OfL r o NGS iOJNIsve ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own
Ex-Senator and 4,Bell-Wether of Recitals of folk songs have beentsunb- The College tank ltke a camel staking its thirst. That's all there
Mcia Rotr"and Prof. lltelfrterglrsoki h Siandard is to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do It
storye ot Mnsic fr tlte past two reci- 'anywhtere-any time.
I[Arioolie of the Trisht,Scotch, Weulsht andSEF P N
[..", wA[[ Efig r,4 ....Speak o othert~ Tuoa ilotatos 1th fol50 ledistnlnwtooh least C FIinoveine Yout
13 for 25 cenlts + swho has cliargc of Prof. Stanley' cans- "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"
Tinic-7~ If tonight. t« pus work dtiring the tatters abisence in cnb ildisatywtottelaticneine o
History of each man on card Spetiakers--Ex-Senator J. Murfin +. Eiuropc. arrangcd recitals of these songs. could fill it swith white id gloves on without danger of
't' aini Priif. Effinger. +'These recitals, although not advertiseid, Q J R Y Ssoiling. Besides its conveniensce, is the sptendid writing
jt j +~~~4 liisic -G lee Clits atid Itanit. 4 have attracteid an auidicince swhicti has qaiiso h oki-h efc ed
Corner StateSt. and N. Univ. Ave. Yctises"pdr o e I ae h aaiy of roomI~ C, CUlver-qulteofheCni-teelefed
i . ellt~astcs-+ S1 der"Coe and '' taxd the capacityLeading deales handle Ihe Conklin. It yanes does not, ardr " iyHlweete r ed
D.'tult" Kennedy. '~ iyHlstcr tc r itI dre". Peioes, $3.00 andop SedauiiOtehetienwctlg
4' Suites of Vanderbuilt gaitie hy '1' The tlrst recital was given by Mr.D"Snatocfrhndmeewaalg
+ t,yiidoi. 'II Killeen. Hle saln Irishi f lk, song.,s The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio
.,.p, suihject in whtich tie is quite ait home.
M oney Loaned 4. 4. 4. +. 1, , . .. .t. , 4.. icing an Irismanl hiitsself ansd amui
T1he last mass meetiing hut one before clnas wvell. Mr. Killeens has receiitly'
On Watches, Diamonds. Law Books, tePnslaigmewlbehdindone original researchs swork fis the Bel-
ori otiihervni gaioona proirty behldiish Museans in this subject of Irishf ,
or oher ersoal popery. itiuesily Hull tonight. This anid the fl nsc
Watches and Jewelry repaired. one of Nov. 5 witbfticl ootalk eaedi, anti sonic of his results up- .-NOW5 . R
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds perd i is recital. With his natutral .. W F~ READY
incellgs andithue new idleas for rooting YYF IOfc trsdne31E iet tsympathy for the stibject, his agreeable in'
Ofieaaeieee315 iet t tlhe Penniu ganme will he explained in:^{ yA
Ann Arbor. voice, and his happy mainer of pee-
Hoars: 8te 11:30 a. in., 1 to34:1 asd7 to dhetail. Yost anisbs msen stilt he on senting anda ilusterating Iis sub~ject, his
9 . m. hand in the front row. tii oksnsSc'ddcddI t
ALL BUSINSS CONFIDENTIAL The presence of cx-Senator Murlin, Irsc oh songs were sai byeiss Foe-
JOEHC.WTS the bell-wethier of Mlichigait rooters," fneCmisl i ensa.Ms
a____________________nud Preofessor Effiniger insures some-caeCmblon edsay Mssg
lhiiigirtrti harig i tse ineofCampbiell prescet mlansy unuisual songs
ing orth rea n of t h ileo and the favorites as swell. Miss Camp-
THE LATEST LEATHER ipes. Isstibo- ell ins a ssweet voice swithi a tender
As areslt f hs trp t Nahvilequality so essenia~l 10 the Scotch airs.
ivitith taii.i~asot til sowsoe ams'ofth flk in1g have the etsapa used The new fall linle of college goods 15 no0w com plete wth the
W atch F ob clln slites of the gamie. 'FTie songs, for mdrsousmi iherapa- choicest anti most varied netw things ever shown. REULE, CONLIN
also, swill lie throwtni on1 the screent. lion oftens suffer. Miss Camtsbell sang & Ftitt. draw your particular attetioni to their superb display
with Foot Hall ectarmo in iteelluse Osf a shoirtage in song sheets iuo g~ul111 ~eaaito fsv fnwdsgsi ahta hr
Solle'ge color's. lie fewithIat are left still not1 be li'.- relgut ne~~i
Price 25 cents iriliiilei 1111 wsill hi' savsid fur the night ________..._~~~~~ Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading makes
if NOV. 15 Th'lose not yet fully ac FINE CHI ICKEN SUPPERS. MnsNwFl ekerMnsNwFl newa
AT cllaililed swithi the songs5 are advised to Me'_ewalekeae'sNwFalUdewa
DARLING & MALLEAUX lring their copies isf itse words with Special attetntion givens to private
2.26.Stns. ttei.parties at tie Cliftois House, Whitmore A luill variety of new styles of these world-famons hats to
Tli. samns seatinig arranlgemenit as ttat tbake. \We eater to dancinig, yachting, seetfo:Sesn.CnoHwrs
I u ti~ iss tsetins sil beadot-skating. ie-lsoatisg, aind sutpper parties.
Id C hidren wssill -not tie adnsitteud to Spriing chickeit asayos served svheni or- MnsFl as rcsfot o p
College tal ll iered at regiulair mrals or for specialMe'FalCprisfomoct.
Cparties. Mr. n Mrs. Jas. N. Burke,
Steins PRINTING-TYPEWRITING. Proprietors, cod Reule, Conlin 1i ,i Fiegel.
CALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main Si. Electuon cards and all kinds of print- Celebrated Martins Mandolitis and
Iig at loswest prices. Sttecial price given' Guitars are best far nmusical clttbs.
lot ticket orders. Alichigan aisd fester- Schiaeberle & So11, lie S. Maiii St cad
Clean to Haindle pily stationtery a specialty. Headquar- -_________
dii a toSill' tees for typewrititng. Jolliffe & Ritz- WVioter undllerwecar-uionll suits fuoms
01gae tin0arrv A KS T A R O
M ORE'S NON - L[AKABL[ nmiller, over Co-op. cod $t.oo to $5.00. Wagnser & Co. Stale SI.
FONAN NSigns of the big swhie shuoe. 37-41
POIJIN PNtyrographsy goods at Foster's. tf ---For Finvest Cuisinre
The Best Fonntain Pens - - Mlandohhu andt guitar players swthh take
Ever made at Any Price. See our' conmplete line of Michigan delight in loking ovcc thse Gibsons Wash- served e,. la Carte
Fom' note by spis, fobis and souvenirs. Halleros Itris, Maclbs atsd Vega tine. at Root's
East Unilvesisty Pharmacy Jeswelry Store, 216 S. Main street. cod Old iinstrumnts takeni on exchlange, and
1515 S. U'nieersity Avenue. easy paytments arranged. tf
Beth Phone 511 Houne l'hone745 Cisc Iso yoiu howl' Wvie have tte best al- -_________Pries Most Reasonable. MACK &[ CO.
ivy s andi roonm tit the state. Try thent. Since 1858f we have made Watch Re-
I Iiisloui Bros., 311 Maynard St. if pairing otne of our strongest features. ________________________________________
V. of M. --- IfHaller's, Jewelry Store, 2tS S. Main
n p+,p See our cotmplete hine of Michigan street. eod * j j' LOANE wale D. iamtonds, .Iwtry, and all
Barber Shop and B)ath Rooms pins, fobs attd. souventirs. Haler's [H0,[U 111 cl3 Oss 'liottci and Coltealn Seen'-
~EvrytiiEs FPirat-allele Je-sselry Store, 21d S. Main street. eod Alarm Clocks warratted for one year, iO Fourth, Avenue oposul scou7t I ous,
LargsotffShop inathe City $t.oo. I-taler's Jewelry Store, 226i S. Two doors south ofCity S M. I. A. W. J. LOVRtIM
J R. TROJANOWSi(I, Prop. kll lte biioks for rentt at Fosters. If lain streetl. cod ______________________
Elephants Breath is the new shade-It is nearly a brown
bnt different-Ask to see this color and the many new shades
of brown We are showing.
WAGNER & 'CO. Importing Tailors. State Street.
The Ann Arbr 'ibl Chirs Rowe's Laundry.
TheAnnArbr BbleChars THOMAS Rowe, Prop. Gas Studr Lam. s
s444 South State Street.: 326 N. Fifth Ave. :y ",
New Phone 437 Bell Phone d57-L Iasszre a steady, soft glow.
The Credibility of the Gospels
A special lecture by G. P. COLRR SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY .
Sunday Nov. 10, 12 to no :16Sooth state streetEayothee.
a____ Classes Satsuday. 10 A. Mf. sad Easorte inerie.
7:30 P. M. ldrtinpce
The Religious Educatioln of the Assemly n o'elook. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Child '---IIO O
A series of lectures by G. P. COLIINf IG o
Tuesdays, 7:10 P. M. beginning Nov'. 5 Chinese Chop-Suer Restaurant O.*s the bait from the lamgeat aaaortmorat.
All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are free. Std'nt hnese fanscy Dishe, Amercan Lnches of1
and others are cordially invited. tins , ladies and gentlemen. h An Ar o Ga Co
Chinese and Japainese Bric-a-br'ae.
VOi Stain,. one door S. Huistoi Bres, 3145S. Stole St.
Will, Soon Open MICHIGAN UN1ION CAE Watch. For It