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February 18, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-18

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TheMichigan Daily


.tio. loo.

KAD LI 'S EC URE eeni' some of her friends, insisted to
IIA EIJN'S ECT stch an extent that finally he smitted
CA TU ED 11uE RE S anto fe hi ihs and the marriage oids
I~hmT nflnsanctified by the pope after the imerial
C~r~u~u HE RERScoonat ion sere dssoled.
Josphins led a rather adentros
Famous Frenchman Delighted life.i iei debts for or year were 1,oo,-
ooo frtils, a sum which Napoloit had
Audience-Eulogizes Roosevelt to paty, for iis "eir de artiniqea,
as Well as Josephine. trasplanted ts rance, blooiiecl iiill
te granduer f costly roes iiidljewe ls
A lunch withs Presideit Roosevelt. Further isterest sas addel to M
leldin i the While IHTisse ii February. Madelin's lecture by "les soiiseiirs i
antd at which Atisbassador JusssrandelandelItstrating' the liss of Napoleoi 'atd
Postitaster General Meer were present. Joscphiiie. Te most uiqiueit sas ts
was one of the icisents of MT. Marelins illstrationm sitNptsoleos famous hat is
trip describsesd to a Daily recotere last nustesdiffereit saps andi postiouns ie
evreninmg. picig differnti thases of iis remrk
"What isas your ittitressioni of teaile career. fOthie slides pittrel N-
presidett.M. Maslelint?'spleonsand Josethine ii sarioss roet
"cA stronig forceful tian," wsnhIis andsl oddsicositumes, tsc impeil lcorota
qick reply. "I intl, f course. heard tiontsof these twou persoages the iatifis
f lils character, tbut tmy pesosnli fistkig ofRomsic.and o tetr mebers is
pressionts o'f hiim came first hadtie II the croyal famiily.
speaks Frenchsellen, sut ocsinssally . il. .ladliiu arrieil it AmeriaiNov
when at a hss for lsthe rpeirssord a. leswill edsi sislecture isue ott Marh
would tunsto1s the Isstslssssic-gcerl. , fsr h1st isble in Fratce by Marl
saying Tranislat, Meyer' 3. IfIcsill art deliereil fifty-sever
"His onsversaions is mo5sf itercstsing. scires ithes United States ath Cati
We discussedl Boinparteis csariter ncstd sada, sainsitg it tlt Uisersities sf Cot
life. Tie president isaske1nitny es- ell, Pennsylvaiia, Yale, Ciago, Cii-
tints, lringing silttiltsetssitf testi- sli. Ciciinnati Tbiuile, agill amd
pero's career"sit ale (Casnda) , andut Sift. Welles-
M-. Madeli's ext isemitrk is f le- Icy. Aflt. IHotlyoske, andsslAmihers eilleges.
mbae itteest ts thosessacqifliteisiwithstill clit- eserlecfrssmtiCiagsand isi-l
PresisdeitiRoosevestsisies silnthslt delier t-sltulsres at fttanwaiCsna
"strenuousislsfits on sluseiilnx
'Do you ibelivi.' hi ;akdl slit''isth-t ____
Boapartes gretiac'itit-si slsscsshIis
life?' ttkit; 111NRY iORAOfRIC\L
" Ies risell 'it Its til iy'did, sit. Cii'lTtST'SARE Ill? I N II10,1
Mri. Presisdens t s li lidtsohnde
yeats ntuth istaning.'s" The' iatls f ills' siosalist atorial
"'Altt.s ist ssIihe Iuoint' e l i ied tiet'ntslts-iese hellyestrday esitg is
presiden~t. "WhenItsuitals'lk'itsoursits' eis' m B o f thiii ue law' lbuilding Tetsi
e stire antdsexiplita tist or oung mes tstnti'ist.rsilit iwers'elhoseifroistslas
that it's cara~uctr- nt'i rlengt ofSatrIts pelimsiarsctstittw serr:
life.ithat cuntt.'"PIt.Mc is . fIIl. s'eysls,IH. ..
'flitlecture' oit ''t' Imptlti JoIsesh-itIs i shll I isirte, C. J. Clgsn. stnd
i," sdelieredl ly' N. Iosis lMit itdc l it its is iAsnts si.Ts" hle' twinntrsof ihs
last ighttisdersiheIlls'pitlie'.sifthliii ontesist s F .M y.wstillte' r-
etc Fratteis. tstsastred b'thet's' lii isits thslit itstitus1Pcacs."s.'' I. 1. esy-
e's thoruiittghsknowlssedge iiof isstbjec iii' sIi isstscod''folis' o "he Cimie sol
ansI the inittlin t11 ttttints' hi chiluhts l '.1 waisthsts fist atetet'iti.
presettedit.sl 1.' ad i's . -tliti ts'judtgs's iitheiconest wsl erelPrt .
toucihles (f 1humorsands peasld ig appearixir sels's. of thigh schol, MIr. inie,
chari t is 1 lec.tue.isi'' N ''ited s to ii o h a
i well aislitekeri statuus 'etl- 1 s't'ily' afe''noon1 lt-e 1110last'
manitconitiullsydistlaitsdIhis t s sesility civeld tsir pim'itinrycotst'. 'Ist
An atisiecee sitfourithundredlipeople hlistsmsie sten s's tsscsmpetes I'iiils'eIfinl
almost sll iof themsisossciste'memes o'Iss f ri'daytt'eenintg' sie M. M. 'Tomas
the' Cercle, left fe v'catisets nSrl I .I Isiet' autuGerge Pckar. "I
Casell Angel 1Ha ll I Te iersap 'sit-)srNtin to isall ?" whliciasac-
parntily followed's' he ltesttititht ssi'soredfslplace wsi tilt'f Mr.
troitble.T'ft'seltavesrage situdenisi Its - listsoration.tThIfotstiltsni' tans'tslt
sight f a lrge'adnce follow' ish ngtitiwsill .5-sri' . G Iil lits IIf, . 'isriendsi
interestlt'hesworis f si foreigner't'slit'sk A. J. Lo ssig'e. lsesr. Paryir iee
ig rapidly in Ihis otintlangatgei'.i iisil .1 sAliltysitsesets jsudgeh's.
of excetsioinal iterest. '~T'he itro'ramss ftr te'reimassindrisofts
"hikesa glimplse osiflPari''s" ts tilt011c 'teekishsasls: s Tuesal, oo lt's:i
oine his sumiecs sfter thus eetum'. 'hhssc ttlutisu us o lmu I ursuay 'to asi'
phiase nasaptlt.fr M. Made~li's ter - ,rigys os its; Stussy. n14 las'-s.All
sonality andm alltcsismts ieIrtl''io'n -'sisltr i-usi1a1shi oplls at ifo'clockl.
ginial ini their chanrum. _________________
The rosmantiici-liftsit Josephies'aff'ordsh )ANSLAUI LN
eni M.XMadhetin aim escellent oppotr tunitys
to display hiiaiity. Josephtinte "''Its II hR ('(OSE PtATY
creole de Martiqu.'tes thIs'dauugter
of a Frenuchmofficer swhossadss t erom'th ' ts' eseceutie bosari (f th'e. Wman's
her to the NVicoumte se htstthtsrntsis. Lentilses'etdStuday- auideciietuatu
si-lonsshe wentts mary ii ranceea'sin tmthis-tfnture muemeresshlhe alowe
thue age of sixteen. 'sfter t theseths ofi ts1bsiltg ut f twnsguests ito ue Fri-
hurt first ihusbadt, Josephuinemm set Napo-5dat ste rososnmparies pou thtie terumi-
tont shenmsie siemi nt totan( mustfor 'sionsu of I]'eams J'rdlan or teeag'se- res-
the generous receiatio'snhe ash given hes' ident.
son. Infatuatuedh wit this iondsefutl Arranmgementuls fisttheu cyumtdress
soeon, Napoleomitetioner conusent to pty were discusseds. It uwa deciee
marriage. 'The citil ceremuony was tper- tast wiomset wil hesusdmuites to te gal-
formed ii a most irreguiar fahion, for -]cy'fr the adnissiot fee of tweenty-
eneral Bonaparte wsnetiwomhons ate it- cets. 'he sea of a Miotuer Goose
in arriving. pinty is tslecarrie out ad everyone
UEpont his going tsEgypt. Josepineies ugei hiscommitits csume. etuuers
remtained ini Paris. "Frost'sthis calm-sre tshe adlmitei tiy'ticket, pout pay-
paigns Napoleon returnue tsgainmtwo wmet oiii fitest cets at te soo. Girls
victories," sal N. Madelii', "one over whotuavtune'esninmte Uiversity amii
his -househuolandshoue sover Euroue." were membses iofte league wilhe ad-

N~apoleoni did tntswishi tssdivorce Jo- munittedh as gumess by special permsission
seplhie, for shut int remuainedsbyhtitusoii the le'sgue preseident or Mrs. Jordanm.
heire- he had hecome famous and shosuuld M iss Catherine Dtouuglas u-as elected
lie _associated with 'itu's his'sli years of genersal chuairmanm of time annmuual W~oman's
grandest atnd poster. I is ifamiy, asud League baueumte.

Campus Actors Directed by Mrs.
Hiofmann to Give Benefit Per-
formance for the Union.
Tflue l drshessrehmearsal fume"''Tme
Schoolesifume Scandals," heldi yesteerday as
tsc Ness''Whiiutseythsesater, wisit areds
my use smooth'snems'ss oflteuction. Ths
burilliantus sev'enteenmth centsueycstummes iof
thee' mua-mnumitste'silks asat nsftihss
is'~e s m ake, mits'auglitterinugtpicture. 'list
usiyuuet asue tclose tutu- hue first suet giv es
ste vo'sing ators tush acerestses sntoissue
humiity lto shmowsthu-ergerace.
'lih esroduct itnperotiss tou hesnte'of
thus test cs-erflit-elibyhr uatenssits :it
Aerbor. 'he cas lsths tessenlchosensithul
ssuchcae'thast asmu thuem oldsuably
fill a.lsadhing Issut. The i'tcsshasve
seems gsaugedto upellt'tet hle farthest
timelers ofl t' hetesater.
'le t eionusintsithus tutuce is sill thast cans
hue ased. M\rs. Itofsmannaususwits rk-sed
itc-S'sstl}toi lt akesusi'thus'plasy asuciess

Is defense sitthur people os it .tskegoss
ith especeially' sitthis'highs sholst
testis of tautu-u.nProf.Vn sitTymi
wishues smto esyth steenluuu tublisi E
us thus- saily' haersuconcernsiniiug'hui's'
"'t "hestory of lthesdisourutesis ufe ecu
sie asshusku'gtumm'his'sid, 'is uiuai
fiedly false. Boh aut'ty' ielues-i'usGam
Rbapis tutuFrfiay smut its Musskegonssou;si
Snisussum. the' udhi-us es'ted ie ,,its sI
this greatest scoursesy-and-tshu't'stilssi
'urng tu'this'first iiusues o f tush'lee
ltne there wittu ilittle' whiispieing io c
sill bolsys, limt thussotoutseased. It tis
slush bosther mue ini this' least.ndthliiis i
thus sui'slythasisio' this' wildt reotsh j
regret the t'sulcatio fs's isuch sl'stemunt: v
as it is unfartoi' isthi s' sstiimts'lepopl
Cf'sEN'T'N FANItb I Xoli-.tS
ti~ I. ih;N N t'lhl''h'it
I'llthi d utrinnialssounty-sair tutu'sut
carnivaslsill pro'alteht'shut ~hl it l
stis'ss uitson list's ndI_'suit nderssis'thusI
555 "1i'5's f thus MihiganUns'itsn. 'llt
us suit il tos's- e hiis-ulage- ofthus'afuau'
luas aireadyls'bhes-tiappo itu-tudadssilt
sill atissues-bhe aletos-s thicrn
vali the greatest eereldss.ulsts-he'
of tiememilbi'leu's ofitlistom'itteetis'ar-th
ticipatedt inithe' last firsi 'sithuill cnes-
siuusmty' hie tatle'touse totu goodtii advtshnu-
tng the'-sideshow feturtue,,s
hnill,,i princtsipau ul elnite i tltii
probablhuy followit Itueg's' ssu IIspla t te
orgasnitiosofsil he lattfai ndtu .ssTs-s
Bohils Sill bItssine' to uttheu'ion
hrtr:te .saee hin '-surl tIs 'isis us
oritsionms frirsisdes 'uhsltsstta
ltis.._Asotnuus ssva ush 'iI e svilu
be s ciI r sirs i ti t ahCswllushingel
um--l uswill beh ig-- paradeutini hiist!
<tdtus'-sw'''list s.-ar 1p~t
Charles s..INNWintadIsbinhiss ila
ora chirttum ofthe fartutu .Ifsth. NI
ist f inanciit sertut ofs ithis. 'oilon
iilh g nt's t liisilt . T cy ail
l. I. Boiugtonst, chirmiuassss Just rtis
Wa'stkis. Ralpthh~urh, I,. 1'. N'sres-i
VN-ttuIssills' sssussuuuthe: ' lii IiTavi
chimain;uJss . iWoN'otturuf,I. iR. S's
loonsus, C..J. Ihesfrssus lb.I',\Morelandtt
C' . IN eeks.
Ntisvertising- ' tush[ publiiteyis scomm itti'e':
N- . iRiitchis, csirman;ususCarsi hi sh-
Johuu nsuor, S .:ors N1 . ilus'
hl,u'sonard'sIC' Rii.
chasirsmn: Norman s ItilIIIN. W. 'suit'
mim, IHowasrdsi iss kduhli IT.1;. S it .
Parade commituittehi: -C iussusee Bitui'hi
ers, chasir'man;su1h.i. CmpbeltltI, 'Ts
Clanucy George Kelle's,.Rbss'sAloostrs.
Howas-rd IGallhup,. N'alers'tblsiscs'ilsh
Ilar h-su'- e't, NWilliamStuck isey.s
'hits tilsatdtnovtissueIsreces'sofi
foreign~uers comig to sAmteria" fuste hs
firsi flue furnised muss etsertnaisent
for membulers of te Cosumopolssitasmctush
st su informmlscial 1ltstSaturdayteven us-u
Aig. featrestoftie smcial tits Poitiih,
Germntush Spaissonsugs whtihsxieri-
sittng by muemsbters oftiesi-respsetves
Thiss'fomllosingmucushatt eems eetes
bsy thstNesw York dcshbts serve asfi-sf
crs for et year: IPrsiets, ii, J.
D'supert; vsice-pressienet, C. i. Dtugan;
secetahry I.. S. Rbuhinusn; teesusee, N.
f's, Crawsfourd;hoiuse muaage, C. S.

Hll;assistanut homuseumatungere. tBant'-
crookt advisory hosardi,NN. J. Colgan,
NV hIh Pollard.

Engineers and Laws Will Occupy
Gymnasium Courts in Prelim-
inary Contests.
''hits-intesrlass baskctbal cotess are
stnd asuhst Ilast. 'Iwo uaunssie sche-
tlihedilfusetonsigta-smith oler..siill folosw
us rapui suitesstissuntsmi hite classham'-
lusthi hsles-is decidhe. The first
'osit ti sgt is luhete the fresh ansdu
tush-se siass. It ill ssart at 7 :15 sharp.
stmi'shtuuh's' llintiuvmg tlimitgamu, tie
tutur ndfresh ensgi'eessiltnmeet in
tuat promsises tom he suits-of this'hareest
ou -stisses iof thisetres. Both lstest
r--re-mausrkablsy stronsg, hainig worked
de i'-thiesis-sall fuse trcice. Te
sophomor'e utst'ave upractial te saue
suits Ihliitus beten sititbi's tu phinits
in this'ha'insh ip conestil cilast yeas.
i's tlayts'ougetherasit'nsmts-estnt', ceri
ip wel-l, 'sutd iisdits's'ayua'remsrkale d
'Ilsi'de The'frshssmnissam, asisusual, is
hedarkhr se. hut pracstice uthey hae
I us -s pstise'syusell, hlding'tie junsioer
tumer atu yeu's chasmpuions, to a
it. NIills forsty eutsut.sithec begin-
lis oftesesoni-tutu miisg pri'tty
;dis t be expected frosmiten.
'stihrut Censtsal ih-uti-smurhmig titu
,n~c ,ulcpo., lanitg aitar samess'
It forwsard.simmsssus i tsk s, ho stres
i eit s's' lustr1)01'11s(st .teni m hghsCi-hisl.
s plyin t ipsi-tits for misc fresh-
usn Ts he sti--itm u its slg'tlis t se' i-ll
Iln tl ii' u isis the1 jni r-s iot'-s rus
'N\'hIh'sNhiS ISSUEDih
"ts'ussiu tl'nst e u s mit colegewstill
us' abiliit' s us issetalitplayer' ts t e
sit. I i tile ostlt usa 's ts get isi si-
ligta,,saushCasitait Slliantiyes-
truss's us si ssning a g teralcall fuse
itser sc lut us'stautssu-es-of igoodu
,) in'.. uSoho d) this eporItlutit ntiltit iiis
us's to rceie i hs c smhig ithit
-sge.t-. hiis to hestmsuithat ptaslii
m i- ttm. (''suidfahts'sfis thtie'eam,
iihll r suet's exepitliti ssuca e troughi
th uexai sai silh lseanssreeoris.
Ths ensagrit tet, fits'htertforeu
hes dtamihats'slwsu s-u'estuu-swithout slit
s-cies s-of seteal goinumt est whos nsti
t u-eu' seres'butsutwssety'-ie mne
sue 1~isg its(he caegy'eserdta's-afternonuu.
liiise, tget-he ills the andsiatsie x-
isctuuioui thiis afternodon, isill msaks a
stqsudhfit if'otr sixty- mest ron's whtomt
to seectiatea. Thelist-usiof tutu
atssceuledtsth~it s'sear sill amply
resis t'shse effotsn of tll whit repor'st for
Bttinusg wsts'slii-principlnfeatur' of
this-or stntsthus'ym 's't serdieay. Captains
Suslir ea ssil's ents itsthis udepsrtmnent
ansh sill le fearedh iy eey pposin'g
puiteit iteKepiss iisieentmmform.
Coachel Mc.'slliserewil ivfe tie ete
tiusastllk Iissafternoonsmutsrthe meth-
osds this- followused ithlstcoacuhig ad
Join ,s Kennuey ha'ss beetelehuced ecapain
ofi te Or)li footbasl teamifor set
'flueeifaculty sit Noretwesternruniser-
sit' s' sreecentsly eoted thitsn'o freshmn'
inay joinm aufratcrnsityunt ssisfter he has

secureruedsit for at least ten semester
hussof gooud gresle. This smeasispliac-
ticaslly no freshnasre sstoiveel tojoimi
fratenitfies urinug the firet semester.
'fleregultionsmgs into effect is' Sep-
tembher, upoKl

tfae . il.' h iit iotf II auuu s u'fLd f''i l'
adthis-moemlhenti uf the is ecets' sstis-
Itashen efficienucy. Fori .u week ltst
younssg cosurtu- i tus-cave tie-tipratisitig
withithliru ssou ns, dmmtte's sums-nsutstile'
us wialit as nasturaslly as if swotrtlds-ues-
a 'stwntith ientiury mnecessitys.iishi-rs
s1l1seIO1ditniipurplets'silks 'tns
,t ie swtlls sinuing sitotush.iscetn
turps evu-'s-t Iis Shaskspeareasns' rostle's
wichishalstss'deslighsted so tittutusdsssience'ss.
MI's. I istusuussu susilshatpears'tonsigh fuse
lt'e lust tissuehe-tite atiltiuts rbru di-tus
suite'sitdh ter s-xtliris-uht in th~eestage'
bseaks thiscti'snsst's ofi he-n success.
Sits is tushysassistedh hut' Iise Shsere,
a sar sit'thes-Coinued-,s chum fuss severaul
'sear's. 'sis ern nts. Mit ssrs. ibenu-
yon 's-ut, I'shi. IWomodruff adTtttth'hsit't s-ts
havth'su' t sit'heleainug'parsui.
J[;'NiIOR FN ('Ni'hViS NAIh lb
Tilib (CUNCIt CAI'sli's.TIOS
'fle followsinug mue-sm s-sre nosminated
y'esterdhay- aftrnoonmstoi representi the
junm'ior engineers in time Studsen't Cosucilt
Bhaker, Baxter, Ilsusseell, Casey, Cush-
man,D'avocks, I-hoetoms, Kelly',Ianrer,
Shieldls,''Tutle, .sand iWigginms. Bomth
Kelly 'ash Casey haett hdiirawnmtheir
snamu'es andss the cuncm'ilmenu siill hue elect-
ed from thue remainuing Irisuumen. Th~e
election wnlutehuel'setirieday- sftenoonssm
between 3:30 andul6 o'clock, ini the tess
enugineering buimldinug, Roomu301) use409'.
The class wiil hold a smoker at the
clubhouse March i, anud will tare us
dance at Batbouir gyinaiiuuummnmie
aotih of th'e sanme umoiuh.


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