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January 24, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-24

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GI H. Wild Couipany
The Largest Stock
ins the City
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemen's Wear
Everything required for Suits,
Overcoats, Fancy Vestinsgs, and
Trouserissgs, and of high class
fabrics and special styles.
Full Dress Suits al
Go ff. Wild Coiupany
311 South State Street

Managing Editor-PAUL SCOTrT-Mowassa
Business Manager-C. R. WISTEAD.
News................... A. F. Ritchie
Athletics... . David F. Stevenson
E-xchange.... H. John Wambold
Music and Drama...Roy D. Welch
Women's E ditor... Louise Van Voorhis
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
Russell McFarland
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Visscher
L. C. Reid Lee A White
M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier
Lowell J. Care Donald L. Kisnney
Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft
Lewis T. Kniskerst Robert Moreland
Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding
John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address : MICHIGAN DAISY, Press Bldg.,
Mavnard treet.



broswsisig oil his owe account is te best
sttt moist vailsaisle. It is too. iechanical
for our free souls to ise fosrever tied to
the lecturesnote-loeok, or ste legal somne
oSr thesu srveyor cihaisn. ise iseaten piatis
~row s ssearssome ands ste encihantedi
valleys lyitng ott either side are sitrac-
tisve. Vihe real acaudemsic life is that its
wiihl the great soulis of the past are
ouir teachers. Thsat life is elrthraced its
the two covers of a book anti the real
traininsg of tise Usiversity cotnsists in
growng tsp to tise smeasuire osf thsat lifs.
sands thoess teachers. Whly not plai tchess
osseits a swhlile', fsse a little tnsore of tiss
aebslett ie whsiile st'sare Isere at scosi
legs'. and a little less ssf the ustilitsarissts
ism in whiich ste see asst tss he soaikes'
W y o tst tnake lteacquaitanscessf ste
greastcansssto 5f literasture, atnsl discssser
to our sasd'antage thsat titers' is ttstlsist
nws titsser tise still,sanidttuatte sge
is bust sa pin-tpssinstcotmhparesd ssitisthsel
pass?' Wisy nt lremembsier'. one its'
.whtilie,tsat athletics sitdsiclubis ainsiali
sts' pomptspaishsiosw sitswithiss'ebase
adornedi our Uniiversity life, are stot ts'
summnustm isosssn, bsst that ste real es-
sence ssf cultusre andi teisreatis of lif
lie user tihere illtshtiusook ssweS')
eatvalierly neglect?
Tere is trssibie at Chicgaoe in cont-
vertinig mnsesintos graceftil cisorus girls
for ste Blackfriar's play. Itsis said. tit
thse Michigensda "peekooses" cants's is
tolsi frotm the real ting,
Tiss'sorrieiy asLi~e Pauiw wihich is
bseenrosbbsed lthres sisses tiis ey esc
cssnsssle itself withs tse thsosght that is.
is nost tihe fsrst sosrority stat has lrese
popuslar twtit til enltt.
Intercollegiate Notes.
Tise dairy schsosl at \Wiscontsint till
give st essurse its Swtiss cheesse-sssiig.
Viseessollege of agricsiltusre at Wis'oit-
sit s essstsblsisesd atguisseas pig '"satch-
Howstsartd ii. Jontes, endssl tYale'steamt
list seatstill esoacisteSyi'acutesamssss
thts fill_
Vhs. trate am.sisof Staisfordivsser-
sits sellth a ke part it seventfiseldisi ittit
ThIst owa' Un sions issswsrkiing for sthe
contstrtuction osf 'a dormtitory fssr sts' girls
sof tse stiltesity of lssosa.

Manager's Hours : 1-2 P. mt., 7-8 p. M
A daily, except Susnday. Both phones
MichganRIDAY, JANUARY 245 5k
Ca~end ars Some old wtiseacre oiice saidl sial
great libirary was a great uiv~iersity.
Fr or 2 5 c We sftein wonider if, thtsbeing te ease,
teaeeratgesstudent is attenidinsg the"
E a c hUiversiiy at all. Of eourse nearly
everyossetitust work with bookstmise
osr less in every departmete uc. issiia
while they last. These ususal text is iiot a real took, it sitoinly
ar te riinl icign a comiitenidiisim. It is use tcoimmionttesti-
are te orgittl Micigas sisy tits"I do tot reaid anythitighe-
Calensdars contIai ni ng sides imy text-books, except sit occa-
about 50 views of Anis sissnal matgazine." If te Universiiy IF-
bsrary iwere ts 1e puii on te callisng list
Arbor. We hsave bust a of tse several tihousand wshio do iiot hav-e
fewleft otut of an edition it iihere siow, we sdoitsnot tiattuhue
liiirariaii touldsidnud it necessary to ask'
of 2000. fssr appropriaions tto build nut as wel
assutp. Is is essier totsake inotice of
tiststudesni segiect of general reading
Sh e a Co. than it is so assign a plausible reason
Shech n for isI is prssbaily iruse shut a great'
Student Bookstores nuitiss are actusaliy so pushed bty thseir
regtularswork that tisey hsave to tine
_____________________________ to breatisete rarified atmtosphsere ofa
A. G.realsiti of literatssre. It is ceriainly
/ u."' .y tres thats still larger number hsastest
N S ALDNG S { 1s to leave she realm of isntellectusal pair-
& BROS ' suits as soon as she last text-hook is,
o. " o""' closed ftsr sue day-some insdeed, hefore
The 'Largest Manufacturers in the World thten. Vise library, save for the most
of Official Athletic Supplies necesr eeec ok suulylf
Base Ball, Foot Ball, uolf, Lawn t tcmry ee osse ok s usu falyet
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey t h opeepseso favr
Official Issplemeonts tor Track and Field Sports small literary cult.
Uniforms. for all Sports. Spaldisng's Handsomely XWhatever its reasoss, however, there
Illustrated Catalogue af all sports contains ns-
meouas suggestions. aend tar it-It's free. can ise no doubt that ibis disdaisn for
A. 0. SPALtDING a BROS. lieaueiabathn.Iishem t
Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, SansFraocisco,itetuesahdtlst. tishemt
Mneapisi, Deaver, Buff aio, Syracuse, Pitts- accepted truism that the knowledge ansd
burg, Piladolshin, Beaten, Cineltunati. Baiti-
sisro, Wasington, Kansas City. ClevelandK~ appreciation wihich one acquires whess
New Orleans etroit, Monstreal, Canada.

bsrsiincsllsisbefttre examnastisons." It is
ths' tlains of Saieriso thsiatshis ttiil puse-]
s'e'tss 'llssks,
'Sts h.iicagsossWhlite .s 'ssoxadI iostsst
Anmericatss wsill inert ts' Illissois leamt
isext April.
Stussforsd unsiversity-issss fssr his spring
a isasebsall sche-dusle'cosssistiing of tests'-
ive guiises.
For thse tirsi timth is yereete :alphsa
Phi ssor'orityehosssssast irlePassunver
sity'iss ha 's ei teredsiby' sssrglars.
lisics tariisl is to its' helsd by thse
s.tudensosf Cosritell ssiv'esity . Cslores
ligist.stwill ise tisrswtitossthsli ksatesantl
tobssggssrs slisders.
lhis' -sts'lsess at Sy'ac'sssss w'illissit
isssasebal ss'esuls'wths t'efreshmansst
teastuto sf osthr'collegssandts withspsee'
'lity' ons' 5555 55weres'cis 555ll t ssh
Pi Ltas skappsiai sletissstHarard
Twety-tw estsse fvssss ts'eclasss~s o soS
Cars'ssts'toonand joks afors'tis'. ear's
(5555ev sof te Uivssersity-sof Nsiittttsotss
'see istg constribssts'sl by'stusds'ntsasswi's'1
tsiss'thssGopher1 orth.
The varsity' debastervs at Pennssy'ls'ansia
still its' pre'svtdcsith'ists' vas'rity'dets'tl-
insg ''i"intshtes'slssssss'ofs gssldswthel-
:ol ssn Marci'htis. ss ','s thssy hoslsd their
vsrosiesd st te 5enssiof1last semes.stet', s
te 'Uitesity' sf ('alifornetiasecseesssss
poossr schsolashlips. (tshundtreds'l 'nds
ssss'ss .s\'<1' sss1(1 ld Sss'ts-sight
'I'll(, recorsdsing chaptessr sof thss' Atmeri-
csnus"Asssseistissss f us mopoltsssus itsasn(iClbs,
osf whsel ich te Cssttstusital's ub Isiosf ts.
Uiv5esity of Michisg sasss embers'
ss'ilhe ss ts' I.rse li lcapster.'I's'a.so-
Sitins snua till ';tp5pe'r Intsasset'
Teclms o hessDIasily' Studti'stosf
te 's is essity' of hussissuta. csntintiters'-
he-v ssrom sts'unssasnsifacsults it sit
her'srsegsarsdtssth si tsisssston o its'
htstonor'svsttte. Thses'e 'ss idsisison f
op~inionsabsuhsut thes'sirab'listy f itro-
' 50011 SCOUT'lS.-Stusd 25 censts
psostaige'or cosintforsi stuiprbs mosustesd
siot'srsit'e srt esloresd tosser isctsure of
girls tfor'stussy' rosomssors'sesn.ivess'disi-
fs're'nttpositionss, site sollar'..Nsst sl
itt storstv. Nusfsed.t. .XicicsssArt Co.,
IColiumtbus, UOsin. 85, 88~


Wr hisesi limiitedi numbtheerus?
sets of the comltete stritinigs of
AbrhamsstLineolns.Vise bookts are
sttractit'elybundutusanttdlput up in
site volssmss.Our trie'fuseis
etntire set (inclinsg te stubsserip-
tiosn to Cnrreint Literatusre hoe one
year. vessstutat $3.00) is$3-90 oro
ste sloth hindsiing, sitti lynnfuse thus
ruattier binduing. 'These sets sre 'si
exiibition ti stsitheiosus r ssoe s.st'
5itstus tuieet sss,i u Stl


it 4 N
wlus ynbi or 'it upiso
meyuaepr fgetn rs u,
HIYPO an Per Poild
Largest colletiont cfosrdlstat3
and thue otuly colle~ctiott of fitne
Michigan Pills
Qtiality Be.st - Prices Rfiglht
Michuigantasnd Feat. Susle.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
a20sC . aStatusS.



Vise girls' bssskctbuallteain as thse 'i-
v'ersity' of Nebsraska still pathuy' s usgamstes
switht te-Minniesotta truam text isarcit.

A msass uneetisngtwas recently iteid a't ______________________
she University of Illinouis so find out the
opiusiost of the stuidents in regard in the Ticket Sale
adoiioss of us"honor" ,syttent.
Salerno, the "official" barber at Coins Th ecutigOfie
hia, who has tosoarial "parlors"susnussr
of she university's buildings, has a great Nca'vo ia
trade these dlays, for he has disscos'ered, Walr's mand Box Ofitce
or rathser invenied, a nmethsod of mas-I NEW WHITNEY THEATRE
saging te tead whlichs he advertises as' Prices 25e to $1.00,
" a massage for students, to opents he,__________________




Get Yours

.. . .

fU SiC
Every day one hears
people say 'If I were in
4coilege again, I would do
,nore in the line of cut-
ture. I would learn some-
thilng about music soas 5o
appreciate good us u si c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study..
Courses in all branches
of music are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
M ayn ard Street

Johsn Tenmple Graves
Dr. Brander Matthuew,
Lelattd T. Powrers
Opie Read.
Oratorical Contest
The open number will probably be filled by
li. on. Wmt. H. Taft

Ube !Btubeuts' lecture E1sociation
Sea son of 1907-8



DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays


1 Ii -

:lI Wshiniton . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.,

Phone 598

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