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December 16, 1899 - Image 10

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) drig the
Collegea, at
Osescas The Itaad Pess, Hentng Bok.
Bth Phnes, t47.
F. EuanuLaA, 'It L.
. H ANS, 00 L.
ATHLETICS, . . . G. D. HUnaUT, 'It E
T.I. Waaaans,'OIL. A. H. MaflaauaL,'Ot E
A. . BOWNE. '2.E. J. B. WOD, '0,
l.J. MuNTaassla,'I, W. D.. HCEYa, 'aI M,
LOutsa FaACS DIDGa 'a.
GaRGIA SIan, 'a, FORENCEt M. HALL, 'a.
HELNar. SAE, 11. G. AY GaIDAuD, 'a.
KraasuH RINEG. HD, 'a.
Svanst aaRta,'2
MBYsalBAE,'". tICTaRtA Fansa., 'a.
The susasiptian piaetoathe ALY1115Is 51.0 las
thsscleg yar,swith a segla dlisy Islass
nn aeanalday. Ntiaa, aaoataaiatins, and
eithssraaterintendad laspubliatn smust ba
handad in at te AlaLwoficea bafass 1 p.s., as
maid tothelsediasr bafase3 p.ina.fathlisaay
peiaus an that n whiah theyaesexpecteid t
Susriptians say bIslsft at tsDAILYoaRiae,
deys', as Sitlta watudat, tts withBustnesse
Managa. Sbsribesswsilt cones a Iasty
repingetproptlyllat ait atlase an failrse of
inrirstodliass pasa.
All ahangs in averstisisg mattrumutithesain
ah le tlas4hails, ot.haa ssyprlistotsa tu
n whih theysasitoassiar.
Wit do sill fast that a WmaasinEii
Lonshuldhitllaf tha wien aon;
the Uniersiy i irthel cetali~
thuht isa clge mtti es. Theifatc,
whilte tie ihavitemssatetitndfthe asoak
f theauwomeansin ote ate'y,'At h~av
atftimpteld to preent faily the multi-
formistereitsts f 'nive'sitiy lif.
N anhittlieat unto himlltf fnts
'wotman e iiite. Ii getfting ot thin
paper, wa haea retaived atuh nedl
asistanceantid adtitt feasthfltregu-
las' sanagementu, fat wiha te wsisis
ftgititpuli aknsoledgemet.
Otting tassoveitsigf, the lnama of
Mill GioiaaSuera teditoitIffst
tealtltseta, PromnlentTWoimensGa iedu
aftsinonited. fTs stnatue should at
a'sfth a'Second pg as aditaofiheitde
The WomessaauEditiontislgrateful to
Winkl and Alumus fr sevral of
ftheatxellent tutsusued in thin isue.
On the nineteenthuaglltof thin issue
is an astile to whieh we tish to all
special attentian. ft in devoted to the
Alumni Association.
After rceivig the inpiratin f
training in a geat institution of lea-
ing thu leat that alumni san d, with-
au dis-reit to themelves, in to sp-
prt it by a fsw dollars such as is
auked fr in the endwment f ud.
Graduates should do mrtftesntl.
They ugh to harady at all times t
altvante the inrsts of their am"
mater tith moral and financial suus',srt.
Ye gas and little fishes! Isnt it a
llestrange the thins that 'nis peo-
ple' will say?
In answer to ftht apparently harm-
less question "Whers can I find your
-mothesr Miss Smith? Did a society liight
ever laIzls you with this reply? "Wh,
at home, I presume. She in usually
thre." Or would you suppos tha a
wuman who, tr effect, we will sup-
pss was a faculty lady would say as
a college gilstmds a nte of her an-
swer, "That is not very muh. You
can remember that can't you?" Or
let us picture another-lille scn. A
college girl, a leader in a lierary, but
nt in a social way was tlating with a

mnistser's fashionabtle daughter, about park. The parties arc to bcaled As- j failed to courteesy siftbaystI snach ff
a mutual friend whonm they had di- smbly Dances, and their frequency will their fps.
covered and who had visited at boblh dpnd upon the sossess of thu first, Hrsiemen assseveatetestsis orNaway,
hoauses, and fist conversation closed in which wan hll at range's, Decn- st sat fccasionally mlefcarisg we-
this taramer. Literary young la,' "ff beI15th. msnasnsd otes-trfaelrs n stt. Two
you sv er caoe dawn to our state, I Owing to thc extensive imprvemnts Norwgian girlo so short skirts and
hops that you will visit not only Mrs. which the Athens Thater han recently -stoffalbol, kptpiaet willis usercy iwell.
lasown but our family also." Mn- undrgone, and to it nw managnment, Wh~len wsaciret oertok thesisthy aweret
islrns daughters "I should cds'taniy it has ben paronized moss this yar by crrying pak. wtich wetneed 1o
Line to visit Mrs. Brown." this ladies than ever bfor. There have Israsfer iour at s'age. 'We ses
An we have mane this a subsct of arsady bcen svral god productions asupietoind hatfotfhely useigt cslfstm
original re*eat'ah, tve could present, and sors arc promised. This adds a twenty to thity pounds eah. Tirtat
msary casen of the ame kind. 'ae ncw featur to the possibilities of a good girls ftn stle a naruha n s at luneb
cotld tell tf slighting remarks nmate tintle in Ann Arbor and deerves encur- imse, fr whie we wated fr fish and
upon certain clasnes of studesnts and agement. echeese asd the ievitable Hanbug
easily ovrsheard at other tables in a Thc first party to open the sason wan ta, thoy drw from thir pckets cap-
sall dining-roam; we eould tell of thc Athletic Association dane, giaen at sales of condensed fod, poured hot
Ian's'nods in osdinary poitenesn after fthe Gymnasium, November io, which water oer theis, swallued the sultion
formnal introduetion, reueived withl a proved a sucecss both scially and finan- and wlked on.
sur~pised stare, followed, ater passing, cially. Wae finally reached Merk, a charming
bay an inssulting laugh, cauing self-re- "F"rday, Nvmbr 1, husc particstok in the nmounain, besid a roaring
sptecting hearts o ache beneath the wre gvn by two fratrnitis, Thta tuafrac It overlooks the wild Geit-
injustiee, until this feeling changed into Delta Chi and Phi Kappa Psi, and onceaager fjord, and there, peacefully at
_tcnntnmpt for represenatives of such a of a series of small faculty dances was achosr, lay the Emprs Eugni's white
shaltt, ignorant, ant often, we are held at Mrs. Gorge W..Pattrsan's. ad gold yacht. Besid if wan thu great
happy to say, neuwly acqiuired aristo- Novsmsbr t8, Mr. Raphm Page gavc a lek ship of tluc Gould, looking like an
e~~at oaching party to tensty of thc younger oceaniser asi le narrow fjord. Later
ho it realla "a way w ahve at A'nn mebes fthc faulty. 'Th Caceite Eipress, twhie-haied and unaf-
Arbor?" If this narrow and provi- School game was attemnded nd cisc party tended, drove past our hotel.
'tat spirit of criticismn is characteristic was afterwards etferfained at Ia by Nsrway is espcialy attractivc to the
of out great Unitersify, twould it IseiMrs. 'Trowbridge. fisherman, although hcnmust obtain pr-
strange if graduates left, feeling with On the 24th, Clgiat Sorsis gave a mssions to btae is ous as therc is pro-
a diop of bitterness in their hearts. "I dancing party at the hones of Ms. Pat rictosrship of lakes and rivers as wcll as
hoyt pati for my instruction an my terson, North University Avnue. Prty oi lana. W pased lbs salmonfrap
connection here is finished, fhankadeav- cop!+scpccktfotEigihms h asatosn
ci." That foretells no passionate, life- tocecebrate the complion of the. pounds annually fr his -spti_
lcng devotion tvhch nill It all things Barbour Gymsnasium, thc'Womn's Vie eam mtuth ineessted in bth
forthealm maertha itlovs. Lague gave a larg'e "housewarning" Notay and Sweden,and to us iteass
Ansd then, when one has learned t lbsigh o Oth2th of Novmbr. It usfotnae thst they cannot live hap-
tasaeaexausienssttoseh sie-was in this form of a cstume party and plfy together, for twe feel that they
Ottclerotand it, saws laughablea thet was entred into with enthousism by ohlsiutht e a smussual benefit.
the girls Several loundred werc pres- v Marie Lousie H. Waike.
as tvefhad here, an asesmbly of atual esaf and manyoftheostumeswer
or prospeetive bread-tinners; in thich cler and effective.
leading University inen began wtuh Noteaer 3, Alpha Phi enerained TO ELECT CAPTAIN.
tas~es husilan an osal saarms.at Thanlksgiving dinner. Covers were
F'aculty lad'ies, certainty nota very li o ifeo
ra 11 ter fenery perhaps tward Every riday night the Ann Arbor- The Leader of Next Year's Team to be
schoot-eachers or seamstresses. Whose YIpilanti Counustry Clash givs informal Chosen Tonight.
satiety men leate the scenes of their dne ti eaeihhue alw
tiunmphs, and hopefully hasng outItersCelldoe sittdeincluhusne.Hanksw- ft iasldom tthat an athei team
snlse us00 like other mortals, fill giing eve a less informal p arty was tames 101geter o eet a taiptain with
clerk-shitsoreen, if sufficienty urged giveno of whieco Msdamoes Bigelow and tno suh ecompeent meso to choose
hy cirutatnces, wilt drive an as-tart Dck were chaperones. frosm as the fooball siesilltat1hve
is. far-a-tayatnasds; and twhose popular Amnosg fle scial events thieo arc to this eveninsg. Nie Sowt, of Ditrit,
girthsametinmes go thrmough colee by tke place before Christmas are a houosse i a sophtoore lieraystuatdnt who
the assisasnce of the emiioidery'or05asty gitt ee'y fsi Upsilos, the 8t of has platedlhis seotondsea tsn on the
art-uworkssosse by list mothers at homtte,. lecemhier 5 u tdane at Grnger's, by "'Vainty."' Before ctminisg to colege
asud, later, inu an asltoihngly-urdtsauy Alphla Delta oss the 1311, asd a dascee 0at. had plaed three yeas at assd on
stay, clanober soo "any-Lord-aill-do" Ithe sasmo place later by Gasmoa Phi fle Deot High Shooteamo and oeu
sized school elates. Bet.yta onfle . A. C. team. Last year
Our dear beatildered littlie louer lass- MtT O'herfoGiso wtoasivenuau iht esd onu lhsaAll-
oiua, dazedi It the extraordiinatry ' i't'1IL~ZC'~EGZ70. Wsterns asdlhis eat hasblenltimn-
tilos of ordinary people, let us resoind ssee IbItHny F. Cntos, of I-ar-
ysun a ketawhiht wiltthelp you out uu A GLIMPSE OF NORWAY, cad It' a plce on his AI-Ansetcoms
all ilicutltes, "a gentlemnssa gamtosustiut t lesen. e played f01s1 ase
Hlenean nways," and the saint is said If avussd e diffieslt to bring many of antd left fiald on the 'Varsity baeal
ts betrfia of lasdies. Use this in study- Nonay's hffy' sousofais and deep "ta f '9 adl aas a pint ainne
mg5 thue people you totset ansiyoatwitl stsuullussu lwitilh.a ce alotecd se, s0o ilehihlj3tusp iso fle isdoobr smee
ister flit subjetfwaihoutldiffiealty. l ta e twill go direct 1o Mold, to me 'st witettr. John F. MLean, of Me-
ilt 5 mosf atraetive region which it was 110sune, OMih., is thee only other an-
Society. m3i"good fosrlane to visi.sitt fr Ithe lior. He sc'nes his
Wele t.hellasraineur at the qcitiilbaheor's dcieraathis yatfrasuom the
1 lls fshmng and fur-trading fawn, and lier'ary deartet' bustill be ak
'hothose aho have several yearn sm l t. si 0thsiad hll eaui nttall.aaandidae for is saser's
cetie iso AnusArbor, ifs socia etiquetteie sutly toithedranove telrd. n Is ce in ittafuee. Teat has ben
file peeuliarities of the eollege soial life j tolhy h e to bring fist piture a1 Motdle is Olslttstcn-e a nfle 'arsty. Pue-
re lou familiar to nsed any claracterm-Ptefue t.stmisd of one swho hts not vious ro luia playng on Univeitytfeasm
zcaton. The tewly intaled, howaever, liten thesimipossible. ar dwtoh0e playesi on the AllFreshmen ball
are amos issmsediatelyastartuk bythe li' oaitut hee rsadoentabl eoelamtssof ', and onthates eves, all
refreahoisog isforsmaity witho whichosott ih stebodocawiebfr
you stcd sitsht leftitateoutstty soutins af '7. Last 0ear he aas given a plae
of the sofial functions are conducted. w0 ill sowtuaca5tts. T'hey tlote dow 10to'o the Al-Wi'esteu een and this
There tre certaitnly fewv twns even the bluest Of sea, doted wih tiny grenusas his ns ae has apearedI in evry
amoing usiversity centers, awhere less us- tisads We len atver fle alcony' asd -11-mseian teaam so far pulishe.
n~eessary stress is laid uposo mere fr seuse one sidet of the fjord only rose lie to at preset apai of the 'Var-
sualiies. 'Tbs fralernily beimg unqes- fteho sd egiIs' s spte talyfohtem ttiaipsinhea
tiunably the ener around whiehousts of ills surrouncds is. We never oldhig fr Iis seondtem lHe holds
othlb soial life revolves, if is pehaps {adreamed of sucho cxquisite bauy in the 'Varsity eords fot loll ow, ad
dtothlbsfoct that the young peetple Nrtysheeasloe o atr nltt udc n h rsliii n
p1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ hg huredly"rn'esosneaesandthiraschberoadagg
prctcal "un teseve adthi hler wildest anIot ugd frm, the 'm. I. A. A. retrd for lhe high
ousns good imes thot there is Iis lak of Nreindy r nls.Twrshrls
strit observanee of formal eiquette. midnight mlountinuss, sei and sky all Roth men are eeedingly popular,
Hler, too, iso a degree peculiarly, its mout ino rose-euor; the two great pealksste only prctcal differene in their
lon, society paes few restricting lifes iic formn a gaeway to thou sea are ithanessis in the faet that Snow has
onereltdhnotlongiaon hearingchon o tn ir. In thus morning the entire tIotamre years of undergrauafe life
uersed Unvrtyoprafeihrsingdideto'seeucehanges to purest blue, sky, mun- bsefort him in whiche the team may bn-
the nivrsit prfesors n dscusing tan', and fiord all one tune of dliae at him nhilt MLean is a ertainy tr
society in Ann Arbor, say that what he aure ut one year nooe and the desire of
consmidered ifs mst strikisng and at he There are few railways, fortunaey his leati matst show him their 'p
sauetisne musttcoomendahle featum'e none in lte parts one wishes mst to see. peiufion of lis work the past seosn
was lbs way in whieh it seenmed to ct- The vehicles used are sohljaerras and would pint Is him as the probable
mtate young peopie at their true value, ariles; sth are twvo-wveeed and ithaee of the meeting this evening.
antd that their popularity seemed genesc- drawn isv a single hors. The soll- The following men awill bit entitled
ally to he in proportion to their own per- jaerra hiolds luwolile the arriole has to a vae; the lhst inludes all who
tonal charms of individuality, barely room fr one ocupanht In both rlaye in a part of any to games in
* * * *a place is provdd fr the driver, who October or any one game in Nvem-
Thus winter whieb has already opened it always behind the ight-seer. When her. It is large and all being presen.
with Inany delightnl social functions, b-' i tired he kneels dawn, pertaps on fifteen vaes will be necessary to elect.
gives promise of being an unutually gay yomur best bonnel whieh has been care- They arts Cunningham, Frane, el-
one. Not only is there some talk of re- ftlly strapped on behind with the other mund, Stekle, McDnal, Hugh Whie,
viving the old Fsrty-Club sarties, whose Isuggage. Snow, ff11, Street, McLean, Sweele,
cessation caused a serious gap in lasItn going from Hjele to Merk, we Keena, Rihardsn, Bareus, Dikey,
years festivities, but a ncw clique has ig-agged up a seep mouanan road Kelley, Bliss, Wilson, Larsen, Kramer,
reeently been frmed, inlnding the five and aleng the tap of a rasge. Otr urn, Broknfiel, uftner, Fizgeral,
Punyv-Cub fraernities and one or two path was u out at frozens snow-banks, Merrnstin. Weeks, Teetel, Leiblee,
smore. The Club is not, however, a fra- so that we drove between icy walks. Mloe Whie.
lernity affair alone; the distribution of Twice dmring this wild and lonely drive_________
ticetes, which are for lbs season instead ase stopped at hula to thaw out our fin-
of for one dance, is so arranged as to gets, and refresh ourselves wih coffee, Christmas Bazaar.

embrace Inc yostsger metmbers at the while the harss were changed. Unitarian church, 3 Is 10 p. m. Re-
faeulty and Is exehsde under-classmen. There in as endless variety of scenery freshmsnts consisting at hot syster
The number of members is limited to in Norway. We often passed through stew, hst coffee, tee cream and cake
forty-five. There are to be no regular susnny, fertile valleys, where women will he served at any time luring those
shaperos;h athose .who would. occupy were makcing hay, while their babies hours. Prof. French's pictures on sael
that possition are to 'take -a more active tutmbled in the grass. Little girls never tonight Saturda.y

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