G. IHe Wild ;Compally
Our Spring iis Offine
imported and Domestic
Is, n1owrealy.It inctdesl
the. lats-'NuvetcisSades
and Up-to-ibIate Pttrn in
Moose rown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
(rays and
Fanc~y Blue
Your pttonittge repetftulix
G. H. Wild Colmpanly
311 Soth State Street
The most complete
line of
Anid stippliesi of cvery
descriptionitcain Cc-hail
YoullIfind it lto our
advantatge to get xxii
prices before binx~g.
Mew and Second Hand
Texts for all Depts.
Sheehan & Co.'s
__ A.GO.
:0 , & B R O S . o
Theo Larest Manufactuarers in the World
of Official Athletic Spplies
Base Bal, Foot Bal, of, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Official impeaets tr Troco ad Field Spot
Uiformcs. tr all Sport. Spadi' Handsoer
Illstated cataogearaofasprt cotaiso
aeraus sggestios. Srnd fort-ttree.
Now York, Chicago, S. Lots, SonFcioosco,
Mineapois, Oetx r. lBuffalo. Syacs, Pits-
br, Phlatdlphia, toston, Cicitati, Bat-
more, Washintoin, SKansas Cty, tlelad,
New Orleans, Detrot, Montreal, Canada.
:1lnx~iiin~xig Iditxx-A\ri ttit F"RrCi
Bosiness Manager-C. E. Wues~Tt.
ext.. ..............Hiram $. Cody,
Athletis.... I-..avd F. Stevensoni
Fxclioige...... . Jhelm Vtbol,.
ltiic aitdlDrama...Roy D. Welch
otetix Editor... Loisie Van Voorhix
J. W. MeCandless Elmer C. Adams
IRutssel McFarland
lxxe ite iic George IH. Hobart
Chatuncey Bocer B. G. R. Williant:
1-ax-itnd Vissler
I- C. Rii TernitP. Coiper
11. iB. Ncllxxxxl J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainlitw Robert Montsier
Towel1 J. Conr Donald L. inney
Wtalicer K. 'l'owrsi Louis Kraf
Leis ,T. Kisken Robert Morelatnd
lxiii Grer Samuel H. Morri
OtixoEngel Fred E. Godig
Joltn F. Wrz Carl H. Adam
Iaroldl P. Gould
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Managers Moors: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m.-
doily, except Sunday. Both phones
ii.i~il .FEB:RAY , )oi
fur tk about erxxxxxxaiainsxxhaxxrid
it, kxit -elf-cxmpaxxrixon.' Wi-serr
di xea xiid ndgiig gountd ixtilte
lxxxi l thtixexiianixpposiixnx egixis
tox cieits ireasnit ivirually ahxiix
sourx txt-txgt x iiihetig atacke.If
owii remarkxlxhad xx isee xidalogeerrii-
xxiii - o ri-ter woui ldxxie stilei.;
I'mx i d nthi n i g, xxxiiilft xts to-h lix-dizy
diicoifiitf ouxxrxxix xxii mextal lilixuittt.
Si -In~ dnxial, oxxxfixtixi istregtetedl
xxxiii xiari biddtiohopelxxithat ax furter
,cod il titd recpioii i nti xerete.i.
thoug hoii iitil, mid it. Ylxii'iiiuitii, x i
lxxiiihexxiigitierlytisxoinxxc xi. Oir
nw Ipi ciple xxwas xiunxortuxnatelynx-
scured I xx laxfe xi i ixinicxxi uxr.abutit
the "iicr'.xnary cxnxecionri~i" eliri slx
Ictit ibeickiowiia't' ionce Ilxxa ic xlii
no inkiiiieixasdox iinyxix irixi . (xxthe.
(,tie-i's xxccumulxxidiiknow lg. Btith xii
eird t lxx iteiiiirry idicaiixt, wis-ctoxext
outiand ill beliiiicesethat the 11ithitisii
ixhiihi cxiiit-tutxesxi cannot e indate
il terms of facsimpiaxxrtel y' the c-
turrorcxllexfrottibooks. -It is oot.
thex samei i nxt ue xasthe Pleixoxelie
rieposr -xxItis ahr a xxmxanei:oii'r-
actio axixxgistitlix facoixptxeritce an
l~lxxii ig,-axxrectioxichlx b ecotes
soi vaxxaxlxx ini itselflt thatutu vet .-if 'h e
facts reifogxtexi (is they toxally
'are ) , ii eis.ts, antudxma rkx ilthe ua ,
wyerve heiicxx ge.for x superior tinbker,
andii peraps for xx poliseigetlnax.
.Ihlex-xi-as..tntlxixu .Estiei ab.5~outLYiltis U\lVIft I 1.PT~ 1
eclee'e rteso-ii t- - -tt- - - VY;( f _ t-h . ~ -..-i.-
loth t ,at Stl itmtucti xxi- f p--eint ilol oh - -,t ii,,iivsia i s li' buYOI)IxQR - 6
exilxett tul txr lx -xeira-- o
xtc ofxi tt tentutu.ilc~t l x froxe: It l dt tuthc aitertysat shit
awx. 'Nor atheylsubjcttitto tet ci coes ax titplestnt strprsr tix eeti
rex =conio'to : o clder tmxca tat time liii.:mosxt optmic adocte of ulcteh-d
wi-il bewasited'. adltxhxy Ics' till teebtng climxe.'n axlixtcritx ss Siper--
retainthe lfacuuxlofracioux sad salue ntcxdcttiGilmoe gas t out te folloi-- -
it x's the xest part of thetreqeuiptmet ing facsx ' --
foxi a xuucefxl life The' otstixnitiexof rgisteici It ia- T X -3 0 &
We: ad no inten'ixoux ofIioistt igthe "tieix ,in the. C.nixeisixhospital for the lootGall eprtmentsisot.i t ix ~iy
itirdexi of otr tproof<oatti the lofty hoti i yai 1107 x S32i.Tohlu exceeds by -
irx of philosophtyIf wxaiiiesx atid f-r tcerolltuiuo of -xxyxprex1005s-ar
fas xxixy-foxxndationin luxc<xiitxillit xi uist mngthe.ux Ioaptal -oneOiOof the, largest - te ixave a largso ookit
adxhereuwithx equal fotce xin amajloruxiftxlof kitlandii _timecoinr:ith thle SC N -A1 If
xxf ttemorc "licrarx"°studs-i It auy-'aciiieel casec, fxwhich thut tiier tdur- e za
i-ic caretton'argxxht ~tuhxlbet: i llxxirxxthec lpaist- xccear ciehia dlifs-
iil pentuirxxiii- cait spit n rxiiicosc hrcc itatshavexioctirredxincithiexixtxi i xi(;N ue11i. ixx xxio
moxxre- ablxxxiha xxwc, intiexls of liii-tl Tliii,. xtclnxxecxtosihoelcs cax
naxx itxelirxttrc. lixctici xiaxndrttor-ixchx hxxeccoxsec toxAxxi Arloi xas Drafting Instruments
-Itio-tther idetartmentx s tlere mayxbe lalst rsort.-.-and Supple
m uor dxotx. u tbtn'tis)xMxicIsis cetinm Thlgixtauti x ixhas cxxaciii a lxxr
an x tx i i tix o'ii rsh sith foulsi feet'ittu wxxich iadmit-. cldrenoxu xxithx m lfitrui---
eletial treserxe,-xa stdet it pa xss Lions it- tinerbc cotigenitat xxalxxxlucx toxtle All kinds of Secondland Books
a. ltiic-xxply. 'train ter~icature. on-:Orti uxspiiforltiet t at xithe c slinciof taken in exchange for cash.
ttyexcaon titb lihono r, itenly y retiexittlii-xiaxix 'oo proixde for tch ,1Mrs.
tug swhathe hs mxx xizeiini front xxIlxls-Palmethe. irdsowlxsrof te lat Proxf._
ixuxix hotok.4 arot lcoxxiunld ld - t txc -ACiouxi-IPlmer.lhi givenm $5,0ooofur
axixol xx imuoxuey couldxi werthe irsaxtme lookthliestxishiment f ts-itltige xwars
xxf. grae andxxii decetnt- icy. ht hr I hex' 'trct xipresentxiotrcrxiirtit. KW
wxxxulc -nuxxffr -thur ixater -f xtthe a "Iliii isychopttathic waxr, affiliatex ithfu
masoter f thsliberixcxl- istiels.He tel tixx'crxiv huxxxtxiil. ig-is " z tlixi nvriy oktr
ixotilxc xxxnxoratoxr if h ld xsiipteorkn- uiest oktr
wsell inx puxlxic. Aixdxl-le stiwoull hbe_____a__
xhlosihrc.if xi nrigixtaxi touer,.cot IRLS' .CI IECLU II WVIIL
posd,.likexa thesstixthiixomxe care xxii E CNI TAN AN
prepxaiatihnu.lxxtooxk the hxr ilosopthical tlSOMCET ND SiNEW CREATIONS
attituxdc 'Ix-sard - his subjr-ct,---t-huxat ht iii 11c d b xxioifc tcxi
lx lmt ixtcexe ie rilxi uxc tci foxlloxwedlbyx xdaanxecat Baxror IN
If) hismattr w are'wilingto eap xauue Sttxl x etitgIxc. 15.
axcr tieihdsifthoxsecwtxc ouxtuse. xian xcd l ccttii fA ltuuxxu tuiruci
it, let ehiexaiiixatihut-e toir three :ilh:1givenc, isrch r sorchestra has i ~ L4~
xux origixuxitsupiece oft tuiri.wthichill xsxi onisleiart uxu hic xt s ok xor.uickcO ERx
t 't tlixe stidts ttxt iuu ouiecxf ri-ctixi atixhicrixsill xc thin)y-fivecclintsI~a
Suxchxx a itrksixulduhlsothxxle xatmental
disciplinue, inseadl xfi x ientixl strain.
-lxx tis lxis xiouretictionixfronttie-fix- AND
mer tametAslnaseatar slely -tlut xerine ~chowxuchxiluof te flIu01C anib lratna
lcctxucx unrlxbookxuone remiuthemextsoB A
houxr is xxxs-guoodiax threx'. 'ttuIoxxixhourt
b lxx itle iferiortot :fr ii xx t he longest xxig te 'tlauc xxlxtg -iuu
-peeixuxl cartxc xxixoitorec thanninditixica- New Wh litey, theaterire. -Miur. Leli (The neatest thing ever
titix anch f thexquestionaixr ixell coen Cxxer iiian-'thu ss f itel i Wilfir," put ou'
lxx thtotextian exuit lessiico. - Ihu i xxxixnite l oxuxutuxd 'Strong-
-- - _______-- hlix xxx it'befolloin tg datestixturi tilt'_.
If 4icligctidais inixie tihexiliti x hi ctul d-I eh. 2t, "texas'; Ielt25
erackedh iqilxx-he. tey itill xcot outithelJ xxxt Cochreixnic .The LolluiIouxi' L Y!1N D O N
seat -x --ale. F- lei ft27 ix28, xhchxgulxt. PHOTOGRAPH R
10111 1ONX'W-ti' XI 1 X L K-__
Secondux timtster atiGranger'x tchool xi ALEY & EDMUNDS
I1 lxx'xis -re xxoitifr t itihigitu u tt xlfor uxacisg Jois t hut'classsx-t 'ix lexii-
a atty.x 'llaukiu gDxxx :xnsrrxI 'uoxse-dxxy oe Ihuxrdaxuxevening 7 i'cck. !BPOWti0 G OON
Ftc Xagoht~hatit'he xlrixslxxx Ix tuxuuurs x ix ottwlx x xxeh lexsooxix. $co. tGrotund . 121 E AS LBERTY'STREET
am Orchuxrdxl 1 thou su17ch hctc ntu bexxxit lxx lxxxx yXli rditrtecel.i5
jsw it te i be:xshut lIIthue, rest 'I e adyx
8osuxqxuincudxxing Slippery xM\ocxxsi(IS I C xl)sgol elltpil txign-ux-.
Ito replies that he his "captured squaw" xdurui j fp Liberal essad fon- r-
"and luat the x iuiptut us itsnthexway.- ult rxcismutto fts E.CUCiviersity. 6,-6uft roken EyeGlasses
Fle fghingbratex with squatssfo-- - t--- 1) I. IIlit Ix".AIItT)
xxxgin trai teWhitore ake sleep of ,Alarm clocks saranted for one year, ~ tipt lsttita
twelftmhx uuoosi xslnmex nxxels hurt swatr $iroo Hlaler,; Jets-lryStoe, 216 S. vi exehatean olixa lshuothaix
-,rilus t ss uuOuiafenhTl uisotiny.
,otms adtushauaaiswoops:huterethilhtx, Ceeratd Martini -Mxandlinix adth etutus.
a- heaptig tagrareit-c Ioaxg efr te Glxx as a aCbet f on tusical -drlls.
suiii renuxcssthut astifhe~ic'tomewuxnuway s-it) beni '& Seu tio S "MistSt. cd VVM. ARNLD,Jewer:
smake chte the rail. Hand hammered jewlry at Posters. _________________
r .
pecia 5tubeit' Ilecture Isoctattonl
KY) Y) (~~ 2) CousesSaon of 1907-
IN John Temple Graves,
~i r, Brander Matthews
- pie Read,,
A\ND J UPL~E FOR Oratorical Cotest
UNIVERSITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fl~L~ J~~J~ I1~JIPE cholof~f , DUCED TO - - $2.00
MAYNAR" STFFT , Treasurer's tours Si to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays
121 Washington E. The RnalSui, Randall c& Pack, Pr ops.
Phone 598