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February 18, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-02-18

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G, H, Wild Comfpally
Our Spring 198 line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now read . I includes all
the latest Novelties, Saes
and Up-to-Date Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
(frays and
Fancy Blues.
Your ptrocage respectfully
0. H. Wild Colipally
311 Suh Staie Street
J erse)sa acd everyhing
ht a track niaii needs
in his equiipiieit caii le
hadl here. Our gocds all
gear thic famous Spaldiig
trade mark which guar-
acntees the qutality aid co-
rectntes of construticio.
Basket-Ball Goods can be
had at
Sheehan & Co.
A. G.
The Largest Manacturers in the Wi
of Official Athletic S pplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, La
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Offiiai Impleienstfo Track and Fild S.
Uitrtos tr aii Sports. Spadigs Hadso
ltated Catailege at aii sports cotanss
mirtoaoisugesetions.RSend for it.- I's re.
Newi Yrcii i, citicast. tois, Sa trani
Iit coat'.ajiut, , '. tiffaici. Syracse, P
,1 '~iadciitiaiostanCininnati, B
1isi, . Wasiticetini Jansas City, Ijivet
,yew ureasietrit. iontrei, Canada.

THE MICHIGAN DAILY. itre before ihe incse-or indeed, get
h gisc(f ihem ifeomnewspapers oct
_____-tescceedig iay--as el as ift iceaagn ttrARaRIRTHIhdbe n esnlatedne ~w
Basiness Masager-C. E. WNSTA. we are nt asking for prited adcresses
- ccf the cocnilors-D~emosthetes pe-
EDaTOS erra s! Bit te point is hat at least
News,............Hiram S. Cody cie legislattre, with a reputation for
Athletics...... David F. Stevenson excelletnce, if not for perfection, does
Eixcage.....11. John Wambold nt climt that the objets of publicity
Mucsic acid Dramsa.-Roy . Welch are lest obtained "through the medium
Womne's Ediitor. ..:. Louise Van Voorhis of its pblicity committee, which is best
EDITORIAL STAF capsble of judging wat is, and swat is
J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams ccc, prper information" for its cos-
Russll c~alan _ titutents. The cnationt i rightly taken
icissel M~alacc intio the confidence of its otn representa-
NIGHT EDITORS tires. Sotte isformcation may reqire
Ie itA\White George 11. Itoart secrecy," as te costitution proides;
Chauncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams iout te exigencies of wsar, or treason
Rlaymond Visscher wiccl mcay reasotaly be permtitedl to
RPORTES mcuzzele te press uoncthie delierations
L.. i'.leid ' Thleront P. Cooper f ttb oty, are cnoi likely to presenct
.Bi. Mcehgc J. H. Prescott tetmtelvesc very freqcietly to our Usi-
A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier ersity coctcl. At all eets, they are
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney ccii always before t-as migttbe i-
Wa'tlte r K. 'foiwers Louis Kaft ferredtwhlec it elevates restriction, ot
Letsis TI. Kiiskerti Robert Moreland seletiot, of tpucblisiaile tater isto ac
P ~I Greer Samnucel 11. Morris Policy.
Otiii Ecgel Fred E. Gooding If iere were cii resson for greaci
o -cpetnesaotheir tasi the well knowtn i-
BUSINESS STAFF veterate rasisgf tieople for nes, ant
John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam ciore ecs, vr iecoulit drop the sgic-
H arold P. Gould cccii, iefire it sioult soil otr cotr
Addess MIHIAN ~my PessBld.,science. "DBut whlile te coinil is a reti-
.. desMCIA DIY rs lg reseicaive legislature it sioctld le iope
Maynard Street.cicieiciti'eifciesccctsanIt
tthinuecoftesuetadtManager's Hones:1 .in,7-8P. m.ste rticisics acd sggestiots of ithc
daily, except Scnday. Both phones tress chicich is their only popular ati
960actcessile cecicct cof expressioc. "Stt
tlrdent sentitimett alsaystwill reglate thi
"", ue ctints ofth councccci" Butcstdent
sentime atic' havci oe food to gross'ona
'i'The serge stutccec scarcely kosco!c
i'iG1i cit. flititliARt' BS, tea8,. te cucitcil's existencce. 'lie Daily
w-chict iroicsblr reads its ow-stcopy titici
'cte Ckciini, nsat cc c.cr. icre scrfclly tltsnysoycne else react
Theie hise of its titheryiy the Bt- its irit, atseeifurig the past sett
cuii tiCunc , cc lsindys ]liy, sems eterknconstesocgtabot te plass o
ustomkeisic-ayIch' tics'trisckiite ciuctil to ie aie to eole a sesti
c- c cc'his s'saccleraed moiition. ocitn e a ict of aty kitti. Theccbare sbject
areaof cxc tin ce.As e fllo, ticfor isccssiotc it has been told, sontc
I- feety.cini ccietniawaits its at te timies;hati catproposed mthciods of treat
pai iltserehi cosuciel c'mpcasre s ite'lf ctc, f partietulart'altersaties whil
tocc omittei of ca clegicslature.iWhiile ccntedcef for sadpltio, or of preferesnc
this analogyimay seem a faithftlcue for oce plly abovae asoher, utei
to thecouiic liienccit hcks scmcehinicg ccasee has beent costplete." Whenc cii
of erct incciioiacnii iccsicir's uncder- ciatintal legisatre takes ci te ctijec
ccc" it A cmiiiiite iscc subdciiisccion of srit reformi, te swhole peoleickt'
of a esalctrecciiidca legisacture is cc crhat articles it is proposet to exest
hicclc repeen'itaticve f te whcice peopile'andiiht't'toes to urdenthrcicthe sta
Ih counsiiccil,1 lenisti comi cttee, caniiips. IThus te people hlicac tai
ti ' -tudentis 'are h poehiiccciiee sialt l ipcit bodcyofsettitett otct
vcloktofid heleislatre. 'ihc smtetintsgless airy' i tihcttitforme
hui cu;o t icccmmcitteisitoiinformtcnjctre ThIiey ttake itesectine
ccitson crin apitedic mleaesres caci adcitetr oiiotfelt tirogh the pres
rc ed erancoeucrse ccifcactitnandcctexert ticntluecewhsicihitis rigit
to theli cclacc rc' intic ihccusitessocithirst
th lgiltue cs otakeinaiciciaction.Ictitinay be tiat we sreliciherig
Tecoun ciciiccic irmis itsel' hciroucgh o 1 bteres agaist aamiistake shiti
iiii subcmitcte st nditchiccgeters1 asIhas is orgncnct cdefect of oce as
mhycmlees legicistise eactmtents petcepitoctIthtat case, or et rie
'it cl ticapprciteticny'ptitt f likeawi le te otaewho poits otithie d
Hes~ cs c cci cthi couctiil ccciia comumit feet ad set transforms the istak itt
membertits.tt lite the aliciae argments proceed fri
rd Wcithciithis ccint madciie cleacr, it caic slitd facts anod lead logicaily- to the
easily Ie' showtth lac the isices of te concluson:te putlicity policy-oact i
W6 coucileinic regard itocpublicity' sre ot cotittil is still in need of reisiotn.
trts icllcilcd wihc aocise stateent cclfcmo-
n- iici 5s sedr mcegre int imactioncs f Vc'ieci this teay snow- ireakstp yc
cc liiiwcrt is icc 1e atemptecd. iOccr ca- swil neect Rubber Boots atd Rtbe
ls, Ilo}con i cgrescublishes its recitd daily, Retmeter we ae a comcplete stock f
Fitts-an wciindcaiccfewc'datys thct- osit itisct aetn acd wsoties.Mtoden Shoe Rep
ancitizes-timaiy rccci fclltchcie speecie te- Shop.ia,611tE. Wiliam S. 6-Inc

Ftiiewesoics realihwmcnss t ele-i dt N O
tihiotnetiestages- tipastichriughithtics tti- R
rersity hraichexechatnge. cc an. as-eraige R e a d y
the opcerator cashes eigtthuntdred cti-
nectionts a day. J t-Hop dlay, whenite
gym wire u-as 0l constacnt use,;te nca-
tee of cahls rose to t,24. EXT , BOOKS
Thiswscitchoard has a cmaximumo ca-
pacity of 300 phonzes, bitt at prasetnt otcly For atllitepartmcents of she U~ntversity,
a ihird of thiese art coccnected.'iA great -
mtan}y roomsav ae.ceen wared iciorder 'i aeaitrsoko
h o provide foe futurce groswtti Thistie-
s'elopmcnct-is bousnd to, be raipidtotrlie SECOND HAND BOOKS
arrangencent writh chit Michigan Statc
Telephoncc omtpancy members of the fac-___
utity tmay' secicre direct seesvccc threoughc Get tia rItices cat
>the exchcacige at chit samce rates thcat are
madeil to te Utiversity. 'htcelethlotte Drafting Instruments
tcomanptpiits ccsi effcrts ciiite and Supplies
eqttipmtentt of te exchtancge wc-iccitnost'
-reptresets a comcplece cetical officetplcci.
Mansciy pieces of aipaatusccs uccctessarey itt All kinds of Second=Hland Books
r a bratneh office cahae te put icc so thatt taken in exchange fortcash.
Athe classes itt telephonccy'iitay iceccicme
famsiliar s-ithc chit tost intcricess-appit
-rates. .W H '
Thce city- sees-ice cif ste liats hiei W HRn
:I greatly' itipred andctt hit'oilitsevenc-
-seotnds sees-ice hcas biett cuct dhinttoi



and hsisr s ssistatit, :Mr. Givects, care
effetedu this reiccscehlhc ccse i ci een
solely'byicy'areftulidiscitclicceiotfte switch-
tioard force.
"Texas," cict.restern comtedty cdra,cic
sshicih i elice attractiocn at te Nest
Wicitnethc'iesater, Fridasy, Fiebi.2t, isc
play' cf te ssamcegeccersclttipe. s"Ari-
zona"ta''dcci"'lie Virgcisia,''ccciihlssmtet
spcenocmeccal succeses sicce its tirct crc-
iuceticic, swhiect uascmaiecin icoice if Nest
'tork's mtiost protiitetit plsayhocuces. 'The
stat saltetopens 'Wtlettitday'moin tiig. to
'clhoek.. atct hitsoxoffiee.
The NipcpoctJcaacpese ctcreis lie
star attractioni citcteMajesticitcissaweek'.
Thcey' casev e setcuar issuer feact ccni
lhitt iccclicg acct is icce cithlie test
setn tisiayear. 'hts'remasinder ccofte
bill is abcouct te ascraget'.-Nito ichge
stilltce tiecesacryasc sitthiseiase lss
ROOitMSB-Onte large sutie;tall mciidc-
ert coctaeiiecees. Roomtflicethcree icc-
pl. Ptrice $6.oo. At faboteMione. (c()-oc
1Miss Loutise Si. Germine. Retccrned
-to Cook Htoctae, Roont 7, opposite par-
hoe. Hands, 25 cenis; cards, 23 cencts.
-Last teek itt AtnnArtior. t
r Baseball men: if you wanct te latest
ein- basehail goods, see Spsaldting's lice at
Cucshing's. tf
'Iswo senilors ftengitneers)i.-iWorkeisafite
grscucatiost. DE.R., caestee liy. c-a
r Studetteus' TelephottetDirectory cat Co-
op. Got ac opcyyetti-a

IUniversity BookstoreJ

Law and Medical
Treves Anatomy, New
Editionl, (just received.)j
Stimsotc's Fracturesanld
Dfelocatlots, New Edit-
ion. Morris Anotomy,
3rd Ed. half leather,
$2.50, h a l1ftmoocco
These are new books and only
a few left.
-Ca-lu or exchiange your :Law,
Medical anud Dental Books.
Tel 761. 326 S. State St.
Broken Eye Glasses
uitid ti-1-tti' tPAIRiEO
iii operatc an optccal sitap that
'rislense ialfew ho'sAny
it-ticdtupliced. i Thet test eys's-
tmiaio. t'lse i t rkas nabit'
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
2,20 SouthiMai Street

. _

n®r oO

Courses, -
School of Msitc

Ebe !Btubents' lecture R1soctatf on
Season of I907-8
Feb. 24, John Temple Graves
Feb. 28, Leland T. Powers
Mar. 13, Opie Reed
Mar. 20, Oratorical Contest
Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews
May 1, HON. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of
DUCED TO - - $2.00
Michigan State Telephone, University 'Exchssnge 68-

THE 00=OP 37OR-E

ill a I,

121 WashIngton E. The Randall Studio, Ramdlall d Pack, Props.

PblOl 598

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