The Michigan Daily
No. 35
Wolvrines Will Clash With Hawk. Pcsition of Regents in Regard to
eyes This Afternoon-Coach Yos i Criticism of Medical Societiss
and Heston Will See the Chi.-Aswer to Question
cago-Texas Game. * When First Raised.
The husky lais frotslDrak~e ui-c The rectcitiricismi of viie'board'
vlrsi19sill arr ie- in Anvi Arbor at rs-Islei cea iaicneia
i 'lock tIhis nmorning preaed to ~ big iiava s eil
lihtte \W'leriiieidragoin in its was raisedii ni 1900..The pshitronof
oW lair. Ini site of :Michigans n li gi vrgai oti se
glriarlllilcrir ic - \e can bs le vaed is answer cs he
,i 5andil'iWisconsin'vspeedly rtirea s-ise criicise. tBeliiw is a copty of
tidra scoeiofi28 to I0,teIswa. thle regens' letter.
lisl virsnglioies ii iiilli "Ph is oi n , ci arryii inoui t(ili
Lvii ear viieiiii i lost "eiii nanaviii iiivofithI lievlersiy s-lia
l-atyar hnlie twosteams niet
an ler- Fiel, itle lDraklve n inlsvenv deavrs is erve, is le best
eliyedioits i abiiliy, thle pirpolse for which
iith a u gvl ailhiei i lv lm'nedival ideartiet oile ui-
tiliavi ii a iitisalviirable sty9lesversis wae esablished;, u ilia-
rirliiie wasleay andit olraluy
lavi. 4l ha nethyhl iighlylesienific avilprucictal etltca-
'l.glllforiatinsirendliev elil uo hsesucus h ih
tipiiietCaririedtebl o odgis tilyiieiicive aviilsurgery. The
th it'luavi rootoers wsocltsaiici- , c lyhosialsiareol oeo
pedslaargei'stiie, swere suirurisedl itle Iieas iio ihaltiiid. 'They, as
ate i ercet sappyoplositionail stale isiutionsi are pni to all
'i e sly ato ofi uthle Illsail ivler- iiesoftesaetxaes or
cvity wet ipseveral notcheus. otghier iev, rich or poorltulsiho submiti~
brk' vemtis ly earvs-igt Ist terules adreglvvtiois ofth
biii riehae Sesveral vspeedy thn hosilal. lTs' were volibil ,as he
by'h are Coilumel viiilftgoidvil oh admdrfu frteproeo
]i liv' licling depairtment iv heliis - -reeciing apers, liivi fo- lie tea-
llrs ae al-i i cuvlvrly sronig 'reit oflidiseaeaidvimviiarily fvt
I lihli Ds Mo ies Niws inhetheinstiruct iiiionofstuidents
wruetip ofvtheliii iv -rinneivilvigame.iii odo eenti iii ivii s vhaivs vii
liiiitudaysals:hiknowlv siof le pevuiary cieta-
ii iifeaiure of theigamei lv beten savicevs oi ieiappliciaiiis for aviteis-
bral nd Glr' iallIia the.i Drake sovrinviiitlbe ivspil.vItiihas via
sadliliSaltuei-is-alltervioviwasiiiavs scihinvits viiichvvsovvbiait SL-s,
nsot ii he sring.,ofithI Drake teami b viiisi liii vinlif this iiscrhiiiva-
a terlingvim'iis u iiiii lart liiin vCol l e nmae tle iwoeulu require
ie ime ian ithe firsit hallturchaivi iaivy eaihiavplicaitiilaiid ituldlu
trie to pllac'liv' al iver-teiiirshi' vvbligvedl toli somti 'degre'e il faf-
liot niathe ii4S cardiili viine ndtie riceit i wovusslivd v lic tiiihoivitlials
w 1as sct'vssliul ITheiother l ickl~v s toappllicanitvsi if t seyciul e poe
rc staight. lifor te v center of the to hssyessi.'lii is veil feels thai
toal butifellst. ihas nieiehe ightv.51n1oisitiis powevr
lbe the l Vvilv iitookiioviquiriiv toiviviheilivciary covvii-
theilacv f hlivvv andivi aI s via i of iian applicantilorifiiaware of
var s sceft, tyngfra f li'l suciconiioitoiirefise adaissiovi
tour tinier anviiiplac igte lvlvrfor the Ilsuitreaonitha le aplicavit
theoliligtationlal ice. Hetv'v I-c' iiiis abisle to vey ara'onablueifee for
r iissedia goal 1frvmiihi' 40-ysardi pri-ate'treatmvnt.ucfvi iIlivpatieis li
ifeand all of1Iis Iiris wsrc'rtly ii lliii 10 sbitvil lutsell vsoite rules
5~ptheiilii'cenvier 1ofvvhe ay'" aviric-atvriivs o liveliosital, lie
'155 i is ieait ol Semi that Ipeiiniarys cndviiinicavivit b' i-
goials tiir a si cagais i hiian,.vv ' ilu aru, covsiverg thein.
1I5isalso sai hal lhey- siill uissvsistruI ciovi f leviiiidentsas liii'chief
Ii cresiclikilplasswiSelcomple ibje c ofiIrealmentila t' hospitalas,
111951 i d i nn Ivivelli1 ie siwishinvg vil iii' sameii'lt ii' iosaadil
Stlsifor vosi's saeliesliii's are s viiivch as possible the wvrtiy pti,
eaig hee11al ad1,i ait impviioranvilcases, ievi if not
brt11.fatecviblle Piiisict ivonvi roitlvavib.lelvtoi iaythe snaillfee ciaged, in
llaiie anil (hicago liii' iravticeI reli-encv'is css'sof less ivillort-
chsbenve1ry-liglil all week, covsist-vi atelforlinsiutio uivigh ale to
kclthiyiofsignal wondii'sshoil I lasIthi'Ie. If avy applicavt has lo
crtiviagi - Yiivt ihas bienvin Ii iwiit iladmission tovi tii' hositlals, i is
hae1 iiis a liveallhiig spell afterthir svilyilibeicause ofwt viof cmvii. Te
hard hiulssle awi'le lianti doe-s not11wishlino111atte miii10
ItWvv b ci al altrspe i sliiti pli't1.1als. I wi tiicted pily siciavs nor
aye1 aeenlelidivgularlyIviliiihegym tideive t1h11'e1coiip1etuletvlof in-
1111 qfeai b p ice atlte1ldli liis cay-euiiv' But, ur le cosiuin
Ladon bhinidbarecilates andilansofvilhivtae IIintrctioni
Ligt nighthei1111boisiterecpt othe 1meicliistdents of tile vii-
tiivsthe lils paciebfr in esl scmttvduitoi iis caevandl
et wihuDrak.Thliirevwas vino ilii, 111hisidu ii upin tlit he uiuvardcan
sclniligi, 'Ihlitamiai s-s "1givia oiintrtti hevic cib'li'as i indiis it.
lviii1 Or liii at tiie IacklhinummytvuviThIec'clinical iirotiltsos voi the nmei-
lI a hard iiorkiuiion the liii' I Iiia eptmii-tiieni liare notiiaxiouus vto
ru i 'lcine. Tliifollwied ia hist elIa laienils oiinteaanssgraiously
rt cfst signal paiceiv a'nid te hitthe on il- disinciovi huical he
liiiof. lviiiime as taketri upiin madistvias tlithi evlutiv imprtnavce
oAl ug leivtn ositefesivevwo'rkuvteofi itheaientulas a vivijeci for ii
Al te euweresi-ti ex eptuiNunr- dlvi
es 'PIour f ivuvuuiuh sias ack in ".iiu, ca'rest uassir'eil ilac ue
he g imeaandall viifte ntisemed b oatdi firegats ii tes is use te,
1,ic ~ ~ ucvuvvv utcsitysshisials only for their
o~ e lilt i wiich ICoath Yosi ase Ilbgisaiv urpvoss, cmvbinig wihi
an 01 uItlmor'triw's "'amet' ils qute, istucion l studenvsi such a luas-
ttgna ilnt pbaet ithe nam lity at pbcnisrvantsl wll~ s
~pr.115 iantd Ilie ad. .Heldi has changd
aces wishllir1et'inkuv'limtnTomurna . .. . . . *** j
hatl andtiicku vi liii)' livef f
li 1111andHal IWeeks willhodoute
~ 7~l ~ Caniwllofctef MICHIGAN
I ) enid, antiSussart will fcat
rave guauidsmnan oiite far rigt. -f BANQUET TICKETS *
uncevilu, t i he line swill remain
ied. fvi
se ane is sas grantedl leave of alt-f ONSL
L isi govih in e All-Frishi to * UNIVERSITY HALL *
vit, w ere hitswiii sftcite ai
g n~ e i theAll-Fresh-M. A. C.Itdy1T2
hm~iv~. "*1
Poach Yoiti intl Captain Hevlon * THIS AFTERNOON *
the ta'ight for Chicagou to attend
C~cgo- I exa game andl geta
(Cotined on pagetwo.) f*...f.ff.f..f f f f@*f
Cross Country Club Take Their Former Michigan Star Having R-
Annual Run in Ypsi-- markabe Success as Coach-
ag Race Net Hii team Defeats
Week Denver
Xcvi -cly afteurnoonv thei'Cross Anotulhut-cluhiganiptiyer has miaes
tout - s)' ctuii maduit hiruanuual run asucuss of utacsiing. Otusincle
ui i 'usilavuli. 'lilt- affuvt'ir nupr v'du o l iv sldsoftuf lus ilg lJoe 2Maddohucsis
Ite s ioular as 'uv i ast years, uvuid umatig a tshtutu lh it ilt'e i'i'
~~~~~~~ur-a t hotimadeus thitsjuineyivo9 ltd it a t hilt thoduus hut'his itjuctiu ioifat'
jtfi)ly'gooud tie. ''cvsti footl.
Aut-4:1hissomtec'2smenustt h'ihi' "111 Satuirda heliu-iviersiy ofittah
un tuulsar tud viinItheir s v -ileun21111 t1ramuuiwihichi tutid lcii is csoucintg, de-
acsettco-unty, arrvinin iYp tstil uu I'tlea 'i'vr uiveity for ' tthe
at 1:-h1,. coerinug the d sance' in 42 iii i--'thil5. ''i' sv
viuuuuuuierst limeisin thOtis warsti's'ueisuorh
miuts hchisoe in t oterwsys12 t .
u 1,, te tile' tiu ati istv 4e at Alt
.. -si t' u e ofittthe vrunnerc s our the- I tll- o11h 1111rhis Ihitsfolo-
me1. ho rde th intrur an ar ith is ctthitii('r ui tiltuhitsgause.
ills uit cs esufheul lv pv- ail t it H iwi-hi D''i ert ni veisis ty lost'tu h eIhisgameu.
esveu, iliv' runneisuaraivedtbefoieithetinoitibvcauseiotIehh'muswaisllpooru, ut
mensticuhu hadhaul enasv heuliv at,11 While uu'uuusu hhutsMormonluls ss'uu'-a litleiv
ills'tr. -.u seret'wsiinig cihus-unrilal o01 beti
then lotcihes. theyi' vimulg 1 in ai vlitlev tc: 4 t'rmgumeveuthil s pielts hut' mriiuvilthii g ihe
'thil th hdournetos thelihitalwk - - - - -''-
ills iHouisv, witu' innertiuisias seaIhIed
and ciols-ge' songs iiiii I l
Thue iannhual fuall vauce hiill taeI
lace netic-h e\'uneusday, Nutvmberu'
ov rt he i cl'ubu rset51 5. Thitle hiill hu
u h ia p risiheih vau-u. Thu lrithe'ssutil hut
sits - iicult, whichli ari 1 n's t ohu ehi - !i
It uito viat \'ater's bot t ore. Lunu I v
t's blnkhs tutu iuu'secsued iia l ihe
diuuirecto 's offutice 5in uiv t iusut gy ia-u
Thy'eurcss tfuslass tcs- lulmein-uJOE MADDOCK
aalhswuas chevcked-uhlash vigiilwhetln ____________ ____ ____
thei 190161 51c'lius andu 190I Lut s l aylved vil i'us s. hoi 'uus ahui'
a lie. gamte, nlit'hut-clv'inubeiig ablu ina hsle'ohtam dpe
tuo si-tie. 'liie udefu'nse of eaithisidei th11'auteh tyli 'e cut play-.andtr uaightl
wa btertan te1fene a l ii lsall wslls ills' si. Lineivsbuciks
hials wu erev-i'I lu u e h'tf hule l ioral l ayii us ut s ideluv'of taickleiu'sr'v'r' -
Iowu s, or forc'vedI to unuv t. I huh ce tutu oh atan frthi
ulkicing ' foparume10,hKistonfor thimasongameih. 'TheustIausiuplyed
05 itsivghowedariti emarkabiiuily wethisequal-yiithet'lie,buttulhis Mormnsv
his lmtns co'bivinhvug beighiuisi ths clearly otl uaedt'ihet' Bishopvis i his
tancet Ihus ciiailintheI end's'i to igui bask: hl.
dhown t hevfieilv itieto10 dosn tie tiCotaihXMauddocs:ha us u's-ur' reasonv
mains lihis ttacks.I toubeihiprou at his Itvuam; althioug
'hu e dvvic i hckedt off toth thei I ris' 'g llee Iithey played't lisc' sei'racs
Ito-yardulilt, andultic ltterav asedvutuh liruishivg wsu effeciv, avd
it 1 yads efor beng orce t hevc ltoe avminut diiidty e down.
punt Theblat stcscahtrur eil tm oe Aterte Ih-gaintt, ,hv'gas-s ou11 lie
siude o hut 5ied loithe tutu, hut as follinug s a u-uiuhtth
soon lilatouhonh ie imumi- ''191 y 19boyslv'1the' hury'-pthai,
cent, thuhitdisvnse ut i ii I and heliv dviii iu'ise oftt h ie betsaDen
'h elnst v er.ii he byhal v'ende'dhwitihivetuuu-isv rssi tl'Theiatu. her iiboys
thusbaluaunmuhebvi tic poses uioninmu liii urlehrd utw hl
mudle ofit01 t i l A s- hbucked' heImisi haiulitanudi
lhei'seco'nduihal'vas a repe'it'i ion of 't'hcou' its-ihost ld ls' liiht'is1the'
tb isec ta a tad sper-aei lee c ent- i s-l i'vcu'uheustwouh itlamus. r
minutes . it oftiofs .,uiesulNebraskauuthis tull, aththe fact
foced'csto 0tsitithe gaume itt accomi t chdownisI v ailv-Minnsuouutuadereis-
dar'knesvs, ithlitiii'hall agv'ainu i t ic hbe hn il X~vve iutat iv
come ofthefied. unla an betenonl lt-ik., llrhuhu's55'tals
iieis starredl fr iie'Medihussswiltc____s___
Kidstn, tJonecs. anth D)ty didi tii
pre'muier wscudso te li haI"MEN OF YOST"
vialtedlthuat Ithutslit' wouldinmuall iprviii 'list-olloin'ug uuwurus hutvs' beei
abiiy, hbu'ptiayedti cftfvne it I ium ''s ' -v-riltten1 iy' uvsuduentl iii 'Mce i of
night. i it iYo v v s~hu lst" - iiuru-i
'5s it lineu : L . V n Sy e hail t ilum- heres,
1 I. ay ..,lhil'- v eil c, Captaui Si-autIeredl are all tirtlefls
,Noirton; n".g, Burunisierhir_ tIAurvii ievru-eti liand wst ar e thos
s titug, Strai; r euHull; q, D isy leuir t X'Yos
I .h. iduusiuuu I. h., Pummean ;v f.I
Jovnes.1-tutl, hrlde'thus cvhiganu
'sl; Meiicivs: 1.e.,How ; I u1. iHo age- AnniArbotr tus'wts,
iF'enneu'l; 1. g~ t'uiigu .,u'Pullts; I.g iLonug he rvsvuv'uuhuru'u11hohsu
Wuok; rvtICaptinuvDUulatp;1r. Le i Munut Yosi.
C'uvihmuan; q, tutu 1.It., iluncts r -- -______
i., Wooduff;ti f.,I Beah.NO CLASS GAME TODAY
If('hicagut reptuvis avis to lbebe--
li esvduloni oet A. Sitagg is hisn~g
tr'ublueuut hivsvia-mtjuls1 at prelsent.
XVII i his star halfbtackus, ('ainandt
tie Tray out of tieigaule tutuaccout
tin ijurie's, andl cle XMic'iigan game
looming hirnhbefore him, tbs Univer-
sity' of ie~shaus filedth iis cvipi of
sorrowustolvesvrlowing hby uannunvcinsg'
luau tbey expseett0 win toutay's game.
'liii average weight of clue Teptans is
humore hto 'e1117 1-2 huuiinls, andu
it is saidlthaltfout'ofithue muenvcan
gou a hsundre1d,1yardis linbetter'thuan
l1t 1- ? secounds, while outs of uhe hiatt-
haciss his a receord of 150 fat.
If thitse reportso are trite, it is lit-j
use swondier luat the Foxy' One ivs wor-
ied. Spidllt a siubstlitutle, v-ill oc-
eutpy outs of the halfback positions to--
day, while Parry, the big tackle,
play' the other.
lIicer-c'lass :Mtagevsur ilavulanu
- l stes thtuhiulis'cluiss ganue betiweeni
thei 's05l iigineuers andulthi' '0'57 Enugi-
lues, whiichi s,-vs ltoiiuav'eiueesa ilaed
t his mouirningi , li s-eenplushtpoinedun u-
il Wedneimisdauy 51fternoonuuat 4 uo'clocku.
'hts'0 L ~its andthehts'06utI.ils with
1 puay oitttheir lie next Thuresday aic-
Prev. Angell'itwfil adduruss unvsersity
stouduentso vi Nevwberry hiatt at 7
o'celocks, on thue subiject uof"Msin.
IPr-v. Amuguil's e'xperiencee as muinister
to C'hinuuvanduurkiihey tpecultiarly fit
tuito spea ouv'niuotthis subject.
-Franku 1F. Reedt of Chicago has been
ehoseni toastmnaster fur the Michigan