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October 23, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-23

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~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. i The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Calaj e s 27 AND 29 MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR.
L I- L'FArz. N. B-We still have a nice assortnment of light Weight Overcoats
Iso he closed out at Greatly Resduced Prices.

Mill Arbior Stu l1LRllhrilrY COA L. GEORGE L MOORE (M~oor. stijast) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fuli Line ofc all College Test Ihooks, inelodfise Law and tfalhW 51-o,,. btesac'
I(A IL ioChepesplae r:e BoosatnidsFoin Pensin the ity. treshsoen crowdl in. Coe along
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. = oldifriends. I now have y etire stock at miy shoe on NO. 6 S. _MAINN ST.
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. INOEs t. II W V.: I3Slloux SiticONQ.I.2oO~
Every Stsudent wiltl5save flitytyying Unig rsitToi ext-Books andtiil sill lltie-fi itt eadirttet i. Ve aillowChiriers for si. ar,s lildis etc.,i,
spcil iaoi il L WX .OOI0S Ml AL 100KS. DENIAL BOOKS, iiish(11. 10501 'rs ii jinihe Plhcn ioiii iar 1 N iihii 'l. otfi(5ce.
Unliversity. CGS lank ti Books at toowcst prices. MISS JUiDITH GRAVES,
LE9IG tOK TOIE N hl (IV.ttsgradels Toht. Aipply at 5-5seey"
LEA.)I ' BOB TOR IN IIECIT. I>Stis r 05 re.
IQL .A 1IG Sragt a SeondsiDays Tennis. te efss o-tHhretsoalllthinproiolsmaichilnery, mind is tire.
th ec n stmoe initeresting,b tispredit t rnum eel firs1 lassork osort o-i i
-it.It the ti e ady pl'ay ' ing of Sluom and Plis tonlsslei ss hioro arsitnc i.o
, 1A D r ltiog adStone comllieil dplay O { O0 0 La5 hostrHuroniiissa.l. ,l eisioiisios-titrrs. Nio
- CIG RETT. olSmith swoniithem lthe set zanid I h the ro - -5 ''.iiI- dtsqsisi
Cigsrette Stmokero sho il the first class sisgles yestersday Scre M. -vfARTIN,
ar oe willing to ny a little atrmsatch. Stit:i otL,luItN M tli
tonethan teptilefernoson at 3:30 o'clock. Eltin C th asecardfoteodiryS locumoanisiiisith ----1Cloth11--7
tade Cigrettes, soil Sad won tile necessary twro sets. Stone kitingsaid Coioley ---- alt Si:1lit11000 --- ANDitCOMMOIIN CtOFFIN.____
10Tnis ttANDi loperioe to{---
.5 all others. Startesd out at a winninggatndzJ.APOHMS
1~ i t TheItichmnsd Straightcare thscrto giatd Tefnsitfis-lssnlsw.PLEMS
CuoI Cigarettes are nmadefrom the bright- are tesoet h3t efore not he playetd until to-morrow morn - JT E_- 2JlE?.,j
eat, mont delicately flavored and highest cost Ft
Gold Leaftafgronin iVNirginia.Thisnisnthe oldtd ing hraced. Sacore of the ficot ing. The semi-finals in the first class ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BIAGGAGE LINE,
and Original Brand o Straight Cut Cigarettes, t])srila iintStreet.
and wa brughtnoutby us nthe year 187 . set: douhles wvill he played this afternoott RI NSEY & SEA BOLT,
Bewaenttin tian, nd baere hat he ititg - 1 U 5 1 1 1 1 1--. 6 hetween Stone and Mackenzie andflknadaeri
trmn amie an belnw in an every packnage.
The ALLEN& GINTER Branch Stone --------- 1 iS1IUU 5 5 5--- 3FouSndFe
Or tine American Tnbacno Cs., h eodstwsavr close Shaw and Brown. The winners will CIroceries .ProviosionsFloursig nd Fee.
Manufacturers. - .-Itichmonad, Virginia. Thandec.nWisntsitignoneSt.
one, the score at one time heing play Smith and Slocum in the finals. gJ HALLER
tk tVIl~'_ii1 121 g II1IIa ' f Ilk. 6 to 5 and 40-15in toe' 'fv rhe second class singles will he yHLL R
CpThinSoefao.started this afternoon. '~m~mo
Capta, 00. Surplussd Prsits, $17,00 ne et and match was finally won 0 S_ epairing asecialtr. 46s:OUTHMAIN ST.
Dinen a general Banking biisinen. Fern in- hy Elting. The score: NOTtIC. - '94 Class Meeting. T fl 'IpT3N C)(. SA1NSQ
tercentin Saving Depositn. Has saft y Siting _____ 10l01d1 0 1 00 11 1-8 Eectin o offcer andbusnesiu'
Depoit fBoxen s r tent. 5511555i05111-SEeto'fofiesadhties tt tetGoes
R. KRMPF, Pres. S. H. BELOERE.Cashier. Soe--S- U1 1 05050 5150 11S U i -- Mo A atraSc. 4 0a n.SuetalitetrlieetGrcerys.lckd
Bianknven Saturdav etening. Brown and Shaw had a close con- yj. StuLestspPres.a'e4.speS.aSTATEoST citT.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank test witho Dodge antd Suydlam in the NOICE.--All candidates foe '95 .________________
nnASrplicin.0p00Sok,.5.15 first class doubles. Dodge and Soy- foot-hall eleven are requested to j--
ofthiks stte.eceivesenponuts, kayo and dame,swho won the chaposi of appeardal on the campus for
selsaexchangecnn the principal citien nt the Ohio this slimmer, won the first set. practice. Cosiv. S I =
CUni tts fscse pnuo roe dniian.M fes., Score: NsisiiE.-Thie Athletic Board will
5. 1D. HAnRninAN. Vice PTes. Brotwn and Stints. . os.o, mtt i wet its Alphsa Nit hall to-morrow -- SN1S
CHA.S..HISCOCiK, Cashier. T ,c,. d 1 s,,,. 1. , n1nn q in. 'Let evercssrnesnir osi i

Yost Pirobabhly hiave soeBrekensArti-
to he Piace to gs.
30st HuronStraet
ST WILL PAY YOUS. Shorthand Schonol, New
Buildlmg, 20 Soath State Street.

The seconis set sras easily swon hy the Itoardl he present.oo , 4 11N-H
Broswn and Shiasw,tby the folloswing C. A. BltONNN, Pres. 0 E L S E
score: No-r1cE-A tiroswn orercoat wasI
Brown anid Shawso.. 111 11-- left on the tennis fielid, corner of
Dodgecnod Suydam- .-S0t0S0t01 0a0---s1Ingalls and Washington streets, on {-Al'-
The thirdl set was closer. Score: Tuesday eveninsg. Finder swill he -
irown anti Shaw__--.. 51 0 5 51 01 tt- 6rewarded upon returning it to liret.
ondganod Saydam.. S S 10515051 550 - d tyman's, 27 N. University ave. ( 1kilV h~m~u i
One of the surprises of the tour- NOTICE-Assenting of represent- ci
nament was the easy manner in Slices of the foot-hall captains of the
ofic lng and ooey.thdoednclas ment, antheearet-
of Smtith and CSlcmy asuThe fneth ent o thedepartments aedforn
o'clock Monday evening next, in
The score of the first set was: Psi Upsilon house.
Sloecum and Smithi_011101 -6Etn ndCoe.-5150505051t05050- 2R. T. FARRAND. A s
The fine volleying of Elting made Ioberlin To-morrow. 171 FortSt., west, - Detroit. Mleh.

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