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December 16, 1899 - Image 5

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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middle finger instead of on the tip of it. py to think that in this respect the age business enterprise and interesting A SKETCH OF THE GREEK LETTER
She is always busy in helping her nmother Michigan girl is gradaly hanging hetsel in all matters of public import, SISTERHOODS.
every morning in the house work. She and in the year 150 the term "co-d'"se is none the less is grand dame. The___
folds op edding, and pts it away in wilt e neither ancient hitry or will esee with whicho she can diret a cover-
the closet, sweeps and dusts the rooms hr applied to our eollege hether-an sation, chat of then and women whons The Greek-letters sorority system was
and dsts all the wood work. The wood apparition in a slouch hat, striped she has koown, and draw out, now one established at the University of Michi-
wort in the hoses is almost like a mir- sweater and eorduroy trousers, guest and now sother, not forgettingi gao toward the close of 1879, nine
rer. You can see your face on it. Many girls do not realise that the tie charmsed though embarrassed for-yerafrthadisoofwmnno
Site also helps some in getting meals,i campus and the class-reams are the eger wise may have a seat in this inner yasatrteamsit fwmnit
esvcn though they ave ahired girl, places where they are the mst con- circle, althilese tings call for instant the University. At that time eighty-one
Besides site takes etiquette lessons, if spicious-in fact the only places where tsadmiration. women were erolled in the litetary de-
she chooses. It teaches her busy to walk they are seen by some peple. They As a smatter of fact, however, French ' parment. Six of these became the
anti sit down, offer things to the guests, perhaps think that anything wilt do women of the present time are not so charter members of the Eta chapters in-
ialk to them anid make a bow, sod so for college. This surely in a great ois- lo- eer and intellectual as they used to siue
forth. take for that is by far the greatest prt bc. nor are tey so itfitential in public siue by the society of Kappa Alpha
Site does not go out its the eening o' our life here. to compaison how- affairs. A well-known Prisienne was Theta, December o, sf79. This Society
very touch utnless seine older person is small is the need for more elaborae rcenly asked why this should be, and existed without a rival till 1882l, chen
with her. She is not considered very clothes in Ann Arbor! But again to et reply was substantially as follows: Gamma Thi Beta established its Beta
nudest if she does. We have some kind return to ouse improved girl. "irentch womsets ae ceased to be bel-
of a festival nearly every month, but There in nothing msculine sout this it because it is not the fashion to be chapter, the oldest sisterhood of co-
New Year's day (the 1st of January) is oteo type, in spite of the severity of s; Nowadays tier are expected to tinuous existence at Michigan.
the greatest day in the year. The first ter clothes. The walking hat is sft kow hosv to run an automobile, drive Itt 185 Dela Gammin tstiued its
ftw days its January, she invites her and confortable, modtst and in good tndent or four-in-hand, and iteestMihgnCatrX.
fred ohrhm ri nie y taste. The skirt waist 'has long stool themselves generally in matters whi cliuigth itrIf186 h n
others, and plays merry gmtes. unquestioned. Perhaps the golf skirt ats ie discussed to advantage without Duig tewnero 5-6te0
Hyakus in obt, literally the poems and heavy shoes need a srongee arg- a display of conersaional art. When dergradtte members of Kappa Alpha
of one hundred poets,' is a favorite ment. Ocr masculine friends plead for ther fashions changes you may be sure Teta, with ue cooperation of certain
game for both men and women at Newo - good sense and neatness in every- lit tey will prepare themselves toausttgvuphercreaidhs
Ytar's day. This consists of two un-uing and for the street what could be iset the newc requirements. Wen
fred cards. Oacti of these, either inre sensible or neat. As for the vwossesn are expected to be brilliant tey Eta chapter became and contitued do-
tse first or latter half of the poens Is shoes-the act that girls have swell- make1c a point of being so, and te hole Isant utitlt1886i, wten at te general cot-
written. DOne hundred cards containinig cred their pride to such an extent as afar is largely a mtter of education." eition of the society held at Chicago in
thec latter al are used to deal. Each to wear shoes that make their feet loots Dossever loth we may be to accept Juy 193 its reesablismtient ao in-
payer is served witht a certain nsumber large and clumsyts shows that it was a t ese satemsentsthesy sent to contain stituted by the initiatiots of nine Michi-
is! cards and she puts thesisonthie floor successful plea for sense and comfort tie trut of the present situation. gao students swho had previously tunited
sol h aehne u eoehr o hat brought about the change. To br Joists R Effiger, Jr. for ue purpose of revivisgte chapter.
persons takes one htudred wills the first sure it might be difficult to inspire a________ Certain mensers of ue old Eta chap-
itch of the poemtsod reads themi or- roettnowadays to say "nr dainty ter of Kappo Alpso Theta and some oh
ter as they conme front huffled pck. Le like oicepeedfotuthret THE GERMAN HOLIDAY. teissi-co4asd8acptdi
Eey pae o orsesse h atrtieat -but perhaps that in not to be June 1686, a charter fros thie New
alt. to the one read. If any one finds regretted. - Among the may tisgs swhihsusot York Sorosis and becaue the collegiate
acard siths the latter half tn the one So the battle for co-education is not sieth mrct rsdn tsGrsoybrattchs of that society
just given nutsamng oiler players' yet won but it is certaisly gaining by ars the nssmbler aid freqencstty of the Two years later a Micigans chapter
giousid, site eon picke it ups quickly and rapid strides as each year the appea- lolidays. was osgnszed by the Society of Pi Beta
lay it aside asid itsenslite gives a certain anees of the girls improe. Perhaps thesc st dslirsit of thesefs-Pitt the oldssl intercollegiate sisterhood
osissrnb iiiof crds o ue careless player. Florence Hll. ts ls are Al-Saints ouch AllSouls Dy thuhsossisst e oldest Greekletter sor-
iteos h o ilossoNcrcrofiov___________ Pt.Iad 2. 'Wh et hicpeople decos- (Diy listsociey frostsits fousdisg
l te uewinnier. This is 5very exciting CLMBASDAGthcir le rapsssccof their te sor ed frinsiat sossssooiliCollege is~in pi, 87,
anth and interestisng gamse. Crd play is FAIR COstLUMBIA'sSs sts1 DAUGHTiER.r hsssssvgltill 1uhf's scasllesthe . C. Sorosis, but
uss'llichy forsriddecn b hicesoernmtissessivsln lumnteter]w
soile ctoeth t eusee nnv irer's cay, bui t tale oe; e r Clumtia's impleriousoQtcs ~ crrss yiii srIi i tset taose iiis hspro ieGei
soue ctis i isrihirhy orirhessescitSit oeis Ie yes m siwishoutsze in tier s,'nof te ivse of Sit SaitsI)DylttersIPi Bet Philas a scosdry title
isNYersom cloy. sors1ilden sseets,"shts esits sinsererat ~5 oichtelitorigissal desigation hss c-
"Kilsiye un" (catchsinigafox) is If ysu hit of subijctions or swhisper of i i i dsmt ihKisjsseisct sats Kaispci tGammc gnze.
also iibes Iytheicriis. Tissy alke a' ho0, -s cmritierssasmithussrres iis oo sr of Isai kiioGiiit rssie
heavsy corel andeltiiial c loose lhoissi l i stte The usma us eatrosf ue womssn, Iii- ;t icholsbrausceishechlde 190 it sistshaerr055ins;ltadc.,
msiddcle.Oe girl taeschossld of a cord youe isyli iiitw; h DADe.6,useahiPrhi esulstasichedartrsssitr i
ai: ea chicnd anthkepsit lowhesomoughs so' Nosicacibit f i, sir; be a smoutgood and crjisac cforerunser of Clrisuts. et Alph it-sabiied )o 16, 1892. its
hat a10 a glttetrcytosuhesthissfloot. A trite, khis ts itChrist Cld n.s'iu - .Tlitsascstaster hicseculsnts mage of the
ci tesvieeat uocu hrsii fue yriui ay-itoItsthisGirsmsan heart, itakste rlac, ru rs ecssoarssstusseY
tittsn Orasge, cansty or us itttcs it ma istyBusuut sresnit uwsiser, uor etehssm sh issI, cidskespisst s tu iinth ihu otif It'egias andsrofthleitnn.boil ri hsoroities.i
be. plaseetabsuts a foout ifurtiher isous te Iitioe nus o uur sronsg astithusgu tt1 . t s c s'sioiI otstudfue ,5cii'chtrboeasororities
oot. Slitlis toito thihissy q cmin v noil ises ighs I, sutire Xiiisicseasons.Esen trseto it1is'iseucsseuusirstessi
cord thse uegirls hlinig ltheesihsof .1 an 5vi-i tin uls ii nesii-cssuldmeuet yoi isescosssle uset hiseis csirss uiu itttidtt19
curd wsultuss ightlessn ton out listhand u initoiks, ssnussss istsa icsuusue." orlilse sabes The Pinesi Sorority of Aiipha psi-
If site is causghtlsikle that, sitse.annot I 5c0an t sulistsuianywshere, eestusnooks:5 cntainisussgaresess ssisui ofs iJosepshs ouchintuvlois ciisundediicc ct lii ciigass. Feb.
listse aiprsy before hisvAnouhrisam-o' lce the poiton os tat gessuiitiuh Is cmiiid hissBabisite.sisstie sar siut-3190 y ityesundergcrautres ofecthe
a wat e alsuwsciin heiigirH oee ihcbsit, d o astedsirtlisctsr Aied,"NwV ' vDciiiaschapers wsor izsed resiect
isutalyehesn in ndpis wiists.it.o o, cll r- sic it s stfinc s lalwe se uciv o hehis IIituisusAledticlCollege of
aoishedi-syit he iss sy l.Onissuelov oheeisisepecscm syss e ' eauths hise 555calliitis alst a Northwesselesi Luseits such othsie
asie rot tthe in shts]lt- ye ad hyisicasausc uchrumeonsICollee isfte
ssa. s soics hid of 5a5nisisiic a root opisc sesir. cunfss ~ t t utfeel so latdiia tcyleities i i i svo iusu St uiussu
ig oithiucider.cvFocus-irlin utue risg Isrv 1 dit."
tries to pass toff a boil us hissnext, neigh-' lisishnii ci t ofersastiltsandhguisser o isi ci rth Night) is anothershisitdhy, ami i year 5iit ts.mma capstr wasistesss-
hoc aso siuicly s sits citsibecauus im e eir 1,. t is n its it sssbeg in ssmse wesir htte Lnscisits of Cincnnasti.
hitssulersitlis50 s suffs i -hrt su Sht sssucislit-r hsfite mss.oubf unsitsualsiet ,tisis natssinsg .at 'Asi fTeostic Grsk et r us isusciiso-
while te itall s itihss risig styabudptjShe uustands teefreuhitgirls f ir, A csh s Sumngi" t'cmmpepet uustus uiot1 s te AphatiPhius Degi founsded
ssotrlhe pcuishd.For thisitpuihmentm' Deep joy ius hr ene-ctshdiarse in len ris csris a tsatfi t lu thuseue ndslfiithissODctobe 55 5ffa, hothus erausof cle
cihe hissto tics anytingimschis usassigned scir, s i sits ason cit hitspiwnisopts tic hiss isSchoolrof Susicusconnectedci cwit D
us ir by thc udgs. ionfesrs sithditsshuuis, btsha seet, it sums"wthishlusthld flriti u.Iawlie7110noy. fedyar.A nthtpercseoeofhemstsbeenis lisshedilus scasocholsui ofhs
.....-- Th~~~is at ciaisisg the rihtsisof this ess'ad unesituuevsetsis usn1ownusss teA-1h H E ICIA ILiadprmebl rCat al Ls ea hu lgae ino sbcevsth eynuu nc etgrfuls
A tgivscc as iefore, all te ove of her isll ws-islucd acuthmiscCurt Theateroand tes of ihe Usivesity School of Music
Perhapshuin isaing of Ibisehanges ihert.plomt ly swhen the musiibeganu.the at AmissArbor.
its this appuearansee ofte campsu.u iust si iert is coommsotion,isi irin Pinuee Regent appered,. preceded by al The Uttego Psi Society was founded
thseusewsbuildinugs sod the newv waelk, is a swhil, log dubesrow oif ages.sandshlciithiln onog ushe frsteniy girls of North-
wse miotspeakcof tte enws'colege honthisswichising ceatiot-hie Aisei- Ps olonaise.Folloinsrug inscaeteussssenCss-siyn 8.stdtsBa
i; forcertins it is that there is a caisgin. pincrpes andusiusncuesss inthue orecof chasptensas estblised lure its 1896.
decielyhsiewurtype ofunisersity 0is-irL. F. . thecr rattl, reaivlecsuf ue EmupeoofIiThe soority- is cm urely socil isse, in-
to ie seenlutintthe cammpu. Oinstead of Feisrint frossmte FeahodfyRecordf, Uni- Austri,thissQueens of Spin,, hicStattont teded o fose isser soroiy fellow-
abela~siey tired looking indiiul verify of Nashville, mf98. sof Engan andman ssyctertupesirosd- 'itshactivh 11 mberhing pn
carryig hr ools in one ascumanditu sr freetnusblichie5 rsessoms tooke lce o isis vloe n- meetal msey
skirts its theother ue see a happy THE WIT OF FRENCH WOMEN. thin Sundsasy- sfure eistd out ShreIss-issur e thec t euste st twsohey
lilghtheariediss-n agult skirt a 'ic-ssuhoy The wsoiso latuion is on ihs temhe-cittu h so w
stiesstsumtaor in ue wnowsvsof thu yes on mliscietey to give alan umual
jauty ast stud asaigoshat lie Even oftcen tiedays ot the Hotelte ebl o itoducienyoungse rsembes
regents perhasps uight nod ouatmhc uionsidercu lsiese xetd yhouuses sand ispaercouftoiiiand rolls ctsloasueofit fruefrt iuescn
iis changesiC geat imprancebut R - ehiuste iflueu cehie'ertceobykihisstu-coitsor1 tier ribbossasroe tisrownwoapa teioih irtt er
innt colgpoei sa-s auehda utulical lie osithmiscGliicsation has eseuuiu s scesC 5ud itIi"iSgiete Fatgernts. Kap lh
vasuee for teeli-insboth is hunallsatttihsei-essm ePaiios ohm,ei ssumreet soklihuhe ciaisoe garden. 'ieoetblhlisEa espesa
amsanne.Po umsie itth la l u tihe lonmg period fono Mdeine se Lsc sseuhs isuttm ameAisoArbor its 1879, aotut 300 isfte to-
that our hcritabie felosw students ft usiry udoswn h t o meseEccomier, ci c emisis this sword ove, o0ryatD'ial unummbe of somensgraiuted moos
have aled us ibis 'hygienic oceds," vscan tunoffial center of pubisic ac irituhay o twyo ansdlthirstAscensions and the University lhae beenm ebies of
be it knusousthat they will admat, when tiviuylan y5ws recognized s such, amd Whitsundyfolosed. Juiemwas the lteay sisroriies. Di thisumbe the
cornesed that there is a get 5n-5 is uy sre tie smattes of stoic wilcs ave fistoshfitCorpus Cisiu. Te duy ws Gmmat Phil Beta Ssroriys(tis85; S
pirovernencits this dress of he ilus. teen decided bs a feminine judgmgntina sugrted by a sate imass oh the Ca- Dela aussusm Frtenity,4;Cleit
But along this linoa0 want tosay Athoughstis influene of wonen was 'tiedal, foloweud by ass imsmese proces- Snois. 40: Pi Bea Phi rasernity, 32;
somsetiug which may sound lie ash umiusmismdy as oftens for bad as on son imm honors of tie Hloy Scroet, Fraenity of Kappa Alpha Theta, 29;
hiresa. I ealy believe ihai it is the good, it is interesting o observe thais hic ws soscarnied hby a bishop uinder a Kappa Kappsa Ganma Soority, 28;
girts' faut that the word e-ed has tey re univeslly admsited to have csaopy, and atended by a bdy-guard. Fraternmity of Alpha Phi, 2; Delta Delta
disagreeable significance. Somhsw the edispayed a noe wit, a swonderful facliy Ble spectators fell on their kees as it Dela Soority, u.
'osrd suggests three things: Carelessly is conversaionm, and ani ability ottis- Passed by adth ue soldiers presenedh Five hundred nd ninety-five women
arranged hair, ssiled collars and bad cos pubili affairs which far exceeds arns. The memes of the Royali were enrolled in the liearro department
ooking shoes. I am afraid ihainso1lie usual Anglo-Saxon ideas or ideals House appeared in sate carriages, during the college year, 189899, 149 be-
ooking around in sue classes these of womos capacity. priests, monks, iunmss the miulitry odes ing members sf sororities. The follow-
conditisns are not hard is find. Is it In these later days. the old traditin jad societies of all kinds, university pro- ing numbers represent the actve mem-

strange that a man, sitting behind a of the French salon' has been kept alive hessors in acadhemice gowns, student- bership si she sororihies for that year:
girl of this type threesr fsur times a in Paris by Mms. Juliette Adam, the ths- corps wihb their characteristic caps and Collegiate Sorosis, :25; Delta Gaimma
wecek tsr fsur msnths, shold be tis- tisguisheth directrice of La Nsouvelle sashes, trades. chhitren-until onme al- Fraternity, 23; Fraternhty of Alpha
gusted with the csllege girt in general? Reese, who presides over her drawing nmost forgot what the occasion was. Such Phi, SI' Gamms Phi Beta Sorority, i$;
A eollege girl certainly hasn't time isonuns on a Sunday afternooin with all the a mixture was it of the relivious and Ph eBta Phh Fraternity, 17; Delta Kappa
make an elabsrate tsilet but she ought charm and tact of any of her preeteces- secular, as are all these interesting cele- Kappa Gamma Sorsrity, s5; Fraternity
at lesstatoIsloskscab. But to turns is sees. An intellhgent, progressive woman brationts of Soiuth Germany. of Kappa Alpha Theta, I5; Delta Delta
something more pleasant we are hap- in every sense of the worth, conducting a Merib R. Patterssn, 'go. Sorority, 15.

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