Voc. I [--No. I
Illness and Overwork Cause an Ab-
erration of His Mind.--Trans-
ferred to His Home in
l I r e ()n: ofthe ichers ()t'
_'liiettityt Itaili, s,,ceelto) he ini
iii i(%i t l - ii lhe left litre til the
ctastevoi trip tast wteethntidheit tntr
of his rotitioi ilinl t. osetlih's
sicpi( It is 1bit sauil that sri.-
cral H ains !lie ott (tel)art are his mind
j Yale's Great Victory.
_ TeNew Vork Worth itis totn-ii
in ontains a columnontiti Yle
,iPrncethon game. It wias lit -iil odds
tegreatettganic tesesn
f j nihe ie s a pitcher's battle indl
1 barriapthe fifithi itlin Viotis-tnt
ii wildtor aimomnit anilgae-iVtalte
t hrinotlrtalli, it wioulIlitbe till lii
s say hhpitcher hailt telbet if it.
:?ThIiddngorI ssadMuIhIyli
- ?lorVle adofBow adWod
I cok fr Prnceon Nerespecial fit-
1 rs Atenanc , 5.000.
Miss Anthony Before the Womn's
the55Wo1(ii 1 iitalclt 11ildeis1 1
hall. \lbout 1 Itlt vrep-cti(t, in- 'iNE
Cludil" a fe«V I Il. is l ilet
of e55 I cagti uleu II I In I llttl eis t
strtt(;{;lc~ 1(1t labor ii tehlf '1
e\I eiioee, (tll) illl t hei l - ierltl I'ilCI
Poic i n tn: I;CENTS.
Mailed to You e
-e Through Your
stlill, Im
,art cif
ti)J tti iti ,
1ltzIe cttlrerreoFI's 1:i
111 :t1 I
Z11 t -hmori for Stalo
xi4 tol
Il 17blk n'~ ll f m ' il it o' (lcr I(t t ilt
Ic1t t illilcl tltm l il is o t i ll- iiI (t
is.1 lit 'cacsflo e b a m
Ir ti tcllsitofl1i
? Iie oi l lil
- - - -- i i s ( } 0
A Worthy Cau~se.
Vatr-tlret i sll h1' l"lelitttt. tell
dS l t i o~ l I rvoi< a tIi
liii the work oiii liiieg ion le
has is ecu tahen to his honir in Gal-
sveston,, Ind.-, ain1it is liopedr iteitill
soon recover. Ilarntles hasenti
hiardI worhiing studlent anti lis a s-ery
good class record. The doctors at
the Phleclphia hospital believec
that his trouhlc is temporary anti
doe to overstudy, that lie will re-
-cover and forther say, that lee has at
no time heene violent.
The special train for ihe Choral
Union will leave at 2:3o standard
time, Saturday afternoon. The
:singers will he entertained in Detroit
ai the Wayne hotel.
Apocthis Let O ((IlY Ii et ylIhere1 1 -- cxprssc t--lml-tht--
th 1t1)r f t h (ecorog i( ica lle ~rfiItt ofiili ii litc sh
Societyadfrnrsuts inder ilill-llt Iri-at to ltet
P rof.t.im irlll hichichSoulld net I IIt lex 1(l iri vid tre iicltr
the heatiiapprovil aitilsuppoirt oh tilloll ttrirl tsheetfite-
cs-cry studenil It ~i ' olosed1to irivs fr irsomeirngitbeside thc v-tri
gct a lite sztoilIpaining lIoftire tectationls c-tietsItpnedltothill, stich
P'rofess51(l Iiinthrll, to libel ladin as tchtinii, -iiito iiieapin0t (of
thic arIgtaller-, lit a meimoritii earlgoodllie lih, siiecnots, inithe cl-cs
tokce of the esteem w'ithi which hec of thie woril, eciniivliiduitl womiani
is held by liis former stuidents and slandis as thie typei of her sex. When
associates. In order to raise the wvomcetire einfrancheiseid, she liroplie-
requoiredl foods, a lecture lies heeiisied, each wtill stand for herself,
arraiiged to he given Friday night, alone, as do men, antI not he forced
June 3rd, hy Prof. C-. F. Wright, of to hear on her oivn shoulders the
Oherlins College. It is to he an reputation of all her sisters.
illustrated lecture on "Prehistoric An opportunity to meet Miss
Man in America." Prof. Wright Anthony was offered at the close of
has made a thorough study of the her address and memhers availed
subject and is in every way capahle themselves of it.
of delivering an interesting and in- 0*0
structive lecture. Tickets will he Th getmn ofheC ra
plaed n sle ithn afewday atUnion will meet for rehearsal this
placedtonbesaenithneaerdysatevening (Wednesday) at a quarter of
placs t heannonce laer, seven.
I It, llt('tl vletli 1 ((I--,.(1(
WO . l<iltoutb5
((1( '1
lie 5i . - t ti'' t ii1:1r - Zi nt
{ We Are !ioiitt to W~in.
teamo rtlntig siclr-iotis froitaIte east
isill win ltthe ill gealtorontMay as.
The Goldlen Eagle ('loilig Co., IN
Woiotdwarid avenuei, Detroit, desiring
(5 sitory for the t'. of M1. 1nine, and)
recognlizing that it wtill deptendIl i grealt
tdelo01 the en~thussiaIstic su~port of
their fellows stusdents, hlas fitted sip
hleadqutarters for tile reeeptions of all t-.
of Ml. studlents, so thtat by makingtheir
stay in D~etroit as agreeable as possible
a large nunmber maybe induced to eome.
At thsese headtiuarters all stusdensts will
be kindly taken care of, their parcels
looked after while they are at the game,
and if !anyone should desire to make a
purchase of $10 or over, the cost of his
round trip ticket to Detroit and admis-
sion to the .game - will he refunded.
Hundreds of the best students in thse
UT. of M. are -wearing suits m 3de by
this firm.