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December 01, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-12-01

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Tff N It~1Ic N IJAT

-.. :-

Sweeten Up
Money Loaned
On Waches, Diam oncds, Lawnleeks.
oretther peruonaliproperty.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargain, in Watches & Diamonds
OflIce at residence 331 E. Liberty St
Ann Arbor.
lieurs: Sto 11:30a. m.. Eto Et:3and 7 to
9 I, n-
OInn Make
W;cc I ccm i cccii)-()trac . l Ie
Ow 111w L $1.75to $510
Stwomk$1,IS0 to$i.50
Darlin~ & Malleaux
H 1X11) l iiC ilitic1'R i THS
322 S. State S11 nnAbrMc
Phoer 359 Bell AnAbr ih

F1KIIII GRI, OIIN IASS 5(81111' JNIR\\*l 1C 1 c [ 1 'r "'- hrotn;hout school days, collede
. cdays, bushines or professional career
iti a ti he Ilcfreshmn'stlrsi tniae.They 'lhe rcccI- cliii ltl iieiu c the ihe(CoklinPeniill erveyou1 faithfully ad dmake
pl iiiihad, uchy lost to tie ctlt Juiiir k--c, cii soccity wi libihl this writn ac st . Youd n't have to roan it or
cupi, hl Ik on. the seniors. Dr. ccei n -ii i clofussiwitic cititocget owrt. Because of ito won-
dfulfed r n ipe Ik eponids instantly at the
Stuart hbcti-the twhistlc tci :13, threw-li-om of thiphicilocical lcicocr .The Celloee firstsr 1ean antans n even, steady flow to
111p thec Iall, ind immecdiatelythc senior 1I D.Ccitcc ii icic I iillt -c ci ii pl-Standard tlas dt.antergrata vantage o o g a
jitncii eniter Ictockeil the call tIctheic al cigccocraphliyccill ecl a paper1ol 1c9 SELF.
unniiig ceter, ecicding itic nailtl irigl :\lc cii liii cci o yite."i i ile apr i i O KL E ILIGPEIN
thc first iiiitioIC play 11113'Icc l lceior b aI viwifth ii )kccc l lcii doneii ,TI LIN
biasket couiri, it-here iscyd o-rd theinii- esubjic 0y Ii Scoiiiia -you're neverwthouttink. Nocmatter cwhere you may
licct pariof liii-glate.- . ft hilaIsttmeingifi hesoieiiheic ouIrom c pr hll ttpot office, telegraph
Thte lrescnlcic piilaiced it-l,ad i dntl 'iltI followtiing me ber ii liii- Kil: . office orhol ,or cconiithe Icaicn-all ycuihcave to do when
give up livtnct-c-u t hlci 1 c o re td ic i l lenC. %V.(Co1,\.:\.cW. i c lH. your Ciciciciit Ic-ti c isIcc ron idry in tic dip it in coy ink-
toi i at the cud of t11ccfirst half. 'They G. ilkerI, c1'. ccrkrJ.I-F. IH-rrisc. Icr. 1 well, iiis c- tl e sic-c-c i 11drycut- icr pen instantly fills
couditselfal aacntcteioodtea - ccuci1nA. It. r cchc : I1c.Ja()lilt itclciccieredynimpit.lee smevemle eove et
c-ol andu s ti r n gcbaituiii-crt ofte by JlG.J lC ini ng.II \t ciA C Per cicil nscc it . ciocii cy cdrocppeor-nitspilling of ink-no
o irk cud iriciit ktclce chctri ci tk lit I -C ititiitti~ ~interrtilpiticon -1tccc-ur ilti i i tou -ht. Hacndtsome eatalog,
leios. Telattcr-rci-always rc eady-c--- -- dircct froitth aitlcci i-irtrr, ITle Conkolin Pen Co., 310
adtheir paic gliwtasi remarklctl~ cciil-. Pient ortrpcifthciii 111 c i ci ci city l ankcttanttBldg. , IToileo, Ohioi, tnrequoest.
ratc. Thei-crscnirbasklelctsredte core (cc l tl tcli -ct-litaugh tWiltliami II ITill: Sold in AinnlArbor by fGeo. Wakr's Twil Boek Stores and Sheehan & Company.
lp-ilt , fori li ltey hat he badciii ll icitor lhtorci ic i ic i lla tittendliiiYale 111
wilt, ittlwh litu li i -c-cln in ihe tfes im n icaketl cc-ityt
ciiicurt Ic te asilet fthtimiiic
f( t utse ed tcmpo itil I-ct i iu t there.ll Foirty tigil t cthclI civitc fii \-al h- c
past theseniornenters adikeecitltlilt
Af~trthree iiii ic tes laiy, the seniort
afterwards, scccd.tlSlitrtilt-titer- coiidate. 4.28,j1tudts hai Irccc c -cr Reii "11f e e
iathet-i eiorscitct cIctiluute. the toll wit-cut Citettihia ndicityi . t~cl- o l i F e e o
v cccito cthe i lilcinc curtcall i itgritc
ce-citg\.tcis iletttreiw for ibasket .1 S ?. i .cule. Niii iii ccci'Thie largest distributors of men's wear-
]tll. A prlcestinofisetio screls ico 3c-ing apparel in the county. Ve special=
icccti le ecceci iecciicc 111 icicCi-.lii .I giiccc -lii ize in C Dlleg styles atnd cater to the
lice firs it halftc ti Iin favor fc Itie pcc-a.otise icccchicliliii ccnl icihainicii tastes of college tmen who are al-ways
senor. ,ldit~d.1 "adr lc~c h 11 1271i-.. 011 the alert for the latest productions.
thieicI btuilicng fthcc oni al. - - - That we have tunade a fine selection of
the- ci-ciutic-i t aritiedlinii Ilii - I ci4, le l icli")nic 11c.lls, ifobs, cud spoonincc
ittga -\:k ciii bothi sidi i ccclii ti ancd cluci~ed eigns atic i clccS
Ila~crs Sit, Q/e C~a sand uravenettes
ctc iic sentio c e e diclyiintutuasedi leccelcy Store, 216 S. aSit i. ccidtf eciits, teed \hl hefeh
:tc clacd.4 iliscr d. i ciItiiii tis only ncsayfor 'us t tellyo
Op it necessaryR to Ilrth,, 11
Tue fcecicuticc classc spir it wccasii licccc 11,plea-ic 1c-cicc i that we are sole agents for L. ADLER
ci ilcii cde5 iltc.ccii BROS. & CO.'S fine line of tailor made
peerin telinhnthtceiccresulti-itc.Cci wcicascotin. fyou know clothing, you
of ceicite conctcluionci. CC lth esenior
ccctil-ccilc IcIiliidtctcishii itliCi lleic li1i. tf know xw-e are right itoplacing this ce~l-
1wrmmerdtachi a h lclitNteihartiduneuexpert iwaccicrepai- ebrated line at the front.
c an-w r nd lesii icn c thle eicl cc i c-o
ticlii tic S . Mcciii SI. cciii I
icliici li 111 ii itl \ \-ii C -18.1-i ittic We carry everything you need for a complete
cciteccc Hu -,Vils, Cluiccitfrad.ti o ci 1c ilcuv at he I'lii, Riicic, 20(outfit
icce-.?.iic ci ccci ic iliccic i3, ;
cntei :c ihict it. King, lceatti setc , -11K 1 \C-S
cad :ccii nanktiinc. Iceliiccti Carr, cc
- tititic 1done atilicllifc- & /c olilii4 TesR o
hails1Ice icicmoement i tch cFindl r ie- iceci li. icei i.li cccciThe best Service and Cuisine and
;taciir C ciil-iiitct - A.A~etiti 607IlAii c -ic. PScilcSc~ i ici -leasantest Surrou ndings 1in the
cIi:n St,, allot rccci-iet reward.ct 3ciii Feathiriciii-c ritiiic table plaii , andi other
ii C~cc ililin cciCity. All honme cooking.
ccci ccl 1part c cusead a1fyl=ii r--titi -Prices Moderate
wihe coos olet cia lt lo tifiure In- If solidae yu ioticwokdoet K &
iiie 102 in ;.I Cathite t sore, 1 Hllcer's cciictill ice satisfied. I laii
ccc V 1lnrollcciiSt. 53-62 ler's3 eccelry Shir-. 2ib S. Mcaini Si. codi

F ull Dress Suits Nowhie in the realiic of tailoriing-ca
if__________l ______l______tie artisteshine a n ithIe makinge of pa-
bnent or fol dress ear and noihere iwil the unpraciced cye decct incerimriy
3 qicky as in a fll dreso suit. Our garmetsn are all iiade in occi- eccopsctic.unl-
der un personal epervison andilby comptntt wcorkiiecn. 5Wepatilequciippecd Icc
nelee t~ ~ WUAil &c CJCif -IO., IiiujocligTcq-lilic, Sle St.


Studeilts' Lecture Associatioll

--A I 1

Donald Robertson
Company of Players
"A Blot on the 'Scutcheon"
Next Saturday Afternoon at 2:30, ;tnd
"A Curious Mishap"
Next Saturday Evening at 8:00
University Hall
cc ictwo tcwutctcionctuinleS. L. A. 'etigrarni.
SEATS FOR MATINEE. "A hlot on the 'Scutcheon, ...........50 CENTS
SEAT: FOR EVENING PLAY. "A Curious Mishap," ..---7......5 CENTS
On Sale at Box Ottice, Uutverstty Halt


Symphonvy Orchestra
SA.XNlCELI. 'ERSONii C Kie OOiI. Condcltorc

50 Players

December 3

Wilt appefar at
Faculty Conlcert High School Hall
Six Conrts s$1.00 SlIglo CorconS255c
For Arts anid Crafts Ft'xrriituxre
is well adapted to furnish studenits' rooms as well as
the denl. We have a tice litue of these, also carry
everything in the inexi of Rugs grid Por-
tiers, to niake a room cozy anid cornfortahle.
Fs1rirnltsre, Carpet anxd Drapery Store

J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler
Watch-iRojpatiinj a Speaialy%
Rowe's Laundry.
326 N. Fifth Ave.
N Pn e 457cte HeBoll'Phone4571-'
Hialer's Jewelry Store
21k StItlil lAIN STREEUT
Large Collection Antiques in
triss, Iroi, Capper aid Chinaware
For i'ratc-cnit}. nd oirouurity hoiisesanOd
"Liudnfit dens.
dc 1.cc-c
Misc Florence S. Babbitt

STUD [0---

319 fEast ILhron


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