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February 18, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-02-18

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t SEVERL'DVCITIESAK on. AMrs. Lyns. te costumer, who Iwas
A reawe 00051 150 ess i I Ofil L j ~lat swork 0n te resses all of fast weeki RNK .N
gire atfue lather,losouf I abe afeatMI IGEDA lef eing 5flor 1k" ort0NLIKE A CAMEL
foran h neorbtl" .,tof joinste isle (of Sie" compafnyt
YOU n 51t 1 7 0l o Bi ft TO SEEforfthe est (of tfilleaonif~. 1'1(1o dot C ot 0 1111ff 110 PeejutdiIlp ft ffn a
esifs Sndsay ttorsssss si of fiehe inciatsf s tnk1111fiffr son tsee it ff ffts ow
N 0 1,0IF, A N Fame of the Comic Opera Has(itse1pattlfdethranhliter The Cle tff fgf'
petties -takens at yndon'. pitres Sndrd is to it! No sdrppr-no mess-tno otier oit
CA1TILE Gone Abroad-Lawton Writes rs ffss tti iewe. *s~sterff
Popular Piece.Ttere was tteusua rind of rehears- -c
sfbil s f t "- .sg yestersday. In the eeting, orhetratSE F
OeKilo - 50c ' cits a sf1 ssbtytatls Mich1 tisgndaisattdl est reearsed togetier. CONSI IN S ELFILLINGPE
f;te ciefoxt28o -1il hetaen 1an thff.roadsl aftr ft has "Tieyli be readys'w y aiead f inule'" H E fHT EC ECN -ILR
hee 11ffcd hre T ianhs s remfarkedlI Mr. Sanlosn at life edsiof teIlsa e C filed fttatl situ tefeafst inofnvnienceYo
-AT- ff cif5stP~ s~lf fassok iss rltIott ol illi i h ffkid gloes1off withotfsssMtaner of
fu ~rn so tside citiessare. cnclerned.siig Rsd. t veiec stesln i rtn
QU R YS ikefforrdte,1ndft 5 siss nderstoodf
Corner 55 sstaIfwt. a115Vsftsis tAev.f ThIAlps N u isNtsociety eecteistfhfefost Ladn1 ( s lt. . anIfs 15 usr sloes snot 0 or
Iae srad a iletfer is fromfsfI stal 05ow 5fg officers a1sth~e regfflfr. smetifg
_____________________________off1th ransdlRstpis aissnasaSatusrfay, for ftfe essisug cuister ThepConklin Pen Co., 10 Manhattan Wild., Toledo, Ohio
______________________________cl_________ If 1 foss a l o k i ngff f fost M isrcht1:. sient, (eorge E e; vie-resident, ____________________________ __________________________
Mony ,5a v egaemntforpach13asse xcsecretary.Cr]Aam;s
M nyLoaned also i pr At). Sh)ouldthe sho~w he trasurrr Leo Vaisl critifs . DeI
rffffftI 1f I t Ir ft~ 10fn isasa.J. NVs. F swlIer.
On WatcesxDr it s .ix a tvo iosx' c 1 'CIe officers sf Ilse AlfslfatNu sforte 5norohr Ills. oke t Df i a vel.J s tS r n
I~achs 'a Ixx ryresare I)tinfifsarrangC~fements Nsill hl e CflfpefelI ear sf0-8f will hfave their piturs taIsetsa TocWoaprn
tche s r oelry rp aired. ftat Ifsdfliitodais itetroit asorrthe
Bargains in Washes & Diamondos IS c fe teC end Iof le ssek. Prospsect tslsts fsks t 1 o0 irft
aifpfliethsIis is acintg a s a ised lfgtffens 55ff
oface at resiencS155(FLibe p 1St Cel lt iv Islte fhardl srorkisg cst a1
Ann Arbors. Jscffss soffs 51 sandi'Alpsha Ntt feftsg
Hoturs 8otoo30aM.,5Ito fiWands 7ff1 i t reha als lier oare sworkinsg to-
9 gme:t II icfigendfks thfle Isniversity ax socetist l ost Ioiti 5joitttmseelisg.r-
JOS Pit C WATTS br t a s~ged l ay.ottssls ffi tIfi t ffff
vle t iat~ t alth1111fffsif of tie - The new Spring Scar- as a special introduc-
________________________________ cT"I 0 comosed lityi Ro Ietel, two :sltffgedtsf icIkets arecnumberedt s '.o h ae~is p ca
~e iCC rgifI~li flyifler tfffefffs ltOws 13'sysh itfesylafsfthelfp14itorywe aeoffering 4seca
("eftPils'b ' lss'tfs'Lansgis one slxThur sda fgh ; 5, Fris nigt if
_t purchase of beautiful ne v Spring French four-
"I lin, ithetsfC I .The acoterlligcCt 7 IIis Ast iiR NON in-hand, in ne'sxicorrect :shapes with open ends
-.____ and in all the handsome spring coloring.
on all stamped godds'inctsiing Chde}y .as i acn,33
Ccok C rssnges 5Ascsdemy, son Msaynardl r he new Spring Shir q make their first bow
ecI~iN iiOXlP ru tegffft oer ssia aseel topi and they are beauties. [he new spring styles
t ~cth.cf'hi nsis245fr fssthr lr ta in Hats andi Cap are here for your inspectio n..
DARLING & eMLm.X__ ____
224-26 5 Stat St SF f sii 1 Front pssr osr ss Its salt
3 College N ff151 1 1111 551rsonfwho tsoIisk te
cpy ofil IheCstfsseft Ifrctory frostsTe
st~isDaiy ffce etrn_____atnc R ule, Conlin & Piegel
HlALLER'S J[W[LRY SrTSR, 216 S. Main St 's NN NCft litSomsasgool1, cavrssers
W e q®1 c of m e } 11 itoil shsls rsepa~iredso pi A MA CK'S
C sr wllllosil, like ewS, leve thesis at
10st sal),p v51 I oI st ter-sModern Shfie R5111555, fho1 sIQ _5~51 ae of Carpets and Rugs
igars 111551 a pi115 IllIl I 11 p stAT LESSTHN I L,)ICES
as tr . "... I r, aarnoas.it liii ts' gradnate111 5 I 11of 11Ce1lfl-I lisCAekI tls"; .ss 51
'iec er he yas i ~lls actisse orthi yours Iiscas.d IMACK MI.Co.
__________________________________-__________~f_____ ii fits. promise. l " Ini ey,, i so ssea . .Nats Ifo isssg IPro
i< c" i to he Sf111 b}Ii I sss 1111 I rieor. fl)I tff
V .fai'i' i ,iuisus fls y asi l
Barber' Shop andBath- ons fti MONEYS fsfrecirsefot lANInd
IsO 111111 S llllt l that lineis sa. i-i 55)1. -ro f ssg ss s t airnI1Is11.Ili, il55
Laret sov nfhesity, C-'fff t 11s 51 I 1)1Sfie.sifistIQI0 11f Two l Isols's sssafCfti1 . 11.. AW. J.LO6VRIM
J R. TROJAN45ICS5I Prop' teflot (, arrho toputem S ct96.0

S' This is the time of the year when we are receiving our
5 spring woolens. You will be interested in seeing the many
* exclusive novelties we have bought, and we will be glad to
* show them. Selections can be laid aside to be made up later
303-305. state St. ImpotigTairs

THE Rowe's Laundry
32 .FfhMichig~an Undergraduate BellhPhone
New Phne 17 Bel Pone1- Supplied to College Men rn
__________________Womenv for All PF.rposessWse
Ci068800 Saturday. 10 A. M. aad
7s30 P. M. 200 Eesst Washinigton Street
Coltaitstost students names followed by the Assenstsy 9itosfeets
phone n Paer, where they cats ho reachet. Now--____________
on sale at tof CoOp and Studens'sStupply Store. CieeCo-uyRsarn y ris os III al usrpin o u
Chinee tascy Dishes, AmericanLncshe.If AN Oi0i5f yur socketSpce frle SI -
HAV ~' Y V A opyai inds veythtsg irst-eass for oranda aendar. pscialI eenItisiesiy
~ldesadgetemn asndar is ttiss151 page (osiks Gives away xsslscril lis taken b ly sot hess, raft SIr
Up Stairs one dosrS. Ilsoto Bros, 3148 State St. Miiien Hil

LSTUL ,O-RENTSCULLBR, 3Jf9-.East Huron Street

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