T 14P-MIC14IOA T Y5ALA ;~ G. IHe Wild ;Compally Our Spring iis Offine imported and Domestic IWOOLENS I Is, n1owrealy.It inctdesl the. lats-'NuvetcisSades and Up-to-ibIate Pttrn in Moose rown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, (rays and Fanc~y Blue Your pttonittge repetftulix solicited G. H. Wild Colmpanly 311 Soth State Street The most complete line of Engineering Books Drawing~ Inisruments Anid stippliesi of cvery descriptionitcain Cc-hail here. YoullIfind it lto our advantatge to get xxii prices before binx~g. Mew and Second Hand Texts for all Depts. AT F Sheehan & Co.'s __ A.GO. (~Ll~SPALDINGO :0 , & B R O S . o Theo Larest Manufactuarers in the World of Official Athletic Spplies Base Bal, Foot Bal, of, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official impeaets tr Troco ad Field Spot Uiformcs. tr all Sport. Spadi' Handsoer Illstated cataogearaofasprt cotaiso aeraus sggestios. Srnd fort-ttree. A. . SPALING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, S. Lots, SonFcioosco, Mineapois, Oetx r. lBuffalo. Syacs, Pits- br, Phlatdlphia, toston, Cicitati, Bat- more, Washintoin, SKansas Cty, tlelad, New Orleans, Detrot, Montreal, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY.; :1lnx~iiin~xig Iditxx-A\ri ttit F"RrCi Bosiness Manager-C. E. Wues~Tt. ext.. ..............Hiram $. Cody, Athletis.... I-..avd F. Stevensoni Fxclioige...... . Jhelm Vtbol,. ltiic aitdlDrama...Roy D. Welch otetix Editor... Loisie Van Voorhix EITOtAL STAFF- I J. W. MeCandless Elmer C. Adams IRutssel McFarland NIGHT EcIORoS lxxe ite iic George IH. Hobart Chatuncey Bocer B. G. R. Williant: 1-ax-itnd Vissler I- C. Rii TernitP. Coiper 11. iB. Ncllxxxxl J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainlitw Robert Montsier Towel1 J. Conr Donald L. inney Wtalicer K. 'l'owrsi Louis Kraf Leis ,T. Kisken Robert Morelatnd lxiii Grer Samuel H. Morri OtixoEngel Fred E. Godig BUSINESS STAFF Joltn F. Wrz Carl H. Adam Iaroldl P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Managers Moors: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m.- doily, except Sunday. Both phones 960. ii.i~il .FEB:RAY , )oi fur tk about erxxxxxxaiainsxxhaxxrid it, kxit -elf-cxmpaxxrixon.' Wi-serr di xea xiid ndgiig gountd ixtilte lxxxi l thtixexiianixpposiixnx egixis tox cieits ireasnit ivirually ahxiix sourx txt-txgt x iiihetig atacke.If owii remarkxlxhad xx isee xidalogeerrii- xxiii - o ri-ter woui ldxxie stilei.; I'mx i d nthi n i g, xxxiiilft xts to-h lix-dizy diicoifiitf ouxxrxxix xxii mextal lilixuittt. Si -In~ dnxial, oxxxfixtixi istregtetedl xxxiii xiari biddtiohopelxxithat ax furter ,cod il titd recpioii i nti xerete.i. thoug hoii iitil, mid it. Ylxii'iiiuitii, x i lxxiiihexxiigitierlytisxoinxxc xi. Oir nw Ipi ciple xxwas xiunxortuxnatelynx- scured I xx laxfe xi i ixinicxxi uxr.abutit the "iicr'.xnary cxnxecionri~i" eliri slx Ictit ibeickiowiia't' ionce Ilxxa ic xlii no inkiiiieixasdox iinyxix irixi . (xxthe. contraxrthliy-maxxpitryirlyxxii)ieaxintr (,tie-i's xxccumulxxidiiknow lg. Btith xii eird t lxx iteiiiirry idicaiixt, wis-ctoxext outiand ill beliiiicesethat the 11ithitisii ixhiihi cxiiit-tutxesxi cannot e indate il terms of facsimpiaxxrtel y' the c- turrorcxllexfrottibooks. -It is oot. thex samei i nxt ue xasthe Pleixoxelie rieposr -xxItis ahr a xxmxanei:oii'r- actio axixxgistitlix facoixptxeritce an l~lxxii ig,-axxrectioxichlx b ecotes soi vaxxaxlxx ini itselflt thatutu vet .-if 'h e facts reifogxtexi (is they toxally 'are ) , ii eis.ts, antudxma rkx ilthe ua , wyerve heiicxx ge.for x superior tinbker, andii peraps for xx poliseigetlnax. .Ihlex-xi-as..tntlxixu .Estiei ab.5~outLYiltis U\lVIft I 1.PT~ 1 eclee'e rteso-ii t- - -tt- - - VY;( f _ t-h . ~ -..-i.- loth t ,at Stl itmtucti xxi- f p--eint ilol oh - -,t ii,,iivsia i s li' buYOI)IxQR - 6 exilxett tul txr lx -xeira-- o xtc ofxi tt tentutu.ilc~t l x froxe: It l dt tuthc aitertysat shit awx. 'Nor atheylsubjcttitto tet ci coes ax titplestnt strprsr tix eeti rex =conio'to : o clder tmxca tat time liii.:mosxt optmic adocte of ulcteh-d wi-il bewasited'. adltxhxy Ics' till teebtng climxe.'n axlixtcritx ss Siper-- retainthe lfacuuxlofracioux sad salue ntcxdcttiGilmoe gas t out te folloi-- - it x's the xest part of thetreqeuiptmet ing facsx ' -- foxi a xuucefxl life The' otstixnitiexof rgisteici It ia- T X -3 0 & We: ad no inten'ixoux ofIioistt igthe "tieix ,in the. C.nixeisixhospital for the lootGall eprtmentsisot.i t ix ~iy itirdexi of otr tproof