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January 24, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-24

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T he Mic higan Dailyw
:1N'\ \RBO, \llClI(t~N'I\ . I 411', I \NL \R 4i tya S ,

Voi.. XVIII.

:aren't They the Giddy Things at
Christmas! - Throw Bonbons
and Kiss Pretty Waitresses.
TlW itt I trench iitiditYtaincln(1-
Ii ' dscribeditby Prof.5Jamses I. PlirdtI
1hr is lo 'hitmaIs vacation' its
Pa t<iand t th S ritosse andth ie

the phsilanthbropsist and the rabble,' ssf
fickle as in the (lays, of Caesar, jeers as
the ertssshile friend, whose bread-, or-
riskher bonbons, it has gladly devonred.
" t te ost-carense,' thie queens of
quteetns, laundsress stsousghishiestay bse, is
thse mst listisngsuislseud indsividual ini
Far is. Nothing tanl interrupi t'esri-
tiphal progress if Iser splendidl chasriot.
Ese ithtie street cars and funserals swill
stopsmetims ftsr half ass hotr, to let
sec pass. Youtstrusst nostice her gorgeos
attire. It is saildstsat ser rolbe is a tees-
('nt from5 ltse Presisdent's asife.
"fTs' lovely sovereign recogsizes tsee'
duttoy155 riG itse ' ltef d 'etat' ansI does
not fail to vsit 'Itysce. 'There thse
trestsgreets Iser front a swindowtsv tt
te firstifloor. 'T'se General Secretaryv
receisv'ster ands, ont behalf of stetPres-

Ctf[DYCUB L HAS Ili.lI (11 t1 'i(NlN: N(ltit i); M'LAUGHLIN WVIL
FULL REHEARSAL I~h or atj'tc;nof :4 .5k t <"jn;, ij' LECTURE NXT WEEK \,. crf~td ate cti
---- hI t wentssity sststslet's '',stsstsi nd
Everything in Readiness for Pre= tt Iltetttt tttt ,tt-t ~i Former Michigan Professor Wl
sentation of Play Tonight--To °IyItt tk on ernlutnceeoetilittta
tr r sdetti,Ite. I Ititlatti tlk n'nfl;telf P litca
Surpass All Former Efforts. oprl'etI rles Ittcittisecret t tt R arties on Aimeri a n Iiistory.'
j sst lit R ' ile ll tttatt It wtt i citttI
'IeTh te sts c lcit) heista a lls ely'ciiitst ijlto t)dltl tie 'etii f r' otthes 'Ih rcca. \ ie C I('l-t7,t r
last ight inttasleNess t sissiesais-ter "' 11c purp se if ste lilt sg~it zte tt 'its." ~icl t i 1 s l i
stitht 'costumses, sec Herel'Iti ts n take- ~iis It)titsitu sociat i s~ttiotiital. I ;th il1 ~ r n"'~ei i
til e r ttlil it' l ie s'ss't i isisic t Ij and ttt i lt tt f ~ o line' tt lls iid nw C lI;ri , l t~i<n 1l;cr. n
site st itsttituen er f te caIii 55''Ie ttctstsit t ss us ti s sift h a tlr.o c d- rn(; < c 'tes , i in ?
-'Thie leei'ttiit g Office'tis 1-11 lie f1sT i l it Iest iettig sill Its' ld ins- lc t siliar l I sp~ it int sr it,
stlittr t o sit site plyts etcr teesetti' y dt'jI.1. 'n- c t eI~ttl< ~ lt ;
tile cissit. Ptit. Istilis Sitauss ''"l'e 1 111t1 i s~is rib~ o v {fdw i1'ct ft

Iii A s said lroif. lied. ''(tilyite day iulnit, pitts a Ikiss oltnt elsroyal dchk imtself as55 pe lists titeased:l. I v T [I S I YE XE II Elie'S \ IAI At It' a lits- vilI
isl Sf eb tits returni illsexta useekh, tandl ilacestt gosltdbrascelet sass ter swrist.'' (s'very sctslsse i f the cli li'sleas t16EiERh,'AllA I IIC Il sis I, ' i i'v sat 3 'I7c<
11 ivn itne s -t ts ,sa t'e tegitte in ------madeitt () iiteilc 1i les itat ct-cy iter et s ro- I cli i ll y
(i h er in cassad lecturies StiCIEIS IAY)I) N titter tlay wh~ichi t'ouild 5tax ile l(, ttliiy It is rtuttulrcislisiar'o its iut eialteu l . is i Is I ti Mic
are ciitt sttalut sneaicorissce iwit lte iro- isI 1 lAN hNSIAN COPtY ttf te Ittest hprofessionatl a-tse. 'iters:' (1Iii isttrit-lit tht lfte .feusit YlcS 111i t'e tiettfill it ii
"i )ihitl v vreliit goses tso tClasses anso ecieties are sentditng itt si-"n'ttsia ttit u titt' ofii intieest listt slit inks '- I i titttiti istt'issal ''~i Iv, tl I~l' - --5 t);tlt
th~i t l, p rt ite idit no utice staills if Ilheirs sesire for spaces' nuolltwill lbe'a5 i tetitlle lily's~r, lti i i -dtilts I I t iii 'is is' Jilt'slast v ~ y ct rcnlitsv Ils
'it it's. ie srns i.; te clittige frto th it' oardits 'f 'editoirs (if thit s ti c1h- ttcrt nt'fii's'si'' ls:lis l uttheyiists n I -acdahiitt ihuri1t.'1. setcvi C
;a sc inte C stsedrta lisbts skis s is'ot iganen'tsianl. IFromi all isndicastioss te e li t sititis t st stitf ie s tt ilb tHs is,'t (Iret ite(] cl litis orlithe I t onic' A i s ~u Stat~
( )i si 5 is))" te IOper'es greatest' utile this years' silt it slihv t ' oe ttc h asirisriedtoIs me-t tillositheli e i s tS Ilistslsa t ' s'e chisef s r ae iltrt ip \ Is 1 r
Sn '"it ' li7C tere ( it istcssion.i 'lts burtge'r itan isttsl t 11e swork is Olla- otbjectiotn lt't ts itn t Sejwv tof ard liin t ititet , it sitl-it-i i i s
uns's a Nor iale is iiiasn'tiis' ei l'gmtl, lhowevr.'st' wht~ens st'etdecisiton is se'les'stlin '1 'slit t'' anduitIshivse si adiop t ilt 't niI 's l u it' It lssofiilii lusts's IIeIl i se t s's i
a iO er, c ' e Its'forten l ess ac''hsled i to s'e sepresetedtilintshle Mirli- suitsw tilisteIrsio"f'Ii sltig aIpsit,' tt its is )rIs 'sc 'II its sesic lsithe rset odI i~.; .1 liitry f ll
Chistu-sinu dsietes e'ini raci lc te nl ictlttt lsttrss'f fit letrsotr teamts' ';b li htftes''class Of dramats liiilit's ttstiititeratslit stss tisnithe ial iet m tlsts '',"sit ytis 1:1ste
turey sp s{commonu tee. Its pac:is1ae ten tos le taken sand tiecoespya of wss' con'stsiudt'ed a'ii hs a,,i,huts sits's'gusts is'to illt hisscoddsi t he f( i ~ ts ,5d I ("'
,Ici le he OoO. llthis prov ics membttttershsiptlists tso lie preptaresd tot'lt' Osse f1ttt o'fi the pit ti'ti t ill Uivsistts's rnto ''isgaIr ofsheuisisrusti
,t snl, '' s hCilts hIeklliehd sua litd t ilh te uprinster, It is ttis storld of rotundlistg tli e stiltscelertys. Is ill iof thus' e +r' or'(i l( Clrt ie Hhpla h( l l,)il';i1i1
fa iy Cllr(r 1te Osil qsuie~s over 5this,'csitu anasst-gettitng it itsfisnal shaek a nt' Iitii' i tss ' 've t'tiu' l ter 5555 ''set," he co i tho is s, t i cao ris ts ilitu tit l si ix lliso l
ii wo ,a ImI .thati wsill t tun thtt mtaslagers' isais'gray (Comtey ('lullsit iihetitis'tirst oriii'gt y u ls I-o s. K. I tit nd A clrid) ule suit 1 1i))i t
)isu( v'11; (t De.2,a i e tmlit l'. 'thley'ar'susintg esvcry tffott Liotus t'- t he i l um' p(-e' sce 1,'. TITs t thisV I sirt r-its'ofsi I r ite l Ln er 5i., ad )i ,(:-W '
.i'n; t](frte stree s t usllsof Ito isductis'' ist arious sorgansizatios s attdl sill ii's' thes tone effct -I asi is pealst h di r isi e t i IItDr. utls-uuuuus w b ta ftl A i~n li n
ii ;l ,~d i i am s usImpossibthi s oIs hut-induiv'idulsss settios lt hvths e sie stener'y lid bse-usptitits 51 fe' '''h1ss Ise- 1Other s er pi't'dliir lts s t us tslutst- 1h ayus ltp:n
- st i the uh uevrS us Toi,1 andsti ck-s 'li-higtsstssttt tsicwo k dtone early', Isy' the' esuisiuig(aOffier"'' C-515his a'ts me re5r115 its it stiltI ctr
ckart w(.d ;t :ll he tors. I~lc i s itIf 'Fe t'utary if posibtle, itt.tOrter elliliutliglt theisclt-s stilte tihsa s ' hu hotsis til is tnriu d ital'
s'r~l ac ~ aitg us''titit-u, t's utS nt the dhelytstd ush ofsl st'toruk hies's' lu'ussss u ti-tilIt'it's' It--us his I fft ic Islue 5 '5li 1som]-, il ~a~~
n c)us 1 hetutis is sutsua' iltsl lists( ithtichh avlst'' Iisulereti thle Ibook int othersetst t''15151155 t-wiish 1sit1%se hu' "'"ssiussetssr - s
,at5l l itl rnitt(ssesotheIsyeais. i'Tuh setsfetrecord bluit's"oratWal' Sahiretstore " '' """T'at ithetbly m sit thitures iii guthetr i'itrr i ~rkl
)+uvr( wchsplthdeadfrtitur'suitst cts 'hitnduiiualsenio' l'sso heIe'of Ithe 1,1a Al .syolussutslt(-fist ssus s, yhi'u'su IIilsl iiti>trnd
\1tl- ;)(1su11 a,( til rdn t.ats luts-s ussudsart t lts lussfogr lsstsuiuore'ut, lesit11511(ii.)Ill's 'sI hail' '1,1 'sTi * tl teutsls ;~j55'5s -' st-sl
s's lit-rus sa mllsal. hrmiles'sote'ons'ry' ta' ' ilts'eigtyel's- lustsHA71I)\AK
c.1lsss i-t hhu ette'\sstoilr httl tt ituusst ttu sres ( ne i ( NS Icli l'fltl' psh its i'ts sties. 1 : \v y 1
thu )ttna isith hoitay 'pasirsu's ls hc ts are no'i ei ngey. listsuhe shifts u, stTH is tetsM sIts11;1 1zu tt
ele c fr he ci rn. 'I,ltus ll iNltNStl bor ugsev yne to vt'ea rly but i suii huttli u iistu h it ut usi 5tuiuit~i
us it s sit -ts (or Sana Casuits too 'sften,.'Ths e iord(s inthl~s ite- "s ngt.) hut I 5 eve
Nu uc~ l ille il tergfs ee r deartm'entsu canis' bti- n bu-s l siksattiug hue han ss-he s,'is'bst er", d rlc C fIlthusAT I 'hy sits s u I ssie-s i'''- t~v rllan
cye ' ltlsts is, ugs ushis uS oIs dt sksit's the' l ibrry.suhleus its use lastaitsu'sOiftist one tilt'ed U 1,11 ___ suhi ustusehslii i us sits(a
ttu'reI)\.i te uspe itJtus ' ghehue-tS-us EAtrt EitRuisiguutt 1i, Alss Tiii thi s luttii tttmribhfo'o"moe hsuh -i''s s it lfus~dt i 15rlr fhill
tugi s<<"Istsis i ~ t1- ht tt'sluss hesse itt this-efre sushill"-- i t'iii it iithu, '10 lstm tothi t hiieirntsl be eotiigt() ; i i trr -i -dl'llh s O
the yslluh 1 prsensts lwayst ii l u il51 1111. -clususuCs sit k,sus wi h o l . h sslben ut 'bg'hne'O ra inlt n c ic at ' u s' or orto \,( )' '1' 't l etii iei~
-u's-s 1its rs us aIsis fus ti t u e ihu tiltuus slII tuut euslegst h e se hisa s's-euis'-jb ca s h s it us is olss 'onei tit si i i
it- ush sutts '5 1 tusreaig't''ei thertigditeoisil slsboard ,tttitit ;uu s itstuttit r iu ii it it-sl i
Of'hise orl w ussra t t its',sites deths e a nui ouflsig onsii e ralesh rIts t yout prit baits So5u teletir ck tth 5s st i lts rlirt maitsOr us iss is htis'sii i s uh'
lspr sit shut dri es oss ly isuepleas ' . s stsy-nny' e rs od his'i C rtsutssi st-eih )'il t'e trtln ie t tsirte n rst ( l II - \ lI ':\
stillof 1555 t til a dthesis o s ee ics st beeins, bors-li t isLsexint n s,'n tiltbothi m of t h rast ist u l illgp into lieff htI.\
inn vcrhod hapy."1$,9. ~e as ducaed irs inthecoal we: I tomak ill loutistisingptush-. suit itnles suits'' iobjct;toih-it--
lute . irtud susthe usplmcdh ow'h' egveryh' 111Nfc os tI D anhi le,It'5 an l t hu('tf s I t itrm tutuhs'leadunalsssuit t r_______rbra s- uh rle vlli r.h ;.''~re h
it lts-' , f m th pst antottt he h atl t iaIIh cole, w sIhee he)R,'s't's'll keepis ii i151hit ' t iuix ithe ss'j tt~s. ritt tuutsctvtis. I ul, sty ~,lii 5 ii ot);131
ut-iss exhu ts s aususi tutu ts ilutiuittet' t s - dgre -Drng hl C vl . i ts sU ssu],t .arIl th((! otd ai} tats uc hOCatiie' of'rly ) E e 51555 55 0I55 sit it
-sit uht,. Tles tuclSu tool Iar c f i ssu 5 h ss, I t(ih'ithe (ionst artisis tylie5hs tl let acilla ius ittsh it suit casititi tlitush lsoIu usld e < ist ifor tstis w r isiiit). Iiss c
ii i
Is htI h stth u f s, and rst aurssiats s asleIsi heI ranksoss btug aus ers g enees l.to 1893i e sgsss s-ll Ii as 1in 't e r i 'nise(s' l e i." tc i pro- its us rsthis >Iissuer t S issa e lr l ht. h ie) a)n. ''
us-h us It ths xss ist his' sussexbcliclossrsslc .1 tGn ural ulacthis a''lug sus fro tist suhj t sis'uits e~r sai t-s us su i xay sh nds'' tutuisi t thrus'ft'-' ftu s its i as
''a ss rolluhuui - issus-tteswgtss ons'u tsitc sIlln is'.ut'r- ma' nys eas'- rs-ss he'g as bThus' hsitsag -hs'f ithi s'sl ts- lust sit SIIsi s to t 1 ;Odst itu sh u st i ce ts o thius "A~ n' h it~v'c~
thiek andsts hs 1i wil mct ist ittles i tne i ('sh tstie sit-thpulls'ic sisiati tsut- make 5s' t e mhttt Ofhis itpedtuft, tutu is a leu s s, 'sit s ''1 hits s itS l t he suits Iiovv'l .anl
httlis e. achusaces titbeu nutsul i s i al.yh p'rett'y.u' esusus-s st it rsusttItfa st fc is' w1it r'us g ' ou nd , ussl; . ihu u ' s uiuis "s li
futl Iicuss tueustuh ehh t(isses tliss itiutxsiuat isll s dslelssset s 1 Iandlt'-fuh usssis'', us
sI 'ts sis isis ful stis 1 kisl' sesgls tu ststs u l he gst sies INue sussuls $;xyu uusus us I i' i i s layeitd
wt Il suicetly mascsss r isri su- isss 'heesdahs'aught-ersuuot hs essush i hsaris tar ti'alstl -u fss usu ihsiesctNts ste, tuu uspested.u s Iiis '
sot'es't 5 shutl-ts iedsia'feuvestussss outtu'is's'1 Is ay I sit, oIlku litoihueayothe Ill so-raol~ t sss--"' " lttusII rtsitghts tsisi thus'It (mI it i'a.ITCslilt
soni-lawtidosethe sam;si e atucgser';scydrustslsOfrsm 12(' bgSin e as trasu 250 his fuittsit(elsirieit tts'correctxit.stutu- I sssuu's'forg test esws''Is('its, ''1 ~si- ~r~i5 hillsug '
" )) th is tty xiev ellig t h r sh ss st a s 'hnittsts'ceved hees i h regr. us lusetsurn . lsilth es 51 'lostofis Nupueed ii st uisiii htu"

'. 4. \ f i t, t i.
f>11'!",7 '3'

II_ _

1 .., .. .. .



"The Recrut ing, Officer"" ]RIDAY
N ew Witney -T heatr8P*M





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_. _. . .


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