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October 23, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-23

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'SIC. of 'tZ. daily.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Collee eaby
THE; Students Lecture Association
is deserving of the warest comimon
dation, ax well as the hearty finan-
cial support of all loyal U. of :N1.
student, for securing what cats e
justly ternied the most attractive
lecture :course offered its the state.
Fes, indeed, are the lecture associa-
tions which are able to preseit to
the public in one course, such men
as Talmage, Ingalls, Ny, IBrecken-
ridge, lPowers, Vendlig, Burank,
and Pagan, and a uquartet as cele-
rated asi the Schubert Quartet of
Chicago.- verything the Asso-
ciation has undertaken, has been
(lone in first-class style The
tickets and annosuncemcnts are go-
tein up in the most1 attractivc dsigs,~
and if some ews-ae dissatisfied e-
cause the association has decided to
has-c seats reservesd, don't let tast
hinder any in hauyiig tickets, for it
must e remenmered that all cannot
be satisfiesd, and froms opinions x-
pressedin liour earn ig, public 01opi-
loi ssess to faor the ation of the
The association has done mussch
good in the past, notably us voting
the surplus of last year to the con-
pletion of Newberry Hall, atd to
help sswell the Gym, fund. If it re-
ceives the support which it merits
this year, it wil be able to advance
the interests of the U. of M. still
more. Let it be renembered that
the association does its work for
what is termed "glory," that all sur-
plus is devoted to advancing college
interests, and that in purchasing a
course ticket you advance the inter-
ests of your college, as well as get
the worth of your money.
Organ Concert.
Saturday, Oct. 24, in the Congre-
gational church, Prof. A. A. Stanley
xiii give one of his famous organ
recitals. He will be assisted by Mrs.
Frank B3iikley, soloist; Mr. Edward
Bilbie, violinist; Prof. KEriph and
others. Vie prograni is exceedingly
good, and as Prof. Staley never di-
appoints ais audience, a pleasant
and profitable evenisisg is assurei.
'The recital is given under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Library Associ-
ation. Let every student sho cats
attenid and help advance the iter-
ests of the association.
t~otices inserted in this comma at thr rate
at 15 cent per line. Specii rates ;pr lnger
time and extra ines furnished by a plying at
the IALY oficel
A few new and econd-hand Bicycles
at greatly reduced prices at Brown's
Drug Store.
" Michigan"' and "Ann Arbor" sou-
venir spoons at Watts', 10 S. Main

A look through our line will convince
you that wvelire the house to purchase j .
your Cliithiing, Fuirnishing Goods and
flists of. Call saif see them. Thec
Two Sams. 8M H~aN'B_ Qo., nstate 8f.,
Ask last yelr s stud ents where they
traile. All will say, at the Two Sams. have seceived for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
We have the tnovelties for youl. The hand of all kinds, Greek, Latins, Fretncht, German, Lawv and Medical Books,
Tito Saims. wshich they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
1-ot intl cold biathis 10 cetits, at Post Mathematical Instrunments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
Office Basrhser Shop. tot 1891-2.
F. J1. Selleede wcill bintid your bosks
tidsill tapsinities frsoni 25 clx.silpwsivi
Fsii-tisliis sill miissitig tisnulsers ill pelt -.
oliesils; :251) sheets itt linen mitper, 9 ___ 7
biy 1l, tsr 2, vensts. Phiotcosatis vies
if the d. tof 1M1. Matsuifacturertofinole
bunks asta sblets.
lleateil troom15s it ill Nocts State t
Prices reil devil. r
Aiec ueofNeillearjtuist eried istheLEAD01INsOSCHOOL of INE'S-oo
suit, , -Fo- ue departments-CommaeetialNittook
115 nolietter styleces t-il e st a - ortxaausvctpttsth- &ngishb Shorthandad
towcn. Yosu isill sax hie are ocliii'- Penanaship. Elegn ulig ag t edne fiiistructs,d ork ithor-
the pricironliiptiy tfertheis elseswheri-te__ougb, livintgtexpeencebc extlttreely ow, $2lbst
Hsieck Sclniiiil. $'2so0tpet-Nveek; stadutts assitsted to pysittos. ahitgepac svusi o tt
Doitifitr git xcv keswteaters, bestxlFot catalogueaddrces P. H.551EARi, Presidest.

Pull lutle 1newstele ecllars, 4 lily, 15c
or 2 fsor 2=s. \Thick A selili.
ttislcist twatnted sl uagenst fsrstir
hoses; 5iiidor presferrved. .kddllciss 1.
I)reka.- Sitationit Esselitosaxitlllisse,
tilts Clietiltitstre icel, Phliladlelphiia.
-aiso h -. of N. still findilit
gralyt the iir tc iss -eitoii'.is1eil is
xli ii niwedsof iloas, iDcxx(ssissods
sic 1- -uit iesY Coils. flavc -k-Schmiid.
Wa itViiiaito oui estetplsile
order-in g a new xxstilt, sosi-coat sir Iale
ofi trussiso, x.it trill pay1 5555li it
till vl sut xii..t hose, trepreseninig Itse
Cnsstoi Taisloiigisdepsirtmen-itofitlue
Gosldlens I- ile ('lislilig ('i., IDetroit,
ssh Iswxill lie IheriiFridlaylihi 23d instl.,
wix it aessmspletse litieiof sampslles. 'this
fiemmadsise sissileilsiof sutls for Axl-
dlents lstIyeasr, tsoxwhom tsey refer.
'lhese gariietitxsre alsyis the ristili-
ext cut, hereet it, ai uii aisrantleild s
at salvitig of from X10 to $15 ott s suit or
olveresoit. Officee withi Goodyear Sc St.
The masntager of the Opera (louse
wishies to aimiouncee for nsext Friday
evenitig an unssually interesting eni-
gagemenst, stiff sie thtat is sure to
please the patronss of the theatre who
wantlto 'keep up with the processiotn,"
and see every titig that is new its a
theatrical way. The attraction is
'LITTLE GOiLDIE," a noey star itn the
dramatic firmament. She is young,
pretty and yery clever, stiffhlst made
an unmistakable Iit inher engagements
in other cities. Shte has begun her
career very favorably, for her manager
has had the good sense to provide a
thoroughly excellent company to sup-
port her, and special sceetery and ap-
poititmeittsftor her plasys. They also
are tnewx, stif are full iof comedy, son-
sational specilties sn tifhsler attraict-
lye featutres.
The folloxwing front the Itndiatiapolis
Sentittel, itidiesales te treait that may
be expected at the OperatIotuseon01
Friday tiighit:
Little Goldie, a yoiung girl who hs
much dramsatie talentantiis coempalra-
lively inew in the professistn, begant a
weeks emgagement at the ttirk yester-
day, atidhdrew asudiettces that paecedi
the theatre. "The Roceky Mtountttin
Wtiif," its whiiehtohie 111ayedlthe duoal
role itt hex and Tin th~e tnewsboy, is a
play that abountds in "thrill" astifsn-
satioti, andI of course was received
wills muect tpplause stifflaughter.
The juivettile star is attractive and
deeidedly closer, shiowitng an aptitude
for stage work that is unuisual in one
so young. Her efforts wet-e received
wsithi evident appreciationt, while the
support given her by Mrs. Ada Craven,
Mr. Lee, Mr. Weithoff, and Mr. Yorkey
was satisfactory, "The Rocky Moun.-
tamn Waif," will run until Thursday,
when anoher western play,"Ziz," wtll
be given for two days.
Game called vA 3:30 o'clock.

Th aaaFalls Route."
Lii This Loader ESARDwat.
int Fashiosin STTISxxt isu y chr 'N Y 't Atl. Kil
1l~leatTail- xsM suc sM. .,'M..
ooin ust'5. 9'f y mi s otsa -.. 255, 425) t0 8147 4i1' i1swa5
line of piere Delbilliiis.. 430,.... 73
11 ' AN ARBOR. 4 42'5 25, 55)_ 945 150- 7 45 10tti
Yii siyantxi... i- 50- - 1 5.h238 ,i10 32
I-iJe D Goods toSelect Si sWaynei.June5si .. 56147 8,1t05011
f roill. ('all f ii- Detssit. A r biii)6445 72 0-5s 31 U1125 I. A
a fine itin Bm glo....t....- 5tC 1411-25 1 60fttn
b till.WESTWARD._il
t9 S. MAIN ST., STTI1ONS.. DereChi. ItLint Rve. 1Site Pt, Mai
NO. 9Ioesxp as p xRap.;tim Eho. Ass.
as ss. nc.S. Maitn Street. tu .M.AaMntl.o. MP.M AM
As.M n. . M. P. . est. P,Mt. I't .
I ~I etroit,L-v.. 8it-7it1 2li7 ts9 s5 n six4 4
jW iayne 55-94 .. 8115...1154 5 19
"" ^. H"" y- Ypsiuanti.9221 0 2ne on5 84....tots15 5401
ANN tARBtR.. 95t5 853 9 185 to193ts1as5'M
Delhi Situ..9,.. .. 9 15- ...- ..I .
y Deter -" 95....-925 _..607
EckChelsea..... t110- 99 -... 618 C Ne1
J ackson..... 10 2 410 25555 11d15al 11s4i5 655
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS thleao,A.mst i 35500 510 450 so5111&
-Al- tDaily. *Sunday excepted.
-vOR-G.P & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Newepapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Pine_
Confections, Cigarasad Tobacco.
1Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
{Michigan Railway.
r 7ime Tablte going alao effect Sepember 13,.1691.
Arriaofotrateinssat Anno arbsr.
i No. .Throtugh Muitlad Express... 7 400 a.
NO. 12 W. HURON ST. - No. 4. .Ann Aror &Toledo Acesm.tu 50 a. I
________________________No. 6. CarecPausenger-.......5 05 p. m.
GRA D DOERA.OU ENot1. Ctlareand Toledo Acesm-it..15a. m.
H UENo. 3. Throogh Moil- - -. us...920p. M.
No 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. -7t20.a..
TransadodsrustbetweeuAnaArbor aod
- ----Totedo saly.
votrl Statndard Time.
Friday Eve., October 23, 1891. , AlliTrains Daily except Sunay.
Gen. Pasot. Agent. Local Agent.

Ino the realistic comedy drama, the
Under the management of A. H. Phillips.
A car toad of sceaery. New and novel me.
ehanieal effeets. Strong cas. Superb pro.
ductleon. A genuine Riocky Mountain pony
and horno.

0000 -A

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