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January 24, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-24

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Sa uc~feds PIRO FESSOR SCOTT l~tl'v1110p1letile:1p Kr':11)
I 'neTailoring STIRSPHILOLOGISTS,~ i iin
muih a" I rctitle
Trade Paper "The Genesis of Speech" --
___________________ Presents New Ideas to Lan-
guage Students. ffU$u1C anO rArnac
Can Prof. F. N. Scott of tile rhetoric de-I ~
D eliver qie str:Tngtephllg Jt l Ilt lNet l if te I esf u
T he hlco "h (c esi sSetch.madeth ea' ilo i eoo tin l ii
latDee b r tefoe tie Sothr L -t he I t ed l
G d s;et late nig teforte fcPlitofo OAv'en g f fr ilt.
________________________________________A btrifsyopst~is.t5 otf te Jatif3 ) tRote rt flt ttii
^uun olon's. hi - f~orN A ec 'f i t )11of
(' " Speech 1111s1not 1a i tinbt a prot lii
Sam Burchfied cst a series of ntttsulttcn-till
I~e f tie ttotax, trottfoiletc obit)iriSt t willIf l eIfi littil 11111.110 11
1 061 '0. li, etc. Ii no}-tiyno cIit e teof two v "riti Nore I tnl . ,udthe i U m i c
YIWU aEAST HURON ST. I. 1 le' erVnaeit ottO s i o, t e co i ttti~ftllliitrt1171 i-]nthe'ic'l 0 l'. '.iIt
______________________________________ ccce fti i(di' ieito tticoert -sive K 0 1it! t t N St11fIL 'RS - em
_____________________________________totbiats, etc. ittd oettt t o e ' ts nt tee)).ttf'r corn lfora nrl
'it to 11"etiovceitteite of tt the 'ead t rit tttt idlcer0t t r a t coord 1rt P0 i
tti'. 'Theftirjst category ttcuttls toePie ttri(f gis o '.idito omitor detcli
0 t e e tc t ttte itttsttpurttse is si sorefi its. N fi"c. Am ia n f tt o
BR.) IN'S ]Drug Store t l itilc'.tttie life',to eess tt and' ttCiI lltift oltt mbo iitt iljt. to
12)IE. Liberty St. [i.'s eiivert ted e e , ot te funst t N i t tIC I1\f fit';
is of ,.l syreeig fteli;in as 'iovoii}'-
C rccnn fteh ti ctie issoI citeegt1o r t' f'1 \\ft 'f'' 'C1
e: l ,r t lvv b lltic' j t he ied ;1 - tile t 'l en< C o
A tin HA) i ! "~C " fe iiieln s sec.It.t iii itm-1i lolr h-
Slut .50 17v e t ''oryorem i g is t n t f i---- i--- j.- --
)l l lt l S ') S Ar)V l. 5 , l i e h i th e tvv a eic r c ti P P W A C " ;1,et e t g t e . T e f r s't r o mo t e s ill Ii
5 i e 5 0 )' li e o t e t to fi i t e 'e condi t h "t T .I o n d i c a d n x tAA W L C S o i v I e t e a t c e tiee' i I -y i a lh m i ll c a s ee
$1 .~j A FI fEPAI $ iNi75 c f d ieatl5. toii ly i t (rni' 1 don tuf1t in 1 1
S S11 .NPENSIATD.FOBS 0_ I r 101ctme t ie etoiitif asgl oreexl Ii 1w1of111)1 11)01.o1
t 25chtt e capr'r heIato i,9..0 Iti ii i)eoed) i tisto1h i e le , t t he v caeoeitr. ttu f hsir let I' e l)) felriale
1 1 V A I-H REA I RI N Ita: till lelilil i arilet y it 11111 aehel) eo . l oti ' 'C 1 et c 'f'he l ii' (ii
SP13CIAUFY.a' 1t hiag or mtodl bt h ie' chtitclithtl 'n ttr iei nt
moh potth fod 1 l t ctI u eF r e ytiv litlTrm tar
J. 1- CHAPMAN 0 the gr yunif 11)11of tueoem1g.tentrte~ vr<.7tSolc. ^dyo
--- Pce c iud th stue etttte W itty'a
tiltet Idtoter. iseiii gfttr. ' "erv hig it itt
nCOND'S 0n1 It iii;ri ifica tiiiCon f ca oel1rtet otli "
l 1)1)1). t le t it i c ae a rspitgtic''r I Y eiua li
A it1 n o l it til' ett i tti f ftcogitit's
A~rnONAB L IIAIRO ESSER 1t loect ptyticatieontaot Pie Irule atixrt a'1rcs
II ~ ~ ~ 1 hr(ue OtIe 'aSa~iaa ill andlseifI litf ter licti mr e-.-
Cltatt.te ag.Fat a' a a ip ta q1. ilttl i tc Cii o eii. rletionettts G adaandMih
22 S.SaeS.Itl ltc el hn 5 he o d itferent11nCe ses, as f lieari tithn I1 hoc
li E;ISIS D. t-AI BN
p, iciatg $500th, SothtaraadpPrifs ,foodOo
ott~~~~G~o I 'ltte ttl ctttl' ttitstt Stey o
10111 ~ ~ ~ h stoteten;rel'leitchaild aand he an d O 'hre
its mnrra'.t'eetce S tthrt'nd'te anSleete e
Flit) Lt~t.O ti. t.A~ttt.LA~tAi~t j* prices. ~



U [ nderwear, Shirts, Gloves,
Trousers, Hose and Hat's 20
E per cenit off. Suits, Ov er=
'coats, a nd, Ra n coats at 2.
per cenit off .:t
Some old S.u its at one half off
A Money. Saving Opportunity
S~aeb~r 4E vWuerth
i .AWs h At-beg-, Mich.
NXlttts'avetheit, awlthetckindef 0spec titly rtt'aife5ot sucl- < e t
I teas";doue:t'sotle's to leel. tltro'tgitl pviscolizedi th ltt a i
ettid'ili stole a titl ° t wa cttel tilit ini T-nnIBrown ainIifd

:<" * 1t[1r.
- . t4.

Dress PompsM
Ani Aritor. (Comtalltt try g
1c11 atlir l.tt sniff fit Nslid)
heel's. ')ittfutetce'zo
Walking Ties, P1rice $4.00).

IWalk-wOver Shoe C0.

Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Suxits a aid Over-coats
$14.50 lo. $20.00

T~ue Clo thierm

1f W


The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
I' tt altc',t$0,.00. etr t l$20 f00
1041111s 0,00,000 Ilu
A Gieneral Bankiag BasinessTasated
1)110111 s:Chat.E.10 tttettPet.;W. l)
I trrin 517 Sice rt't:Ac hit ittatzCaserj
It. Bottot Jtio.V.ue liar
Wm11. Aenolet ti. V. 0. Vaugttan
T ttate E. tF. Mllset
't. IH. S. C arltt HItetr ISDotuga
Christian Ila~iet tlt F. .tltiitjetttatt
(iernman American Savings Bank
Conmrerciar.i and
C0r, Ma..!...and Liberty Stxeeats

tour entire stocK o01 butts ana uvercoats
divided into 3 Lots ;
Lot 1 200 -Suits: at (i off 200
Lot 2 50 Suits and Overcoat s at 1-3
3 off 250
All the balance of our entire stock of Suits and
Overcoats at 1=a4 off. All Trousers at 20K discount.
0. . artillFUNERAL I '.".A I et
20f 5.thAve IECTR.Hot Lunch
Poelt. Patent Leather Belts vettt bakri t t-
tuefencet 50245. 5th Ave. Phone 31 jIntaeelt youritte orte ueluste, 85c. Send 'u At *Tuttle's. 338 S. State
AMBULANCE ON CALL Ipiece oft hi' dress rt t entu endtiu nottiettt. ____________

4 ~ J ,L
QF. <
, WN

.. 1


319 East. Huron


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