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May 25, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-25

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C. f ':Jfl ail- while admitting individual variations
F in noo-essentials tio suit all styles of
far ad fgue. f hedesign which
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during ace it dMile I thubie t sd Iw
theCuilesee year, by Ms ilri osbi oteIw
THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONanti Nebraska co-eds conimends
THE . O M.INDPENDNT SSOIATON itself Si) the judgment of our girls as
btscriptiun price $2.,50 per year, invariably desirable for their ailoptiot>individ-
an advance Sinrie rusnies a cents. on sale at tally or collectively, let it be ser-
5hertiun's and Putt Ottice netws stand at 12 I , ttsdrr yte tilte
staiknon. Subscriptiunt muy tie left at1 louslycosdrdb thman de
Ihl oluttee of the DAIaY, titersa-Huute bocklat cidetlotil he basis of commoti sense.
Sheebun's, at Stutiet's, tie withi ally utfte
f,-liturs.-"a -- -
(i'tnmuiiiatiuns shuiitld reatueoffice by Communication.
" 'cilaa.uv-ifthsieyitre to appear the net u
'lay. Addrese slmtuter intetided tuerpitbiieu- TOiithe VIvo 11. sitL.
iou toi the Mattuging Editor. All biusitnes In the election oi the mlanaging
comuialttiutnusbuhuldlie stlt to tile Busi-
less'Statlilgee. board of Slit Students' Lecture As-
THE U.- atf5X. DAILY, silciatioli next Satuirday, the fact
Ann Arbor, Mich.
_____ usioulid be borine in mindilthut this is

F.iE.aJai-iilr. SLit.-tI, lt 'Sd A iora .
GFIi. Uiii 1 , tut. '94,Aisc tant,
a. . iv.j iltrl, Liii lii Asiit
E . . lAVlAY . liit, l tnt
J. . ' 551, . a B - ub I. i la e
W. A1 at, sLs it.0,i sta
J. iR. l a-itit ,A-'-iii l isi ii11.4. 11i-
L 'lliG. iiiiiixit i.A i Li.i'iiiii cii
C.1. i CK tList 9s4 .
'ft A. \ri he Icalil it i'oc93 l
til. t}N alc-11-ic ':13. a ii lii
C 1 be ii cso-c itai ilulcres
hilt:Etiiis "lilyit "1i3. i 1(11

toifore the co-edila lve had no repre-
setativ-es amlonig the inine menibers
of the btoardl. If the Stiiietits' cc-
ture Associatioi is a Slt'/lsiLer-
ture Aissociationi theii the fc iveihi-
drvedl women iif this Lnivirsity are
}'iitiltl to retpresentationi ronthe
mainaginig hoard.- The ico-eidsiflvii
a large animp ii~ortaniltpart iof the
associaionl'siaidicnces, 11111dteir
j loilte is the seiection of lecturers
shiouilidnit lic ignioreid.- Cainaniyonil
tdisputeicthe julstice of 'sua-t iclaiii
to rcepresenitation? AnirS 1furticr-
morec, cani cs-seltolii)grateful for
the-ir usilliiigiessitoIalls'-Itiuselvyes
morce closelyv swih aiiassoiciationth
call fo~rthi the keeet in terestIfrom
alli Let sa hveitali leas Ici it toiwamen
necst Satuirdacy.' Si I li 'ci
_.!'_{Wbstuer Sueuty°

Wright & Dit-on's Ternnils Rackets
Sptasildijig's Raiecets anidii Complete Linie of Sportisg Goods.
Wholesale antdIRetail Agents far Mielidgati.
t, Is tbeEING SCHO r~OOofatSESS.E
basic dejastaiss-t asereial, Noatex-toob
Penmaisheip Elantbiiin. tuigbit-
_______________ ubti ltbiiivigexessaetrmely lowt$2..t
$215d peuweb, students absiste3l toipositions.
Founcatalogue, addressc. . .CLEARtY, iresidet.
Let Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses. ~
A 1300K 01'2gii t)PAGES, JBOUXD IN! CLOUZ'.
11IICE, XI100 >tiiPObI lgN S tafiiiii jl AilcEIi 1ltilal,
TELLS ALL ABOUT Bi~esLeciiiaiv htodiiiwlip legai l-pes, oeert's
ten nts 1c ii irllen :p ce t; i luaiiu i iilc;iiii f sire is is ci how oiallsiagood iiinsrncl A- to col-
I 1i11fles1n iullllir i i.iing;toill cl ud iinkillvalue of11111' ilillimoneyI weihtisiianild' ii
VOORHEES &z RUDD, Blue Island, Ill.

hill hitve at lt e lllr iirill'gre-at I'lie lollois excevlenrt 1r1o1r''110
Illteplayliiinoiliihe' ~ tiltripi whoii i ss ill br I-Cr ilv byI 1 ther sWebsttir
in 110 Ii ay cetledI ulvih leivitli- Society this eve ing: Ior btrslo,
hLih. It l iisoe tother 11an111 (]thelii'I I C.I ionic i cclalilatioil IGcrril
gireat hitcher of the Dhetrit Authlictl 11.Alliris;IIpapir: Vitslandl
ischedutledvatil pitch igalist tie tnil- lDebatsir etul s I Ihit thericc
vrsity of'Pennllli anIsia.--Cortnell Si. shutldbeIahr in ter nationail stiinracrd
Lieo.i'. Corhilis a studeltoIlflte of Iloney amionig lte\AmtricaniiRe-
lubltics." Affirmiatisvc---1 . .Proy
hiss alepartmeinlt of the Uinivcrsity of -ailC I.Clall gtstJ
Mlichligail. A large numilber of tit I:Wcbb ainrhlI. S. Sykcs. I
sturdents of this institutioatre1men~ti-- " ---
cliii, Fast Mlail" Companitly, which
hers of St I Detrit Athletic Clii. iippheairs at the opeara liaise ntxtuts-
WIill tSli n 11pilcase notiac.' day eenintg, early their ownn stestm
bouileis, uhtichItare iasa-alitt prodaucinig
thr stiamlcurtainltanidirailroad teets.
lii r-lentrusiasmo arotisedalmaiollg BUSINESS LOCALS.
bo0111co-eds anidrathiers by f- rs. Jeti- IL~otiesa inserted in thistulumtutiat tevute
itf tspr inei. bpvtiaicuutes tir lounger
less-M'aillers arhdrcss Saturrdayvceti- tirne, ail etratfIC futrnivisiedvut lt' iiinii at
iug setnmsdretitialto resitit in definte Fit S_,t.t-lPnmatitcbsafety bitt-
actioni alotigsottme, atletact, of Sitheee. (Gotdhape.titA bart'gain.
II. S. Gitoivaurwoto.
lilies itndicaterd by icr. Te auttion Suc\ loat hits.
whlich stems So Slate provoked mosit -Sa-stout fail saliii'.
discutssiotn is-Itat of a uniform style Itt orader to ettable tam, ta get grotips,
att alstl twork oal ilomplty, yout are
of dress for the co-eds,-onie thtat earnestly reihuested to give sittitigs at
naty gallery ehritag the "month of AIRY.
shiouldl preserve, certain invariable This is imptpat and isisill prave ad-
features of comfort, grace stud-utility, 11tae.soal oscrtied rL

1bNN AltilliaONE-Itxai'ric's tN-.

Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan nailway.
'ciPilt' Ca-adii effecc ts l, S,.
his iarhaar ' i'rlaha uttatinusvA br

Pr oduction
aReseraed deals

10 's'l alof Nu o.ll ii1. btsuiuikfiat Mil11111Ebpescs. 72oi. r
i Ftta g. Piig/ai a1; it NI5sar eaiyMail Ptassenei ..u ....- 025p. Iau
oint Al. vh(g](11,a0atDOINGSOUTHs.
Na. 2. Builpassenger.. - t1I2l a- r
I{tihhc t hay tihaatauhal Ncat.a'SailEcxpres.- - - ta451. Inu.
No.i0.tuassetnges, Toledo Aeceula tilla.in
il/at JisihiaaIj Such .Trins and 6 cannbetween usAnntaArbureand
PracticalCentral Stindard bit,.
I~a i I (mI 1 l; t vial/al All Traitns Daily taxcet5Snay.
lull-, thI/aIhaiiaulcal W. 1a.SBENNETT, iR. S. OGREENWvOOD,
tGesa. Pass. Agent. Lucal Aetat.
(Sitestjali/at ])1ubagr
S1t d ala heut ,Sltt- Aiiw
35,t 50. ew Sand.75
~~ J. P. STISoIT & ONS,
I RAP V"E Student Street Grocers.
GRA~-AL-W Stdens patronage especially soicited

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