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November 16, 1907 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-16

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' \ 1 C) \I ANQUET the pope of the sltal, I bid you God
Before and after tegame DRAWS IT IC'CROWD spetirilehowork of thiimporn gadl
poiwerful organiaion.,
buy t otined from 'Page 0ne.) ti was now aoclk. iand [IclatiRed
Ilaeoten10spokn, 'aid MsrXXWed,- sa1 ide iwould not inrudlrsi Ite oodp
jb e 1 1 liisr nature of his listeners. Tls subjet C n lnsS l- iln
DOui university dos not hre in bricks was 'Academic Integration" but istead(
andand mortar adi acres of capus bt intt seriosl talkig of this. li' kept his The College Fo n ai -e
isptofoiissor, aiio its thousands of al'audinco in a rippleof lugtrlithsil Standard
m1111 We are onily in the mornig of p lsnghigrsson il a mel lcy stories.
L wouif s a nivoersty that is to grow IFc sad thati Presidentl Sgell's first ADVERTiSETB IN THIS SPACE ON
liiiey oao iiengroter oniersty. iwois ot hn '. "'Takeofo f yottr tt,"
C ho ola es \\ irthre wii in r :no sw:shal al asi tht he ail ero doing o eer sice. TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS
U (1 t orckto0ornhIomtes swith a greatcr Shortl oeithiie Idoorsiereopoened Sdi
+ oefroruiest hnee.Ti atngtit wson dtmaiii bout aSl nAnn Arbor by
_--- cold town, th citoll tof An\toii shsiall hutdredi more sat slwere' sold n al i o.A htlteoonGWA RST OBO KSO E
h v laruh r ofilieligan.' te comittellcw v oioioolois' tol ticiisli a1- A D .
QUARRY'S~~~Fan G. Daneii, 'ot, solke oni '1111 coii molatious poir all, but hot manaiogeSHEA &CO PN
oulr r tuato' aindtthe 1. 111011 Ilie 1to trvitdeotlcs'for 0111111it y etras',.S FE A O P N
Countt e n o 5 Stwd&.Lm .n ' si: Are wesos' ing oui r011siare? Of ' t rstli-iltoh'tuiioIouo
Sers a ob unda.thereihiaos ei n nelemtiotf Seakiigiof this1lst iightChaoirmiani
___________________________________________Our_ students ih t 'lcoitdleso 'id: It wsv inot thei ts
1 1110 10001 50t 01111111retit f ely oil Illscommoititee (hatbou me0110 lof os
05'u-s o \\'o 11v110et th't therici was1515 o101110 ull toru'oasd c' ikeo l Ito bto eto
M n y L a e neh loukioi utun tiltillIIse tirie iv 'Theu. Cbsnfor51tunate10incient
w r o .scriauiied a rmiedy could null e w itid e too failure. 01cortainuutiokotI,'oil-
Onii Iatettes, Smtuiuonoiot, L1011 tuoosi, , o erc o I. Nou e' 10 avlc'it it our pecs ers not 1rpuorigthleir '01aOles tUo'lc1
uther ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ el pettaneiioo' '0 ougiloo \liigou i iurnith111 its lac ightl s the.' huauu been1 isructed I
Watches and Jewery repaired. 1uuuuc. 5A'luuokupo1110thlis home ot110a's tou." N ------
Bargains tn'k'takhet & Diamoullo a pla~c of Ciompotriaoo r ilfts bu11t '1ratIerrisIuorlug uiu'ullcloOs010 ,R I4 AD Y~
----- "a> ' a plce chr iuiergiradute csoci l'os ii sii ' to seiuutboboE . ls
office at residence O3t1 C. L101rty So oli 110 ' ticvhlitt i alts veiiio 111 it ti 4me Ice u Ou. l'oay ao' he'or l
Ann Arbor eivmySrya.Tesuet elzeAun omfo o( iktsl-s
Hous:so tu:it3na. s.,I too 1:: 0 0 0 csi d oat Olur ii, uchultoo leodonfor tin e ss'holstillhoave tickes or 10010000arepl i ad t tthy m s ]ut herac . J
C ' IBuUS00001SOioutIoy lilTst ,lt steir d 'toIllror tui0 i to. camevf it.'' :A1
un100 leO'stoo l tieo'el foot'anyto tar hnt. O so" locug bls ogous h ol
J0SEP11 C. WATTS IIoi1oos l teiitht ttlt ti At{e r ok o o os 0011 o b
or.hrcr ne s nuilrishing Whentett otoos of te chaimanoio ty l 00000015nigt
00000ndergrodotets le ie ouor unittetrstty ______
i soill hise 0n00ugh1 to 5rimh1mb1'ir t t sri
THE LATEST LEIATHIER haueloneio our art.' RI(..I'"IS ADOPT~l
Ihiihatcr Tnethein itrodhucedohh I' ION('I ANIOI'lS T'ltie ftli lite of college goods is now complete wih the
00tc the ns pekoh n 31uso lI Laroityte IheI iuh h'r is seui o choicest anad most varied new things ever shown, R t', , Cottieno
Walmnn' o00001 iilld~s 0011 the trt oil tiePils h~in iufull ltheI oouuioohoou lsiouiooiltheills i Ftrt,traw yotr particular attention to their supertdisla'
w1ith 1111oot alharm;:tii i or" 'lri 0a~ossoiation. Silhisomeb Biterils 'Snaoesri"garig blheifolow- of tnew' oesigns itManhattan Shirts.
ole,i 0111111 00,0 il) iuuoooo ohmariks le cameuu'too thus'glg chngiies 1i h arrangemnt 'i o f theu
Price 25 cents 00'oioiui i lei~hls ~ hoo~ i IIho u ilouhsi Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading makes
'' uoi'iuugthie'plsht0y011'thre coolrs ig reess b oeIrcducod ou 1snle d'aoyo.
AT 1h00vIubeatuIhrokei by AMihigani tmel . Tbht ill, holiday ii uouexenedl'Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
DARLING & MALLEAI.X XM. Brreos. I ihiherrlauio, is 11011pros- fron'ti lDoc 3 lb Jan. 2"hoh icueduo.-
224-226S.S State S.51 . o Sr louroandoiihr. iFrench, I ae 3.That oheliisrintrecss he ut00 00 Afilvret fnt'stlsonhsewrdfeossI si
th o t''ro, ~ontheleaf oi 1wse1ek i iea 001ier ad ommeonu 0' 00the 'r1i Atlvaiyofnwsleofhse ordamubtso
_______________the______ I' nissosilo of Mihilgani itto te dayu beore te selur A'e s ay i select from Stetson. Carlton, l'owards.
oh ou aunu.th les' ii ohois.'' Apri. . T' t' heuoob ibismm c
t. S II '\ oilcso oameoosrforwaririheer ren' t bo 1001 oue weherbs d ehodMen's Fall Caps, prices romt 5oc tip.
?, s t 1e he c, sho00001the iolnlg, a d eIalii t5 h'' Too ildis Noms iun Iht h
S tss e i ld i aplausei15'onily shto edi fll oi u 'bhlgbus'uboolt l rsooil
N fen v c d gru .Frnh adrcevd v rrO th tTe boepro Riht eule, C omlin Fiegel.y
0 si iar b oh L1arc oo gSintou 'o'e t n a er.Il ri
tl4l.LR'S JEWELRlY STORE, 216 S aSltS i t,;b(, boos.IF sub 'St S ritr bas i- A5 deidedbinnovio n wa' healidoi
O . oh uousob sy Iosma'ser 'oooT oo s oa heo' Friehuodepoartetoiiubusthe o o'co'
e ra000 10 tal M o boo', u is 5bleeniisillcere i eit'l100 110ion ooo bonosall oa systemo f 00i h i
fiss an to anl s blibisas ochiefeutIo'itte.' Gove('ou r t't'oi' g'uoo-iho es. 'Ihoos' hphones, a m 00
Ilean toS kil t I lo aondo said: usdo y ile thou' uar ocii'i o rs ss ii
MOOIIL'S NON - L[AABXIL[ o Lu Oioheol o-111obtotgilulisiiln Doi01 11ioih o o ooil i iob. o'l o. 1
FOUNTAIN P[N 1 oo h i r u 00100 uioillhaptty becouoeccoruig ir Pboo1'f. rbo. bbronigbo ou looue 0 11 Z I z 0i0
1.10egrea t oportunites for good it ioiHuoo'ite hio'phobos boe ben i 00-
The Best Ftotntai 11ets 0 olS he00000loivi oh stu cttntn o r lu'dico'od, thb re uom'o noototo oulo'10001s ov'0
liver titacde at sAits' Prrte. 0 v sOpossbilities oor goodh to ble the od s semi. ITho tiew. imost atrsotro, and elevertest gmte of the ay
Fou le Vhstate wicoo reI emh o d ie inb t he ilOtoscope .5Aoresoutsion soha.,oadoptedbol creatiog aoii 0wooshes
EatUiest0Pamc iisopr00t0iouisAniiorgonizaeotioniisuch nl oisloardbof aoolus'iscsontroluabohs125e d 22
East University Pharmay tbis i, a odisintou aito too cioiioationt toseod ail te bst Reents' imeo'ting. 'tie$2 5
Or t' tlihh'i ',lO OS i 1000
SelPon 1 HreIlhoe rtRre dt ,ae. Io. onbes those whbo rsolutio woaos.oadopted',bas it iii',ibihen MACEKft .Co. Maltz St.
ra l l0 1 lv f the p ivileges iIproosed, ih to h eOho'exe'sptiono thaboil
:,sford; o cive a ti n oinibg for effi- gradoouaoh'te oiember o lthe 1board' soill ^
cro, bhelfu io 111tuzes blotat it is in-apo n101td yi h e lua thlic boaro.
U.Iof M. . i"'huh 'tboosecureouelsehseere. It is for
-s0r0ron oh fire stse.is deel't on-0011-- sUf A IE Ia DVie am.lt lod, lwlr 'hi rd oh
0s0~~~~~~u)~y ClUUUWW *U''I" tias~s tihat tt ad Cliou ittat fe10
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms le I i 011ilaeoil tie IGiviersity Noie b!!r!uiog nv~ui LU1IL I isin sstrh'flyciudnivu
ofea ytdie lee-naus 1.51orb I"i1oto. to.himaikis sfor hot- lgs il lh.Ofiia orioo I btS 111 ol s 1 ot O fi ces uso'.n u .to, t ~s
leegethtsg ina*th- City O rcoitiship andto;ioooe enilihenedTw'door'~ Is sall ofClityV.IlkM IA W. J. LOVRIM
J R. TROJANOWSK1. Prop. tolh orhio" boeo ple.otr(Itobeluif of all fyrograpy goods at Fosters. tf __________________________________________
/e sshon it is 1196. Made of black_ Everybody is talking about our Shrewbury oil
"2 Freticht calf. viscolized double sole tan Blucer. It is leather lined, viscolized, rawhide
siaon woit rawvhide betweeti soles antiIl
running ful length of shio, making. it damp proof. between double soles, Price $5.50.
No rubbers required to keep out the water. Has aesl nya u tr n
flange heel. No,. 111 oxfotrd in both black and tan 0 }1 rrChiaf are fully guaranteed by hs to
is made up the saute as the shot described above. SHOES give satisfactory wear.

Rowe's Laundry
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Gas Study LampS
444 South State Street 326 N. Fifth Ave.p
Th i~ce fte Gses Newe Phone 4a1 ell Phne 437-, Insure a steady, soft ,flow.
A special ecture bty G. P. Cors SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY .
Sunday Nov. 17, 12 to 1I36'othsStte 'steelayo h ys
- -Cicass aSatur.day 10 A. M. rad Easonerte inyric.
730 P. M. Mdrt npie
The Religious Education of the Assemttbly lb o uneh. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Child ---,---------- -
A series of lectures by G. P. Contoc WAI KIN t OO
Tnesays 7:0 P M. eginin No. 5Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Ga the bat frox the taret aotma.
Chinese Fanny.Osles, AmercLe s La of. i
All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are free. Students all kind essranei aostut,sii 5hefA n A rbor asCo
and others are cordially invited. Chinese and apatise Jaa eseii'-(,a-ttr;h,,
Op Stats, oe door S. Hstn Beos, 314 S. State St
Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It

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