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February 18, 1908 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-02-18

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'V'~le ttu e Fb. 8-,"Th Scoolfor Scandal Th
V ln ieWhiney theater. e Mnac, hF Best Store in Town
C rd5 talk by Herbert Vaugha, Ttppaff Hall
P ost 1 o V o u M en's cure room, 4 p. o. Admission free lt i g
Feb. 2- ao ydes party o Wo-
Remtember the children at home mant's League.
arid 2 for Sc ~~~~.Feb. a-Kasas stte club bnuetTa' htorrat el aife one e
10c, $C, ad 2to S nion clubhouse, 8 p . Ta' htut.aywllstsid one e
_________________________________________ Feb. t-Lecture byE.D Rundell customers tell ts. Te best stoe, for te reason
chaplain of Jackson stae prison, Tappan that here cau be senthle greatest variety of snappy
D. D S.COLbAN GRPtCJFTexas,":3o New Whitney thea- styles and attractive patterns. Tie best store,
Take it in time and don't miss a class 25e Ier. because tie valtes we offer itt
Felt, t-Senior girls' leap year party
in ];arbour gyttttasitttmtdtritg the erec-
CALKN'SCOUG BASAM ~t ~ lawStein-Bloch Fine Clothing For
Birthtday dance at Granger's. Y ~ gM i
For thte tigt cougb cud sore throat 2$c ' Fel. 2t-Athtletic carnival, high shool.
Feb. 2--Antual Futder's day exe- Iavet't got their equal in tiis city.
j ru git. cises itt tedical departmntt. Address
Ei.13. CALI(INS,Drg it at 8 p. ttn. by Prof. Nory, ott Zita ___
324 soth State Street. Pither, fortmerly professor of obstet-
rics inthle University. Eeyhn is ls
_________________________________________________Feb. 24-S. L. A. Johto'Temple Eeyhn is ls
Grares, Untiversity IHall.
cib. 25-Jatte Cohrate in "The Doll
Iotse," New Whitney theater.
Feb. a5-'Maibencatics.' a lecture TINf
geteral itterest, by Prof. Cassi J.,Fye oClmba nirst, a aa
AM USEM ENTSII'--4'~II. Casel Atgel Hall, 8 p.tn
~ eb.zG 27, z-Mvicitigenda," Wed-
eday, 'Tursday atd Friday evetings.OA
N e - W hityieaer.J 4
________________________________________________ Feb. 2-Le Theatre an College" a 14' . f
talk by Iferbert A. Ketyon, 'Tappan Hall
ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT lectre room, 4 P. t. Adnission ree. Begtnng Wednesday mortitg Jat. 2y, and ending
For the Emtra Week Feb. _ -Lelatti T. Powers, on S. L. Saturday nglt Felt Sawe oier for this period of ten
eCOMMENCING A. cottrse, Utiersity Halt days anythtttgttt our entre esablishmtett at a
_AFel.-Catherite Osterma in "'Te
IIAJESTIC F- aE B R U A RY Gr Thttat Looks ike Me"( (matinee atd icta f25pren
THgh).EATRE 17 ar. a-elah Point in "Lena Ri- E . IA
The following Atracilons will be Mar. 6-Varsity band dance, Barbour
Presented: gymnttasitm.t
.-Overture. 'N~ Fat(}as
2.-Charles Marvelle. )t oetetoutt. UNIVERSITY NOTICESFltC!s Garters
3.-Sigma Roberts. tCa,'edt-tt't--. for solid cat t. The newest shades
___________________________________ 2 and designt._)f<one piecd, pure slk
L.-Kurtiss & Busse. No'el'ty Anim~at At All soph eginteers 1b- ott to baset- l1 f AL web. All 'artal p-rts hoc"" nice'.
5.--Elliott & West. Itosetite At. 'all gmtte tonight, IL plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,
6.--Geo. W. Stewart. Ittionsa~-. Fresht it rly tamt tryotttWedtnesday CLASP SL all dealers or by mnail.
True , ~fronm 4 t 6. Bahataete, Act Mg. PIOlVEE S( SPENDER CO.
T.-Nippon Hrue ~ z ecpotp reresettaires meet at 'iTeta, 718 Markfe Ste Philadelphia
8.-Malestiscope. litetaCitihotuse today- at5 o'clock
First tryoti for sotth lit relty tamtt, ____________
Wednesday at 4:30. Nctfzorg, Act. Mglr.
PRICES-P,,tie -First 'loce 35e anily Crlelo0G aciton, 25e: Gallry, icsor tstte sstto rottfr
15e; Box seats, 50c.'Alsno tiswo ihto ryu fr
t~ te relay teamt relort to C. C. Sl shettE JYS
Relay tryouts fo junlior etgieer
Ne 'dit eapea r it Feb. ,c, at the gym.lt ls come only to those who are fortified by abundntt
New Wh tn y he tr %tmetibers o eirlt ls et health and vigor aantcold and ex-
BELL PHONE 480 HIOME PHONE 200 itt Room tC University hal, tis after- 1)Sr. Bdl againthcmsf
1101at 4 0sclok.May hBaer. psr. Bdl amhcmsfo
Frid ay, Februt~ary 21 Allttmemtbers of te general comttitee good digestion and good food, not from
____________________________________________________ of tite countty fair re expetetd to meet flannels and overcoats.
BROAADHMVKST C,. CUERKY Wednesday at 7 . t th e Micitgatt
--_PRESENT--Utiott clubholse. Shredded Whe W heveeat
Seat salt- for _icli-ligensa cottinues
W i11to ck.nt r Bonuielli ae 114sal a t o'clo.ate Wait e s. Seats e is the food that brings fullest enjoy-
ili r arotsaeath'atieybxofc
-I-urittg te forenloon. meit of Winter Work or play,
'rhere uill e attitmportantetitg of because it, is rich in the heat-
EI; ~the AS uno is o ointosof Stt- t21 ak1i g, muscle-building
C, Utniersiy H-all, today- elements and because it is
A TRUE STORY OF WESTERN LIFE Mfieligettda rehearsas-Prttcals 1 oesiydgtd.Igvs
Seat sale opens Wednesday, Feb. 19 p. te.;itmpersotators 7 P m.; Jtst ti ydgse.I ie
PreS-5c 0.75,$.0Look Wise,' 7 :3, acd full chortsal8 thelttheness and suppleness -
o'clock. All e ot tirme. Scanlon. q of limb that make the human
Freshl engiteer tryouts for track meni bodyr a thing o power and
will be eld Sattrday at 3 o'clock itto
Waatemtan gymt. Nattes must behac- beauty.
tl L 119 E% I1IBE1ITY ST. cIl to tme before ta time. Kliskert.
I' fl /\fhllfl _____________ A breakfast of SHREDDED
U if Il1111 AnnAbrs PoeerMtvngPitreTht WHEAT BISCUIT, with hot or
EVEY BDY K the energy for a half day's
Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE ILLARD, crop. A m work, TISCUIT is the same

FATS. as the Bissit, except that it is
JI compressed into a wafer sd is
used as a TOAST for any meal
W ebbs Fo Hig Grae Caiuiu /instead of white flour bread.
Webbs Fr Hgh rad Ca die At &:%At all grocers. Our new
___________________ illustrated Cook Book is
tee Cream, iFrutttees, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid CIGOARS, C AN;IEs , TOBACCO.
Favors for all Oceassions. Paney Napkins and D7oilies Salted 't a . st. . s ll;:r
Nut Casts.___________ ITS ALL IN THE SHREDS."
Webb's Chocoates are Unsurpassed. 1098. Mala St 71MOE'S BlAlvRDER SHOP HF NATURAL FOOD CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y.

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