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December 16, 1899 - Image 7

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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London was Miss R. G. Halliday, a fully our state Legislature, the Board of Re- dured the hard work as well, if not bet- tions will stand equal with men in their
qualified dental surgeon who assisted her gents in January, 1870, passed a resolo- ter, than their brothers. right to the higher mental culture, to
father in a large practice. Also in Rus tion which in effect admitted women to Intellectually they have proved them- the acquirement and ownership of prop-
sia, Switzerland and Germany women
dentists practice with mood success. our University, upon the same footing selves quite the equal of the young men, erty, to equal business rights and privi-
In Germany women cannot get an as men. On Feb. 2, 1870, Miss Manda- in all departments of study. In morals leges, and to equal political rights and
education nor degree in Dental Surgery, lon L. Stockwell, of Kalamazoo, was ad- they have shown themselves far supe- privileges. As a rule the women of this
because the Dental Colleges are not yet rneitted, being the first woman to enter rior in every respect. They have main- nation do not smoke, or drink, or visit
co-educational, so the German women
must take their deeree in foreign coun- the University after the passage of this tained the highest character and stand- saloons, and in every way occupy a
tries, resolution. ing in this respect, without a single ex- much higher moral plane than the men.
On account of their delicate touch, It is somewhat amusing now to recall ception, from 1870 to the present time, In a great measure they do this because
their patience and tact, women are well the numerous objections made to the ad- and by their influence, have raised the the men demand it. The men are able
qtaletreatmecoe oen and ca mission of women to the University, es- standard of character and conduct to enforce their demands in this regard,
ithtramnofwmnadceren a
there is a wide field open for them. In- pecially by our well educated and able amsong the students of the University at because up to the present time, they have
stinctively almost a woman knows how University faculty. They raised many least fifty per cent. possessed all the higher education, all
to overcome the child's fear of the opera- objections: First, that they were not The University has not been turned the trades and professions of bread-win-
tion, knows how to gain its sympathy
and confidence and to keep its mind oc- strong enough physically to do the into a female seminary, and the standard ning powers, and last but not least the
ballot or the law making power. The
women for the most part were confined
to two sources of support, housekeeping
and teaching district school. They must
get married or starve. The men, how-
ever dissolute, would not marry them
unless they were up to the high standard
of their requirements. When the
women of this nation shall obtain the
higher education, and also the trades
and professions or bread-winning pow-
ers, and the ballot, they will then make
the same demands of men in regard to a
high moral standard as the men now
make of them, and their demands will be
duly appreciated and regarded. When
the great state of Michigan gave all the
benefits and advantages of her fine edu-
cational system to the women of the
state, she not only did a grand work for
herself, but also for the women of all na-
tions, and started a social revolution that
s will do much to remove many evils that
now afflict society, and will elevate hu-
meanity to a much higher plane in all
departments of human action.
Noah W. Ceever.
Greek Letter Fraternities at the
University of Michigan.
In the Liceray Departisent.
Greek letter fraternities originated 123
"-years ago at William and Mary College,
swhere the first chapter of Phi Beta Kap-
pa was established. About fifty years
ago there was a movement to organize
a chapter here, but it was not carried
out, and the first society to make its ap-
pearance was Chi Psi, 1845. The first
chapter-house acquired by a fraterity
suas a log cabin built by this society soon
- after its organization. It stood in what
was then known as the Black Forest,
extending east of the campus. The
building was of roughly-hewn oak logs,
and was 24x20 feet in sue; at one end
was a large fireplace. After Chi Psi,
chapters representing fraternities were
v established in the followig order : Beta
Theta Pi, 1845; Alpha Delta Phi, 1846;
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1855; Delta Phi,
1855, returned its charter, 1875; Sigma
Phi, the second in age of the intercolle-
giate fraternities, 1858; Zeta Psi, Com-
mencement Day, 1858; Psi Upsilon,
1864; Phi Delta Theta, 1864; Kappa
- - - -- - -Phi Lambda, 1865, was disbanded 1868;
cupied during the operation. Some of workh second, that they did not possess for admission and the requirements in Delta Tau Delta, 1874; Sigma Chi,
the best dentists and teachers of stenta the mental quaities necessary to master the University courses have steadily ad- s74 Delta Upsilon, 1lph; Phi Kap-
surgery have strongly advocated the rhe hegher brenches of ksowiedge;s ti ste . pa Psi, 18f75; hi Alpha, 1882, discon-
practice of women dentists n that line
ELSA SCHULTZ-Hos. that i twould cause untold disaster to I herer tas been an occasional growl ist, 1884; Phi Gamma Delta, 1885, char-
the moral atmosphere of the University; at thei from some representatives of the ter returned, 1895; Alpha Tau Omega,
Admission of Women to the Uni- fourth, that it would lower the standard old fogy civilization of Europe, but it is 1888, crased to exist, 1893-4; Sigma
versity. of requirements in the University and adetted on all hands, that they have Ap KaEpsilon, sim; Theta Delta Chi,
turn it into a mere female semsinary. been mentally and morally a great aid to PROFESSIONAL SCHooL RATERNTEs.
In 1855, the Legislature of Michigan However, the women camse, and the the University. The people of our state None of the literary department fra-
passed an act giving married women ab- first comers, being mature and very could not now be induced to take one ternities or sisterhoods have originated
solute control over their property. The earnest students, took and maintained backward step in this progressive move- here, but nearly all of the societies of
state had been settled by well educated the lead in scholarship in most of ther eent. The mothers of this nation have the professional schools have. Alphi
and progressive people mainly from crasses. The boys at first did not take more influence spon the young than the anid, dias establ i eDeltre Pi
New England and New York. They kindly to the innovation, but after a few fathers, and an educated woman be- law, s86d; Phi Chi, a local needles
early saw the advantages that wosid unseenhy demonstrations, conceded to ees a great power for good in her legal fraternity, 1872, lived unitl 1875-6;
come to the state from the emancipation make the best of it, and follow on as own household, as well as in the com- Delta Chi, 1892; Nu Sigma Nu, medi-
of women, and the more general and best they could the leadership of these munity generally. This admission of cal, 1897: Phi Chi, in the School of
complete education of all classes includ- progressive women It is very curious women into our University was the Pharmacy, 1883; Delta Signa Delta,
ing both men and women. In the same to note that not a .ingle prediction, of starting of a great social revolution; it opathic medical, sf88; Phi Rho Sigma,
year, 1855, Dr. E. O. Haven, then a pro- these wise and learned men in our Uni- compelled the Universities of this coun- medical, 1897; Xi Psi Phi, dental, 1892;
fessor in our University, advocated the versity faculty, turned out to be well- try and the higher institutions of learn- Pi Beta Phi, medical, 1898.

admission of women on an equality with founded. The women continued to come ing, to give women upon some terms, A SOCIAL PROBLEM.
men. The agitation of the question con- in increasing numbers, until now, we the benefit of their courses of study. In the early years of their existence,
tinued, and prominent educators all over have eight hundred in attendance at our The influence extended to Europe, and tiere basu uch opositioee twhfraterni-
the country were consulted, but most of University. They were not quite as now the English, French and German should not be at liberty to choose their
them, including President Henry P. strong, many of them physically, as the Universities admit women to their intimate friends without injury to the
Tappan and the entire faculty of our men, but being more used to indoor courses of study, upon more or less lib- feelings of others. It is sometimes said
UniversityI were opposed to the meas- work, and being uniformly of better eral terms. It means that within fifty that fraternities are pernicious in their
.r.aeinfluence upon their own numbers;
ure. Finally pressed by the demands of character than the men, they have en- years, the women of most civilized na- however the long list of distinguished

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