fvhWt wwYi WWWWr w~wrWWWWWWWWi WWWWWWWW fiiWW iiWrlvwrml the objection to this term that there is speaking to a DAILY reporter about this
E to the word machine. When you say organization and its work, Mr. Eaman,
E E PO ITICSCOslate, people imagine all sorts of con- the president of the Club, said:
COL EG spiracies against their free judgment and "We have not for an end to better col-
immediately they are upon the defensive lege politics so much as to affect the af-
-Msss SYBIL STEWART, EDITOR. $ and a politician has just so much more ter lives of students, though naturally
sW W to work against. Whereas, if he simply this influence has a reactionary force
selects his candidates and says very lit- here.
The subject is broad and deep and in his machine, Mr. Conlon smiled and te about it, he finds the mind of the "Conditions here are not perfect or
some places dark. But this darkness is answered: "Well, in the first place, we people much more open to suggestion. what they ought to be; there are in-
as much the fault of those who stay out didn't call it a machine. When people One resolution that I urged in the Law stances of downright dishonesty, but I
of politics as of those who are in, and hear that word it is like speaking about Department was the making of peace believe that in comparison with other
perhaps it would be more productive of an increse in taxes, they all rise and between independents and fraternity politics those of this college are remark-
actual improvement if people would howl, 'Down with it!' What we had men. In my first year they were going ably clean. The great evil here is that
cease wailing over the degeneracy of was an organization and a very good to enter a big opposition to fraternity of indifference. If students would go to
the times and do a little active work in one." men, but I said, "No, they are as good elections they could raise the political
bettering the situation they deplore. It was suggested that "a rose by any as anybody else," and since then they standard to any height. At times they
This question of politics is one of other name would smell as sweet," but have appeared on our tickets and have have risen in righteous indignation, and
deepest interest to the students at large, Mr. Conlon said: . never injured us in the least." when it becomes necessary they will do
but it is also one which can be under- "Oh, there is really a difference, you Mr. Conlon continued, "One of the it again."
stood only by the experienced. A few know. A machine is run by a class of greatest dangers to a party is the form- THE sENIoR Ii OLiTICS.
of these have consented to give some of people who want to carry everything lug of factions. When a party splits up What Mr. Corwin, president of the
their views and opinions on this sub- Senior Literary Class, thinks:
ject. I have been asked to contribute under
One cannot well avoi' a feeling of++++ +++ ++++++ ++++++ ++ + + the above title, an article to this sympo-
surprise that men who, not long since, + + slum on University politics. And I think
were themselves students, whose blood my assignment is as little interesting as
coursed through them n fullthro peo g+ it well could be, considering who they
should forget their own youth so s are who have flattered me by asking the
ily, as te orhef e dt 4 ' $ "favor." For, in reality, the attitude of
tofy, nemp for the scramblertogeshla the Senior toward University politics is
tion, for the scramble to getd~ tplacresin jOttJi~ignGrS pathetically apathetic. There is for this,
the S. L. A. band-wagon and the rest, + .o th Mic.igan Girls. Ii suppose, a deep philosophical reason,
can be cultivated with comparative sim- .. as Dr. Lloyd would tell us. We are be-
pltyNsubserveanrtheless, xcellenthpurs hap- + coming "alienated" from college life, and
pen to puber neeln uliarseoay+*H ENE,'ER you see in our 'Varsity town .i are looking forward to the life which
purpose to themselves. They + commencement is about to open up. In
provide for that contact of man with 3 Light-hearted joy on all faces, other words Seniors have no further po-
man, for that opportunity to acquire ex- +i Look down the street.. litical prospects in the college world-
perience of the conditions of cooperation .. and a politician without prospects-
withed acadmenmich atmospheartificiallyends torestrict-- Jaunty and neat, + did you ever have the rare fortune to be-
elude. Possibly college faculties would Therecomes a group of the graces; hold such an anomalous creature? Some
e sosi bly ull and tmas ad amay lay claim to such distinction, but
not intolerably dull and small and Laughing and gay and with wild-blowing curls,'+ be ye not deceived. The altruism of
contentious as they sometimes are; pos+Daintiest pink and the leamin of earls. + such is that of him who seeks revenge
sibly they would not be so honeycomed +g., for broken promises and violated faith.
with petty intrigue, commonly directed Stand in a row, + He is going to do another, as that other
didst they contaiown a largestornamentsof For, don't you know, .. has already dobe him.
ddteheretgamxtee + But, on the other hand, this very ab-
passed masters in the subtle and by no There come the Michigan girls, + snce of prospective reward for service
means unhumorous arts of college pol rendered inculcates in the mind of se-
tics. + niority a certain judicial attitude to-
t.R. M. W. , + wards matters political. The old shib-
MR.4Weinstein' CHORUS: boleths of anti-fraternity-ism, etc., which
Mr. H. I. Weinstein has been interest Dance a little schottish in your room, sir; $ did such good service in our freshman
ed in politics for the last eight years days, now seem senseless and ridiculous
and consequently is not a stranger to + Go around and see her pretty soon, sir; enough. And woe to the unworthy as-
the subject, especially in all its college +j Don't deny your feeling, pirant for honors who runs athwart this
phases. More or less prominent in va- +4' freedom from partisan bias bred of se-
rious student organizations through his + For your love you are revealing, . niority! For such there is no hope.
experience he has learned the situation + And we have all been there before. + The Senior's politics, when he has any,
pretty thoroughly. He believes that col- 4 become a species of social philanthropy.
lege nolitics are better than those of the4 O. + Mr. McLachlan in his capacity of
outer world, though relatively men have +
"Terao o hsdfeec"M ' Sit in the church on 'a lad holy dayA. president of the Junior Class, spoe of
as muchatstake., +a ydy,+ the utter impossibility of the members
therene,' Mr While the light falls with caresses, of classes knowing each other personal-
Weinstein says, is that here tvere are .,Thnw-h.vly. In part he said:
no uneducated masses. Here every i an 4 luching with love + "Politics here are machine made, cer-
canotresort to the trickas of the trade. And thoughts from above, tainly. This at first might be thought
deploable, buttnder existing condi-
There have been cases of dishonesty and + Bright eyes and soft gleaming tresses; + denirb itris tig candbe
bribery, but these are rare. Another ' .e ruons it is the only way things can be
key to the difference in the situation is Sweet and composed and with eyelids cast down, run. Absolutely free and unbiased popu-
that the students form a very independ- Fair and demure in a suitable gown, + lar ballot is, of course, the ideal method
ent body and there is no permanent di- + . of voting, but here among hundreds of
vision along lines of party affiliation. g Breathe faint and low, ..people who rarely meet, it is impossible.
Believing as I do in Democracy, I think + A word or so, +. "In the literary classes especially,
it is to be saved not so much byementalnv,,e.a."members have small opportunity for
as by moral education. Orators and Hgagi meeting- they know little or nothing of
professors are always talking about the ....+ - each other and care less, and i this in-
salvation of Democracy by education, * + difference is the grand opportunity of
emphasizing the mental side. But col- +' Call in the evening when curtains are down, + the political 'leader.' Lacking all the
lege education gives a man an idea more .. personal acquaintance with candidates
of what has been than what ought to be. + While the soft lights flood the gloaming,, . and their characters, the class must have
Few students leave college with any defi- + Lounge in a chair +. some one interested enough to 'cook up'
nite thought of what their attitude +o . ios election schemes beforehand. There
should be in relation to the politics of + Watching them there, is always the some one, but the interest
their country.+ They, with their beauty atonin;.+ displayed is rarely that of the tender so-
"I am an ardent believer in Livil Serv- +'icitude for the best welfare of the
ice Reform. I think a man should not + Iell in their ears all your worry and care, . class.
be elected because he has the biggest + Tell all your scrapes with embellishments rare,+. The Sophomore Class has for its
pull or because he is in the strongest 3 ' president Mr. O. J. Campbell, who holds
machine, but because he is the man best And then I know, + his office through the multitude of his
fitted for the position, the man who is + You will think as you go, $ friends rather than through any efforts
mentally and morally most capable of +t ,+ his own. Though known more as a
performing the duties of his office. I + Give me the Michigan girls." 4 star in his class than as a meteor in the
think that every man who goes into col- + Oh. R. F. political world, still he is not without
lege should go into politics, if not to run $4. many ideas on the latter subject.
himself, to see that the best man is . Mr. Campbell said: "I believe that
elected. Only through indifference of.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4+++4++++++4++43 ++ one advantage of going into politics is
the better classes do pernicious politi- - that they form a very common ground
cians hold office." for men, who would never otherwise
In speaking of methods in college their own way. In it a few men under- into opposing groups and each faction come into contact with one another dur-
politics, Mr. Weinstein said: take to shape and control the politics of says of the other, 'If you let those fel- ing the collegiate career.
"Though not a strong believer in the their party. But in an organization the lows in, we will bolt your whole ticket,' "I hardly think college politics are
machine, I hardly see how it is to be men i no way control the politics of then is the time you have to be careful. tuch better than those in the outside
avoided. Leadership is necessary in their party, they simply represent The only thing to do is never to show world: there is the same political deal-
politics. Organization adds strength to through a few the sentiments of all. any leaning toward either side. You ing and jobbing and the same old trech-
leadershin and in so far as the machine But if an organization is highly suc- must stand between and keep them pac- ery resorted to. Students too often
is that kind of an organization which cessful people are apt to cry 'machine ' fled. Another bad policy is to announce think they must ape the politics of the
promotes the success of worth- leaders, People give us credit for having a a candidate early. That is something we world, and without considering the sit-
it is good and ought to survive. There- very superior organization and it suc- never do. Others have frequently put1 ation with any seriousness whatsoever,
fore everyone who desires honest poli- ceeded because the men composing it up their candidates so early that they they ape the bad, since that is the side of
tics should be part of the machine. were workers and knew their business. were practically killed before election." which they have heard the most. In my
"In my belief, 'Peter Stirling' is the I have been both amused and pleased at THE Goo GOVERNMENT CLUB. opinion an organization should exist
ideal politician for the college man." the way thngs have worked. Last year The Good Government Club is an or- only to seek the right men for the va-
MR. CONLON'S IDEA ABOUT we succeeded in every instance from the anizatinwihhsbe salse iu oiin ntetce n ope
M ACN IDEA election of class president to the placing here for three years and which has this sent their names to the class. It should
MACHINES. of our men on the Michiganensian year a membership of three or four hun- never seek to bring undue influence to
Mr. T. A. Conlon, president of the '00 Board." dred, including on its roll students from bear on the voting."
law class, is known as promoter and When asked how the test slate was to every department of the University. Its Of all litera- classes in the Univer-
controller of one of the strongest ma- be made, Mr. Conlon smiled again and chief work is accomplished in securing sity, the one whose polities are entered
chines ever operated in the University then replied, "As I said before, in the a series of lecturers who speak on va- into with the liveliest interest and
of Michigan. When questioned as to first place don 't call it a slate. There is rious phases of government reform. In Costinued on pageii.