The Michigan Daily VO)L. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMi'BER 5, 1904. No. 35 frlCfl,14AN VS. DRAKE RGEtNTS ANSWR Wolvrines Will Clash With Hawk. Pcsition of Regents in Regard to eyes This Afternoon-Coach Yos i Criticism of Medical Societiss and Heston Will See the Chi.-Aswer to Question cago-Texas Game. * When First Raised. The husky lais frotslDrak~e ui-c The rectcitiricismi of viie'board' vlrsi19sill arr ie- in Anvi Arbor at rs-Islei cea iaicneia i 'lock tIhis nmorning preaed to ~ big iiava s eil lihtte \W'leriiieidragoin in its was raisedii ni 1900..The pshitronof oW lair. Ini site of :Michigans n li gi vrgai oti se glriarlllilcrir ic - \e can bs le vaed is answer cs he ,i 5andil'iWisconsin'vspeedly rtirea s-ise criicise. tBeliiw is a copty of tidra scoeiofi28 to I0,teIswa. thle regens' letter. lisl virsnglioies ii iiilli "Ph is oi n , ci arryii inoui t(ili Lvii ear viieiiii i lost "eiii nanaviii iiivofithI lievlersiy s-lia l-atyar hnlie twosteams niet an ler- Fiel, itle lDraklve n inlsvenv deavrs is erve, is le best eliyedioits i abiiliy, thle pirpolse for which iith a u gvl ailhiei i lv lm'nedival ideartiet oile ui- tiliavi ii a iitisalviirable sty9lesversis wae esablished;, u ilia- rirliiie wasleay andit olraluy lavi. 4l ha nethyhl iighlylesienific avilprucictal etltca- 'l.glllforiatinsirendliev elil uo hsesucus h ih tipiiietCaririedtebl o odgis tilyiieiicive aviilsurgery. The th it'luavi rootoers wsocltsaiici- , c lyhosialsiareol oeo pedslaargei'stiie, swere suirurisedl itle Iieas iio ihaltiiid. 'They, as ate i ercet sappyoplositionail stale isiutionsi are pni to all 'i e sly ato ofi uthle Illsail ivler- iiesoftesaetxaes or cvity wet ipseveral notcheus. otghier iev, rich or poorltulsiho submiti~ brk' vemtis ly earvs-igt Ist terules adreglvvtiois ofth biii riehae Sesveral vspeedy thn hosilal. lTs' were volibil ,as he by'h are Coilumel viiilftgoidvil oh admdrfu frteproeo ]i liv' licling depairtment iv heliis - -reeciing apers, liivi fo- lie tea- llrs ae al-i i cuvlvrly sronig 'reit oflidiseaeaidvimviiarily fvt I lihli Ds Mo ies Niws inhetheinstiruct iiiionofstuidents wruetip ofvtheliii iv -rinneivilvigame.iii odo eenti iii ivii s vhaivs vii liiiitudaysals:hiknowlv siof le pevuiary cieta- ii iifeaiure of theigamei lv beten savicevs oi ieiappliciaiiis for aviteis- bral nd Glr' iallIia the.i Drake sovrinviiitlbe ivspil.vItiihas via sadliliSaltuei-is-alltervioviwasiiiavs scihinvits viiichvvsovvbiait SL-s, nsot ii he sring.,ofithI Drake teami b viiisi liii vinlif this iiscrhiiiva- a terlingvim'iis u iiiii lart liiin vCol l e nmae tle iwoeulu require ie ime ian ithe firsit hallturchaivi iaivy eaihiavplicaitiilaiid ituldlu trie to pllac'liv' al iver-teiiirshi' vvbligvedl toli somti 'degre'e il faf- liot niathe ii4S cardiili viine ndtie riceit i wovusslivd v lic tiiihoivitlials w 1as sct'vssliul ITheiother l ickl~v s toappllicanitvsi if t seyciul e poe rc staight. lifor te v center of the to hssyessi.'lii is veil feels thai toal butifellst. ihas nieiehe ightv.51n1oisitiis powevr lbe the l Vvilv iitookiioviquiriiv toiviviheilivciary covvii- theilacv f hlivvv andivi aI s via i of iian applicantilorifiiaware of var s sceft, tyngfra f li'l suciconiioitoiirefise adaissiovi tour tinier anviiiplac igte lvlvrfor the Ilsuitreaonitha le aplicavit theoliligtationlal ice. Hetv'v I-c' iiiis abisle to vey ara'onablueifee for r iissedia goal 1frvmiihi' 40-ysardi pri-ate'treatmvnt.ucfvi iIlivpatieis li ifeand all of1Iis Iiris wsrc'rtly ii lliii 10 sbitvil lutsell vsoite rules 5~ptheiilii'cenvier 1ofvvhe ay'" aviric-atvriivs o liveliosital, lie '155 i is ieait ol Semi that Ipeiiniarys cndviiinicavivit b' i- goials tiir a si cagais i hiian,.vv ' ilu aru, covsiverg thein. 1I5isalso sai hal lhey- siill uissvsistruI ciovi f leviiiidentsas liii'chief Ii cresiclikilplasswiSelcomple ibje c ofiIrealmentila t' hospitalas, 111951 i d i nn Ivivelli1 ie siwishinvg vil iii' sameii'lt ii' iosaadil Stlsifor vosi's saeliesliii's are s viiivch as possible the wvrtiy pti, eaig hee11al ad1,i ait impviioranvilcases, ievi if not brt11.fatecviblle Piiisict ivonvi roitlvavib.lelvtoi iaythe snaillfee ciaged, in llaiie anil (hicago liii' iravticeI reli-encv'is css'sof less ivillort- chsbenve1ry-liglil all week, covsist-vi atelforlinsiutio uivigh ale to kclthiyiofsignal wondii'sshoil I lasIthi'Ie. If avy applicavt has lo crtiviagi - Yiivt ihas bienvin Ii iwiit iladmission tovi tii' hositlals, i is hae1 iiis a liveallhiig spell afterthir svilyilibeicause ofwt viof cmvii. Te hard hiulssle awi'le lianti doe-s not11wishlino111atte miii10 ItWvv b ci al altrspe i sliiti pli't1.1als. I wi tiicted pily siciavs nor aye1 aeenlelidivgularlyIviliiihegym tideive t1h11'e1coiip1etuletvlof in- 1111 qfeai b p ice atlte1ldli liis cay-euiiv' But, ur le cosiuin Ladon bhinidbarecilates andilansofvilhivtae IIintrctioni Ligt nighthei1111boisiterecpt othe 1meicliistdents of tile vii- tiivsthe lils paciebfr in esl scmttvduitoi iis caevandl et wihuDrak.Thliirevwas vino ilii, 111hisidu ii upin tlit he uiuvardcan sclniligi, 'Ihlitamiai s-s "1givia oiintrtti hevic cib'li'as i indiis it. lviii1 Or liii at tiie IacklhinummytvuviThIec'clinical iirotiltsos voi the nmei- lI a hard iiorkiuiion the liii' I Iiia eptmii-tiieni liare notiiaxiouus vto ru i 'lcine. Tliifollwied ia hist elIa laienils oiinteaanssgraiously rt cfst signal paiceiv a'nid te hitthe on il- disinciovi huical he liiiof. lviiiime as taketri upiin madistvias tlithi evlutiv imprtnavce oAl ug leivtn ositefesivevwo'rkuvteofi itheaientulas a vivijeci for ii Al te euweresi-ti ex eptuiNunr- dlvi es 'PIour f ivuvuuiuh sias ack in ".iiu, ca'rest uassir'eil ilac ue he g imeaandall viifte ntisemed b oatdi firegats ii tes is use te, 1,ic ~ ~ ucvuvvv utcsitysshisials only for their o~ e lilt i wiich ICoath Yosi ase Ilbgisaiv urpvoss, cmvbinig wihi an 01 uItlmor'triw's "'amet' ils qute, istucion l studenvsi such a luas- ttgna ilnt pbaet ithe nam lity at pbcnisrvantsl wll~ s ~pr.115 iantd Ilie ad. .Heldi has changd aces wishllir1et'inkuv'limtnTomurna . .. . . . *** j hatl andtiicku vi liii)' livef f li 1111andHal IWeeks willhodoute ~ 7~l ~ Caniwllofctef MICHIGAN I ) enid, antiSussart will fcat rave guauidsmnan oiite far rigt. -f BANQUET TICKETS * uncevilu, t i he line swill remain ied. fvi se ane is sas grantedl leave of alt-f ONSL L isi govih in e All-Frishi to * UNIVERSITY HALL * vit, w ere hitswiii sftcite ai g n~ e i theAll-Fresh-M. A. C.Itdy1T2 hm~iv~. "*1 Poach Yoiti intl Captain Hevlon * THIS AFTERNOON * the ta'ight for Chicagou to attend C~cgo- I exa game andl geta (Cotined on pagetwo.) f*...f.ff.f..f f f f@*f ANNUJAL YPSI RUN "ADDOCK MrAKS 600D Cross Country Club Take Their Former Michigan Star Having R- Annual Run in Ypsi-- markabe Success as Coach- ag Race Net Hii team Defeats Week Denver Xcvi -cly afteurnoonv thei'Cross Anotulhut-cluhiganiptiyer has miaes tout - s)' ctuii maduit hiruanuual run asucuss of utacsiing. Otusincle ui i 'usilavuli. 'lilt- affuvt'ir nupr v'du o l iv sldsoftuf lus ilg lJoe 2Maddohucsis Ite s ioular as 'uv i ast years, uvuid umatig a tshtutu lh it ilt'e i'i' ~~~~~~~ur-a t hotimadeus thitsjuineyivo9 ltd it a t hilt thoduus hut'his itjuctiu ioifat' jtfi)ly'gooud tie. ''cvsti footl. Aut-4:1hissomtec'2smenustt h'ihi' "111 Satuirda heliu-iviersiy ofittah un tuulsar tud viinItheir s v -ileun21111 t1ramuuiwihichi tutid lcii is csoucintg, de- acsettco-unty, arrvinin iYp tstil uu I'tlea 'i'vr uiveity for ' tthe at 1:-h1,. coerinug the d sance' in 42 iii i--'thil5. ''i' sv viuuuuuuierst limeisin thOtis warsti's'ueisuorh miuts hchisoe in t oterwsys12 t . u 1,, te tile' tiu ati istv 4e at Alt .. -si t' u e ofittthe vrunnerc s our the- I tll- o11h 1111rhis Ihitsfolo- me1. ho rde th intrur an ar ith is ctthitii('r ui tiltuhitsgause. ills uit cs esufheul lv pv- ail t it H iwi-hi D''i ert ni veisis ty lost'tu h eIhisgameu. esveu, iliv' runneisuaraivedtbefoieithetinoitibvcauseiotIehh'muswaisllpooru, ut mensticuhu hadhaul enasv heuliv at,11 While uu'uuusu hhutsMormonluls ss'uu'-a litleiv ills'tr. -.u seret'wsiinig cihus-unrilal o01 beti then lotcihes. theyi' vimulg 1 in ai vlitlev tc: 4 t'rmgumeveuthil s pielts hut' mriiuvilthii g ihe 'thil th hdournetos thelihitalwk - - - - -''- ills iHouisv, witu' innertiuisias seaIhIed and ciols-ge' songs iiiii I l Thue iannhual fuall vauce hiill taeI lace netic-h e\'uneusday, Nutvmberu' ov rt he i cl'ubu rset51 5. Thitle hiill hu u h ia p risiheih vau-u. Thu lrithe'ssutil hut sits - iicult, whichli ari 1 n's t ohu ehi - !i It uito viat \'ater's bot t ore. Lunu I v t's blnkhs tutu iuu'secsued iia l ihe diuuirecto 's offutice 5in uiv t iusut gy ia-u PLAYED TO A TIE Thy'eurcss tfuslass tcs- lulmein-uJOE MADDOCK aalhswuas chevcked-uhlash vigiilwhetln ____________ ____ ____ thei 190161 51c'lius andu 190I Lut s l aylved vil i'us s. hoi 'uus ahui' a lie. gamte, nlit'hut-clv'inubeiig ablu ina hsle'ohtam dpe tuo si-tie. 'liie udefu'nse of eaithisidei th11'auteh tyli 'e cut play-.andtr uaightl wa btertan te1fene a l ii lsall wslls ills' si. Lineivsbuciks hials wu erev-i'I lu u e h'tf hule l ioral l ayii us ut s ideluv'of taickleiu'sr'v'r' - Iowu s, or forc'vedI to unuv t. I huh ce tutu oh atan frthi ulkicing ' foparume10,hKistonfor thimasongameih. 'TheustIausiuplyed 05 itsivghowedariti emarkabiiuily wethisequal-yiithet'lie,buttulhis Mormnsv his lmtns co'bivinhvug beighiuisi ths clearly otl uaedt'ihet' Bishopvis i his tancet Ihus ciiailintheI end's'i to igui bask: hl. dhown t hevfieilv itieto10 dosn tie tiCotaihXMauddocs:ha us u's-ur' reasonv mains lihis ttacks.I toubeihiprou at his Itvuam; althioug 'hu e dvvic i hckedt off toth thei I ris' 'g llee Iithey played't lisc' sei'racs Ito-yardulilt, andultic ltterav asedvutuh liruishivg wsu effeciv, avd it 1 yads efor beng orce t hevc ltoe avminut diiidty e down. punt Theblat stcscahtrur eil tm oe Aterte Ih-gaintt, ,hv'gas-s ou11 lie siude o hut 5ied loithe tutu, hut as follinug s a u-uiuhtth soon lilatouhonh ie imumi- ''191 y 19boyslv'1the' hury'-pthai, cent, thuhitdisvnse ut i ii I and heliv dviii iu'ise oftt h ie betsaDen 'h elnst v er.ii he byhal v'ende'dhwitihivetuuu-isv rssi tl'Theiatu. her iiboys thusbaluaunmuhebvi tic poses uioninmu liii urlehrd utw hl mudle ofit01 t i l A s- hbucked' heImisi haiulitanudi lhei'seco'nduihal'vas a repe'it'i ion of 't'hcou' its-ihost ld ls' liiht'is1the' tb isec ta a tad sper-aei lee c ent- i s-l i'vcu'uheustwouh itlamus. r minutes . it oftiofs .,uiesulNebraskauuthis tull, aththe fact foced'csto 0tsitithe gaume itt accomi t chdownisI v ailv-Minnsuouutuadereis- dar'knesvs, ithlitiii'hall agv'ainu i t ic hbe hn il X~vve iutat iv come ofthefied. unla an betenonl lt-ik., llrhuhu's55'tals iieis starredl fr iie'Medihussswiltc____s___ Kidstn, tJonecs. anth D)ty didi tii pre'muier wscudso te li haI"MEN OF YOST" vialtedlthuat Ithutslit' wouldinmuall iprviii 'list-olloin'ug uuwurus hutvs' beei abiiy, hbu'ptiayedti cftfvne it I ium ''s ' -v-riltten1 iy' uvsuduentl iii 'Mce i of night. i it iYo v v s~hu lst" - iiuru-i '5s it lineu : L . V n Sy e hail t ilum- heres, 1 I. ay ..,lhil'- v eil c, Captaui Si-autIeredl are all tirtlefls ,Noirton; n".g, Burunisierhir_ tIAurvii ievru-eti liand wst ar e thos s titug, Strai; r euHull; q, D isy leuir t X'Yos I .h. iduusiuuu I. h., Pummean ;v f.I Jovnes.1-tutl, hrlde'thus cvhiganu 'sl; Meiicivs: 1.e.,How ; I u1. iHo age- AnniArbotr tus'wts, iF'enneu'l; 1. g~ t'uiigu .,u'Pullts; I.g iLonug he rvsvuv'uuhuru'u11hohsu Wuok; rvtICaptinuvDUulatp;1r. Le i Munut Yosi. C'uvihmuan; q, tutu 1.It., iluncts r -- -______ i., Wooduff;ti f.,I Beah.NO CLASS GAME TODAY STAGG IS WORRIED If('hicagut reptuvis avis to lbebe-- li esvduloni oet A. Sitagg is hisn~g tr'ublueuut hivsvia-mtjuls1 at prelsent. XVII i his star halfbtackus, ('ainandt tie Tray out of tieigaule tutuaccout tin ijurie's, andl cle XMic'iigan game looming hirnhbefore him, tbs Univer- sity' of ie~shaus filedth iis cvipi of sorrowustolvesvrlowing hby uannunvcinsg' luau tbey expseett0 win toutay's game. 'liii average weight of clue Teptans is humore hto 'e1117 1-2 huuiinls, andu it is saidlthaltfout'ofithue muenvcan gou a hsundre1d,1yardis linbetter'thuan l1t 1- ? secounds, while outs of uhe hiatt- haciss his a receord of 150 fat. If thitse reportso are trite, it is lit-j use swondier luat the Foxy' One ivs wor- ied. Spidllt a siubstlitutle, v-ill oc- eutpy outs of the halfback positions to-- day, while Parry, the big tackle, play' the other. lIicer-c'lass :Mtagevsur ilavulanu - l stes thtuhiulis'cluiss ganue betiweeni thei 's05l iigineuers andulthi' '0'57 Enugi- lues, whiichi s,-vs ltoiiuav'eiueesa ilaed t his mouirningi , li s-eenplushtpoinedun u- il Wedneimisdauy 51fternoonuuat 4 uo'clocku. 'hts'0 L ~its andthehts'06utI.ils with 1 puay oitttheir lie next Thuresday aic- ADDRESS TONIGHT Prev. Angell'itwfil adduruss unvsersity stouduentso vi Nevwberry hiatt at 7 o'celocks, on thue subiject uof"Msin. IPr-v. Amuguil's e'xperiencee as muinister to C'hinuuvanduurkiihey tpecultiarly fit tuito spea ouv'niuotthis subject. I TOASTMASTER CHOSEN -Franku 1F. Reedt of Chicago has been ehoseni toastmnaster fur the Michigan lbanquet.