Published Daily (Sundays excepted) duiring
the College 3ear, by
WE have a communication which,
though signed by the writer, we re-
fuse to publish. It is not the policy
of the DAILY to publish anything
which might create ill-feeling, and
which savors of sensationalism. Our
policy is to grant to all our readers
the free use of the columns of the
DAILY for any article which can in
any way hell> to mould the opinsions
of the students, and contribute to
their welfare, or advance the inter-
ests of the University. But we must
refuse to publish articles containing
sensational matter, though the arti-
cle be true in every particular, else
we shall soon find ourselves classedl
by all parties as a sensational, ill-
managed paper. We hope our
readers and Contributors will bear
this in mind, that we are ever will-
ing to publish facts and opinions on
all subjects pertaining to the Uni-
versity, so long as they do not come
il the form of an attack on any indi-
vidual or class of >ersons, and that
all articles giving advice calculated
to be a help to any class of students
is earnestly requested, and will be
published, but we must refuse the
use of our columns to violent parti-
Editors U. O M. DAMY:
In granting the use of a room in
Newberry Hall for a businessrmeet-
ing of the Prohibition Club, the
building committee had in mind ()
that the privilege should extend to
other political clubs on application;
() that such privileges should ex-
tend only to business meetings, and
that the use of the room should be
paid for. It is the desire to make
Newberry Hall as useful as possible
to the student body. It was thought
that to encourage an interest in po-
litical matters was no more antago-
nistic to the purposes of Newberry
Hall than to encourage an interest
in any other matter of such vital
importance. The building commit-
tee acted on their best judgment. If
the association thinks differently,
the room will not be let for such
purposes. W. H. NpoLs,
Ch'm Bld'g Com.
NOTICE.-All members of the
Junior Law Foot-ball Team will
meet daily on the campus for prac-
tice. By order of the captain.
Oberlin To-day.
Will be Better th~fi t'roi-fsed.
"One of the Rifest;" that .will be
seen at the Opera HotSe tin Saturday
might. has prtoen itself feallyp roperly
named, and is one of the best comedy
dramas that has visited our city for a
long time. The dialogue is bright and
sparkling, the situations particularly
telling, and the driamatist has woven
together it story that is attractive from
the rise to t lie fall of the curtain. The
scenic effects are unusually elaborate
and effective. every inch of scenery
used being carried specially by the
company. The central tark and pier
scenes erit special mention. The
mammoth tank is certainly a strong
feature; gondola boats, sswan floats, tug
boats, ferry boats, row boats, etc..
cross and recross the stage with their
loads of merry passengers, while a
score or more of urchins disport them-
selves in the miniature river. Manager
ltssaui brings with ii avery strong
and evenly balanced company, and the
entire cast can truthfully be said to be
a good one. Thlie play is replete with
pretty music. charming songs, new
dances, andi ll sorts of good and pleas-
ing things, aid idications point to a
very large business being done here
by this excellent company.
have received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.
Four departments-Commercial, No text-book
or manuscript work- &nglish, Shorthand and
Penmanship. Elegant building, large at
tendance, efficient instructors, work thor-
oughliving expenses extremely low, 2.25 to
0'250 per weet, students assistedt to positions.
r s s For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President.
"TThe Niagara Falls Route."
Notiices inserted in this column at the rate
of to cents per line. Special rates for longer
tie. and extra lines furnished by applying at
the DALi Yo'0cc.
WA AEsi.- ly a cioietent lady a
position as iitron in a Fraternity
house. References given. Address U.
of It. I)111L1e
Dont firget we keep sweaters, best
quality, $3.5 0 to $4.25. Mack & Schmid.
Roois. 48 Liberty street. Hot and
cold water. Ilatli, closet, furnace, etc.
A few new and second-hand Bicycles
at greatly reduced prices at Brown's
Drug Store.
Michigan" and "Ann Arbor" soi-
venir spoons at Watts', 10 S. Bain
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
01fice Ba~rber Shop.
Fullhline ewstyle collars, 4 ply, 15c
or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid.
F. J. Schleede will bind your books
and magazines from 25 ets, upwards.
Furnishes all missing numbers in peri-
odicals; 266 sheets of linen paper, 9
by 11, for 25 cents. Photos and views
of the U. of M. Manufacturer of note
books anth tablets.
Anes line of Neckwear just received
and no better styles will be found in
town. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Mack & Schmid.
The following, from the Baltimore
American, is adescription of the great
swimming scene in "One of the Finest"
which will be presented at the Opera
House Saturday evening. "Some of
the boys dived in a way that showed
them to be quite novices; others
jumped itsfeet first; others fell ii.
Oiie abitious youth was a little late
getting in. He thought hoe would as-
tonish the audience, so ie.attetpted to
oive iii anit tie"'latted." IHis body
struck the water with a smack that was
heard all over the house. While the kids
were in swimming, calcium lights were
turned on and the light shone on the
wet, glistening bodies in a way that
made one think he was looking on a
crowd swimming by moonlight."
Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to their advantage to call on us
when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid.
Wait, Wait.-Do you contemplate
ordering a new suit, overcoat or pair
of trousers; if so, it will pay you to wait
till you see Mr. Rose, representing the
Custom Tailoring department of the
Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit,
who will be here Friday, the 23d inst.,
with a complete line of samples. This
firm made hundreds of suits for stu-
dents last year, to whom they refer.
These garments are always the nobbi-
est cut, perfect fit, and guaranteed a
a saving of from $10 to $15 oh a Suit or
overcoat. Office with Goodyear & St.
IF INE1 ( The Leader
in Fashions in
Merchant Tail-
orig. F'itne:
tine of Iiecc
Goods to select
froi. Call for
a fine fitting
19 S. MAIN ST.. No. 119
ANN ARBOR,. ' MIOH. S. Mai Street.
P. 0.i TWO STANP_~;
Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco.
Saturday Evening, October 24
E. J. HASSAN'S Grand Scenic and Comedy
The Oreat New York Police Play. The stage
of theatre covered with A RIVER OF REAL
WATER.5 ft. long, ts cc.wide, 3 fit. d"ap,40
tons. Real boats in actual operatisn. t2"'ny
in Swimming Scene-20. Magnificent Speciat
Pretty music andnewsonas.
PRICES, - 35, 50 and 75 Cents.
Reserved Seati i P. O. News Stand.
SToAnsa sMal Day Shre NY Nit Atl. Ka
Exp Lin Exp Ex. Exp Act.
ChcooLt. 7'05 set1itt 2 3t10it9 15 11014 51
Jecksan.......d'2.554 I25 ) 3O 47 44'0 Ol15850
Ghesa.. 3 . 5 30 7 l 9
Dexter....... 414.i..... li....54 il5l955
DeliiMSills... 4305 ... . :. 1t8
ANN ARBt.. 42I5 2 622i5'"61" 0,S 7 t 5u10iii 1
Ypsilanti.... 5-.3 5x-t s-it 5liti238 0 0 .12
ItWaynue 5 7-.oot .. i47l 581SO1050
Detroit hi, r d6 i6457 lO4 7 31 920 117r
A.fM.iA.MsAsi' sO tut1 -i sM.r1-
Buffalo...... V1 4001 725,3 1,60 _-
Chi. Nit
STATIONS. Detr Cb. Ling tvr. Sitc Pa. Mosi
Exiip ap tahp. tim lto. Ass.
Bufali,........ 12i 50 9451140i 50 60
A. M.A. M..M.. Mru. .M...
Iiletroit,L v... 8 20 7 1 20 7 45 9 5 9 15 4 45
WayneJune 900... 85 9.- 4o519
Yppsianti..ant sit 81to2x0Si471.10ion say
AABOR.. 935 039 219 95 iss tOts 552
Delhi Mills.. s4 . ..... 9 15.
Dexter....c55.. ...--9ti- -... 0
Chelsea ..141 ,. . -. .. 618
Jacksoni.1I Sit i1S 5t11iSi11t5t5
P.M. P.M. P-..A.M A. M. A. M.
Chicago, Ar. 75i 35519 o 050 40508 05 1115
+Daily. *Sunday excepted.
G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
ame Table going into eSect September13, 1891
Arrival of trains at ADon Arbor.
No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 a. m.
No. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Aceom..11 50 a. m.
No. 6. Clare Passenger-.......... 5 05 p. m.
No 1. Clare and Toledo Aceoin-iu so1 30a. s.
Na. 3. Through Mail---....2p..
No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a. Io.
Trains4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and
Toledo only.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.