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October 24, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-24

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, 1. 1a .

VOL. 1.-No. '2?.



PRESIDENT ANGELL TO THE b~een -visited and approved, was first
REGENTS. pust in execution in 1870, nod studet s
wvere first received in 187 1. 1The
Twenty Years Reviewed in an Inter- numbesttr of schools frons ahict stu-
esting and Instructive Report.
__dsesttostwere thtest receiedl wtete
(Consctsslel. ifew. Else.stnuber frons witehtsts
'I tiitk all wvho knsew tte tsiversity strnts cotuld be received ott dilomsal1tt
t\\ectty years ago andrl twIo 1k1000-it Ye't tt I e-rt ltts lot
tots', still say thaot tihe tortals anttlare otstsitde of thta statte. Itae cott
mtannetrs tttd spirit of goad order are sitter eithser thte efiect ott thleschtools
setter stats tttt ttetttty e tten.s sronthle tstivesrsits it awottltd probly
'there is trst sice. Thtere issatttcer Itbe ut to 0aV thtatlto ,tet ofthtttc -
settse o1 deco rtutm. Thtereis ott enttre \otytt ta sintthttt at tt titystats
atbsee 01fttestirit of petty misschittf ttettsmoreesrvtceasble tltattnttecate-
tttout thttt tilditigs tttd thse grotssds. itll teetopttettttttf0 ttepttletity, aylitelt
No ptrecatutiossare stots-secessary. ittoa tebtttghtttselfitotttso clttseai
Ttte telatiosts ofsttudettts etisifacusltiso risttflltittstt tthtit reltptrlatosy
bsetwseen whlomstshere uoed to be stot tctoots tit thitta te atttvtl tsotte stt
ta little suntlteasanttfrictiont, are stows-nstighbsorsitg s ttes.
alssost ideally good. Not Itat otss "Itt tsmsay elI be sslsttt-tls-sltht
Utniversity- cosmmsusity lhas sr ehedth le sspotrt-s chrlasnges 1inthesmethtod
sainthlood or Iterfect sistlous or ab sofis osl-k1in thse lstesrasy detItartssent

solute self-control unudes all circuso-
-callers. It it ssmtde up of persossof
ain age a t sohisch the blood iss hot, thle
sysmpathsies ste tquitckthe lungs are
strontg. Wve .s of01excstesseut souse-
timtes sutddenlyt sdr05n11tteirs reasoss for
thte msomtent,tttd thieis ieelissgs finds
sentt ins dessosntsttottnssose expres-
site lthanttrisec tBus tthty have to keens
st-sof01jussticeasnd at hieast a lotve for
whlat is riglit. Ustter tactfttl leadittg
tey-sooottretutrtn to their storstttl state,
regret thseir smistaktes, asndlcatshe
tltorossgltly trttsted its their aossstces
foc thte futu re. The greatt msos of
thtesm hare tile spirit of earstest fsork.

'lsave not been smade swithout protlonled
asntl ctrefttl cosnsiderastiost .11111discus-
sion1byltyhle literary fauslty. I desire
to beasr sitnoss to thte intelligeltce,
ietruostoess and devotiotn withltwhitcht
thte faculty htave always gienlthlesss
selves to thse study of the sstrsicate
ptrobtlemts ofivtttersity educa.tionl, and
t o thse cotnciliatory tttd Illsrmonious5
spirit ill whirlshItetyhase aced. 1 ittle
es-ry lpropositiont toe istsotva tosott
tldlusages ltas heelt stost thtoroutly
examineds~, ttsd shisle it s0 lstrge ta body
dlifferentces ofoiiontott Imany sutt-
jets muttst nlecessarily exist, it has bseetn
011 unwlrittent lasv of that botly whlich

Ssertveawiths great saltisftctiothl latv v
thsere hatot eel asa itd desvelopttet
of thelttatte univsersities g.enerallyt UIIa
thtrottghottt thtle -test. Their prtrss
ttsd t«-e maytsay otth e ctoe of lost
eery tit01, teirasststetlsuteetassr
1p1oofs thIt th le 1pr inciple otis tolletl
ttss ttuttt~tio ts foundedtlis sound, INEW
attdt attake ittreseontably tetrttilthttt
tesreat tunitesities ttftite t-tN
ttttsousathestt lreas a 1111 tot It
toteesrtabhlishttd tttd supptl oroted by C
thtt a te. T to ae allItretitetntly
tattlgratefuslly testtfted to te telpt-j
fittl inlutentce ofthIis tlts tt tup1o01
Ithett lift. Theytltat-e totar-c doere ! IST
totlo«s tI o11rstethtotds. Illttheitr se-
ret - atttlitntteirgret promsseocst-
cttn hteati tly-rejoice. 1 1011mttettrit-
ereaisltg strengths toe alsotdratw
to Caliotrtta astdIfrout nosths Dakota
to Texasstowv htatoits statle stitsersity.
Somse of thlese linstittionl s ae eta
counltered "reattdiftfictulttes anldttit-
ter oplposittin. sButits 'lmtost every
state of tte woest thtt state univtersity
is thte best endowsed, thte best equiplped,
antd thle tmolsttuerously tttentded
istiltttontof Isihes etdttattoss111 the
Whlen yo
st-tte. lse ohjectolls raisedl tothlett
int ;;hoes
ttt te outset ltatve lrovedl to he ill thtt
mtaint grounldless.'tTte sittes ate (011-
mttto Ito ttettr spportlty tte lare l
expetnlditursl eaIlred e l po1ntltttthe tiR
atndl by tte 11050et 01puilc st-entent
witeatuts llytlooksa . w ith attt ilt
1u111vertistht at oiler thte best tyIt'ofti
1h--her educationsintats, 111 tieltnltt- Cho
ogy tascd ssntte professionst, ;lmltot
without money anld withtottprice to
every yousng stttul cttd every younlgf 201 Stou
wvomansi. While its the ettst thte ighier NeTd
etdscation still conltintlco he furnshled iec
by institutionts restinlg ott lris-ate eit- Di
dos-tesits, its the woest andc cte south-
seest, thtoutgh sismilarly enidosoed col-
Itges still furstiosatst do a useftul
wsorks, ctscgreat usiversities soill esl- -GEN']
msot exclusively lie those sstained
bty thtestates. W4e lout- withsout boast,- IO
ingg, cherish thte belief thsat theseuoccess
of this Uie rsity htts conitributed not F
a little to secusre the beneficenit re- Athtloti
slilt, tat ovtr thsree- fourthts oi one
lantihe states are to furntisht forever o
almtoot tree of coot to thte studt-nt, thte
best esdsca tions so it Is o-ltiels to fisrtIttre
htims111111v10y50orthyt' pursuit. i A .
it ist twtithottgrtefusl capprecialtiont
thtat ichligant sees sshatt thtis t-tioe-e
sity Itas dolte lotrIterown-sils ttsnt
dauttghterIs, ttis notawithsosat jtustbride
thtat shtesnat see sohlat thte Uiversity --
has dosse also Ifos spreading the Iliclti-
gtsan ideal olflhlgher eduscation os-er
Xil the vst regions stretching fromn
lier tothe Pacific."'.

Mailed to You .
Through Your
Maatusshetrers of Fissest Plaisn
antS Jeswelled Ssociety Basdges.
1 s iris oewanttthelatest Metropolitaon Stles
se 5ic toils.slpir letss11tha1nAAtssArbosr
pr ices, send frtloselsto i
-1. FYFE: & @.'
is. Speller & .
University Ouetfitters,
ess Shirts, Gloves,
x Underwear,
Gymnasiumt Goods,
D IFRDSt:5llt'-h(iIN
By th yi g; u r t
I I s ft w e s e e i e rc c

Nothistg is miore erroiscouis thatn the lesselctdotisbet-n disregarded thast ito
opissionts omtetitmes expressed that Ithe iportallt stelpshsoultd le tatketn unttil
tioral sentimnts oh great bodies oh it hiadh heets approv-ed withissuh-
studcnts are belowe those oh society stantiasl unanimitt-. Whit-i it s
about thesi. On te contrart, from thins decided to act, actions sas takess
tio single class of young men-the wvo- swiths courage usid persistesice. To thtis
steen are by cosmtiois cosisent left oust spirit its the literary faculty is thse
of ibis discussios-could hundreds be sccess- of thse literary departntot
assembled and left so lasrgely to theis- hort'hle last twen-tty years har-gelt-dsue."
selves us students are, swho voulsd "Its revieweing thte istost' oh this
maintain so highs a moral staodard of Itniversity one is imspressed soiths the
lihe and actiots. Never seas th emoral changes swhichs have occurred iii the
und intellectual elevatiots of students fat1ies iii thse last tswo decades. Of
iu Americass colleges andusisersi i tethirtty-six nmses sipots our roll oi
higher thsatn it is to-dat. Atintuon01,01tellhers ill the calensdar oh 187T0-I
oh our large institutiotis, I believe. onlt sevens appear its out calesidar
is it highser thans it is -mnghg xe elsa i f1390-1. One, Professor ,dams,
comns y gathsered hecre."1 is tiowo presidenst of Cortnell tUniv-ersity.
"Amoong the smore strikisigchan-es Three, Profess ors Wood, Tyler atid
ttf the lattwoensttytears is thi itreast I Merrimanst, st-c conneccied seitshichefac-

in chic noumber of graduacte students
at the literart- d-epartmenst. Its 1871
there seere six. L~ast year there wtere
ninsett-fivse. 'The higher degreeosts-ce
far years- been giv-eniottly on exainah-
tion. Thtis pursuit of advanced
studies by so nsany is a large step
tow-ards the building up of genuine
university swor-k and is a tmost encour-
aging fact."
"One of the msost important features
in the development oh the university
during the period under consideration
is the strengthening of itIs relations
with preparatory schools. The plan
of receiving students 'on diploma' or
certificate fronm schools which have

tulties of other institistioso. Fifteetn,
nerltyotne-hsalf of thse shsole tnumbetsr,
hase bseen retosed hbt teath,. snamsely:
Ptrofessors Frieze, Williamts, Sages-,
Douiglas, Pitchser', 1'alsset, Wincherll,
Campbell, Watoon, Oluey, Cockers,
It. S. Clirev es, Crosbt, Morris a nd E.
Jones. Ihichi indeed seas IlseUnhecrsity
thaot had such smen to lowe. He great-
ness to-day is largely due to wvhat
they did for her. The metuory of
their cbaracter and services seswill
ever cherishi us among her msost prec-
ious possession."
"While sve cannot but he gratified
by the growth of the University during
the last twenty years sve also oh-


Rev J. M. Geiston, of the Preuby-
terian church, begins next Sunday PUB5LISHERS,
evening, a series of sermons on
"Future Punishment." 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
Game called at 3:30 o'clock. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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