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November 05, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-05

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/N f THE MI1CH-IGAN DAILY.1 everyone wishes it to tie, some real
---- _ live rooting will be needed.Wit
~ AE WOULD HAVE Entered as second oIlasiattrait ithe Ann is a football game without rooting? C IA
* TV OU T KNO Site tiouti We want lots of it, spirit and nta
A Publishiedldaily (Muuday e( ed during the 'liasm at fever neat from the moment [ 9 l
ay~~~t, ~cellegyear. at li-,iE. wioingmon 'ireet. the referee's whistle blows until time F O B L
ibs senrtfloorside ciii 'net 'bune 2-ar
Tht e r dinbt'in',. tis called in the second ball. Every- TIS 1is ttTifrl.
Thatwe ae dong bsines at Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. one teels as if he had been to some-
ORBusiness Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. thing worth while then. In fact, Remieniber that sie carry the
ORNEW STORE - these occas'ions where 1t0t000 voices most comlelte hinetof
Z 311 South State Street Athtcs_-- --Cii uL. IDE are raised with one accord to the
__________ - - - - - - prasise of old Michigan, are the in- Atmto~o d
~3.tWoren......ir . nisIa1 rwrigmnswhienione really e igets into theIl
*Woesfr AMriEITOIA'uiL1 SAFE spiirit of college life and enjoys * in the city,
That otir New Woesfr A.'I .aer larry 11. Andrrsfly olteeyn oi u o
the cotiting fall trade are 1. w<itr Jayse fly olteeyn oeott
nloss ready. AsUtIfA'F2S lay and get into practice for vise 1football Suits, Nose Guards,
~ iees'A.tbes Arhu I' Cghtiicago ganie. The team will need Shin GadHdgars--Sisal-
G eyorgerbrn .Arthar l gle erdbuifnougvetem make- all si gies -all jrices
A. 11. iOrtmseyer Sidne'y Rii iIr )your' help) theei u fyo iete
That we make superb gar- Hugh Allen WilltC. Sanfordl shat they deserve, you will base to O NA[OB [
iiients or geiileuien. CharlesSiiistead .JeroeW'eadockl practice up beforehand as they have [r7c 1 15,$,$ r$
BU hiSINE2SS STAFF seen doing since Sepitemnber 10. They
±WS. Italass E. N. linue
That swe appreciate your trade ..IE. Frizer A. 11.aus have dine macli for you adteui er h fine psoints ofie
anti respectfully solicit a versity. Will- you get. out. and show game forI Oc--the. price of
* cosntiiauanice of the same. RtATES: ad.ier yie. or $. if eiu1i n your stinteciation of it, ansi, at the Sisalding's Football
* uuieuiiie. Guide.
OilerHous:12:0 o 130and6:0 t 730sanie timse, see in action one of the ___
OffceHous:12:0 o 130and6:0 t 730greatest, football teams thai ever ap-
* G ,WIDC . p m. taly eared on a grisdiron.
G.HiID 'j al.WAD-I !
D f'AlI.ORS Address: CLAUDE A.Tl1Ol1SON, Business
® 1 toeSret lanager, 331 Packard St., Telephone 46 1. MCHANv.D KEB O S R S
. es:(Continued from pae )n~ UNIVERSITY HEAQRTS
Nt'It PThese of ouur frinds whoihave ag oe.HEDQARER
noit benrislirpatronss ie wouldeuor-
diusly inite to: come NOWS. f___________________ ew pioiniters fornex Saturday's 103-105 Nt, Halo 51. 316 5. Slate St.
1 Satur'day, November 5, 104 ll ingis the line uii for this
_-- afterinoon's game: [R[EUVAN FAINTED.
1O LG TXTBOS Editor Today-A. H. ORTMEYER. Drake. Michigan.
TXT-BOKSJordan, 145.... L. E. ....lark in Roomini ' i the law bu:ildil
Diamon, 160.... L. 'T. ti Crtis whiile takinig an: examniation ini
ALL DEPARTMENTS CALENDAR. Hoffman, t80.. L. G.b..Sutte first year suibjetel e 'ibs'8....C. ShutzZ poiro lelli
AOV 5-TMrssbTPes.Anglla a.18 C.....cilehail sp-nt seve-ralnightvs previus
iv Aidesby Pe.Agi tConaway, 240..1 . . .....Carter sttidying Blackstoner. In ordt'r to V
Nee yhaMissions." k. til- tSharnberg,18t0. R. T. .rahiam ... oter the :'ntirem-gro tnil g ,iie ovv'r
ject, Missins."tislbert, 15...tE...... ...Stuart inlg lieipast seiiester it b~ecame ii(
Nov. h-S. A. Harber of Ypsilanti Jefferson, 14.Q ...... . Norcross essary for him to do: a great deval
I OJTI LSwilt spieak to umiversity nmen at Hurebans, 155.. L. H...Patrick h ONT iPN reading. Now if lit' wouldl hat:'
McMillan hail at 6:30 p. m. Main, 12...,. R. H. Tom Hamniond iteu a firtclaiss latbo~ok office
I All quaranteed.
25 cents itilt hut oieit'tis i
WARRT EDx i ani cd is
as itood a9s vltiwoiild isase to
lit:Y '5iten ts orelseihrl'e.
banquet at Waterman gymna-
Nov. t2-Fiotball, Chicago vs. Mich-
igan at Ferry Field.
Nov. 38-John T. McCutcheon, on
S. L. A. course.
Nov. t8.-Pittsburg Orchestra-First
number of Choral Union series.
Dhrake apspears today in the last
iinor ciollege game of the season on
Ft'rry F'ieldi.Ditty one more contest,
lie Chicago game of next Saturday,
reminils on the schedule. tUponl that
slate Michigan will close anotheri
year of football victories. And it has
been a nmost rensarkable year, too, in
many ways. Eveni touday it is udoubt-
ful if these tudenst body aippreciate
fully what a teals Michigan has this
year. One reason for this is that
tune of the teams which have thus
far appsearedi have heels of sufficient
strength so realty test the Wolver-
ies' isetal. Hut one week frons to-
dlay everyone will be giveni a chalice
to see lie soys ini actions against
C'oach Stagg's pets. ansi then there
will leienhu. A rest gamse of football
sun Ferry Field-wbat a spulenudid
spectacle that wilt be!
Butt, in order to niake the comnbat
wish thssMaroons the success that
The Skull and Keys, a sensor so-
ciety ow California university, it-
itiates its candidates every fall by
bringing out the neophytes in dress
coats andu duck trousers ansi pusttinig
thems through embarrassing stunts.
The Cornell University Chess club
hiss seeuredi the services sif Dr. Em n-
anuel Lasher, chess chanmpion uif the
woirld, who with give an exhibition of
chess, playing 201 ganses simultane-
ouisly against 201 nembers of the
'hue total registration of students
hsas been comlspeted at Princeton uni-
versity and shows a failing off of 24.
't'bere are 1,286 names no0w onh te
uniiversity books, and the figures
sbow a decrease of 56 in the acad-
ensic department, white the scientific
departnient has gained 32.
At Harvard there is a co-operative
society which very effectively enters
into the students' life in furnishing
luxuries as well as necessities. This
society has a restaurant in the Har-
card Ulnion building, where the stu-
dents dine at nonsinal cost. A sam-
she of the society's activity is shown
"s a current number of the Harvard
Crimsson, in which a full psage adver-
tisemsent is displayed calling atten-
tons to lie fact tiiat the co-operative
society is selling steamler rugs for
lie fostball ganme.
street, hit'would ihase noticsoe m 0e'
very gooictutlsisues aid abridlgemients
of Bltackastonse wbich wouldh ab've
servedt his pusrtouse if review precise'-
cisely. With tie assistanee of Bihie
enisderfer's Bltacktoune's Etenient6
and tharts (a ve-ry exelet: work).
sir Spsraguse's Abridgemtsi of Black-
stone, use studsent wtousldtie able t4
review lie whole suibject of ltack-
stonse is: a c'omsparative'ly shourt timei
anld iii an exceedingly- thoroiughlY
miannler. 'The matterial is: the for-
mser work has beens groiupedinttom
short, distinct puaragraphis, as there
is no0 imm~ediate coniiissty tof satter
in an epivonme ike this, ansd the wider
the siiae between vise verses, the
greater is this dhane'ofsubject,
vbereby ittdicating correspionditig di'
visionss in the ceni~ts tif the volumffe,
siso lessening confusioin, unit givingf
zvery goodt arrangemient. Either of
[liii above bookusscanibe haul at s serf
reasonsable trice fromlt Mr. C. N.tBar*
thell, 3t26 South State stre'et.
Your Face Tells
If it's soft and smooth and free
from irritation, it's a sign yotu
use the healing
Ihe Students' Lecture Association
1004 - fiftl 4firzt Season - 1005
Russell N. Conwellt
Henry Watterson
John T. McCutcheon
Gov. LaFollette
Edward Bok
Hlenry Van Dyke
Leland T. Powers
Hanmilton W. Mabie
Oratorieal Contest
Open Number
Have you a rule book?
One for the asking.
303-5 S. State Street.
Season Tickets $2.00. _ Season Reserved .hoc Extra
Single Admission $1.00.
You can secure tickets iron, student sellers or at Wahr's State street book store
.DeER ILS' ART STORE, Artistic .Framing, 217 Sn Fourth Ave.

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