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November 07, 1907 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1907-11-07

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G, HI Wild Comfpally Managing EditOY-r-Ps SCOT.nOWF
Buscnes Manage- w.. W)'s.
"taOSs ..

in the City 1
Exclusive Styles ini
r For Gentlemen's Wear
icvrylitng recquired for Suits,
(.} , i tsrFaics=\Veiting-sand
i rig mz.ad of high class
)itt ani n rlecial stylis
Full Dress Suits a
G.H Wild Collpally
311 South State Street
Fo our
'1 ai hitttdolddtii its
:C v(,i---. We hare
s tlpat pionally large
or f I lielhailing (iii
ite eutry and
the prt rt-reasnable
it.you iIfidiianywhaere
rallit liii fromt
3cto $5.00
Sheehall & Co.
Student Bookstores
AG _
kFY.'Y & BROS. AK-at1
The Largest Manufacturers in tine World
et Official Athletic Supplies
Blase Ball, Foot Ball, Gbof, Lawn
Ce nni:s, Basket Ball, Hockey
u fltitat Implceets tee Trait and Field Spot
Uftori,; tor all Spet. Spalding's Handsotely
Itiarated'Catateguee etalloticnpe t in nua -
nicrows-:ieggesiinn. Sendeor it. -Itfre
sitl, 5ai-a. iouti, Sani.ranctio.
Si c iv - i tsita, ic i ynnati., tis-
;i iiiiii aesar City, Clevelatni,
s.,i-u- it ,-i. itliti. Nlritrenal, Cand.

Neiws.......... ........A. F. Ritchie:
Atiletics..... Willianm F. Gradolph
-Sitiig .. .C arpien E..Eltiridge
E~xchaenge. it.: ...fJohn Wambol
Music tail Dtatnta... ..Roy D._W46f
Womnt's trtlftor.... Louise vate Voorhis
J. W. McCandless Elmer C., Adams
Johti F. Werz Robert H. Clancy
Hirat. S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chauttcey Boucher B. GT R. Williams°
[David F. Sieveisihn
L. C. Reid Lee A White
Raymond Viutcher. M. B. McHugh
A. L. Heinline Robert Mountsier'
L~owell J. Carr Donald L. Kinntry
J. IT. Prescott
John F:. Were' Carl H. Adam
I-farolid P. Gould
Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Managers Hours : I-2 p. in., .7-$ p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
I ttURSIIA.Y. INOV.I Fl ER 'f7, 1907.'
It, has heeti pirioiisedlitnd.for, the
presnt hie editors ofi this.iiptiersiffci.
this. suit s.isa stggestioti thut stuidett
i1ttain tiita reserve funtot i lcelcrassn
upoii in such emtergetnctes as. a leu we'
w0ititit sendilour terelas in a.,gamie;treat.
t biantd, or itndutlge iiitt aly acttvitt
ich diemieiandis ready mtitey.This so-
calledi reservei'fontiioght lx stibsertied
(tiin t cuerlier wis hof the semester.
liy tisintg regularlyipreipatredllacks.Eacht
stuidenttoibliges hitmselt to pay in a cer-
tar tiisiie(p referabily not. to, exceed otne
dollartoitic funide, by a certain tine.I
'1Th.istonery coutldi le hatndled hby a stut-
dett i treaisurer, elected by university meii
aitti ccrii itto ier office. ; Such ,a plain
w'll intsture readsytmontey at all tites.
'hltire is no (tPityitig the fact that such
mt cr ctrying aroundl for maotnty as wsa
wciitessed last treck, tric atisitally de-
telopes >cht tie sit sciuld .indulge
sometativtsits, is undtigified if tnt poi-
ives has ttrmful. 'The trtading tipont ret-
resuiltiniidismal failure,.atid spt ii afail-
u tretattfo titnc, tnt tose ondlther
scusto ta gamte aftet:'such' anmove-
t-irtt iats.been t rtrid,,swulid tare re-
suts nti pleasanit to Contemplate
Againt we tire gladl io do sutch acts as
the use mecntined, attinoonearqutestiotis
est work is the otnly proper move. . But
it is a nattier ittdouttlwhlethieriar ntt
the iitlctic .Assoitaioti as itt assocta-
tin shldtilpity for scrubs' trips.,Iantd
exttrsiois tarotther activities, whelter
orcit nt closely allieid to itts workiis. It
is ta Nve1lliutnoswnifact, sower-er,; that at
prsetithessoieatioiniis triottn- a post-
ioto perform.t suchltgerierotts ;.deedes,

art cwlenuwestutdets stop t ctnsier
tic. ggatiotwrk bsngcarridcil ots
las this saminitstitutiton, seemust ktow
that the reuetst ais eri.
lBut almost isvery mnere would
gladly tker the resposiility of paying
fis tithle itno a reserve tittd, such pay-
meet tto be tmad at his comvenince.'
The date ight een lbe held late itt the'
year for certauils stdet pleges colil
hi helid as negotable by the general
attletit association officers. The, see
c+'ilil ase a defiite sui tor work with.
We cold carry outetoutr generous im-
pulses antidntsake ai spectacle of stu-
iett finaces everytite te occasion
tiN c SUY" cg AIcNS.sdos
Now that a etomtplaintethlar beiivoiced
tgaitst inoisy idettratios-witt
"lanig itfell andilroar itt gttt"-nit the
Sabblath clay, it woruild bhr iell to reach
some defiite cisnclsios before the
matter is droippetd. We believe no offi-
cial action is calletd for. As soon as the
publlic mintd is arotset. as it lar beeti
by the distssions of the last fewv days,
it wrill firmnulate its owni lawis, atd it
can i-eidepenidd tpoto itobsere them.
Or it it seemis dseirable the Council
arigt idraws tilt a reslitioninitbIelal of
the studtetitbory, sblject to a tacit ai-
trovl tr refusal. Such ai resoltion
wsotldl avoidi the ionxiius features of
arblitrty legislatioti. atidlwold at the
samcir timie disiaoisay intentini of
turnitnig ourcbacks tn the issue.
W\hat the teor ott that resolution
shtotldlle is becotititg clearer every dlay.
It is ntiithini the piurpoe of the UnJi-
veit ti-tattagotize t-tther itstitti-
tis itt AnnmiArbor. All ae ti right
to exist. atiti pursue their wot without
iing- itiertereid with ly the Ioiseros
tuooti of tny other. 'Te churches of
the towni hare suffered seriously, atd if
only as ai tatter of commniot courtesy,
ought to be relieved rout the fear ott
further ditturbance. Mich crt
weighty ini the deciiott should le the
respect de-event from at irresponsile
stdrtnt-t the day of worship of the
iatioS atd the rtce. Whatever may be
lie personal attitude towrdai Sabath
bretikitig, it is itotre virteoustis bei a
Roteatnwhle ii Rotte-for Rmee's sake.
Andilthere is nondeysig ttRomeua us
yirs- stronig cltis.
(Conitnudteem Page One.)
taken', iii hr the Athletic Asociaioti for
muembilerships, Mr. Blaird sadl
'Nearly the ettire amouotnt receired
from the stdtets fromthle stle of nem
bershtis iiithe tssociatiotisareturned
to temitsvalte rees-ci. The etrrett
expense's of the athletic association, t-
geter witht the concessiots gven in the
uay ot teduceetiprices to athletic con-
tests not toiinettioni the bitttons adilit-
cientals cesuesteaseedy-the shole
~Micigni lar te highest slried
coach athil tratier in the coutry. Well.
chit of it? Does any Michigan mant
wshi it Wer not so? If le does, le is
yet to e found What a howvl would go
eis it emther Fielditg I. Yost or Keene
Fitepatricmetwene to le let go, especially

if their release cmte frmt motives of
ecronmy t
"B" said in effect: The athletic
associatione'claims it istn the rocks. .
But sui a state of affairs is not true."
Perhaps e did not take the trouble o
inform himself ott the subject om which
he cas swriting. At the present ime,
the treasury of the athletic association
shows a deficit , a comditione of affairs
sswhicht will necessitate the profits rout
the Penti gane carrying baseball, track,
and all the other sports througt an en-
tire yar. 'Th deficit is not caused by
mismanagemnmt. The worst koker
will tot make the statement that the
fuds of the association are recklessly
or extravagantly hatdled. To te cre-
dit of Mr. Baid it inet be said that
the fact that thur past year wtil its con-
ference reformeeliuitatiotns, as well as
the imucresed exptenses (lie o the com-
pletione of the sork on Ferry Field di
ndt utterly swanmp the Michigani athletic
associationt and nake high-priced ail-
letics-thec only hud iichigait wants-
a thimng of hitory, is dlue to the able
eimaer iniwi che the affairs itt the ath-
letic association have ben comdcted.
"B' snas misiformed, else he wsol dt
htave swrittents ihle idid. Auth is a man
whit is aiparently jtidgimg soeley fromm
external apearances-suchi as the big
receipts of the association from a big
football gaue-capale of criicieng thu
attitude of the athletic associatioms or of,
a man uwhit has put athletics at te
west's greatest university on a paying
asis? I think not.
Until about ive years ago it cas
customary for the students to gather at
a lig meass neeting t the eginnintmg of
he year amd ledge muoey- for helfitg
toa maitaite athletics. Most of the stt-
uemnts gave romt $t to $ chile the
husiness adu faculty mete cotriuted in
larger amounts. This is io longer ue-
cessary, thamks again to Director Baird,
yet wheti the students are nv asked to
give twsemiy-five cents its a seaso, they
thitk they- are heing imposed uot.The
athletic associatiome is not a lriatae graft.
as muanty-studets see to belier-. t
is e-operative. auth the beefius of the
athletin asociatitoe are fnally advan-
tages o e ejoyed by the entire stu-
(entody. Wheen Ferry Field has becn
roiuihleteul : wheme Michigan hs alluwel
in play-blig gammes as formerly; atd when
the Athletic Associationt is ott a solid
finacial basis; then, it will be te to
ask the Associatione to give the scrubs
expentsive triphuc-ich will help to re-
card temi for their seasou's cork. ut
util thet, is it adverse criticismm
slightly previous?
Ji.Fi-gnONiax stIJ:,4T'O . muIann
'The prograne for the Jeffersoutiame lit-
-racy- society- for tomight is as follows'
Cturrent Events-tLosimger
Impromptue Deate-Affirmiatie, Ir-
cit;mnegative, Ryan.
Debate, Resolved that the telegraph
sy-stem of the counmtry- should be ownedI
atnd operated hy-te goverment.muuAffirmi-
atitie, 1E. ''urmer, J t~iUngh ; :egte.i
llegltam, 11. Germet.
WA.N''D-lStudent to udraw crtrunm.
Call at Co-op unuday. 39

This is the time of the year to
think of
Foot Balls
For years we have sold
the hest makes in Sweaters,
Gymnasium supplies, Foot
Balls ad Sportimg Goods.
Everybody knows our
prices are right.
Foot Balls $1.00 to'$5.00
University Bookstore
New and Second-hand
Largest Stock in Michigan
Quiz Cornpends
Tel 161. 326 S. Stae St.
A mrgeuiree ptnt dish wit
sei nu a meutiuled foodmhdisu mmii
tte uprts[m.Tutishe g
gem t utuu *. 6.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler


. O o

On Monday evening
November ii, an oppor-
tunity will be given the
Ann Arbor public to hear
one of the greatest prima
- donnas on tbe concert
platform. By getting a
season Choral Union
Ticket such stars as
Gadski, Schumann-
H e ink, Ed. Johnson,
Rider-Kelsey, etc., can
be beard at the rate of
30 cents each.
Season tickets - - $3.00
Single concert- 1.00

rbe Students' ecture tssocfatio n
Season 1907-1908
President American Social Science Association
Friday Eveuiiw#, Nov. 8.,1907. 8:15 P. M. r
UVnhvrsr~ty Hll
Tickets for Entire Course- - - $2.00
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - .50
Single AdMission Tickets - - - .50.
S. L. A. Office, Man Corridor, University Hal
Treasure's Hours, 4(to6 daly, ,Saurday excepted.
Michigan State T elee-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 65.


121 Washlngton F. The Randall StuiRan~dald Pack Props.

Phone 598

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