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October 24, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-24

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~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c- The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Fsrnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Call and see ins.l 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.
]C.,_131l~r'U. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Wteight Overcoats
to be closed out at Greatly Redusced Prices.
AIlAlo8t1l1LIIiY, CO0AL. GEORGE L. MYOORE, (Mor islab) + +
WORKOCALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, AtFull5Line of alt Colege Text B~ooks, including Lao canl Metical BOe~,te b y the sak
CALL. eN Cheapest place foe Notle ooksase Fotttain feas int the eity. Pt'echasa tossed in.(comal tontg
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. S T '--, I=T=M old friends. I nose have my estire stock at tay sttore on NO. 6 S. IS AIN 8ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WAS-IIIN~eTON STRIEET. iNO. .. 0LO-iO-.

Every Stutdent will save mntey by busying University Text-Books atnu all supplil.,ato Ielqsaters. We allow ! Oriders fotrans, patie'sceeddings, etc.,
special idiscouttott LA XWBOOKS, MlEDICAL BOOKS(. IENTAL BOOKSi htstevety Iookuktscil in the icTdeepoe tt.l2N Mi St. o t IPet tict.
ttiiversity. :5,10 Blatnk Books at loswest prstces.MISUDT GRV ,
LEADING 1B00K STOlIE IN TEE'CITY. HgetGads t n~IcleS~leeyIat NiPset
j 'gi1[~~~TE - EXUSlK:IO -IAIPi t
RiQhmo nd Straight Qa±.I Third Days Tennis. Michigant vs. (Oerlin To-day. Hassall the imoperoed tmachiterey, ettdtistpe.
par_ etd to turntottfirstclasssworkohoret no
No. 1I-lice. Come rctuteial swtrt Strtncedotscare;dty-.
Stotieatnd Aackenzie swere defeat tile O berlini teanit arrivedl htre Prieeseatsonable ettdelworkotrhaeteetteel. No-
CIGARETTES. this mtoring, 00ntte 7:40 T. & A. 210 ast-tuteonte. A P .CII'1W1,ltofrletoIr.
-,Cigaeette Smttterssetuo ctd by Browno atdic aw~uu yesterday R. K. The following is the compl- 0. M MARTIN,
w d aret williag to cay a little ot itt~tI
molrentitan tite sprsce afternoo seTe crer saroere sto fter lvn yadcen-DELRI
chareesgetd for h eleies Ot.lui iit theheirrdivtiaAylait, Cloth Caskets, Metallic
trade oCigarettes, swill fiad landicappetd by having never playced tre; Jacoubs, rightt guartd; Wise, left AND COMNMON COFFINS. ___
A THtS BRAsN superior to ___
aloh.togethr not even in practice. Blrowvtxgttard; Joists, right tackle; Blerry, ..A OHMS
Cat Nal1Cigarettes are tadetfromnthehbright- and Shawv, on the contrary, letlaayceMrradn
est, mutt delicately flavtored and highest rest t et end; Williams, S. K., AS BSHC . IOALtN
Oo~ eP~e nVrii.TaaeOdtogethter in last year's tournam~ent AS BSHC N AGG IE
and 0 efOrgnat l raadn fSraiiahttut isteCigarettes, nd Ytiuarter-back; Williams, C., right Nottr th ainStreet.
and seas hmsughtssthby us is the year 1875. an yesterday played wvell together, half; Grosvenor (captain), left half; RINSEY & SEABOLT.
Beware ufimittitons, and ohbseve that the
Sm, name ashbeluw is asevery package. The first set was a very close one Regal, foil-back; substitutesWilder, Baskers and deslers is
The ALLEN & GINTEeia Branch O h neia n abounded in fine strokes. It GlcSvg and Simpson. TheGrciePosonFluadFe,
OPothe coen Go:.sh6eanCd.an u8ck Svge.cei WP avsingtoand Feed
Manufacturers. .-.-SRichmond. Virginia.lokdafisastug Sonad team is managed by B. M. Btogen. SadE.wnigoSt
SMackenziewolwithse.Sr: One of Oberlin's halves is an Indian. Ji . HA LL ER
Csptl $.50,00. Spotuandroft, 17,000. Resnn tae..Stllttl--S AeotPorm epsiring aspcelaltl 46SOUTH c5MAINSOT.
_________ StoneannetMackeziet11 1SS1000010100 - --______
Dos a general Sashing husisnes.Pays in- BIanju Solo. . ..-----------Melt ilspeIT 'T'TSO ,... N
terest t0h Saving Dleposeits. Hassatety In the second set, Stone and M\ac- U051kic
Deposit Bases teorBent.pees laesValtue at Educattion--s------W. B-IOxtohy -
R. KEMPF, Pres. F'. H. BEISEII, Cashier. kenzi e went topics bothplyr Epitome ot the Week.------H. D. Hanhins State Street Grocers.
Bank seen Saturday evening. inefrnBihcciohrb hajo and P'iano-_.Melt Gillespie, Mien Davis Students patrotiage especially solicitetd.
inefrn ihec te ytyn eae eovd htteIihHm ueAnn Arbor Savings Bank to cover the whole court. Score: shoutld receve the suppot ofthe English 24S._SATSRE_._nnAborMichCa____toc,_____W
Surplus, $11VO,000-Brownsaned Shase____.1 15 0 1 1 0 1 1 ~- 6 vNers. AfJ .Jhsn e. .W -
Organised snderthte General Bashing Lases Stonte and Machenzie S 5 1 0 U51505U5- 2 etIonh.
or this stac. Receives Deptosits, hays andGeraDbt. v T - v
selts exchange on the, principal cities it the Intescndcas SedmPaoSolo. . . . .Miss Davi
United States. Deafs cashed upon proper I h eodcassingles wingao ----_--------- IsDvsietfcain fies a a aytm ihPita. Tesceywilme nRo 5
It. D. HAsRIAsaN. Vice Prs, Efirst set: nortt ing at I o'clock.

Sydam ---t .--- 1 0 1 0 1 1t1I1I--- I6
Youi Probtibly htave sonic Broken Arti- Pitetan.--- --0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0---2
dce of Second set:
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT Sutydam. ..________1 1 1 1 1 1--- 6
OF REPAIR,'ittmsan-...------0 00 0 00--S
OF REAIRGarnett won a hotly contested
WM ROD IiANTtEmatch from Sumnmers. The first
Is the Place toeso.
IA N D A ,Lg Sammers_ .... 100 t 1 I 01o01I-011100010100-6
Second set:
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Gsrnet...-------1 0 1 0 1 5 1 1 1-6
MILINEY ND RT OO SaSmmers....... 010 150 0 - 3
MILLNERYAND RT GODS! The finals in the first and second
iS Cst coo Sted, clans singles and first-class doubles.
SH R HA D TAKE A are being played off to-day.
sxaR H~n GCOUSE.
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Schost, New i
Building, 20 South State Street. Game called at 3:A0 o'clock. ,


Neurtc'E.-All candtidlates for '915
foot-baill even are reqluestedl to II\H< fuefu~Te
appear daily on te canmpus lotr -.
practice. Golt.
N.oTICE-A browna overcoat was --Ti'
left on the tennis fieltd, corner of
Ingalls and Washington streets, on!
'Tuesday evening. Finder will bel ~11b1
rewarded upon returning it to I ed- t--1 d~ .II~~~dIO vI
lyman's, 27 N. University ave.
NOTICE-A tmeeting of represent -_________________
atives of the foot-ball captains of the
class teams in the literary depart-
ment, and the department teams in
the other departments is called for7
o'clock Monday evening next, in c
Psi Upsilon house.'
R. T. FARRAND. t Port St., West, - Detroit, M1ch.

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