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December 16, 1899 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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«« ---^--- - --HUNGARIAN WOMEN. spite of her occupying the trying place
T E E LN Nof honor-the sofa. Much music was
ENETNLFININELERHungary is known for its wine, music, given, as most of the girls nrepared for
" women and horses. The women like the a musical career. Others worked on
horses are lithe, slender and graceful, their needlework, the indispensable com-
Miss Vera Chamberlain, Editor. with exceptionally dainty little feet and panion to a genuine German coffee party.
L__wli poised heads. With these charms Then again sandwiches and other re-
th Hungarian women unites those fd eshosents were served. Please do not
STATUS OF WOMEN AMONG THE BABY- ORIENTAL JEWESSES. which are lent by a wealth of wavy hair, ask me to specify, it might shock our
LONIAN SEMITES. most generally black (although golden White Ribboners."
A thssaooEteyaw.n tresses are not rare) ;two rows of spark- Then we parted jovfully and with a
At this season of the year when so ling teeth, which she naturally displays clear conscience. Although we had been
Among the, non-Semitic Sumerians much in the life and custom of the civi- as frequently as the law allows; a deli- at a "kaffeeklatsch."
the earliest inhabitants of southern hzed, cultured worl calls one's atten- cacy of complexion, an oval contonur of Elizabeth Lebig,
Babylonia, woman took precedence of tion especially to the tenderest, purest face; full red lips bounding a mouth Eine Hannoveranerin.
man, in some respects. This is distinctly type of motherhood this earth has ever rather large and bespeaking generous,
main tseoe rspects. dmn, sympathetic mirthfulness; somewhat WOMEN'S EDUCATION IN PORTO RICO.
seen i the order, woman and mam, seen, our thoughts readily turn to the heavy brows, underneath which burn
which obtains in the old Sumarian liter- land which gave her birth. deep oriental eyes. tt is the struggle at present in Latin
ature. In a code of family laws which Our tender love and reverence for the Nature was very good to these Hun- cointestrudrie ay thent Lash-
was drawn up for "for all time, to the Madonna awakened in our heart ssome tandowteri tewastht bcontent wbt oined and recluse costumes of ancient
end of days," it was enacted that the inauiries concerning the life of the wo- added great vivacity, and capacity for times for the modern and liberal ones of
child should honor both its father and men belonging to her royal tribe who enjoying life, as well as some brilliance higber civilization; yet, in spite of these
its mother. Dishonor, or denial of the today live as aliens on the soil where and conversational tact. This much for great efforts, Porto Rican women have
filial relation, was severely punished in her forefathers reigned. their personality. Let us now consider not yielded to such a liberal sentiment of
fielatrlaintwasfseercselyteir treatment and their education. the age.
toe latter as i the former case; hut the A description of Jewish life must con- The Hungarian peasant woman is per- They have the costumes of their fore-
repudiation of the husband by the wife crn itself chiefly with religious observ- haps the only one in all European coun- fathers transmitted to them from gener-
was punishable by drowning, of the wife ance, for there lives no other people tries who does not age and become an ation to generation; they have looked
by the husband by payment of a fine whose daily life is more entirely perme- old hag immediately after marriage. upon modern woman's education as a
about equal in value to the price of a Her husband treats her almost as his thming less interesting than their house-
slave. It is difficult to say whether the ated with their religious thought. eual, and if he beats her now and then holds and their flowers.
patriarchal or the matriarchal principle The houe is the Jewess' onhy king- he is sure to cover her with caresses the It is not by any means an attraction
prevailed in the earliest times in Baby- doso, but then it is a kingdom in which next minute and heap upon her all those for the woman there to interest them-
lonia. There are evidences of both she reigns supremely. passionately endearing, almost poetic selves is the deep studies of philosophy,
toni.. terms, with which even the peasant's vo- mathematics or natural sciences, but
symptoms. Wieteby ntefml r ettblraons h
tn Semetic Babylonia woman was not While the boys in the fauly are sent cabulary abousds. they content themselves with a fair
a "help-meet," or subordinate of man to school from their earliest infancy the The woman of the upper classes is knowledge of history and languages,
(as in Genesis ii: an), but his equal, and girls usually receive their education at treated much like the French woman. As migled sometimes with classical litera-
independent. As early as 38oo B. C. we home. a girl she is never left for a half minute tere. Rather than follow a profession
read of the queen's servants, and we An oriental Jewess has very little to alone with a man; her principal role they think it most essential to know
know that one of the eariets sovereigns do with the public religious services, but then is, to cast down her eyes and show how to sew and embroider, becoming so
of the country was a queen. In the later almost every trivial duty of her home her curing lashes off to the best possible clever with the needle that, in fact, they
Assyrian period the queen is represented life is ruled by the Talmud. Every dish advantage. She is married to a man she iraw upon linen, with a minute instru-
at a feast seated by the side of her hus- must be cookeI in obedience to Rabbinic sarcely knows, very early. After mar- ment, with the same ease that an artist
band, King Sardanapalus. In the tale law and numerous Talmudic precepts hage, however, she begins to live (with would with his brush, when transmitting
of the birth and exploits of Saragon I., direct even the cleaning of the house. a big L.) It is true that her husband, his conception to the cloth. They learn
the real founder of the Babylonian eu- Marriage is looked upon as part of the as a rule, spends far more time at the perectly how to play the piano, and it is
pile, nothing it is said was known of his religious duty of every man, but the Cafe Hans than at home, but there are most common to hear them play classical
father, but his mother is lauded for her young men are spared all the difficulties plenty of other men, who are more than music with extreme and wonderful fa-
lady-like qualities. With her own hands and trials of courtship as this is under sitling to shower those attentions upon cilty. They interest their minds in all
she launched him on his career, having taken for them by the old folk. her which they here do upon girls; and that is romantic and beautiful; they in
put him in the wicker-basket, covered it When a young man is about 16 or 17 She is the woman to ejnoy them. heirhousehold impersonate the sweet
with pitch, closed and sealed the door, his fathier will take counsel with the The education of a Hungarian woman Ophelia gathering flowers, so much time
and, like the mother of the infant Moses, Pabbi about the eligible damsels in his aims to make her a charing companmon. they spend in their care of their gardens.
entrusted him to the mercy of the river. flock, and following his guidance the Sh is taught music, painting, embsoi- Their ambition is limited to the love
His success afterwards, his elevation to youth's mother will call formally upon aery, French, German and English. of their homes and the admiration given
the throne of thie kingdom, and his en- their mothers and then carefully com_ Almost every woman can boast of a su them isa social circues as the maodel of
largement of its boundaries were due to are notes as to the respective beauty, uesficial though ianenot ksnawtedge of at t e bnanytifhi gad ladylike. Save fewc ex-
the flavor not of a God, hut a Gsmddess. gentleness and cieversnees of time giris leat thsee hangages and their htera- eptionas, anythmg beynd Iliac wshich is
Under Babyhonia ase woma S had equal iltil she ran rest satisfied that shin us tins ime also keeps up with te times femimewould not be of interest to
rights and privileges with masm. She q huoosing the very best bride for hem son. unitmeat matters amid has qute a smat- ai Pot Kin lady.
could own property in tier wu name, Then the father amid Rabbhi, acompaniel etrmg of history. But mathematics, Some of them will go so far as to
transact business, buy, sell, lend, borrow, by the male relatives of the youth, wat hemistry, physics ad asi thei rest of the graduate i s time ormat school, hut tne
sue or be sued in the courts. She could epon the maiden's father and enter into sidces she heave sto tie lords of crc- knwiedge is unmsed to the teaching of
own slaves and had a right to their earn- negotiations as regards her dowry and ation, and of them is ignorant. Finally children.
ings whether on her own estate or when the amount of jewelry her betrothed she displays great philosophic abity m Sensitiveness and timidity are the
hied out to her neighbors. Business must give her ,and a formal engagement that she reaizes the importance of good characteristics of a young Porto Rican
was sometimes conducted by husband takes place. The wee bride-to-be is coking as a means to findimg her way lady, and I believe to a certaim extent it
and wife in partnership. In other cases brought before the assembled company, to a mans heart. So if she is nothmig is to this qualification the fact is owed
women managed independently the busi- decked in her finest gown, and after the else the Hungarian woman makes it a that they do not undergo a broader edo-
mess of the particular handicraft in young man has taken the vows the Rab_ point to be a first-class cook. cation.
which they were engaged. bi holds out a white kerchief which she IAnna Jackson. Till the present time such has been the
The dowry of a woman was given by must hold with him while he dictates here way of education in Porto Rico. Prob-
ter father, and not by the bridegroom. vow, but as it would not be considered A 3 O'CLOCK "COFFEE." ably under the American influence now
The husband did not purchase his wife, maidenly for her to repeat the words beginning to be introduced there, the
but received her as a gift with a suitable herself, a married woman who stands by It is with pleasure that I comply with island will undergo a change, and in the
dot in coin, or both. But the husband her side pronounces them for her. This the request to tell a little of the social ptoe will atord an astonishg ex-
acquired no rights over the dowry. It is held to be almost as binding as a mar- life of a German girl in her native dseottheih woruld.
remained the absolute property of the riage, and can only be broken by a writ country. I selected a phase, which I Sucn would, without doubt, be one of
wife who could invest it, or dispose of it of divorce. During the interval be- have repeatedly found misrepresented, the accomplishments eost worthy of
as she pleased, and at death will it to fore marriage, it is not considered either ridiculed or shown in a dull and Praise athe rokmecanpeople. It would
whom she pleased. With rights secured good form for the betrothed couple tedious manner. I mean the "kaffee- In master stroke.
by law, and independent resources of to see much of each other. At each fes- gesellschaft," or to use the expression nwriting this article upon request I
ier own, the wife was exempt from an- tival the bridegroom is expected-to call by which this social function of the Gee- sncerely beg the kind consideration of
nroyances otherwise possible in the case upon his fiancee and to bring her a pes-i man society girl is oftentimes jestingly py readers, as I am unable to fully com-
of a despotic husband and secured both ent, usually a piece of jewelry, and flow- called, "kaffeeklatsch." I personallypreend the different idiomatic exres-
against the fear and consequences of di- eis and sweetmeats; but of course he dislike this name, for "klatsch" means sions of which English language is ftl.
vorce if in an ill-natured moment her does not see her alone nor speak directly agsssip, and, indeed I asm happy to as- As to criticism I realize my position.
husband sent her from her house shekel- to her. A marriage is arranged for sure you that the German girl takes in- Rafael del Valle.
less. This, Babylonian law did not per- every oriental Jewess. We have no terest mu other things than to discuss in
mit him to do. He was required to pay space in which to describe the wedding v;ried forms the latest family news of A JAPANESE GIRL.
back all her dowry in case hue had re- Irsiivities which last for several days "Fras Dr. A. or Fri. v. c." Of course
ceived it for investment, and even in and may be very elaborate. At one I do not niman to say that at these after- We have different classes of people in
cases where there was no dower a cer- pcint in the ceremony the Rabbi breaks neon gatherings there is not interest Japan, but the writer selects a girl from
tain sum by way of ahimony had to be some valued article of glass is order to shown in the doings of the members of tle middle class as a subject. Our Jap-
provided. The tale told by Herodotus remind them even in the midst of their their social circle; however, not to the uaese girl envies the privileges of Ameri-
of the way in which women were annu- rejoieimg, that Jerusalem ies in rusins etent and in the spirit that it deserves can ladies in a private, social and public
ally sold to the highest bidder in the The laddest and proudest hour in a that frivolous name "klatscih." life and education, as her sphere is en-
market place is the outcome of a foul woman's life is the birth of her first-born It is anost nine years now since I terely within the domestic affairs, and
prejudice or of that polished ignorance son. The neighbors and friends flock attended my last "kaffeegeselschaft." (I she has to wait on a man instead of be-
of the Greeks of anythimg pertaining to in from far and wide and fill the house mean typically German, in Germany). irewaited upon.
the barbarian. Not only in law but also with rejoicing and song. Soon after About eighteen young girls were gath- These few years her sphere iswidened.
in religion woman was on an equality Baby has completed his first year the ered at the beautiful home of a friend. After she graduates fromn a public school
with man. There are priestesses in the touching scene of redemption takes Everything was ready at 3:30 to receive (IKindergarten, Primary, Grammar and
temples as well as priests, and when the place. Rabbi and friends gather once the guests this Thursday afternoon, and High Schools), if she wishes to be a
nighty kings of Assyria sent to consult score and theyouthful mother is brought all were prompt in appearing, for it is teacher she can go to the normal school,
the will of heaven as to the wisdom of Lefore them m all the purity of her bri- censidered impolite not to be so, whenc or, if she simply wishes to become better
undertaking warlike expeditions they dai attire-a dream of her old self she a special time has been set. educated, she goes either to a private
not infrequently sent to enquire of a seemes, but her bridal veil is held out The small round tables at which we school or a missionary school. If she
Goddess and received the answer at the by her outstretched hands and lo! upon were grouped, looked, indeed, very in- wants to earn money in some other way,
lips of a woman, and, "Blessed be the hr arms, on a dainty cushion is her viting. They were decorated with flow- she may learn either how to raise silk
peacemakers," but these always coun- pride, her joy, laer first born; the father ers and set with the choicest china. Also w rms, and spin cocoon, or how to
seled fight and promised victory. These lays the infant in the Rabbi's arms who the various kinds of cakes played a weave cloth, or some fancy works. She
priestesses of the temple, like the priests, pronounces the prescribed prayers and prominent part, and the exhilarating is taught some sewing while she is in
farmed the estates of the temple and then the father maeks a gift to t he odor of "Mocca" added a good deal to the public school, but she takes ad-
shared in the incomes. Woman in Baby- synagogue by the Rabbi. who then re- the general joy mood. For you must vanced lessons in sewing. It is consid-
lor was the equal of man in the eyes of turned the infant to the parents declar- kiow that the German girl is very fond ered a great disrace if she does not
the aw, u th serurnsot ruugsu, an mu ut edeeed, f cofeeand oes int bsere th law sunr'ahwetoons shAllsewig sisdon

thela, n heseviesofrelginan ig t edemd. . of coffee and does not observe the laws know how to sew. All sewing is done
in the family, and yet Babylon is re- Here we must leave our Jewess iu the of health so much as her American sis- by the hand. She is very particular
ferred to by the prophets as "the mother glad pride of motherhood, with the ori- te-. Everybody seemed happy and smil- whether stitches are coarse or fine, and
of abominations !.' ental adieu "Peace be with cou." ing, even the little "Amerikaneain," in which way a seam is turned. She has
James A. Craig. Florence Ben Oliel. whose lionor this party was given, in her thimble on the second phalanx of the

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