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November 16, 1907 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-16

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.. i ....... ..,.,., _.., ._ ... _

G. f.. Wild Comfpally
1hesL1rgest ;Stock
Exclusive.Stytes in
For Getleenu's 'Near
thin> g 1iiit iifor Suits,
fiiiis anity Nestingj, nd
ii it of hi-h class.
Full Dress Suits a
k Specalty
GH.Wild Comipally
7 311 South State Struet

Ru ii


or hiioute top the
yMli 'h ig an plays
nosuy. We~ are offer-
the bestvalute in the
cIt' in a icatnvaisbound
uss cyci 'tri l fag X()
ethve ut feitwuof
mi sii 1 ott Iel tietter
~an &Co.

Managing .Editor-PAUL SCOTrOMRii.
Rusniness Manager-C. X. WNTrai.
Neiws ........... A. F. Ritchie
Athletics.......Wiliam F. Gradlpti
Sprting ....Clarence E. Eldridge
Exchansge. .... . John Wambuld
Dlu1i atd Drama.....Ruy D. Wietti
Womten's Editor.. .. Lutise Vcn Voris'
J. W McCandless Elmer C. Adams
Jothn F. Wrz Rbert H. Clacy
Daid 1. Steenson
Hiramn S. Cdy Gerge H. Hobart
Chauncey Buicher B. G. R. Williams
L. C. Reid Lee A White
Raymond Visscher M. B. McHugh
A. L. 1-ainline Rbert Munitsier
toscell J. Crr Dnald 1L. Kitney
J. H1. Prscott
John F. Wr Carl H. Adam
H aroldl . Gotild
Address: MCntIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: I- p. n., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
S.VT DV \ttt)\.NOVIEMBERv 16i, 1007
Pcitunsti ia, ici ts frm t paritis
Of titis c'ituiitt' andii alsu it ecius'i
foiirmer rilatinsi,.arc the gits iif ,licti
tycit. 1Vt-rn'stidetitchituitld htelct itn
biictiscsr. Eacch ciustiycc, c rvv'
as. a cetigiati' triieg.
\i' inttstitia momittiititt iotur cu-
tusiasi ti citit iceleb cttraitig.tore
cc hatth in anqtuiticwasci
itil sccsufthitrouigth tiecnci
tics'wor oftheic'Va'rious cotiit'cit ii -
istii 'ittind wihto theutur rwrc's'i'thant
the saisfacctioniiof Icimptedit efitstt..
Thaitr iti i"ner'wtsthewn ru
cv ct' which a sic toisein. rg
Nitti-eto i' stest tttmteintqi ii
strenigteis'dt tic' gecat rtgcniztsionii
w ider 'tisies'manacgmett he atai r itst'isci
co isdit. 'PTt' o'etiw'iettming iptu
wichui scih aii occcsioi tu is iuit's'
itt iti ciitii ctc ian el f tuniescit c
aciityicaci n ntie iiunecritiatiiiior
ssiiiilii ie deptrciatcitic stititiltsuswhici
taniis tntott all irtiv'e'dittycthat
this Vscit fitntd tfc'nicrgyandthu tittsicsmi
is sdiu'rted itotncicrtc rls for tic
iiiganizaciitin tnd its iwoitk.
TheItus Lioti is gig tithrogiaistug-
gic icr tiecomtpetiino'f ss'rcltditifi-
cittass. tciss thiciifaccompitclishid
iii be dsfisnticbesibenefiitut ecih
andi reqirie sitt iss'rsiig sioyatyi'hti

acicoed u s'(. fispiritiwusiginttedtntlst
nihiati teticiganimititntwis ititli
hisi tnisssscii'anditio ihimusl ttci ts'
s'fe'iuis not f iitempor'ary's'ctarsct.
itooitinned ftrnetPa~e Oe.t
botchi cmpsitihei'escifci eingiitti'ritcais,
in etheii iiiou itmef utay's gite
wha titilli iiitis' eit'remi ly'ii po ah
rea is., 'illhe sin t''ic is
Th ii x' trongh'ls prsiciiii' n eii-tic
11at iii ch tothoil' teamcs scis timsit
itimp rat i of s 'stheis acclts' chttitue.
W'ill iiith 'iiiuu'partiii espci'iiyiiitt i ac
rears ifr i ics. \hileithei
(nchsoic tstric sore i'c'aiic e'adsiasi
1'lint t wosirr ' t i ii i iiiied a o tteo t tits, it is
icc to iiiisccii ii'hitliPtnn suxii'cts to
cii. 'TheC'fideni'tc's'aminitfolowes
f tiie' Quakcc'cs is rci i5 cidiniithii ceat
rers entatusiciiies. 1 titiis s t i uisg c-
sm ho ac liiniii;ipl c iiatisiiv 'r
imoniy'.ithedugsituaiiiifsstie Ptinncritottis
liiihe ti heiiicr ihand, a feectlin uu-
c'i'ttaitty ii''c'alcs the iicNi ani iicampt.
WNitii fct i'cccitionsiicl(-icembes cosf
!iii taiti rei peitingiiaii ic t's, 1ciii
iicr coiithe magnificnii t 'efe'.eofI
tcesiuic Iigatamiis sees ipr iabl
ithat'cPenn ticc'tiuiscoriiicisina ii ut'
iii.' N.'scici'ili ''ini dis us isig t heii
gam's 'ieitas aiti ediii ii csnce'
icict andriils'ii'ii t ii i hatis nni ha
ic lciadti ci sisi ndsc'ht its'( ticuaiiers
had alitte hetcr- itan .ne\n tcitnc
M i 'c iiimoud's ebiti liecc s i t Nis'ti
doe ihs eaocieiucedia Woiii in e iis
iiph c I lo erciti's'as ti ti
if us' oi cs oirdI.i iNiss ig tailicitiii
%\ili' iciur p lo s s't -o-i le represenita-
tie i ll i ve t5Iines i'si 'itors a i'i'ht '
ustusiitiit it'cus.l
N 1 theii oiiccatiis iciof t'e iiiifina tracicit
of ll, aon Cac Ystdetemined~iciiy
tho ii i lineup wh 'ch ticlisiarcillt ileic'''c
k I cliccica t the cii'l c'iposits'ici, situ
'tithclose oft gthegi ttiheiilcoaNc
amnotmce thattWtkis ts IiiCcogici.
its'ri. h ' th e BayI s Cuu'city'Msu is iftrt
the's miii ii t s'l ak, am sitl probais
liegalust cihc r's iit icifItheiteimsittleiti
remainhsclcccs'I, l.s iccccs'chietem 'ilinetcu.
uptis iliiprlicssc ftesittwofwetaks'K
anltcitsl ut iii''trill 'c'lisCit in'1 ia-it
g'cti' u if tic' a'a tii'sie. ' hsilct ti
ife gacmes o er ledssdetr
ru ho icgt ignottptc'''tisticiNon

uhtdciccsinig frcmciutNlchiganiiattiletics of
sicra cri f tthe sciritystiest"m. tctNuto
less hiatn cs'vnc tu ible .icc ites ocf thec4
tuusiutilsi will ecdtir perci ttoil of V is~i n g
cligittiliur cieutu the time'n rlc sct twlistle _______________________
itritugs ts a close this greatest of the
seasonuc griudiron clasthcs. Captain 'Nia C a rd s
goffins. Ittnuct', tErnbs, ScthulzGruahamn
Rlhiciiclilst aundII latutmntstusill tic coinm- _______________
petitng for Xiliigans for the lust ttmet
Fo-tr tucit recsont. at least ccivit of the Eeyn sssm
mcetoilthisext ichianlevetncumartutbes visiting cards. Why not
effotictoinstublust yearcs defealituditi get thu hest, it is as cheap
isteredl byuPenns. -Nicer sinuc e ut s heordnay rite
.camutuc iicliigan lesc \ticliganls ards. We engrave new
gasic sit Ferry fiel, utd a defeait toilay plate and 500 cards for
woul sluhauuttr that toast. tlu cry tmati $1.25. If you have your
reatlizscthe responsisility, ais u sis shoin own plate, 75C per 1io
bythe isp~iritiof idetrmuitna ut tiosusnIty arths.
the tutu un thise ctte .
Theu file t t inug if the'y'e'ri hl tist-
tie NAtliicassciciatiuti officelIs t ntt
isis if instsimabcletsimporus ttncs.Ciachu Xe do St at iontery
NYost anisKeetctFitzpatrickimpsttres sedl Stanmping, Wedding An-
itn tshu ccy's Whit wsu c ted st uncetnents and Mono-
Oiiitsisoi f tictsigus ii scirter -oti rustsWork. CG e t 011.
oi sw'htut 'sill Ibe ii i cn ctt t uitdis, estimaittes.
av irtu'etenttite ciiosu
'hessesco e Oiiucoti r
''tened'nc's's'.i thiusstiltc' sadte W H
icacl wetwat lcia ti ufiesidis wat this t i ll In
we ciii tou illfotheskeO te Bookstores
1itt lusts read at ilsuts' fro IFra k
Iussgt -u ndenttsttiablyIsons'isf ttegirsit -
'ci playes ic ilsigaii hsshuasd itues~
usitusha luctarei' effe'ct (if surigt h ironevngaterdteine- s B ttut
tust, if such ai sluig is psc'sib slssys ctl u et usle. itItaruti of [. A IN
"lusct ict.crc'arsioThanksgtt ivnILa
tieI thisnksociiit ittrinsa fee1ig M edca
sadnss. Dlursig hast gainetcI inissdaD t
tacewhutich uwtousd lt vetied the I gae
srit tir' it I s cts'yIcaniincvesitforgetuit.
I sci'asyi' sitli csso on us the-i. Bools
'Isilay I situ silt'e i i.sy buit Isishuait
is wii-it uso u 's'v'er ssitstts' i lut'gcr'at
Continued-oun Page Fear.] New and Second-hand
_ __Largest Stock in Michigan




Student Bookstores

Sosuvits -icpsrog'ramuslimsited----get ono:5
thsiorncinsg. (stO i'sui o tatesstreetc'
ii. slscdwntown.'st'
lPh.is its' ieutfiust s'tiietutmoivingliic-
tur ioftie' Slichturioos ins's teion
still iets'kensu. Dotus itr pas'stticsec thtui
yurucolilee.Ct' oc'rs icc' ccpresicutct
(Officiaul ]pennant5 s cati'the C-ops~storcs
Go' itois'sltsitgi ifvousatil a tracs
sixtofC.tItty fscrlthe gusmes. ifs-48
I' ,.Clstiu'sc laiss ini sdaiucisg at
t'lcciitqc's starts Fridayu' afternuottn. Xiii.
i;, ait 3-:30 '5 'clock. $3 pe'r tr i f tlt
hteus'orcetracfrc saticessastdhant-
iltits. 1. II. Rtetss, Mntage'..Bell
his ccc- sneits' theIsi Michuiganstert'ritory
siqusted tto dsiplay the colle'gecol
s'., (fet sott' ptttl t sit st' t to situ
1 (7S'- ,t' tcssguts] gatcht ssthu iewc-
elled fish, bth initialedu. Rturtoutin247
N\'cuhtt usiuANve..cornerc N\ilmouut. hit-
usardi .

Quiz Cornpends
Tel 161. 326 S. Stale St.
N large thre in pttdishtieth
speel, naeledss afoo ishtis nit
theimiprovueitlamtp. Thieu~
isrt t slits $6.00.
WM. ARNOLD, Jevwler

/ . A. G. 1y0h
&Bi. ROS. eA:p
Thus'.Longest Manufacturers in the Werld.
sitODficial Athletic. Supplies
Fts ~slIoot Bial, Ulfi, Lawn
Teni ghasket Bll, Hockey
oi ii,isforialliSorut. Salna g'esiHandsoetey
- :ltuliiCatalogueof alotttns contains n,
tnctcsisustions. Sandlforit. --tis fre.
A. (i. SitALIiNG & BROS.
1(ius'iu i. t ,t . . sii iy. Syanumucs'.ists.
isis . 5i ;u s ('. s it ic a o s y c s i ts
Nisc s. itnut. Mutureal,tCtnadam.

5WD ~T ~~~
A A7Mo7

Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
conllege again, I would do
mtore intth~e line of cul-
tre. I would earst some-
thting, shout nunsic so as to
appreciate good m ui s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today' cert
tainhy have splendid facil-
ities for suds study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given hy the
hest prepared instrnctors,
at very reasonahle :rates
at the
University School of Music
M asynsadStret



U be tubents' lecture asociation


Facts and Fictions Concerning
the Jews
Friday Eveuin g, Nov. 22, 1907, at 8:15
University Hall

Tickets for Entire Course - - -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course -
Single Admission Tickets - -



121 Washington F. The Randall Studio,, Randall & Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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