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December 16, 1899 - Image 8

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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men among their alumni seems to dis- the University if the initiates of the so- Students' Association, which stands back The two gala days which place the
rove this statement cieties would refrain from political and of the self government. She is liable to stamp of individuality upon Wellesley
prossocial combinations and would not ad- appointment on any of its committees. are "Free Day" and "Float." The for-
That the fraternities have at times vertise the possession by themselves of Then she has another responsibility user is truly Wellesleys' day. No guests
entered college affairs as a distinct fac- certain supposed privileges which their which means much, for she is a member are allowed, and the whole college is
tion and unwisely attempted to con- fellow-students do not enjoy. That of a class in a college whose class spirit given over to merriment. Then it is
trol the situation is perhaps true. But their relative numerical strength is de- and class pride run high. She may that the Freshmen appear for the first
college life may be considered a "Battle clining is a good thing for the fraterni- have to help to form the class policy. time in the full splendor of official fune-
of the Strong," and there seems to be ties because political combinations are She has worked hard in her four tion, to plant their class tree. Every-
no reason to fear that the individual more difficult, and thus brilliant men in years, but there has been so much fun body is en costume, presenting one huge
man will ever be suppressed or that the the societies are not as likely as they mixed p with it. 'There are the drives pageant. The Freshmen entertain by
fittest, will not, according to custom, were to be excluded from class offices to Mohawk, 1 miles away; the Senior dances, the Seniors in cap and gown
continue to survive. We close our and from the editorships of college peri- birthda narties; the Hallawe'en parties; take the first of their farewells.
necessarily brief account of the Greek odicals. It is to be hoped that the time the Senior Howl and Auction; "Phil" On the evening of "Float," the outside
letter fraternities with a quotation from is near at hand when the influence of so- and "Founders," the two large ouca- world comes in full force, to watch the
"The Michigan Book," copyrighted in cieties as such will not be felt in out- sions of the year; the wonderful cam- performance of the class crews on Lake
1898 by Edwin H. Humphrey, Psi Uu- side matters. The fraternities should paign speeches and torch light proces- Waban. The summer twilight is deep-
silon, '97. conduct themselves and should be treat- sions during election time; the delicious eting into dusk as the eights pull out.
"Membership would not be regarded ed as strictly private clubs, concerntng spreads and parties in the student rooms. Japanese lanterns, strung around, half
as an invidious distinction, nor would which it is not good form to speak in But she has not been frivolous. No one light the scene. Enthusiasm mounts to
non-membership lessen enthusiasm for the presence of nersons not members. even frivols a single frivol from Mon- its highest pitch when the "Varsity"
day morning till Friday night. But dur- sioots out from the boat house. Every-
YyNtyyWy (yyWW rhyyW f eWaiWWWWW WNW WhiYW WWW# ing the week you tsight have seen on body joins in the final round of ap-
her door "Engaged," "Don't disturb the plause, until the noise dies away into
LF . iRm' ,'LLEGES "tonkeys," etc., which means hard dig- the hum of leave-taking.
LIFE- IN-IRLS-LLE -E - ging inside. Such is life at Wellesley. No distrac-
--MISS HELEN F. SAGE EDITOR.H. F. S. tions serve to lessen the importance of
-Hr e rsgood standing in the class room. But
MMMMMMMWAMAMNEMMMMMAYVEANVMAMM#WELL. when work is over, play begins. The
ent institution seems to work harmo-
OUTDOOR LIFE AT BRYN MAWR. students are kept in touch withe out- niously toward the end of sending forth
side life. In the diminutive town of Aurora, N. into the world women of activity, who
There is a healthy, stimulating spirit Y', is the unique and interesting Wells shall exemplify the motto of Wellesley
The three-fold division of the day in in the college atmosphere which is fa- College. It is situated on the banks of Ctllege, "Non ministrari, sed minis-
vogue at Bryn Mawr-eight hours for vorable neither for the grind nor the so- Cayuga Lake, with its campus reaching trare."
study, eight for sleep, and eight for re- ciety butterfly. Great freedom is al- almost to the edge of the water. One foansna Oliver.
creation, social and physical-gives each hwed the students. There are but two could not wish for a prettier sight than
one of the three hundred and fifty girls rules-"Lights out at ten" and "No girl that seen evening after evening from
there plenty of time for self-culture shall go to drive with a man alone unless the college hall, a gorgeous sts setting MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE.
along other than academic lines, said man be her father, brother or back of the hills across the clear blue
In the winter months, life in the Halls proper relative." lake. Beautiful for situation is Mount Holy-
and Philadelphia, with its theaters, con- As many as possible of the 1 girls Though Wells is among the hills and oke College, near the Conn. river among
certs, art galleries, etc., afford many so- live in the college dormitories, of which m the quiet valley, you will find nothing the hilsl of western Mass. Though in-
cial occasions; while four years' compul- there are 2 aon or near the campus, ac- but life and spirit common to all col- cated in a quiet village, it has easy access
sory gymnasium work insures proper at- commodating from 25 to 6 girls each. lges upon the campus and within the to the outside world by the electric cars.
tention to exercise. However, during Each dormitory is a complete home in haills, for Wells is made up of a very 'he great event of recent years is the
the greater part of the year, the mild- itself, with a lady in charge. The houses earnetstustdent body. Yet, in it, you "be"in September, 1896, when the large
ness of climate, together with the beauty arc all very near together, forming a a' ill find girls ready to form teams for main building with the gymnasium was
of the country, lead to a combination of sal comnunity, and are an important basket ball and to enter hively contests rc l desroyed. Bat fron te ashes
pleasure and duty, and out-door life is factor in the social life. Each house hastos t therouns bas of th main build- ate arises Mary Lyrom Hall, a spacious
tns popular. Fine ssurban roads x- its aturn for dramatics and tries to equali g. Oat a field further away others play building consisting of a beautiful chapel,
tend for miles s every direction. 'he not excel its neighbor. Each house golf. Then down on the waters edge iss administration offices, postoffice and As-
college casawpus covers fifty acres of get "cet a dance n te large gymnasium a boat-house from which on a fine after-a stbly Hall; also six large halls, taste-
gy rolling rountry, with a fise out to stae duriag the year. 'here are ora-ns on, many a row-boat may be seen to fully furnished, which are the college
ward the western hills, and is provided sional inter-house basket ball gaes, start, or two long skulls as they pall outs in of the students. The students are
with an athletic field, tennis courts, cro- hlsuse teas receptions and so forth. aor a tritl of speed. eiy loyal to their own building and
dut grounds, and golf links. tfeas, In dramatics, catsriderable success has There is am excellent musical depart- da iae a"house song" and "yell" which
theatricals and fudge-parties yield to been achieved by the girls. For several nant in t e college and much interest is they lke to give on every suitable ocas-
such superior attractions. At four years durag commencement week a likentntit.aOf course you will find a an. There isi sre or lets rivalry in
o'clock i the afternoon may be seen an Shakespearian play has been given by al eey' ana Banjo Club, and a Philhsr- athletics among the different hmes,
exodus of girls from class rooms, library Senior class, A Winter's Talr being the smmsn Clal], made up of the girls who basket-ball, baseball and snow contests
and halls. Girls in short skirts and no one given last June. can sg many a merry tune-. scain0 to ticsluscle aderss
hats; pedestrians--some with kodaks, Great interest is felt among the girls There is a Social Science Club, which tn asas
sme bound for the village, a half-mile in athletics. Four hours a week worka is keeps its members interested in the top- thia mrcs of ste tacaty represent
away;a soe for a traap of two sies to renquired of freshmen and sophomors :cs of the day. There are a snumbr of 'saduat Lah i enity of
the "Red Rose Inn," celebrated for its A i annual event of great interest is the literary and saocial clubs, but no national - ts ass sa Civesgoy Cr
"tea" and its pretty old-fashioned Eng- basket hall gaame between the sopho- sororities. a ci 1 Oxford Gosuigity, ritt elin,
lists garden, and its Rvutinary relicas mores and freshmen. An annual tennis The college has self-government, Zunch Athens, and Rmea Seven are
'hen there is an army of wheelwomen, tournament also is held and golf hast wlich has been found to worka adn - auates of the University of M1ichigan.
a group with tennis rackets; a party of latet very popularb. y bringing a good spirit of fellowship Miss Aary Gilmore Williams, Ph. D.,
golf fiends, and last, but by no means A very pintsaresque little river just among the girls in their attempts to dol isa of thaG k ds at st, held a
least. the basket ball players. ha l of the casmpus affords opportunity what is best for the majority. host tL U a rsit hi
This is the most popular sport at Bryn or boating, and the pretty country path Wells College takes its namepi ft siathe gan for two years and the travelling fel-
Mawr; each class centers its hope of along the river's bank is knownas ftnder. who lived n this beautiful spot laoship of tie American Association of
glory on its team. The chosen ones "Paradise. Skating on the river is very of Aurora-on-Cayuga and who wished Collegiate Alumn . for '97'98.
forego late hours and sweetmeats and popular in winter. to have a smacol slege where the girls Preident ead, who for nearly two
train assidously, to receive their award, No sororities are allowed at Smith, wtould receive ndividual attention. His tars s as ho ably guided MountH Holoke
or not, when the "finals" are played, for buit there are several local scientifican an wish has been adhered to and the col througli great crises, has resigned the
then they are the center of all interest. literary societies, the larger ones being lege of a hundred girls has many charms r ignation to Take effect at the close of
Crowds of gaily dressed girls, groups of Phi Kappa Psi and Alpha, to either of which that of several hundred misses this year
city visitors, a sprinkling of men, and hich it is an honor to be elected, no Fannie Goodman The scial life of the college is sus-
saa'ys turnouts from the neighbormg girl being elected till the second senes-a taied, in part, a the reception given in
suburbs, fill the sloping sides of the Ath- ter of her sophomore year. LItFE AT WELLESLEY he various hos es, by class receptions
Ietic Field; ice cream, banners and yell- Chapel attendance is compulsory but LIEA ___ in Asristmv Hall, by class plays and
ssistresses all in order. Excitement is sarely felt to be irksome. The service is Wellesey listbeensloinglyansed ly othr entetainmens.
high. The game is close; perhaps the from840 to9g each mornin gT. Thebeau- WTher entaient.
Seniors win ; then every body cheers and tiful, kindly spirit of belovd pres. See- ser devoted daughters 'The College la bsalnts cunstitite a self-guy
cheers even their opponents say, "Oh, Ian c nSith's first and only president, per _ sauttit, " and with propriety. It is the sting body, and the Students League"
well; it's their last chance; we'll wit aades the chapel service and his kindly iea' 1retreat of learnmg. In the midsta s 'ds its power wisely and well. Each
next year." talks, of reproof, commendation andIo the seclusion, which the withdrawal 1use IaS a chairmanand several proc-
The dressing-bell rings, the crowd good council, linger pleasantlyy in a from Wellesle village affords, the Stu-ato rt tihg
scatters ; there is a wild scramble for Smith gril's memory. dents revel in nature all around. -ctei wnihy
scatersa temeis arld nrasalic fr Sssiis miis ssessum. . isasgise a huge estate srtchinsg'sinto thee are caiosuas oganiatin, is-
room asd dinner-gowns. Halfas ehour .rta B. Blaine- its oh lots s wesav strod n hdinglrigs ' zetaChi,XiFi
later tiese sante romping girls appear as 'ra, o'eaos coIwos adDletaPiOeg saecuthB-
most conventional young ladies, but they sparkhing lake. Imagine this estate given o C t Fui Omega, state chubs. tse bi-
have relapses between cstrsesvat dinner AA11Eob uildin l dof every diription relg C sd Crsmrent Events Chnb.
and cheer both victors asd vanquished VSA OLEE msacottage ad usaisiy t hpelarr o msas Catripmianess -b
by class yells, and Bryn Mawr songs. Into these buildings are gathered nine .i Yousg Wosan's Christian Asso-
Then later, as dusk is failing. the Glee When we are at Vassar we live in an hundred women, intent on earnest work.c datio" stasnhand "'he Student Volunteer
Club gathers on the steps of Taylor elate of 250 acres of beautiful hilly The Wellesley life is characteriszed alsoLd."
Hall and cheerfully sings song after country two miles from the Hudson. by heartly intercourse among the girls. 'heie arc enrolled about 500 students
song for the benefit of the groups stroll- And if we think that in these grounds, College spirit is rampant. The girls who have come from all parts of the
ing on the lawn and walks: until at in this glen, on Sunset hill, in the pines have much work, enlivened by much re- country.
ing on te lawn adhealtheulife as yokHot
length the moon rises over the towers of or on the lake, anyone may meet the creation. Athletics play a distinct role . While the life at Mount Hol e
Pgmbrke, liar impromptu nners closes biightest, wittiest, most origmal lot of in the college life. A thriving Athletic tts earnest spirit and faithful work:, keeps
with the "College Hymn," and the girls girls who ever walked out in winter and Association is in charge of the organ- at is brs of te past, it has te tame
disperse, to take due thought for the summer without their hats, who is there ied sports, haskiet ball (played in the freedom of action and natural develop-
serrow.o who will not smile indulgently at our o pen), rowing, tennis, gulf and lacrosse. st which is found in all college life
Grace L. Lamb. "family pride?" Enthusiasm grows with class rivalry and of sha present.
The Vassar girl is not the girl who championship contests. The girls are so Mary L. Judd,
has been portrayed for so many years in devoted to exercise that at four in the
LFE AT SMITHthe would-be funny papers. When you afternoon, the entire college population The third floor of the new book room
S see her stepping lightly with her head is dispersed over the grounds, to refresh in the general library is to be tempo-
thrown back you feel that she has poise mind and body. rarily fitted up for special colletions.
There are certain respects in which and self-respect. The isolation of the college is marked Fire-proof partitions are to be placed
Smith is sui generis. Though its aims When she came to Vassar as a shy, as regards social functions. The most so as t divide the floor into a number
and standards are those common to all fresh little freshman she found herself delightful parties are those in which no of rooms. In these tables will be

our best colleges, each college has its at once surrounded by responsibilities. outsiders participate. It is no stiff for- placed, and other arrangements mate
own distinct type and the Smith girl is Like every other student she had the de- nsality into which the girls enter. It is for the accomodatian of certain of the
a type by herself. The Smith girl is ssands of work to answer first, and the genuine girlish intercourse, such as tends more valuable books in the possession
popularly supposed to be the practical, spirit in which she met these was due to minimize the attractions of receptions of the library.
aggressive and ambitious. The college not alone to the standard of the college, given to staid Professors of Philosophy. -- - ---
is not isolated from the outside world but to the common consent of the stu- These are almost the only occasions, it Howard hats at Wadhams, Ryan &
but lives in the midst of Northampton, dents at large. Then, too, she finds her- may be added, on which the girls find Reule. Best hat on the market at $3.00.
a delightful New England city; so the self at once an active member of the ass opportunity to mingle with the world. 200-202 S. Main st

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