, won't you come in. dition of a mere choral society like so feet. Herr head drooped against her
Those inteeste in hockey met last Poor Merle! He looked around in meany others, subjectz tall thee ups and a ld; he silent- stoeped, then left tlse
night and organized under the name, tain for the other men, and quickly i" ieowns of gtizacthe Chtoral room, and the outside door clanged be-
"tht Students' Hockey Association. sealie that something was wrong- Uion, os I believr, is In time Atm sed imi. L. F. s.
The following officers were elected: The girls were sorry for him, but thUy Arbor a mIbsiai cemter eqital swii tie
President, h. . Bradley; vice-presi- were bent on having s frolic. best, and finally to have music take her THE EDITOR.
cent, E. F. Gibbons; captain T. F. Tan- "Come, Mr. Carter," Ada said," You place, with hen sister art, painting,
hill; business manager, E. B. Kresge. must try the fates with us. "-mg thn departments ee the Uniner
F. L. Moore, Chas. Calling, E. F. Gib- Yes, Mr. Carter," Oh, do, MIr. sity h ed pen in his
bons, W. E. Moore, J. L. Iarter, K. Carter!" "You surely will!" Chorused I ow can this be accomplished? By h ," s e t
D. Willbanks, J. S. McElligott, and H. a hale dozen voices. And then the an- perseneroce. nonsmit efiorts and tail d sys, ' Wneare here to stay"
B. Smith, were present. The purposes expected visitor was drawn into the inessait talk For this I crave the help> my
of the association as set forth by its m'erry games, of esry inttrested person, and this is a sand,
resolutions, is to strive to secure recca- In the meantime, a bonfire which had " ' meummaber." I spenilly appeal -No money to get away."
gnition from the Athletic Association. been built on the campus had assumesi to the women, for as the old French --Atlanta Constitution.
Another meeting of the association will unexpected proportions, and the ap- proverb says:
he held tomorrow at 3:30 p. in., at 514 pearance of some blue uniformed fig- Ce iuc femme veut Every enineeing student should
E. Jefferson st. All interested are ures had made it necessary for the Dieu le vent. 'omake a special effort to be present at
invited to attend this meeting. crowd to scatter, the meeting of the Engineering Society
Harris and Ray were in the "rush," tosight, when Assistant Prof. John R.
IRREVOCABLE. and started toward the south on the THE MOTHER OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. Allen will tell of his engineering ex-
ruen. Harris looked like a tramp. His.Periences in Florida. The meeting is
hat was battered, his tie gone and his open and not restricted to members of
Regents' Action in Regard to University coat torn. In their hasty fight th3y In the receiving roim of the Mich- the society, so all should feel free to
started to run across a well kept lavn, igan ouilding, at the World's Fair of come. Prof. Allen is exceedingly pop-
Athletics Will Stand. when, suddenly, a stern voice com- '93-was a large framed photograph, slar with the students, and is a pleas-
The committee appointed by the ach- manded: "Not too fast, gentlemen"' of Mrs. Lucinda Hinsdale Stone- ant speaker, so that all who hear him
letic board to consider the financial An argument followed. The boys placed there by the Women's Clubs of will be amply entertained. Physical
chanse of the regents' resolutions held forgot themselves and used such em- Michigan, in loving recognition of her laboratory lecture room at 3 o'clock.
a conference with Prof. Pattengill yes. phatic language that the girls all services as the founder of the first NOTICE-Foley
terday noon. rushed on the porch, followed by woman's club in the state, organized .NgTIeF7:3 y Guild ill meet to-
He is of the opinion that there is no Merle, by her at Kalamazoo. This was a sug- night at 7:30. All members are re-
cause for asking the regents to change Just then two policemen came up. restio for the numerous clubs since quested to be present. Important busi-
their decision. The working of the "You may give me your names, formed all over the state, in which she ness, ARTHUR MULLEN, Pres,
resolutions, according to his intentions, young men," fiercely said Miss Gray's has assisted-Hence her title to the
wilt practically not take any pawwor father, aflame with wrath as he saw namse gratefully accorded her, "The Congregational Chsurch - Sunday
away from the student board. All the broken rose bushes and trampled Mother of Women's Clubs in Mihi- evening the pastor will speak with
Pills which are technically correct, if vines. gan." At the close of the fair, these special reference to students Of' En-
passed by the student board, will be "Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones," Harris s same women considered it to be spec- gmeering. Subject: "Bezaleel, the
o. K.'ed by him. If he thinks a bill rromptly informed him. ially fitting that it should be placed in Son of Uric."
extravagant or does not approve of it "Yes," ratified Merle, "that's right; the University, among others, whom
he will merely make a recommendation Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones; I know them the institution had honored-particu- Open Evenings.
to that effect to the board and they both; they were intending to come to larly as Dr. Stone, (who was then liv-

may adopt or reject it at their pleas- the party, but they have forgotten ing) and Mrs. Stone were the chief If you have a gentleman, friend or
ure, their dress suits, it seems." movers in opening the doors of Michi- relative you can find him something
This is the policy with which the ses- And the look of triumph on the fresh- gan University to women; and there at Noble's Star Clothing House. They
tem will be inaugurated, but whether man's face fairly dazzled the electric she may be seen today in the art carry the latest styles in furnishings.

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