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December 16, 1899 - Image 12

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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A COLLEGE FRIENDSHIP. looked up at him and held out her hand.
He grasped it in both of his. "Marg,"
his voice trembled now; "Marg-is he-
A STORY. did he- " he could get no farther;
something seemed to choke him.
"Yes, Will," she answered softly. "He
"I say, Bill, quit that - pacing, did." Then freeing her hand, she con-
can't you? Barker gave us fifty prob- tinued: "He proposed to me this after-
lems in calculus today and-. Eh! noon. He told me all. How much you
What's up, old fellow ?" exclaimed Dick had done for him, and how you feared
Howard, as, looking up, he caught sight that he was trifling with your little
of his room-mate's pale and troubled friend. How-but Will, you are not go-
countenance. ing now? I have only commenced to
Will Carstens continued in silence his tell you-Why, how white you are!"
restless wallk up and down the room, It seemed to him to take all of his
only his clenched hands and rigid fea- strength to reply. "Marg," he said slow-
tures showing the force of his inward ly, we have been true friends. I can
struggle. Turning suddenly, he threw |only wish that every happiness that
himself face down upon the divan. Heaven can give may be yours. Good-
Dick gave a long whistle under his bye."
breath. He walked uncertainly across the
"I can't stand it much longer, Dick grass. He scarcely noticed the rose-
Thank Heaven, there's only a week bushes with their wealth of blossoms.
more of college for me! But she's go- He was near the gate. Then he heard
ing Saturday-" footsteps behind him and felt a light
"She-" broke in Dick; "then you've pressure on his arm. Turning he saw
seen Margaret again tonight?" Marg standing there, her eyes filled with
"I was with her less than half an hour tears, her sweet lips trembling.
ago. Her exams are over. Day after "Will, Don Bennett did propose to-
tomorrow she leaves Ann Arbor and I day. He told me all. He proposed for
may never see her again. Dick," he said, vou-and was accented."
"when I see her with Don Bennett it Eva L. Land, 'pp.
drives me mad. He has all that inde-
scribable charm that so easily wins 'a Mr. Wahr has also introduced th
young girl's heart. He is handsome, illustrated postal card. These come in
and graceful, and so clever and insinu- five styles, each card having on one
ating in his conversation that a little side a set of campus views. Price two
girl like her must give him her heart, cents each. Call in and see them.
even to break it-and Don Bennet will
never love as a man ought. But, by The liquid air machine given to the
Heaven! if he triles with Margaret University by Charles F. Brush, o
Cleveland, has been set up in the base-
"Come, come, Bill," interrupted Dick, ment of the pharmacy building and is
"it is not so bad as that. As it is, I now in running order. The first iq-
think you are making a blamed fool of ud air was secured Thursday after-
yourself." noon. It was of a milky color, owing
"I wish I thought so, Dick," Bill an- to the fact that that part of the ap-
swered earnestly, coming close up to his paraus in which the liquid air will
friend. "But would you ask a girl to be purified is not yet in use because of
wait for you indefinitely, to wait until the fact that some changes are being
the best of her life and your's was gone, made in its construction. Dr. Freer
unti. you had worked yourself into a hopes that by Tuesday or Wednesday
cold, unfeeling 'money-getter,' until of next week the machine will be run-
every "ood impulse of youth was numb ning in a satisfactory manner.
-to marry you, to give up a life of _
pleasure and social success, just for On account of the Sophomore Soci
youa?"acch nGymfSthrayophm reoil
Dick hesitated a moment, then an- Itthe ym Saturday night there aill
swered: "Bill, if a girl like Margaret be no assembly at Granger's. Mr. and
Gordon cared for me, I could. She is a Mrs. Grangerawill giae a Christmas
true, noble little woman, Bill, and if she dancing party next week Wednesday
cares for you, it is for yourself and not night, Dec. 20th. 69
for whiat you may give her. You have
beenwfriends long enough-ever since FOR RENT-A very desirable suite
she came to college two years ago-for and two single rooms well heated with
her to know how much you are to her. hot water. Sationary bowls with hot
Go, take her answer, not mine." and cold water; bath. 439 S. Division. 1
"I will never do that," Will said slow-
ly, as if trying to brace himself with the HOLIDAY R. R. RATE.
sound of the words. "I will not. And For the Christmas vacation the Ann
tomorrow night it is 'good-bve-good- Arbor R. R. will sell tickets at the
bye forever. And then, Texas." He usual reduced rates to students pre-
came up and laid his hand upon Dick's sentingdcertificate from Secretary
broad shoulder. "I can work in Texas, Wade. These low rates apply to all
Dick." He picked un his hat from the points in
. "Im gong or awals. God oint inthe Central Passenger Associ-
divan. "Im going for a walk. Good ation.
rnght." E. S. GILMORE, Agent.
The next evening Will Carstens The number of women students in
walked slowly up the steps of the X Sor- the University now is 864.
ority house and rang the bell. It was a
firm, decided ring. He had determined FOR RENT-A very nice room for
that notwithstanding all that Dick had lady-furnace beat and bath. 1247
said and in spite of his love for her, Washenaw ave 71
Margaret Gordon and he must part as
friends. It was a point of honor, and The atest opera cores, gems, etc.,
with him honor was above all. He from "Singing Girl" and "Ameer" al-u
kne, it would e hard, but right was ways on sale at the Ann Arbor Music-
righs, he could not tell her of his love. Co Washington St.
He nerved himself to ask calmly for __.,__ahington__t
"Miss Gordon" when the maid opened
the door. A complete line of Adler Bros. fine
He was shown into the familiar old suits at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, 200-
parlor, where he had spent so many 202 S. Main st.
pleasant evenings. Could he ever forget -
that evening when Don Bennett had first A Freshman English Lit. meeting
brought him to call? Don Bennett, Don will be held in Room C., University
Bennett. Why must he forever be as- Hall, at 2 p. m., Saturday, Dec. 16.
sociated with memories of her. He Meeting of candidates for track team
heard a light step on the stair, and the at same time.
soft rustle of a gown. In a moment she
stood in the door-way-a sweet half se- Mrs. N. L. Tyler will furnish music
rious smile upon her lifs. for parties at reasonable prices. Or-
"Oh, Will, I am so glad you have cshestra or piano alone. P. O Building.
come. I have so much to tell you. But Bell 'Phone 290.
let us go out of doors. These June
nights are lovely and I can talk better by Students are cordially inviteslto in
moonlight." She laughed, and Will
thought he had never seen her so beauti- spe our complete lines ofsuits, over-
ful before. His hand trembled a little coats, men's furnishings and hats.
as he held the door open for her. Wadhams. Ryan - teule, S. Main st.
"Will," she said as they passed out Miss Lucile Watling, daughter of
about Don Bennett. I believe you have prof. Watling, who is spending the
never half appreciate him." year abroad, left Paris the 14th inst.
Don Bennett again, even tonight," he for the Xmas festival at Rome, and
thouht. "Don's a fine fellow," he said expects to remain in Italy during the
aloud, winter.

"I want you to like him better than
ever now-for my sake," she added. "I All the men who played in the
am going to tell you all about it, for I Thanksgiving day game will meet this
could always tell you things; you know afternoon at Rentschler's at two
we have been such good friends." She o'clock to sit for a picture.


Open Evenings, Until
An exceptionally Attractive
Line of Men's Furnishings,
for the Holidays. Neckwear,
House Coats, Bath Robes,
Gloves, Fancy Vests, Hosiery,
Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas,
Fancy shirts and Mufflers. All
the newest creations specially
adapted for Holiday Gifts,
Noble's Star Glothing house

Alarm clocks SI.
U. of M. Pins 50c to $10.00. Fine
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
206 Main South.
At the low rate of
25 cents per month
LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St.
On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other P
sonal Property.
01fic is rsidene, 001 5. Liberty St., Ass Ar
oc, Miei. All bsinesscosfOlential. Hours, 0
to 11:30 a. i. and i to 3:30 and 7 to 9 p. i.
Joasepli C. Watts.
Bargains insecond-hand Wahs and uiamonds
If yon see it there it's so.
0. M. MARTIN.'
Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th
Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res-
idence 302 Fifth Ave.
SCampus Cafe
I take great pleasure in inviting
the ladies and gentlemen to
come and have meals that they
will appreciate.
Suppers for Private Parties
A Specialty.
We can furnish you Ice Centre
Pieces three feet in height of
any model for the occasion.
Silver and glassware can be
Special service.
Yours truly,
W. S. Parker,
709 North University Avenue.

'The Niagara Falls Route."
Taking Effect November 19, 1899.
Detroit Night Express.......... 5 55 A. X.
AtlnicOExpess. ... 745"
G -ran Rap s ress ........ . .......11 10
MailandaExpress...... ... 3 47P.m.
N.EYBostonspecial.. . 458
Fast E-en . .............. il4
Mail and Express.... ............ 9 25 A. M.
FostonN.Y.andChicago............. 8 05 "
Fsit Westers Eapress.......... 1 25P. a.
G. R. and Kal. Express.... 5 30
ChicagoNightExpress. .............. 920 "
Pacific Express.............. .12 15 A.X.
Steaship TickeksaltClasses, to and from
Eurospean poimmts it I' weat rates. Fail isfor-
mation on application
G.P. & T.Ag t, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor.
5akng ERfect S nmay, ay an, aces,
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand-
tra rime,
*No.6.- 7:25A M No. 1.-8:56A .At.
No. 2.--11:3 A. M. 'No 5.-12:30 P. M
No. 4.-- 8:0 P. M. No. 3.- 4:56p.m.
'Ru between Ann Arbor and Toledo oniv
All trains dlily except Sunday.
. .BENNITT'.6. PE.s.GILMORE, Agent.
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-
bor Railway.
Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti
every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. m.
until 8:15 p. l;ast car for Detroit
t1:40 p. m. Wbaiting room, corner Ann
and Main sts. Detroit, 111 Griswold at.
R.S.Greenwood,M.P.A., Chicago
Low Rates for Students
Account of Holidays.
.... VYIA....-
Between Toledo and Columbus, using Union
depot in both cities.
ThroughSleeper toWashingtonand Baltimore.
Great Railroad, The Hocking Valley. Write
it W. FoSt 5, Dtroit.

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