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March 28, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-28

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HE MI H AN D A IL Y "' ' ,Y,.t

G H Wild Coffpally Managing eio-RII .RTHE
Onr Spring 1908 line of fine EDITORS
Imprte ad Dmeti NeTws............Hiram S. Codyil
Imprtd ad ometi Athleltics............. ..Lee A Whit-j'
______________________ Exchange... .H. John-'Vasnhold't
" N osic and Drama..Roy D. Welch
/WO L E N S \ om en's E it r . . o i e V n V rksEDITORIAL STAFFV~ ~ o r i
JW. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
Is now ready. It inclndes all George It. Hohart Leonard C. Reid
the latest "Novelties, Shades Chaancey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
and Up-to-IDate Patterns in Raymond Vissecher
Caribou Tan, M. B. Mcllugh J. H. Prescott'
Leather Shade, A. L. Hainline Rohert Mountsier
Grays and Lowell J. Care Donald L. Kinney
Fancy Blues. Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft
Lewis T. Knisksern Rohert Moreland
Toot patronage respectfully Paul Greer Samuel H-. Morris
solicited. Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding
_______________________Theron P. Cooper
GI id o pay John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
J Harold P. Gould
311 South Stale Street Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Managers Honrs : I-2 p. In., 7-8 p. m.
G et daily, except Snnday. Both phones
eft"inis S\TI RI) Vt. XMARCHaIi 8,5508
Rckets i1
'~e esrtxn~gIdemands ' tiissal1 of theitett

of le city. It wsould le untreasntatle
to expe~tct il it atyconitadictiont to that
atlreadtyiefitec t..
Titretndiofi opitions lss-t iod
causes. *It kntos tatttwhereamnis
iost-r cittittal st theirltecoests its tint
ritt exactinsg punishen[tt fist- riesieit
Iin ci latsget-of mingtlot c iinati 1sthere
Mo.ue itastfore. eopile as elcomtintg
nesat csssis ivk. he' elsasseis the tt
to[wniis cclecotcertediiintat ioi
le tossvsrsity -itdsitilshave reray
sets tiee-til iju[es t hie reorts tat
atvs-gn bd n ds tiesis. buiy te eitorisl
~rtiiig is-hsose reec-k ;Micigsn citioes
its-siteessaledto isejoy. I ts- in
terestss of selllprotectiosn, tepstle f
AistsArtiste sre iwilitg ts see teaffair
closedi il. fTs-e-fesr isisositsc uslt-
sweass, nsite theyreasisns t. The
"duty- f sthe iprosecutig atiorey-if
thties i) pIsess-tissgtha t-t'is fail-
Noits silitse ms-risents amotntg te
ighster spireisudiitastions tasong those
f moreccsesate ssim istsha liens occssisnei
f sisliatsteim n elasisssssro sy- te oise
ofi si laughinig, romptiig groupt o f ountg
ses, 5o55gegsited smews-heec witinit
'ssy ri-sit-lifiiisciises-sisils-itwitnotw.
Efs-ecially is thle .'titysts obtrudtetiti-
slupore ar giis is -stusin tg 5a ste Iscisss
its 'isnpp 1 sill. \With is-i-ct-i-elthsitsfi
it..a minitgedi cior[sititof souiitg oys
[tubrkngdgsswsse csrr its to te
es f te audtiirsunittil tse-worslsof
ts- let ts-i- lsssamesalm-sit suinstelligilei.
sIthi lists isttsterrhitoryeandiias~t
stisssiIsi -lsuc e iseld5opentoii te
itles sucish simprompsss~tuscasssess hialise-
latsly-is i-s tsr cars its-outslssedii.a5si-
isistifessee sibshutte cmus sswill te-
-[[sits- mtteritofu sicessit'.,-dsito ipo-
sissessrefis irl st t itslieseisstoit
sll thir-stikes tso sllcoes
Nouts- lit spsring-5te llurinttg-list
prid tp [sit ilong cities-sindowitsitoii
wayar eusisruti-teverscyfresh its ofithe
srn sits-Iseyits-i-t u ichs f tsclose
:at[nionichlii issu l ists concsnratedi
on matter[s erudsits anditescnsicsl, goes
ditingitsosil 5:Itse[s[ tslight escuse to
doitrmanti imginai i stinfrisigigitionit
tse souiiil is ii y[r s sy s riti iiti [[[sit
\okini all t[elis., of as budding
It is imsp -sili toiiblamesi ts' yus tlistl
tl sit Ishunts swit teis-i-retinuie 5f
dog, for enjoying teiiisetss-snsuthsit
seaso:liuts [list sosuttli isl isewand ts
open windotws liss555sls ciisis' teir
paitsasdithit thel .acadsemisicitpr is s
sucetileiotei. [[gus isiti of aiow
.1 ra o-lgt 5s theis sIes el1
them hisswantilltosseepisiCompsiont
siles-so insiofttri ssui ishet [i
A few- f~ resh 5lit5s met in1Uitsrsits,
ialysedat eris nss onsiit test ii esisgh
clss tirisese ~usy sr lthels-fense f
te sudenstis arsted-lsslithle recentisot.

Chasrles W. aker, fo eighteen yer
cditotr f te Entginering Newsesi-
is-cretia lectrer-etitiledi"The takising
of Literstusre fr Engiers" last nigss
its TsppanssI atI,.blefttt-c silarge adiiece.
I sssing Iliesroughtsut tie-fact
thastsinthetrlsst lorty yeasste pblis-
infegiseerisg oos ss isresses
bsy leas andsuithouIsisdsesitetie fact
thast te lpracticali enginaer sdos not
plscec te ssmessaountsaof cotitiluce i
pritediwsorkst,.s te s-sriof moth.
lutsthlrousght te geaev elopmtsaof
science, engineeringswritisgs issve ti-
coesiaicinecessary tool for the cigiseer.
Splestialiationti indrlcodenstsionaof ci-
giseeriuig ews's le sal., sisistle te
mottoissf te scietificetasgzie eittr.
iEdlitrs soiw use asitthir sole stsndasrl
sf selectissnsof sassteril.te sdegres- f
heltfulntess i isill ae for tsprsctisal
yIr. tBsaker slest sate tepleatest sai
te sameis-high profsssionassl ssndardrs
shouisill e adopt~aediby te esgierss
thesessles, thatitis. luatssmens sakisg
asy impotat riesesreis ssake te [sis
of wrtesisg sti the , thus hlpc~ig their
brothler eginisers salnsg aat testae
tieirsisig the sstdard sfthietiri-
te ssissit
fTse i iciigsstesiiii sinhs gunetso ispress.
Tue edis its-c sie t lsts cmpstleedite
hiestpiartiissof thiri isoti, sunt sit'
suits-wi-tisisg te rossf.
Thesisissiboistsofthisyericu s
sits-[stre ipges tssnsslast ysar, si
s-sitaisthie pictrso f ososesnius. 'fTs-
sitsrl lretlhtssects rearrsangedt std
ts- depasrtmensts sysematsriz. A gis-
ctalsiniexsswi-it heslpiloaethsietiffsri-tt
fi ts isfetuires still hlie specilly
stronsg. Te icluetssis s asis sss
ves-i st-iiskensby studsests swei s-ctheti
ususalsinumberlsssof phtogstsrpsss ofsslocalss
-charscesr suitsispssiientspersss abosutis
tse campu~ss.
mAhi.\Js~ic PI-RFfitfLI RSh
[Ethuiisiastic sapptlse s gr-et cs-ter-
sit t tic Majtssiclastseven-sisg. Vie
Its hfistrte s tets arrsedi itheit
rit t tse Sarsbsissgs tist go
ii'c Th -i p is5rigramisopenes itht-isis itss
is's saisnsby ts- Uivisesity- gss-chit.
The srgmiiitrigram-sits slisssi. litstes
acor psits olssresvisitstsitrs
tesankt ytsttt. te tinistel, sg sit
orgnlsng cslsbrstingte falisg ssr.
wich msts eitheis hit io f ithersOisiti.
All seniorsis tihis sxpssctit is-s-rs-sit
situ gows-st anisy-tie dui[ngtseb-
uscc f thiitscolsge- y--srsrsrqueit-eidi
to s-sll asituete--ittthiesueifisthissit
'it ssse. Uponsittheis-iasnsitv us's-esill
hld thismt unitil this persnisrseisgsd-
sites tsusessr thesi.-tack & hC. 34-f
Undierwe-ar tush hosiery- fr stes ott
sle by Alit-i, Nasina street. 30-f

Globe Wernicke
VTe kinld that grows withs
youre library-that will fit
pacirally any space -thlat
cal be moved oue uit at a
timae by one person withotlt
disurbinug thte book-that is
practical, atistic, aud the ouly
pesfect sectional ook case
nade. Filled wills 1n01 bind-
inug rolle-bearing doors; base
unuis furlishled wsithI or wil-
out drawers; and all tmade iut
a variety of woods and fiises
adapled to auny surrounsdings.
Call and see thems or seld for
catalog I ofiwillsiltel r viewsa
showiung arrangenent in li-
brary, parlor, etc.
Price per section $2.50
and up.
University Bookstore
L. [. OARIN[[[
Law and Medcal BooseIler
Iigy's tHisty usf the awtuuo'f
hetu oesirstyt - - $3.00
Detatn tutetti'st t~ditus sit
wit.'uuu's Reasi tropterty - $3DO
Prrty $sn -- 1.00
ishops's Iir-ctuts asuit rs.ltu'
Criunat Atiosus - - $6.t0
vols. - - - $12.00
Relt-'usuiTheotr o si tn utc, $2 00
S[.pt'itt S ittastutfuviete. $4.0
Melsticy'-, tO tutruee.- - - $3.50
Muarsalsi Cttprtut$ts 6-.00t
Tuosuptiu's sssts aryofi ihe
taw ofsCotrputt-ratui. - - $2.50)
Writ sat's Art sit Cross
Rcaistt tatist. - - - $2.0
nBostwici',Lawytes ttstutiat[. $6.50
ttrusig'i. Abott's tDortms. - $600
Rteut' leisnutgs. t'uatiti-an
Fstrutss. vls. - - -$18.00
Wttu isisw'S tuise Frtisiss, $12.00
ter'sPractilTheaueuti's. $400
tuteitouts tOpeerateSurery. $6.00
Fisesisrati's hsurgict tiavssi$.50~s
tatuei' s tust-tlortrtem
t'attt1 i urisscy 's- ti- -a-d $.00
'J.", sis tteass of si iisussw $6.00
Cales ifetrerntiliaasssi
an- ame . - $6.50
Luiti's Sia'tt ledica
Diotutisis. - - - - -$05
Dicitissuaies. Cuuo uuis. iii'.
Law and Medical Bookseller
Tel 761. 326 S. Sate S.
atestisrty tissu u't itii tudet of5
la ss-a'uits, 'omiprittutuvitcaus.
ARNOL'Sand he its' uit 55ysssu'uuu-
5utiitle ath guarant'uressts jtiets
I[pai;. LousesGund
Otica[Speciaiss i tht
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
'2otao a Steti

thefore 1thte season open tip t1,
sisteadI of swaiting;, for the
yood iwetsher tos remuind ytu
of1it. We have thse work
(it us hut outs of this hestfGrmts
initheicountsrs sit its gooit
Shehan &Co.
Student Bookstores
A. G.
Puttl SPALDIN ___I
R86 & BROS. .rA 6
The Largest Manufacturears in the Woeld
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base BalI, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Offtitial Inmpaemants tar Trash asd Feld Sports
tUiformsutot allSporets. Spaldng'a Hansoluaey
Iluttrated Catalogeeoa all sporsacontainsnu
mieoustsugestions. Sedlforit.-Ilt'free.
Nan Yorts Cicagostut. laus Sats traenniscou,
Minneapocluti.iDenver. tutt~ata, Syracuse, Pitts-
tiarg, Philadelphsita,listosit, Ciscitnnat,Haiti-
smare asinututuun tKansstCity, Clevelad,
Nan Oitas-s Detlaroit, Montreal, Ciaaada.

cass. ll slt- isides t us~legs'thue ruttt-
stilts- sitthisirisoffenise. If [usr isisti col-
ou lcniiict-riui s tha aiustuiceiishuits
sdits shets , his isuds i 5 5tou st fac. lits d to
situ'p~ii auu sIc posslusts-siand,soueganucsi
hutrioluslsstoicrsuakiansitstbreas tthefife
u-irsdususm e-osuheutstly sitou-ustn its.
sela afois ui Tts is - 555ques-
Ititu lwis. howuicanslthe [uvil e hdots
[[uTh[e [[ 5s s uit Situdy h suitlaei ts lf
'thc~i itiutity.o scivac n h c
a suthstlevauceis [tutfa sitno el
ing [lais roe eydepi u es
oftutonoi, o shlf-respsctush f5pid
it this' tisit u ansh this cuty. This
its-i- at ha['it veuu s recognized-tiIstnshiu
visiw of theusnsuit unassst edions 'uttuu's
liothi [ous 55555 5and Uit[wn[i witcuh msusut
resul, frnt a rologed rs[[cutin
stie sk Oset a dtiistit stS. Te ol
titus no t her s mitus tive.lss It fur ry aboe st utu
a o cot i ]1 ir tnally'suit., 'tush this
isis-it t~s knoiwusit.This sitsyouruhsetu
buiesit is tousese theIs'Ntitof Iis
siusciitizenpep sitousesicurs- thi-t' tghti
lus forsssusushutist right:it s 'at 5stke [if
motetuturance tha ixorablens'is of
thie lw fihaasi tlithueprsess-
cuinhe dropped.it sIf sisy cuittsec re
niai s t s e fundit 51 isi this-husses

One Dollar
New Spring Monarch
Co-Op Store

F1ve co.noo.
May 13-14-15-16
Frederiek A. Stack, Cosdactor
CHORAL UNION (300 Voices)
Albuet A. Stanley, Conducstor
Pr-Inszsalvp-1 lChoral Work
"Creatton" - Hlaydns
"l~aust" - Goauodt
M~rs. Coriaune Iider-KeiseTy
Thtursday and Saturdasy 1~Mvetings
hMnts-Ernestine Schuas-H5eint,
Countralto W~ed. stud Fri. Hiennui
ists Janet Spencer, Cantralto
1ri.Atternuoan and Sat Eentin
Mr. Eidward Johunsan, 'Fenor
Thar , Fyet nd Sat. Eventngs
Mr.tClaute Cunninghams, Hariaone
Sautrday Evening
Me. Earle G0 Killenu, Baritone
M.hret Saturday Evnng
'rOere t therspoon, Bass
Thursday and Saturday Nsrntngs
Mr. L Dr Mare, Franchs Horn
Friday Afternoon
Mr. L. L. Renwielk, Organist
Wensday Nt-rise
Seasan Tickets (unreservrd) $3,
StatsnTicets (reseveed)i$4, $5, $6
For Sale at
School of Musicl

Nominating Convention
Opens to all studentls to choose candidates for the followin~g
President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Trustees
SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908 at 1:30 P. Ml.
NOT ICE-All prospective candidates should read Art. 2, Sec.
3, Of thle by-laws of the Students' Lecture Association, printed
elsewhsere ilnthtis is5s1e.



121 Washlngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Pros.

Phone 598

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