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December 01, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-01

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~~ ~TH-Ei MICI-IMA.N DAILY iholdt tli(e hatedi'teitle 'gatittally ex- VS 'lA 21 P1 l\17PS
W idt - i oI tlss wouldis dits it is liet' that dis- - --1
. H 1H. ti ( 1 Com pan d~c- uing- liih~r Ata~i, F.Rt~exi tisfaciioit iould(1result. Prof.1C. IH. Vant t''te'poke at ?tt- iris A rag Jx F WU l ItsTh Dlvsble tat he n- llan 1l S dyevm , i, u-
- - - -- -- -- itlt ittash'lotldl te takent ti the athletic jet tbeig '"fur I'Untversiy s a Place S a t n e y
The Largest Statck i nr soclto sic shtistittion derives for the Practice (f Virties'PiTh'ees __________________
the Cit News.s.... ....Lee A Wite. t eatst benieit from the atd at pres- noteoitf his address was moral corage
oAthletics ...........C . Eldridge i t. 'Tr athltics assoiationi sold nllot adth le asoltreeessitt f is to en- H-ave just receved a large
Exchantge.......Robert Aontsier hr allowtso sbear te rlhole butrdetn, atle a stdiet to (ecie rgty aioi slpnent of Seal ads
yp7 tMsts.. . .... t... ollis S. Baker 1hoswiever. fOther amepts organitzatiotst r irstlritsof life tttat cofront Ihil).. Block Al
E cu ie Styles in Drattta. . . asyimoid Visseher at sev in Its stutitr b-hi~~t itself, should As regais tempe irance, te sid T hr
Exclusive ~ ~ ~ Wme ititts I' ito'...Loise cVant Voorhis wtllingls smtiilisirs. Whenapritttais a slnidpoti un~~ iit o enfi n tihe ta o ei'y
r~rran riri Wntbnd o ihc Mchgn olitb uivstyti sto figt te iseata ny S a i n
Proudsit siis tffeig itself tos its for the oeat imsigioft tier cu w ousmc-WO L N Siiic inl] Lonrs.Ri mr.masofs iscce ti ea l h de htiecanthv
W v 11 I\\iS.5<I)t Ittt 5. tit eadaif d siielf-c.iterstat ~;octluute ithot scthe soingsowl Splutid qlityyflinen
t ic;2 i sits bls l vetr eioShls sill gat el 'first s sho li tsstassed bst e nsitss f moasits I samtpedl withiBlue or Gold or
F or Gentlemen's Wear fr n isael IB Milughlicerd 1.GodingI itscou eitrg.- icomibintaioniof Blue ad Gold
asild Kitittthelfaoaba.lJaiteationtat -24 Sheets of paper with
Ilsustisethitig reiquired for Suio I ' its uicl.ars sBOsYisft ltSlt ' F AVO 1 P ~ iS trie \litis rt h ts' til Iistl:it 1e ti ei lp
Oivercoats, Fancy Vetings, and IathletteS 'sVII I 51IS isas isi stuetsiareitilks itnIs' liesom
'liouseriags, and oh high iilss r!1t as i tts ss.sieiii ts t es e l es.t's It is ei i s hould lss i e Is
tiiaandsata 'ttlsre 1(est ;, isoit 1. lMsorris csnstil i It 5for Ilit os's, keitus betiuk yIlto t his lticfs. litsta nn ue
Full Diress Suits a I . C. W illiamss Paul Leidy flist eS ci lg l usb s lalsgis sit sniight, favo s ielts yltysto t eIts ltcasoito
Specialty'1), A. Itt tclvv Fedisi t oni'lits stllees he s its,tsoult s'se st't ditisss' ts loytoi te per box
Itoward ftlltharry Z. h'ol \ t-Lae xpes hi s elssibe- i evrssit. ITe cae tisig't the___________resent___________
I. T.Co I lit IV If.D t'Elliottit listvin i m at t 5blst's growtit''ells x- sitastonsiits foosistblis'dslit' a its e
's fismIaityy.i . tHahni sussisitheirthst' o f thes' sgi'andidd mteiasitiisiitefa'ultysess n 1tsMinntiii W j A R ' I
G. H. W ild CCIi.any ' ftwa ifts ll '. \fiki"'ltt tihsO c tageit of sa hors'slife Iha s tiit iitond tiiti i 'aye swhtheyarcmo 1\J'''i
311 South State Street 1. 1F.. Vsitel. Ic st i~ thi iss tsbringsi stsoutsorecfo ui i s s i ucha'ritble s fete." U nvesty Bookstore
ItUIN~SS 'rAF5l isidisas5that flighting adsit l e
____________________________Call__ 11.is I :If is ut L. . I.larisill stsstss i'ii'til is s iu
CEOAT Ietoitesas O;ati HPrssBllg relly thseetr At sn sosuithasst m scif) rm
SPECIAiL SALE Adds lCHC L, Pres lg, iseriofleiire andit tnitedi (Jofi C. E. B AR T HE L L
Maynardpfisna's cfnatfs usuu farts5suiher i si
Misanagers .ours:t -z p. it., -8 p. M a risnitit''out Ihis thuugu t, esatishthu sitsW isisiqirit \itti sits
ON daily, escept Sunday. Both phone sutr t su tsidtinr-shpnisriieuu sstrua h ew at. hihetc o na
In ut tsn ssssnvinte t oseclls' t h ie stinlistt'i t us ee sun I to 1 1
sigac ns Te rs' nee'e'uto udev'elop ssco iv e ethttls'ge'su'"''suu'use. Ittsseer B ® 0 K S
High Neck s 'othe igtindfuuofman, mn walitwill ml'uitu
IRE r ~~~~~~ sussud f be sigt I inuiuss, artun factIsuel its' ususu ytsu hess best ii oni thsitsfwee's''
Sw A tR I ;~5~ '~ ':5s' ~i :;;a and thid t productettter' tti'ai' iquiuttO is sitoiiiIei'this.Medical
us 5 n, is tale ni' t mi s tof hef asf1, ushisthrusi es olut' fi this'clutbsit'tiuSnot. la'is" thh is tsh eis u o'suit'
For a few days onlysei Ise husIi i ti iislits le n suihtili Al.s ielctr il rii 1suis acs(s'bhi
5 .kens istsftrheluisti isuss usuiss ussutihats iss'uuusi u h--_ ius S Sit stes ch. iesat1i n v ll',. Second-Hand Laws Books
se\i. hul)\ CAFIt I ll ~h TO 332 . 51t51e St. ,5,.;' 5
0 suts ttus uitsss 111(1NO IIis'h'h'ONLaw ansI Medical Dictiiosaries'
iifiso nhi t itis tint'tifC e-itAMBULANC Bll Phoe, 98.2 OQiz.Books, etc.
et sit io et a n s ~ nrtx o dnituthe 'Christina,u Iuscati ats'os R. A. OLPH & CO. Coitplete liteNess'a'tdstSe-
thsT e D iyhhvsta hr al hv thc is' r'ci' hi's it nga'tu' h e su tn Sucisisstutu. Al. atiuteott l atds.
Funl line at hetbut ons it l asc ite sefrv5 ies Onio5 at e nrtes.itwhethirelt rtir29 Funeral Directors Old ooks takent ii IslItgs
ofIl,,haed duin tnc atleicSe ol e s lushno ..:' ttuir lst meeuting the 29S. 4th Ae. An ArbOr, Mich
Shea o ~eiitllit , ~rmn ee-bado irhfe''ctor, sttusphispinithisC - BRTEL
io1111,.. m te st or n lubhusse ito sll fis twossesiiIekuss- I 'a 1 J
Sndal l~J i f s rtiesse") sssunsuaIsi'sIlthus'gins' ingsuusuuu uu u csiu I'usls Desemberst huuu' 326 S. TATE SRET
Students' Bookstore of f ac Cleeie Puss ut us i s tugk; hessse tso ssekfsssuitdisillu ' flr--Second Floor Tel 71
reaon hy els h~ic sh uld no su s i tshe the iingu r'oomuu'at thusrisue
sore___the__________________of__in___itution shd f fosu sdollasrs ad auu l Isuf u iseek.Plaes n p hs;o oleelf hn ah eim bigrsre n hs es
A. G. Spalng (& Bro.id~ i ~s, nh et emao n ig laalthmevs fstsp s eeneths sscnilef eocn mt hudreitrintecok omI 1a s 1
Ch y et auaeuesi te c i that would 555555f t '551" silt- tft'e cfttsh u'is ts'efre its th e l cs '15
wo rld' aua hlt'ic'Sppits tu stiteu '-uu ftu'eutlsss hslss il li les Ppular for Two for to come to us for anything
ar'' gsun'.TW SEASONS' w 25c. in the jewelry line, largest
Foot Bai, Basket Ball, Iee Skates, f theitshansui thusnu,5sis reo Stly oistit susfI ated in shape ut the "'Pat- stock, lowest prices are our
Hockey. Gat, Gymnasium idcmns
Apparatus. is wrhyt h ipoted uiBsithis' lVe hae sold toyoirgratdather etdLock Front' which avoids idcmns
stiaulsis's utuaaiuesy tt sratet iuslsofs inhoutit" httsssusfufusoit it his-suund o yourfatter so let us sell to yu. collar spreading, can e had only in On caeu co prsn i al
Castlogue at alt spars sutatos nat- O hso fa i5555evryon fro ai ng 5sht thine istlisliel t858. IHalers jewelry we ask. The resut will
iru',ssggestins, imailedt freeany- isttit e T e th i ts l atenht S ore 16S R icS. h-te pleasing.
wher ue, ..S. Md ola W . .ARN\ OLDJEWELE
A. G. SPALDING & BROS. I 5rits hs'ssiEWE s OLEE
e ah Claa Ot o n SiouldS li i atleic oi atic Cmptus is 30foris ocentsat MisiewYokCicgo Dtoi_ 220 Soth Mate Street.
udetke is suprhot everIs ,s andushLovell's. 49,5, 53 UNTESalT COLLRlCt i(Makes,,Tetaj.Y
coat is absolutely orig-
.inal anda' the process of
Stationer sss'hs constructing it is pro-
TH19IS TE LBELtected by Ipatnt, as

LSISTt anti tion, it is two coats its
"5' s' one the first as a dressy
=C 4 ., : street coat-the secod
2 5 c per box stormt. at .toDriis'o
Including Envelopes


121 Washington E.Th e Randall St udio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 59o

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