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November 19, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-19

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THE MVICHIIGAN DAILY. ntissisicsticysreitirti t t Ritls
t vm r n't s-itc'ittitsy iliosittc it to tietiitc tooI
H i7ld]- . ti itci.anycc-al tibject. rensain's coi-l
. Mnagig Edttor-PAUL, SCOTT MOtsFRstottttls i7the ssaic lacitpasssy 'Soon
G. II. vvliu ~~JUBusiness MaaManager-C. E. WINSTFAD. cecinu-i actl ti
ThDITORstSSocksottitinot. fBat it his n o Ineatsing;at
itNews ...gc...Sto.k.N..s....A. F. Ritchie
of teCiyAthletics ....William F. Gradoipit tl ltiit cefercence itostpaticctlar cevent.
of S~~porting . ..... .Ciacence E . Eldridge ifthIts'atvlcctiscrs wish to ieceffectivec
StyesitiMsic and Drama. ..Roy 'D. 'Wielchttt1therboar at thetsprcisei5.,psycholiiogictti
ExlsvVomni'sEditor. ...tLottise Vant Vooritisis. 'tcistst Ii'ictistcr
lww .W cades Eme .Aas Tls atr lscm pmr il Joittt. Wrz Robert -I. Canty nee lsi.. thsitiseiistn esnititi'
1!OSOJLJE N SJ DI avidi F. Stevectnsn it shout oitis sthisime tut-its-c i lttiti
NIGHIT itITORD istic issic t heticotser. hh'liesc -.is t'
Gentlemen's Hram S. Cody George H. Hobart ssforcswhccll tll s-c ist i htndi'
F or Wea tt1Ul~ ilii Cbauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
REP'ORTERSDi i tcSscsts
thgI'505'dIi Sis I .Reid Lee A White
its i E' sitisnc \ estinsn, and Raymnd Visseher M. B. McHughs 'iitcc ftcsc'--icslt~i
's istuganid sithigh clas.s A. L. Hairline Robert Momttsier ttii <tiitie istilci iti ilic-
fo~t's'ssou sosiilstyi'. E tosvceii J. Cars Donald .I. Rtttev i css i siiassil u.\ics
J. I-T. Prescott 'cwcso sscity dras its l f a stepsnt'arer
its Aideatl ttIc s sie s -lds i ndciitt. 'list
Foil Dress Suits a -BUSINESS STAFF carilolimpeitc stioni is alws ard isi
Specialty ~~~~~Jobn F. Wore Carl H. Adamiist tiiistis.uiciitics
FAddress : MICHIGAN DAILYc, Press Bid it'esachigtiiithltitgeli it stili icavs
I~i'~rnn ng,, lsst's-s- ntitt tiss wsilt id iasltas iat.
ei Wid mMaynard Street. siiii iisciit5issi.sil
UIJImp(n.1J Manager's Mors: I-a p.in., 7-8 p.im. isV(iimutiitert litst 'sit'rs it
3t t anib tate treet daily, except Susnday. Bots pbones oilc isetihstyiiiiicntent.itsis' -iiare tmits
- ini all its atints o iii liitsiess autu deass
u~ior c~ee w cfigh ii'i"e sla 's are ts-esVictimtsstif a
TI i AY 1VF IcIZM 90. tgoth e ftisis sties muiisss.t b utu ssi-
~g'j~ iiFl51Q'*I miii - Itush lost. NoitwotsiOfstss-utr s csiv
. ,t(, asilt eI teitr ilistrs-ss if thie'cositl.,
itt-(is stilsi .tsoIlit- iisits tigh s\ittat
_______ \' tsi tstay 1t)ttisthemt i ht i d dasi - ts.

'T'he itoics idissussesd rcentlys at sise'
confeeccce ituniivrsiy presides ossi
the smiddlicscsilcd at Iosa City, com-
isig as thyiitctsust betore the moeetisg
iftheb Naionsai Association of State
Uniiv-ersiticslistseecauseds'Inst asilile
cssommenit mong suniesiy cmecs.
'Tlwems imp slortant quiestion discsssel
isas usc rcitationtossteusicvisiersiies to
the "Castscgic stiitdaittstfoccthissA-
casiesti tilf Tacinig."IThc tirtesn
preosietisisast temeting isatissotsi
proufessosr ss just-retitedtsstsc
beeis ofipeniios plrviditeliy te
Casrsegefundisis saceteusptrsitssors sit
itrint sstititis-Exclusion ofti staste
Unvrsisties rus tsesieneits tey le-
livetiiasajcsilissii s-sis'simintionsiss.
iii idecded to rcommendtat lthe
nais na atss ssociationiir esessis reusest
ibistshi s it-iittis liss'amnitedlto ue
beitsofls thise tispesn Issionn. Te sta-
tiosalissi ocsstiatiton isill robiailpresenctI
the- s-si ts-ets tcrusstes tsnthues- old
thse it-iictirt cli ii Nest'stik )it
Nit. 20.
Thsiobesmt if iadoiptin ac esinitos
-tst isi nI fsi'alli ise-sttes sisis e siiie s itf
teunc iited Sisses wis lsotssdiscssed.
']siuestions stso swil ie ibrugt Its'
firets'seit5nastionasl associationi.
Ahletics caesisrits fitr aivect- smoal
list'o f ts'esisitissimsss.'lii' ps'esients,
tios'ser, expre ssectiseir disappirooaslot
iti pesseni tissn itinsndtutu sisossfttat-
Istics 'asmontg tite iriesitis.
ii-sit1gad ittffs'sicg 'asrligios i"li
csationt, Presidien t aer f Clotradoit c'x
ticsd s'-shlefollownitg oiisius
Itslies tiat tits'csiress sisostisi
st hassvi' ts'eexcusiv erigt titisciutss
religionts quiesitis s i tthe iii vesirsitis
Ihoil's'vethe upriiege oitteachsinig
t' Btilesislitritire. lphilsphtsy~-
chlogiliand sesi cis;iftea'ch'iiggtthehis-
tor oss f sr'igiosn ssiian iiss''kindedsbjits;'
tha ionhisstoricasl sissdlscintiie ad sy t-
cihosiogicsal groundsis tisqs'tisions otibe-
isf its(gushsiua stnit' oifithe sitcac t pats
itou-dlerf'eycdisssci befosre sthi-
detis;t'htthites-souisltis ie ai deeeini~g
(f ts'eihilosopicaiisl, ehclss ndsssarst
thugt-ndfeling itosi thcotry;l'5ansdt
tht ie(,lsiutssis ii sticok salng tbese
itnes shslibe 'i ttheii'sitteiise-s-
si ii ss.''
stNu HBNs tiS . iN5BN S i.COiRsc'so..
Joh stoplinstunsiersitt'lit'asaes'a
numberis' of casgss ii admtiistraticos,
thiss' impo stltrtant osit chnisisthe its'
cess'of telngthsocitheuse nrgrad-
sate course rom itssthree ears ts fosr.
Anoithers'innovats-siionsis tbcselstdmissin of
wosesitso igrsssac satdittg.
ittAROONit tNPRCtiistAStsCAseT OiiANIZE.
At C'iclagot hesre i stis srle dissi-
cusssin sitoitsswheher theItwo oser
casss'.isill his' allosedstotihae organi
zatiosnss of their oun. 'The decisioss rests
sitiislt'heboardl ofstissintsiorganiations
bts itn avscreerred ue siater t the
deansss fits :sttlemsent. 'liss'gs'nseral sni-ii
sitest si'tiis tsits that tsre is io use
frasts- organiziaions-of thc twocssetiis.
,ftS'l- risiit'.lilts' gslsd sacs.
Retusrniit osaily- ofice. Rewastrd.

Everyone uses some
visitng cards Why not
get the best, it is as cheap
as tisa ordtnary printed
cards. We engrave new
plate aitd too cards for
$1.25. If you have your
own plate, 75c per too
We do Statioitery
Stamping, Wedding Au-
ntoucements and Mono.
gram Work. Geto u r
,taic SiesetSats Street
New and Second-hand
Largest Stock in Michigan
Text= Books-
Quiz Compends
Tel 16. 326 S. Sate St.
FChaing_ Dishes
A iesree pint dusish it
spec ena eusaedfood dash Sand
te ipaved lmp hss 'te iMe-
aist sahle $6.00.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

tion Itr hutsetop the
u iy 'si it lgat plays
I c tuss V 'i rro tfter-
ii -_t'useIesto aitte its tte
t(s\%it itsa cantsounhsitd
C1,'i vel bclist lessof
c~ siott ci ibttes
4 AT
Sheean &Co.
'n Student Bookstores
A. G. .,whi"Q
S PAL D I N G .ppo
& BROS. .016
The Largest Manufactorers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Blase Bali. Foot Ball.,(tl, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Otluicual Imptlemenats tar Track and Field Sports
Unz: rr :cnusfoe all Sports. Spadiag 'iandsomenly
%iis.itatest Catalogue oh all sports cantatas n
tne-.suut ss esttos. Srndisor t.-Itsiree.
'w5 itWii sitit. Losittt.Syaris tcs,
I ;I )') titiu 1t- st lu itotutS yrause',iti itts-
i t VsisIs it. sa it'iy,('leveclandt
'55 us iieuriit.:tlotta,t.Canadat.

.. .i.t s i.'iiiii. iit t ia t s h rship at s thl~ist is s a ii'sy
I Its camu~is stinboardtt Istill suton tiues Cititutitust lusuisussu lll us hutseseitsl aus',
is, mar1 this sts trac ti es o f s it si'1111- moing il (' lits ii Ihits lust itaks' it
his- iusususuls sitleboar s'reuaswa010pilo sopcatls llsy hushdif lhst worldshmst
pl-s-ctie i so it" eslisius sit slosugu patill es tale l uuand u lo sli todtuhy, isit...W %
uscmusss'dusttk ,.,h t e asl r C i ist- tw his- pcsu fo sr tilitn ciled -tife t ti sto'-
wrc e:uss's-'ssus asls OI)J tS ns ut tiesC -t itnuse s ite rl tlt1 uitsr
sit an Ia bsavidedisislless stisilythanIt verat us, illof lii i ldlinsg ti
L'lv2sits iislttl. 1hi~ys'sandsus as a5blderlils ' filst rltutu ' - ciii i I sutussuwhatt
soumiiienti ts suitsliss-isott a5 sense sot ussiiui-ls. ei n tg thes'brandtosh i i lsts-
beaut utistn sist'heshll Iso surints slilsi-the futue utu bim orh
glue- A thosusightfl hstrsanger frontan--iss-
stitsspeemight his'xeui sdifi. oil I 1WititeClluhoussi- opeun it,)it-tubers
uis-t slighisng. llos'siadse' itsn en~ty ii llIls and 5thir-is h-silt-fiuss.''- isthe C i rmedtiu
sussilu sisretgsarcinsg asielfdhutcovee-id iiiswlsuith{fse u, CCO11 ligs- ti-cull
srtu i t Olsigitssutmotitg i-si-tis''h I i s-Is s thu i us w lisss stuwn a d -urnitess i-i
a -s 55 tisildlisgs. uprobabsilt signs fus'tssi'stos't't'h l i'lit ss tn sra
Thsisis dt teastus isuta luches-il of- - ______
hue sigrslusutues ssicutl Cles a tu i h SlL;K, hf'i' 1.5111111 SCO RE,
thec limsis' of is ssrtiless. - (lil" us 1f 1'1IhR 's V I.E hIVE
iso-il ti' &, 4u'ss-i. thietsi ret-c ht's h~assuu s- -----
besarig'''adisertisemiensts. fsut st tuit 5 '1 is' lullolii s thie'stntnii ti titu
eesit sThlis evnts is''erald bysouits u endss sitI thei tirdlss eeus illthss Palladumuuu
bsen upusse h ires' ttays ;cdrlu a -sssstss e-i Bauslist'' Isisti I cli OfIhe:bea si
oni antitustlbecalis litststerOfthustoryus Iit leshis hi ii i sut i sCct dte
its--ilhi'a is-scit gss ' audthe*c ihirul at- su it Isit ' 1. AII thu-il «uf theli t
trisn ulldsew is auitence a'situiss-ThtaP1tmis sCCiulili uut '30.
g 1sngtotiflteitsinuemry t' ssha ii'k.I Pt
ago t plsut ss 'i'a'ltWhen affsirs cdme o ea Ps.....'... 7 7
sucshiaIpasssic use icimelledtslbclievec Phis Kappatsi..... . 778
that isisat this ipublicItastceueedsis ntDtahiKappaissEpsi tlts fl6,
euain-ixaityII ts''eds cret'tion. Blits Thtatsi ....
If camitps tgtt'iis sid f s a e ti scess hhsa ls I sets li.... 3:
s-l miught suey tuhnt tusht' s-removedSight-Pi h.....-- - - -h3 i -33
ishut-isthiris otis o ne Cih' ii si - - --.. .... . i t 33,
'The advsertisers ithcemselvecsside eirb, isi Upisilon .s ......2 7 22
shorut-sightied. Ifthluy actsuaslty-erctet sc---- - -
sin s ismeasts fit-speakinig toi iii.Ci 1,(St' 'i uAlsains ShE s.itu,suitMonu
piublic,. tutu nstll.as imighst tsre suppotseul dsli Rc.ifi-ui tu o 8 'i'i .ttht-oit -ehIs
ill thie-tt'libecrats se it in sitf stsissll isic st-sit-il. ':tt-,

LQ wJU [J H1 OiYY)/\
.0.IA ~f C OIU
S31 'AC

Every day one hears
people say "It I were in
college again, I would do
more intshle line of cul-
ture. I would earts some-
thing abottmusic so0aS to
appreciate good us u s i c
when I heoar it."
Students of today cer-
tainly htave splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of nmusic are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
tlsynasd Seetc



l Cbe ztubents' lecture Issociation


Facts and 'Fictions Concerning
the Jews
EMIL G. HIRSch, D.D., L.L.D.
Friday Eveimum jj. Nov. 22, 1907, at 8:13

Tickets for Entire Course -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course w
Single Admission Tickets-


121 Washington f. The Randall Studio, Ran dall-& Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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