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March 28, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-03-28

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If your hair is a \o tteCut ari
bother, or you have at a <tandstil nowt until the e-xecutive
om tte rceivs ioutines of the po
any trouble with it, poe bohscemes of the aious or- a-
buy a good - itizteon. As sont as these m~ans are
1 (((11(11 tie can te pasediupo111111 he t
Hairigtsh titi ii tintduliatins cniii lie i t-
flair Brash i dl.111 boothscant e tllotted. Asttwas
,itr~ lu etl it atrecet issue o ITied
AT ~) lyt is1 desirous5 that these trlstiel
QVUARRY' S l tce planstesett Itbtothe edo~i eI
1ee1i order tittt each itftaiiatioii
and get relief. 1calf Itotiltut te tetais o(it ittrto
ling e l/spfr ile tlct riti tlt
Th e ee itte tpp iationsto te araotht
M oneaLoa tith utldintlefistiuntitaopoed t tilt
On Wlatis DII hts In ill s houtii~t lld Sttieestto R ee.Foto 51 iettrt
Wauu n uur uand Tet ttesfr ithe"cleve ribbon" bothae it-
M aroney aLoh n ed Otamolds e secuired toe tile 'Cto be plcerltt
--- oitf w 1(ihich tree eveilg issu l es t - tii tee ii i II II r rtt yc xi
3 Office at residenuen331 E. Lberty St - _ ----------
or, 8tutl 0It It43andtto - omto~.Nmntofrof
A n~naCIINIDENTIAL l N E IfTS ,*BOMA C,,, curat iltl 0i ,,c)))tslalhemd
JOSEP11 CWATTS L-- iaiimss uc - i cli h i llctts
than tthe iusuatliMiajestic audience, It u h a, ;trd, l M rl fec
0 ,t., ~~~i mpos111sitle ito get ldeiitey- the net t T a ,i 71tinii~ hco
1- f prtistbtlthliiperfrmactileeraised itef~trtl addt ia,~ct
1 iiCof letr tit e ihtutdr ed tdollatrs. tn 115 -~lt tic I, t ii rcr
on all stamped goods, including 'Tl1e ucomm111ittee ill catrg sit. liii lt t1to coasi.1-it ,-ilt theI pproi a
AT iii) interest ill te mtteri.i sent hsna eI tiehll n l, t ),
ieni tsked about h ettistden lt su- Valtand lncofIi P1, ii ii i t t
1)ARLING & MALL.EAUX setriiittiolll. Catiir111n111Ritaitlidth seiim,~lac'srofeetcn
224-226 S, State St.i iiii-li t d thatu le tils unable icto Ot i li 11 I
the class treasurers to m11111 reporui the 1(1111 i t ci 1 he ,a-goi
_______________________'I'L______ is iltmatter itithao gti t be ttend- pr ti t isIm nk r taln lce g-
cId ito Cosey.so tialthottse ill ia- wi Wert t o oii at io111111 Ill, p eicI it.
College it u VI~til t hityire altutu do. lThei iisi > i
G C~;II a iicomm eitt i r ge lt ft het entli eitt iii iti otr ;, pr
HALLR'S JEIWELRY STOE, 216 S. Maln St ii tsucS t~aRtsuic (I'lltAitto iti itt ii it in xlit ecd h-daeo "I -
The \\eistel sctiiethldithirpre-tit aiii - I gledl~ tlli 1lt lit ii-
W l C iaTeifllowe ilgl- t w oe n tiittit to l n tiht. lii> 1 1cm Nol_ 1 litt 1 hi
______________________ lt i thei ilctitiitest Friday veinilg avn o-te 'm ii -
I l ttt wod hic, w wnk ou Aeil 3: ( C. Fister ii -iE.Naeui
L. A.II) A-- -lecs, hI. C - oody A'iA. Ile e t- ilncIcc ;It' n itSal
till Oi ai t)yu h n tueter 1ttet }111 itle ii- e i
owscr. ds l attrpihtergcs ad hre owe.b lln an.rc.;
tie "()role toibuy post;tre sIAmAT. drubt.- - it ..i
iii e.,i ~i"metyttiIis lit S[ING ACAIONWORK alli ii
Apply Today and secure your home tit;,;thitittt 1 it S-l-i
East University Pharmacy trioyfrtebgAunssb
H. M. ROYS, Pharmacist scription campaign. We furnish a (it l I 1 tt\\\ I Ntlti
complete list of Graduates for any -
________________town or city and pay a liberal om=. Id "yor a",itir o-;in
V. of M. mission to student representatives. sIn;c t tuo. ,, an.i l tip ti.._
BabrpStudents who give this a trial during p:t In i 1I T ii, 6o!S.T -,I
BabrShop and Bath Roomfs the holidays found it more renum. St,frctao;c
Eyt~t~a~FI~t-el~aa erative than the ordinary vacation
L-st -tshap ina th. City proposition,.fHours today, 3 to 4 P. 1 irCohfo c'1g u i I -
3 .1 . ROJANOWSKI, Prop. M., Alumni Rooms, University Hiall. MA15 el ,-3 _

ca o l d a Conklintly utaintt e nlu tist dioe)o t in e y
LainkIntires tatothe Ce t-ill n dut se.ei it)1 fidue itsone
Th e nol . tran-slieta amoe-I slakitn ittirt.That 's allnes e retitc
in5hand ointw ore-hapess-i bth erenDsi
and in all nythehansome.rn ooig
Thenefledpinshtl itmakthe atircovfiste.bow
andithey.aresauies.th o,,e new istspnig stles.
inHasadn ae are the okli.r y our spdet o.e
TReleliP Cnli3.: nhat&nBFioeelON
Ju~st tou MACK'S
Sp ewring SNeckw seardc
in~an, i nworenae it pned
M3111 IlACKltto Co
MONEY LO A D On ttc101111ate sCII olanal
lilt FItitet Avleltnmutlilsil e ciout oust-,
Twoi aor uh ntof10City Y. at C. A. W.J.L VI

inStc State StreetC. .
-s a StylesWAiNESt&ck
/ Men'slHats H TT R
326 N. Fith Ae.
Tt1L~r 8 teay. oftgIO. ew hon 45 Sel Pone4571.Suppled to College Men a.>h
Insue astedysoftglo. Nw thunnOat Oei d110Womenh for All Purposes.WWs
36SuhState StnreCt WASHTEN.AW IHT&P WE O
Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Classes Saturday, tO A. M.eamdLIH PO E L.
Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. 7:30 P. Mi. 200 Ea.st We.shirigtonA Street
Assebly 9 o_____________________clock.______________________
Get the best from the largest assortment. Chinese ChopSuey Restaurant iy cur yin a copy ot the Mttt-iiAN Daily Subscriptions NOW Due
Cihns anytDi-h,ei-. . Ai)nit Lncsofltl- u tANtD tC i your pockeit. Space fo mm-caedr h N R O A O P N i id.Leyhn tts o aedr ti seileetUiest
ladind olict ltt ntli aledar in this 10 page hoo. Given away Suscniptitons taen ty luait.utheek,,drttotr
ChineleandOl taltese B z--br-he. to atudets at the University Y. M. C.A. M- musy order.
Up Stairs, one dor S. tuston ro,~ 314. State St Mills. Hall.



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