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December 16, 1899 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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Miss Cora A. Benneson was a graduate
in class of 8o. At present she is
practicing law at Cambridge, Mass.
Miss Julia R. Jennv, of the class of 82,l
is a successful lawyer at Syracuse,t
N. Y.
Octavia W. Bates graduated in 1897
from the law department. She studiedI
law for the purpose of fitting herself
to deal sore fundamenatly with so-
cial questions.
WVhen t had the pleasure, a few weeks
ago, of talking to te embers of the1
TAomsuens League, I said that had time
permitted t should have given themi
some account of the American College1
fo Girls at Scutari Constantinople.I
have beess requested to say a fesv words
ccncerning that College in this women's
issue of the U. of M. BAILY.
As t egin to write t seem to feel my-
slf greatly impressed beele vast differ-
ence between tle environmets of this
cilege in Turksey aid those of Ame-
cans colleges. It would not be fair to say
hat wonen in T'urkey have no edca-
tion, because the Sultan provides schools
of a crtain grade asd the daughters of
many walthsyTurks have French and
English governesses and ar, in a way,
well instrui-ie'd. But the mass of Trt-
isis womaen are shrouded is dense igno-
rance. Suppiose for a moment we reflect
oii this fact.
Many of these somen and girls are in-
telligent and by observationi asdeen,
iaural aility pick uip a certaiin amount
of knowledge. Many of them are quick
to catch the soiunds of different an-
gpsages aiid ini this way acquire a smat-
iersing of Fresnch, Esglish aid Germas.
Its addition to s t'erkisilanguage, ii
cetaiss parts of tir Empsire iioerrs
Greetk is ele language of ordinry uster-
couse, as in thiler parts ele Blgriasn
sniisArisenianstongsare used. Bust
tireducaioii sif somnciadstgirls, ithes
sense ini whichlswe osceive it, was
hiardy Iknowis untilithstirlain~iig of
seholsiby tes e iricaiis isusisoureses
I say Asmserscan msisonarie-, becausse by
far thic lrer srs of teseisissiosisschool
is Tsurkeysrseisisser tesdirecionsof tes
NatiisA.ercan isBa.' i Giesstese-
conitiiios oe rossbit be asoisisie
anit selighteetbysyhesefact thast sliersre
.various seminiiiiiis fo girs ii Turkey
seiere is atitinedeia "grede of euicaiosi
,iihlesossparses favorusiti h thas inss i
orsewassischeosolesuetndi tisi.CoBes
lege ositct etse seak ing s ee il
it is th e imtoxts elend etioss fiatr'
a<- it is exteendediii sisis'sAmeratsco-
..I. -shulit o ut sy tastheer is
utie sas simyb btie t te suit e
a ersits f ~ ilia tit a ndt itRsad-
l ifs,a Bun 5 s.o i tetir sier
gresstssWomse's college' 'Wsellesley, Vat-
s raditithbu sil aclegite clii
eation in itbetses cnbetasises.
Tcl e a ctr s nowinititsl
teiintsacademiceyer.Inithstr teginningsIs
is sits a iissitnscholtstorsirles,bltisti
sih es ieel its an inicostsrateel
blay slunsderstelirI eissnisof t e Asmeci-
css Boasd liiit nt whlsly edepedseit
for its rsuce pn costribstions
ciii thsal tsoard It Isimberinissits fsc-
lt sirestt isstwetsesytBinpcfe-)
Ss adui tushtstes 5t it e5 itofsi
s ,t itri te sf isusiriandapsectsartsryj
scisi. t Itsmsirey' t1at1ashirelit a
catasloiguseif tescoso, litsmyisoisister
,ioii istht t elii-usmsbercsof Ipsutilsin at
itedancr i rot Icss thassZ0. 'ITle esisis
isn oiisf le collee is ressitskssbly 0555 it
ittesi siecostsier stire. itsaiissigr
isntier whiirch ery fisrigs sisstissnal
ivstirt it initierksish Emirite Irsos.
Mystruer ittio limited5to ginto50 desilI
iii regisdtoithsitse sisitirsc, lits sisy ssr
acquaintest isit the goicnerissrisal rcc
srictios in iTurkleywivi fllapiipeiteI
walits I seais.
le htuits ielf. iou ee hal, nrigi-
s'slly asgaarec. ihcer-toriedsi licsg,
las tess nlrutcestby inugs, assd assitere
sbstantiailssisisgcatleel Baross hal,
1as een addsest. csissected to ele old
sirelby a coridosr.
Oit imeetisng teles ho itbealosg to'
te faculty one is inpessed by theirt
rnsress, enilsisiasiss ansdtrefisemient,
asnd it is sdiffistlt to realie elit they are
sit far rou theseois tit they loe asd
else thousand and ose helpful and sinu-
latisng ressousces of ossr sdsily hosme life.i
We feel that they have given uns a great
deal, they sent never to thinl of it.
Nothing ut a supreme sense of duty,
devotiosn to tir sevie of te Ltrd, asset
a faith that losuposn lia "things that
are ot tres' san eisaccut for tesereal

happiness whsich they evidently possess.
Of course they have their hones of dis-
coureagemnct, but this is not an abiding

state. It goes without saying
usomern have the power of ins
thusiasm, and she earnest, ca
t500 of the girls whscome to
be a reward.
We already have spokeno
thsat teeussriculusm of studyi
vanred. They are seeming
happy set of youing women ani
asnd have many attractions whi
ceuliar to theusselves. They al
sweet, soft voice that invariab
to oriental wonsen. Their ns
arc Greek, Bulgarian, Arsmeni
this school at Scutari, are m
found daughters of English as
residessts of Consitasitinople
There are also a few Tnris]
,stays enrolled osn ele booksi c
loge. Souse of the Turkish
shown remarkable ability. 01
in particular t recall. Shen
progress in Englishs, devotir
especially to English literaturs
so proficient that she translats

that these musss be of great influence. We all ex- day-Rev. John D. Pierce and Gen.
spiring en- islt a great deal of college girls;5 in Tur- Isaac E. Crary.
gee asen- cry, pehass, not so much is expected, Fatter Pierce, as people called him,
them must tut much wiii surely be effected, and it is wasa-sent out from the East as a mission-
ths unaninmous tesimon- of persons who ary. Hle and Gen. Crary beasmeiter-
f the fat Iknowv about the lives of these young esed in Cousin's Report of the Pes-
is well ad- wromuen who have graduated frosm the sian system of schools. They appreciat-
rly a very rolege sosse years since, that they are cd the strength of that system, and
id children, hepul and true in the positions in though them it became practically the
ich are pe- which they are placed, inspiring these system of Micshigan. At the constitu-
11 av e ts, less favored sisters with a great desire tinal convention of the state in 1835,
ly belongs to attain thus higher education and Gen. Carv secured an article providing
rationalities noblee life. for ele adoption of that system, with the
ian, and in t already have overstepned the limits office of Superintendent of Public In-
any ises o space assigned to me, but I shahl be strucion at the head of it. Such an of-
ad German glad if what I have said shall arouse the fle had not existed before in any state
as well, interest of the Michigan University girls in the Union, and ye its importance is
;h girls al- its the girls attending the American Co- readily seen in an organic system of
at the co- 1.ge isa Scutari, and perhaps some of schools le the one established.
girls lave themsaya in the fisure, feel thenmselves John . Pierce was appointed first S-
ne of thaems led to accept a position on that faculty perintendene of Public Instruction and
nade great vhererby they also may illustrate Welles- ins a naper which he read before the
g herself c's motto, "Not to be ministered unto Michigan Pioneer Society in sf5, he
eand was btL to minister." tells of the task which was given him,
sd Shakes- 1Tiff. Jainesa B. Angell. snach he so well accomplished. "An
_____________________________________ast sas passed (083f) requiring the su-
pueisenden en prepare and subsil to
thse legilaure a plan foe the organiza-
tion ad support of prinay schools; a
plan for a university with branches
aso a plan for the disposition of the
unsersty and primary school lands. I
ad five monhs before sme in whict to
dos i. One ting was favorable: It sas
a day when all was astir with activity
and life-the watchwod was progress
and improvement. The field was clear:
tere weer no old issitutons and dep
roted prejudices to be encountered and
removed. Bt the cosdition of the state
v as o be taen into account. We eer
less than 10,00; all was wils, ansi the
people were cosparaively poor. All
was to be created asew. We had no
casals, sir railroads; even ele old sow
cs-sets sa scarcely to be fousnds. Ve
isa , the umbestrewagon and the Id;
trail. 'se forded rives and waed
muarshes-but nowihstandisg all tas,
ts" people thunrstIeccame muosly front
this regions of schoolihousesstd uee
anxios foe scoos. I sisy also add,
that ele early movemient ishus dire-
siun sidedl umateiallyisithesesetlemuen
ofC tlurcountrvc."
Thu resossibiity of slur supeiuss 'ii-
esniuiis uususrse. Me ad oere ususi-
Pos scees of school ad usivesity lanuds
tbustk after,' and beside he1ud oplist
tushuet nto workisng oedr ass orgnic
y ctis of schools folowsing thu rFus-
tutunumcutle, cosisising ioisools grad-
Sin.; foteeuhlehprmuay to teuitsersity
Cuto cuttres thsetw uo etreuusr, let-
ssat-ragedttoer1brsanchus of te utiviersity,
the ttsuprtedh teduitheSunuiersitiy
f~d u hse usnerrnit ery succesful
juetdit timse uweetsepeby hiseipubic
So te sytem~as ellbeg lasbts it
exted nt hve 5 1 Cariedout witti
nn~chsuccss ex~pt or t etnrs -
idgtc yte Natutunali 'overnet u.
uefo s orinanuse oI f 17re-sup,
rui tud55thspies its te fCiiair wsodii
"Relsiin mity rt.,ow edgebe
us I'eues stary tdii gus 5 r5 50 f and
- - ~~I ur lulis s o i si Suschoosixasite
:S JMESa. NG[:LL.themes of educaSthu isalis edisr if
iiic slis EI PUBLIC SCHO'OL SYSTEM t5 5 tO~it5te ipwsat itus1 55orlsgte.
snhits Siofuiit
ntctui s ss 5gs50oruouu ssuito s ~ s liuc itlen
OF MICutstSIGuA'sN gisthth wrtouse Car,1hi
}i isiSe seni'wait thureussessuit staes5t 55 i tiiii ais uitwh le-s
di i iu t iiand so 5 hsL-. tn" a c n uo frl or wi c it
sud i sat r m r d'ed t a ichig n ew s tt e- i t e 5-c a h t tr si a
iaua pe-1o lluiooite ormsit ucatngsccIe is'rof ista stionssisatdland
re, and hs cr~uoii +rithr iiia , tctutimitiinetl-cied.Mrortwtwnhpofld
hisWa us ,, issiiod tosome tisu tchicii bl5150 cnt an sisutSof asuss Cr-su
55t a Tnrsiscoc n nls hid een atracted i, \t S Scll iicesit t tua i-
y suppou5 sed S 1, th ii ilts ile ttuu-itr'e 'whichs tue -d sly 'sit 5uthIsd ias-hothe th-reeuo
-ain o nhhr c -d ie eryinteicin o uad iii this suiicue t -
ii r sits entusia iwliststhusi ision iis (s817). Juste 'r le in i s
sue. vsuid ist hid c u ,ushleists tret i cutry Ihseer-'sltit-nl"slisthit: teittolitthis cot
iusu besets h.ihalu-sitvusithtls cr se foto ldg !ile e Ish full iii in s pissicvau
Ams erircan s i tsere'is ltt'itraeeof ath iing he - ,set 55 stieisu ior o tegft
Is not us- i lS"w fo' CussastsionsuitheusaSluryhlss foulkh ut poseesells 555 is iJohtilt ii-
i t~ Sluorst y of iC hit l, suisusthis teotle lvedil cru uSnsuh-lt sal rnmill n uit lse
c sge r se Isiple tierusiti us adwrecnetust uuhtthe .sijusy etites ta tuu ustutuhiss asso
errstistabh esusts.t 5hStIsues cre gae thtet. cisutelieft's suitsefl er'nbrn
fusihatusud Iv-u-itftere te Amuericnsixtootl: osses 1, ia55ngtheSlurs rs colluhees
reels tatre sispsufCthis euustrythise is utslittle fre iTe e"iiissosithSlresoolsssellstin
gush, ass e u'S sueuu t syi neud in 'sitschinfos'sirigar we gi ded by im tand
temunas i usilureErie canaltwus aotissed thisuse. Is us suhItushd isaapp, riatonaof sitsa
oon wus lit uhso siusated as t5o he a- tpotu u its tchu utsinean. Fror Sluredu-
usCf thee etesibyisammuuigaion fromunheliarFstctin ifshepoise is esentuilioetala
tig. But Slu -o M'ichigans sat seinadmasy of tese is hus utis prinites osit-sasgoven-
intensede irlsitsr Westernstasutes. Thurerhools, dust ills st tPreuci' appreciated hus. for he
vfoeruvhats s'thisterritoritt period, uere ury sud. "It s tiepisciple ofuaiersal
irehenrusionuas anduiltus, instution mueagr. I sedcussionsuadoipted by tesePilgrims and
res asue cetis hht:our sat hisschaetquusificaeiosch erisshe b their dexcendsansthough
use casses r suuiirruin isa teachler, was aility to xiii reeuhuss eeations ushich has gvena
5t wrelaier.usinurcand smernd the pens whicha were it cus and their sous pe-emainene."
it o Iieritaire of quills. The school haouse was a Florence Walker.

c-ill- t sig t, lld was IIt
maksingi'uhisesand hthus Cil -
sill, acuteds uwitshstuuswon
esar sit hegratsit f1uss1
ties IfstesrIhis ShadiSer less
thu-l li stintoi uuitlsiuai
paruedtby aIChistuianlustetse
distribhsutedlusit. uuuil ioC Is
uslerus bininststiructedh in isd
iuusmeansiol thesatttaiets (
iisle girSuwheni it is-erall~y
Outse- trlege usrts I suits s
Greet.hlly "055555 inte origi
byults tuteCull is Sel rtich
learedshthis isxt, Sutsiguts
tt'iiet sldetpared i sthsitel
s~:ets es sue It usas a huest
scsiformnc5e.Itais tsunesi
eccselhy tutu it re5sembullexsI'e~
tvt se as 55o55so gireaut for
555-ild he for six issue
'Ths muusal ievelopmntts
Turish girls is also intceresti
set inteuresting uf sill is thuri
sire ons thseliars of liaese girts
tile muight i-all asir~ituaslt tus
sit ths'trnuths if use Scritiur
ve~e nteetuis fi il td.W hn heducations, we snow swe ousgh
ul religisu oppiortunsities,
seemeusd toussrtihat slusvyaalhr
ibe drawna forthe girls s nChr r h prto h ilant
Lureat Lighat las indeed cuss
vividness thsat I fear we, whos
favored, little understasnd.T
of these girls, as tacy go out

ssnmighut <us saroads, if indeted iherce vere any
ixtiasnlasnds eloasds.
whuomu thur This vas only aibosut sixty years ago
sae uvula a aussel radloption oust rapid developnaent
oare nmore o: thus'rsueni systema of psulic scboolo
lTar futusre as-c cuse to a great extent to the wise and
iinto life, far-sighted actions of twvo saen of that

Encircling arm,
Clinging hand,
Risses long,-
These in demand.

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